Although it was a long time ago for the Demon God of the Sea, he still has a deep impression on him.

Luo Wei also nodded slightly. At this moment, each other is the identity of 'God Slayer' and 'God', but perhaps, it is also the intersection of 'Man' and 'God', the present and the past.

God wants to know the present through the people in front of him.

People have to confirm the past through the God in front of them.

So they are clearly opposed, but they can still be like friends reunited after a long absence.

Of course, it corresponds to it.

The Demon God will also be able to use this time to embed his ancient authority with this new era of the world.

This is what the real demon god must do after the revival of the ancient times.

Power itself is part of the world, but there is a difference between the old and the new.

To really play,

It needs to be 'embedded' into the new era.

That's why He needed seven days to prepare and accumulate the sea water that would submerge the earth.

After seven days, it will be able to exert its full strength.

But if you only want to exert a certain amount of combat power, just this moment... is enough!

In the same way, Luo Wei can also use this time to adjust his breath and wait for the opponent to become stronger - the more complete the power of the demon god appears in this world, the more he can get, naturally.

They are all stalling for time.

They also know that the other party is delaying time.

But they are not in a hurry.

Before the so-called confrontation, we should use words as a blade to 'test' each other.

Yes, at this moment, the ancient demon god has regarded Luo Wei as his enemy, and the weak him can also feel the threat of the other party to himself.

The opponent also has the fighting power of a demon god.

So solemnly.

So I heard Luo Wei speak again: "For people in that era, sacrificing one person can bless the village with good weather for a year, but if sacrificing two, three, or even more people, it may attract the gods. More gazes."

This story abounds in the era when demon gods and ferocious beasts scattered across the land like stars.

But at that time, the people in that seaside village never thought that the sea god never touched those human girls from the very beginning, and even protected them. Among the maidens there will be the daughters of those who have returned from the sea.

It was also that person who blew the magic conch bestowed by the Sea God for his daughter.

So that day,

The sea flooded the earth, and the sea god flooded the village he had been sheltering.

So that day,

People's desire and greed are all stopped under the watering of sea water.

"I could feel the peace of that moment."

The Sea God in front of him listened to what Luo Wei said, his own story, and stared down his eyes: "At that moment, I finally knew what I was looking for."

"It's the peace hidden under the sea."

"It is the clarity of silence."

"Eternal rules and stability."

The huge dragon's head was lifted high above the pillar, and the ancient demon god was still exhaling continuously: "But in this era, in this land—there is nothing I long for."

How can Liyue, which is full of flow and prosperity, have what he calls peace, silence, order and stability?

That's why after he recovered, he directly blocked the mouth of Liyue Port.

Only then will he declare directly to the people on that earth that He will bring sea water to cover the earth.

This is derived from the instinctive desire of the demon god.


No suppression is required either.

"I can feel that on this land today, there is no active demon god except me!"

The words fell with a bang.

The huge dragon body finally broke away from the towering pillar, opened its teeth and danced its claws, and soared into the air, and the surging dragon scales sparkled with a sea-blue shimmer.

The time has come, and He has finally embedded himself in this new age world with his ancient power.

"Embedded faster than I thought."

"And you—"

"It should be, have you adjusted your breath?"

"He who dares to swing a knife at the gods!"

Of course.

Luo Wei grinned, his body bent slightly, and his raised left elbow brushed against the back of the long knife, making a clear cry.

The shimmer of jade emerges from the body, gradually covering the whole body from the inside to the outside.

Just like the demon god of the sea.

He's also...adjusted!

Chapter 72 Battle with God, Connect with Dreams

The bones, blood, flesh, and even the outer clothes of the people who walked forward were shimmering like jade and stone.

The knife in his hand groaned softly, and Chi Ying circled up.

Capabilities start.

Li Haimengduan was also activated at the same time.

Luo Wei lightly shook his blade and stared straight ahead.

The slender and winding dragon also hovers above the palace tower, and it seems to be soaring in the sky in this magnificent interior scene.

The majestic demon god raises layers of water vapor. Although it is in the sky, it is more like entering the sea. A random roll can stir up overlapping water mist.

The ancient demon god lowered his eyes to stare at the figure below, and the dragon scales vibrated as it swayed.

The blue dragon pupil still carries the meaning of aloofness.

The master of the Sea God Palace really knew that Luo Wei was very strong, and knew that the aura of this human Sanda was enough to pose a threat to himself who was weak at the moment but still possessed the power of a demon god.

But having the power to rival a Demon God has never been the same concept as being a real Demon God.

Just like during the War of Demon Gods, monsters, ferocious beasts, and creations created by elements with power comparable to those of Demon Gods abounded, but there were still only gods standing on the home court for the battle for the position of gods.

The power of the demon gods comes from authority, or more precisely—they themselves are not only the embodiment of 'power', but also a manifestation of the rules of all things.

Because the rules are always there, the body of the demon god can be immortal.

Because of their powerful power, they can move the world easily.

They are always on top.

And never overlooked the world.

With one's own will above all living beings.

That's it.

"Those who are still restless, who are eroded by desire and are suffering and restless, be subdued under the infiltration of this sea!"

The atmosphere of silence, stability, order and coldness began to gradually spread along with the mist wrapped around the slender torso of the demon god, piling up into a sea, surging like waves, and then falling, more like a majestic rain washing over the world.

Thousands of water droplets, each point is wrapped with a shining sharp edge, and each point carries a biting chill.

However, when Chilong entered the sea, the raised blade instantly expanded into a semicircular arc in the air.

The ankles turn, the body turns, and the spinning Lihai Mengduan cuts off the rain that washes the world, and in the momentary gap formed by the surging cold light, he bends his knees and jumps.

Facing the majestic waterfall head-on, the light of the raised knife also accumulated majestic mist at the same time.

The dragon soul erupted like a fish entering water.

The falling water light cannot block the spinning edge.

The vast and flowing breath is even more difficult to shake the jade and flawless body.

Like a pale arrow piercing the billowing waves, Luo Wei's knife also slashed straight at the figure swimming in the sky while being dragged.

Move forward an inch.

Cut to the top of the scales.

In the magnificent and endlessly high palaces and pavilions, the eyes of the demon god are still as silent as water.

He watched the light of the sword approach.

Staring at the shadow of Chilong on the knife.

Then there was a smear of azure wave light, which blocked the sword light raised by the chi beast.


When the knife landed on the barrier, it only caused some bright ripples.

The barrier opened by the demon god is naturally indestructible. Although Luo Wei reversed his wrist in an instant, changing Li Haimengduan from a stab to a slash, and going up against the waves, it was still like a stone touching the ocean lightly, causing some insignificant ripples.

He dragged the long knife up.

The height at this instant was already higher than that slender demon god.

The light of the knife is filled with water vapor.

Like a chi beast soaring up into the sky.

Then, the winding and slender body that was gently swayed by the demon god was bound tightly from all directions.

The majestic weight squeezed and moved, as if carrying the weight of the entire sea, the endless sea water. Surrounded by the body of the real dragon, Luo Wei felt an unparalleled sense of heaviness.

People are heavy.

The knife in hand is heavier.

The remnant soul of the chilong on the knife even let out a hoarse scream as if it was overwhelmed.

However, after the mournful cry, there was a violent roar reverberating violently, the expanding knife light swelled and surged at this moment, and the surging jade streamer also shone brighter on Luo Wei's body.

Pieces of dragon scales emerged from its body, densely covered, faintly visible.

Powerful power suddenly surged.

The winding and slender dragon body also loosened at this moment——

The Demon God suddenly looked into Luo Wei's eyes.

He saw his own clear eyes from his eyes.

And in his clear eyes, the figure of the other party was reflected.

Such as mirror refraction flip.

Eye to eye, gaze at yourself.


Lighten up, fall into a dream!

With a buzzing sound, the slender dragon's body was suddenly torn apart by the impact of the huge force, like a beach facing the sea.

Luo Wei flicked the long knife, and with a clear sound, he held the knife down.

At this moment, the wave light barrier was still rippling brightly, but before the long knife swung down, there were already ripples.

The demon god's eyes could no longer maintain silence.

This knife...

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