They are also looking.

It's just because Yin and Yang are separated, they can't meet each other.

until death.

wake up,

'Woolo, enlist! '

The wind and sand blowing, still mixed with the real high-pitched roars of soldiers.

Rowe looked away.

"Let's go, go back to Liyue Port as soon as possible!"

"Wait, in this situation, my hall master suddenly thought of a very good poem, let me write it down..."


On the highest peak of Qingce Mountain, there is a figure standing tall, with black and green messy hair blowing in the wind.

Facing the setting sun, Mandrill's golden eyes stared slightly: "Is that little girl from Xiangsheng Hall..."

"Welcome and send, purify the evils of the world, all kinds of stories."

Mandrill, if I remember correctly...the former Hall of Rebirth, the responsibilities are actually similar to those of Yasha immortals, right?

Just one in Xiandao.

One is humane.

The separation of humans and immortals, although a contract has been made, has always been distinct.

"Then——what are you doing here? True Monarch Leaving the Clouds and Borrowing the Wind?"

Mandrill raised his head and looked above his head.

The figure standing on top of the pure white rock spread out blue and colorful wings, the slender neck was lifted high, and the clean and slender head hung down like a proud gaze: "There is movement on the seal standing here, of course I have to come and check it out." .”

"Hmph, how can a mortal move a thing of the immortal family?"

"But if it's the immortals, it's a different matter!"

"I didn't touch your seal, and it wasn't me who wiped out the remnant of the chilong." Mandrill had no interest in pretending to be someone else's achievements, but just pointed his finger down: "It was him."


The slender and proud green crane looked down as Mandrill pointed: "A mortal?"

"Wait, the knife in his hand, the rock flower essence poured by the remnant soul and spirit of Chilong..."

"The violence of the heavens, the combination of these two things is so rough, it is the violence of the heavens!"

"No, how can I sit idly by in the face of unbearable roughness!?"

"Hmph, let me recreate it!"

Mandrill looked at this inexplicably furious fairy, his expression remained the same, but his eyes were somewhat...inexplicable?

Chapter 51 Staying in the Clouds and Borrowing the Wind True Monarch, I Love Inventing Immortals

"So that's why Zhenjun came to stop us?"

Not just Mandrill.

When Luo Wei encountered this incident, his face was also full of bewilderment.

He looked at the gorgeous wings of the slender and magical crane shadow that was blocking the road mixed with dense bamboo forests at the foot of the mountain on the west side of Qingce Mountain, and his eyes were somewhat inexplicable.

Not long after descending the mountain, he and Hu Tao were stopped by this divine crane who claimed to be the "True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing the Wind".

Of course, Luo Wei also knows that it is not just what he claims to be.

With the eyes brought by his power, he can naturally recognize that the other party is indeed the "Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind" who is famous for his alchemy creation among the three-eyed and five-manifested immortals.

But he didn't expect that he would be targeted by the other party...

"Hmph, seeing the true face of this immortal is a chance you have cultivated in eight lifetimes, mortal!"

"What's more, those things are a waste if you use them like this. I pity you for your stupidity. I am here to help you find the correct usage and remake them. Don't hesitate to thank me for your great kindness! "

The crane with its head up raised its blue and long eyebrows, and its crisp voice was full of arrogance—if you ignore the walnuts that are constantly poking a little bit between the invisible shields surrounding it, the fairy's aura is indeed perfect .

That's right...

"Mortal, even if you inherit the etiquette of the Hall of Rebirth, if you are rude to this immortal, this immortal will definitely not forgive you lightly!"

As if annoyed by being poked a little bit, Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Eh? Are you really not letting me touch it? Are you really not letting me touch it?" Not only was Hu Tao not at all discouraged, but her eyes glowed with excitement: "Such beautiful fur must be soft to the touch, right? Sure. Is it smoother than the two stone lions at the gate of the General Affairs Department?" compare the lofty immortal with the statue guarding the house in front of the mortal's gate! ?

"Mortal, you are too presumptuous!" Liuyun borrowed the wind and finally couldn't help raising his beautiful long wings. Between the frosty white and pale blue, the invisible magic shield covering the whole body also spread instantly and turned into a turbulent wave. windy.

The bamboo forest shook violently, and the flying sand and rocks rose violently. Hu Tao couldn't help covering her face, raised her hand in front of the hat on her head, and backed away: "It'"

Sha Chen squinted her eyes, and when she raised her head again, the Immortal Crane in front of her had disappeared.

Luo Wei stood still, his face even more exciting.

Inexplicably, the fairy came to the door.

Then this fairy came aggressively, but was forced to retreat by a little girl like Hu Tao?

"Hmph, mortals who don't know what is good or bad, I am waiting for you in Dihua Prefecture ahead."

"Don't try to escape—"


Retired, but not completely.

"Hey, what a pity?" Hu Tao over there was full of pity, but the moment he met Luo Wei's eyes, he raised his vermilion lips and showed a big smile.

"This hall master is very smart, isn't he?"

Very clever indeed.

The girl obviously saw Ro Wei's worry just now, so she used this method to buy him some time.

As for the concern...

With a clang, the cold light reflected overlapping sharp edges like the shadow of a dragon. Luo Wei pulled out the scabbard from the 'Li Hai Duan Meng' hanging at his waist, and stared at the light of the knife on it.

When 'Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch' appeared just now, the remnant soul of the chilong on the knife visibly vibrated.

Although it was quickly suppressed by him, Luo Wei was not sure if it was really rebuilt according to what the Divine Crane Immortal said, would there be any deviations?

Chilong has only a remnant soul left.

No consciousness.

Holding it in his hands will naturally allow him to fully control it, and Luo Wei is not afraid of it making trouble again.

But he was worried that those immortals would accidentally destroy it... This was something he didn't want to see, at least for now, Luo Wei used this knife quite smoothly.

It's really hard to find something like that.

"Hmph, mere mortals are too worried. With this immortal's method, not to mention the remnant soul of Chilong, which is the soul of its heyday, I can do the same without harming it at all!"

"Come here quickly, how long do you want me to wait for you?"

While the bamboo grove was shaking, the sound of Liu Yun borrowing the wind came again.

Luo Wei's worries were obviously also in her consideration.

...All right.

Luo Wei is not a hesitant person either.

Think before and after you do things.

However, it also needs to be broken when it is broken.

It would be a good thing if the knife in your hand could be made stronger.

And with his current strength, facing immortals who are not good at fighting, he is not afraid of being deceived.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Luo Wei withdrew his knife and looked at Walnut next to him.

"Okay, let's go, this hall master must touch the fairy's feathers!"

"My hall master must compare and see which one is smoother, the fairy's feathers or the stone lion's!"

Hu Tao's face was full of excitement, but what she said could easily make ordinary Liyue people's faces full of horror.

By the time they passed through the foot of Qingce Mountain, the banks of Bishuiyuan River, walked through Shimen, and arrived at Dihua Prefecture, the night was already deep.

The Qianyan soldiers who were stationed at Shimen naturally disappeared.

A few days passed,

They have all returned to their posts.

But along the way, you can often see soldiers guarding the main roads, and the number is much larger than before.

With Luo Wei's identity, it was natural to be able to go unimpeded. When this group of people saw Luo Wei, they were obviously very excited-after returning, Yuheng Xing immediately issued a seven-star order to find Luo Wei's trace.

After Luo Wei asked them to convey the news that he was safe and sound, he continued on his way...

"Hmph, what's the point of letting so many people guard?"

On the vast grassland in front of Dihuazhou and Wangshu Inn, beside the rippling Bishui River, tall and beautiful cranes stand on towering rocks.

Among the sparkling waves reflected by the moonlight, I looked down at the approaching Rowe and Walnut from a high position.

The slender crane's head still had a very humane expression of disdain and arrogance...Of course, it looked arrogant, but Luo Wei always felt that she was guarding against Walnut, that's why she stood so tall.

Hu Tao subconsciously gestured at the height, and found that she couldn't jump up to this height at once, and the crane could fly into the air immediately after jumping up, and she was not only a little discouraged.

Luo Wei looked fixedly at the figure of the immortal: "I don't know what the immortal means?"

"The meaning of this immortal has been made clear."

Taking advantage of the wind, Liu Yun raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly: "The flowers watered by consciousness are crystallized by condensing the earth, and the remaining souls of evil chinchillas are also the marrow of the endless sea."

"And you—"

"It's just mixing the two into one and hiding it on the blade. It can only be called mixing, but it can't be called fusion!"

"Such a violent move, hmph, if you hadn't met this immortal, you would have spent the life of a boring mortal holding a handful of crippled things for the rest of your life!"

"Now, this Immortal shows great mercy and gives you the opportunity to remake this sword for you so as to combine its power and create a divine weapon that is not inferior to that made by the emperor!"

Say so.

But the immortal didn't realize that his expression of eagerness to try was already on the surface.

Among the ancient books that Liyue exists today, there is actually a record of this immortal's disposition:

The nature does not increase or decrease, the heart is free from dirt, and there is no way to do nothing. This is the immortal.

He is good at organs, and he likes to make fairy artifacts.

And for him, it has been a long time since he had such a high-quality creation material.

Chapter 52 Meeting in a dream with thoughts

"Hmph, mortal, next, you will have the honor to witness my fairy's magical skills." Spreading his wings, Liu Yun took advantage of the wind and continued to exaggerate.

"You unsheathed your knife—"

"Do you want to take it away?"

Luo Wei pulled out the long knife from its sheath, and there was no doubt about him when he got here.

"Hmph, do you think that this immortal still needs to hold this object in his hand and observe it all the time like a mortal?"

Liuyun borrowed the wind and seemed to be uncomfortable for a moment without showing his arrogance.

He gently curled the spread wings, and the raised air current swirled greenly, outlining an ancient bronze mirror under the moon.

The ancient mirror reflected a stream of light from the moonlight, soaking Lihai Mengduan in Luo Wei's hand from top to bottom.

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