His barriers cannot hold back.

This knife.

He will be wounded, and his scales will be cut with it.

Must retreat!

The colorful mist drifted away, and Luo Wei slashed down, but only passed through the vast water vapor and landed in the empty space.

As expected, he let out a long breath, and the jade scale armor covering his whole body wavered faintly as he breathed.

He raised his head and stared at the huge dragon shadow that retreated hundreds of meters in an instant.

His slightly lowered eye shadow was covered with a layer of light silver thread, his eyes were hazy, as if covered by a layer of veil, but he just flicked the light of the knife while the water vapor lifted him, grinning and showing a smile.

So the demon god's eyebrows could not help but sink slightly.

He could feel something wrong with the human being in front of him at this moment.

His consciousness does not seem to be in reality.

His state seems to be in a blur.

But its vision is still focused on reality, its spirit is frozen like never before, and its power... is far beyond the previous hugeness.

This feeling.

It's like... sober 'sleepwalking'.

— lucid dreaming.

The dream is the authority that Luo Wei has at this moment.

But Luo Wei never thought of becoming like the demon god of dreams, weaving illusory curtains and hiding himself behind the scenes.

That's not his character.

Nor was it his path.

After discussing with Zhongli, he has already determined his own path.

That is also, 'from false to true'.

It's just that it's impossible for him now to put the illusory dream into reality no matter what.

He was even more unable to pull the Demon God into his dream.

So as early as Liyue's time, he had already thought of another alternative method.

That is... to weave a dream for yourself.

A lucid dream that is completely consistent with reality, yet presented in consciousness, between fiction and reality.

This dream only covers itself, like a filter for the world it perceives.

But it can affect the real self.

Because dreams are the manifestation of the soul.

It is the subconscious mind of the body.

Body and mind are inherently connected.

Even though Luo Wei can only touch the first layer of the dream, the superficial subconscious, it is still enough for him to make himself in the dream show the perfect power and the most theoretical state.

So he is in reality.

Also at this moment——

Connect with dreams.

Highlight the ultimate knife light!

Chapter 73 Weaving Dreams and Then Cutting

At this moment, every knife that Luo Wei swung was the theoretical limit of his own strength.

Every step you take is the ultimate in your own theoretical speed.

Swinging a sword is like splashing ink, and there is no sign of exhaustion.

It was as if a dam filled with water had been opened, and a steady stream of energy was continuously flushed out of the body.

Although the consequences of doing so may cause Luo Wei to fall into some kind of short-term weakness later on.

But with the physical power of the 'devil god level', it can also be recovered quickly.

and so--

No worries.

The water flow all over the sky piled up in the sky and turned into billowing clouds and mist. In an instant, the Demon God of the Sea, who had separated hundreds of meters from Luo Wei, curled up his slender body, his head raised before he could make another move.

In the pale mist in front of my eyes, there was a 'new moon' rising, crushing the frost dust.

Li Haimengduan blinked and was in front of him.

The person holding the knife has a strong skirt, twisting the waist and tilting the long blade, and the afterimages are almost connected in a line, like a ladder.

distance of one hundred meters.

Coming soon!

The dragon's pupils tightened slightly, and the winding dragon's body rolled suddenly, and the spinning dragon's tail immediately engulfed a huge force, imprinting on the ray of moonlike sharpness like a tsunami submerging the earth.

But when the knife collided with the dragon's tail, and under the huge size difference, the dragon's tail actually stagnated and stalemate for a moment.

At this moment, the demon god felt that he was not fighting humans.

Instead, he was fighting another demon god... no, he was fighting an elemental creation monster that was superior to ordinary demon gods purely in terms of physique!

The tip of the knife cut across the scales of the dragon's tail, and among the splashing sparks, Luo Wei climbed onto the handle blade with both hands at the same time, and then used it as a fulcrum to hang his whole body, and swung forward violently.

In an instant, both feet fell between the surging dragon scales, and got stuck in the gaps in the scale armor. Using it as a fulcrum, he stepped up.

He dragged the blade up and lifted it up, bringing pieces like rainbow flowing shadows.

Rush to the dragon's head!

At the same time, the demon god in the sea shook his body violently, and while the dragon's whiskers were flying, he lowered his huge dragon's head, and dropped his sharp claws like a torrent.

The afterimage of the blade, the turning of the slanted blade, and the moment the dragon claw was approaching, Luo Wei suddenly leaned over in an instant.

The rumbling sound flows like tearing eardrums,

The sharp claws like hills and peaks directly tore the air and brought a burst of intense buzzing, passing through the top of Luo Wei's head.

That is the moment.

Luo Wei bent his knees and stood up again, his lowered waist was straightened like a poisonous snake spit out a letter, and he rose against the blade with a little bit of his toes.

Dragon claws forward.

And the dragon head is already on top of the head.

With the knife upwards, Chilong's remnant soul also roared out in an instant, with furious eyes, it would bring a torrent of heavy rain back and pour it back into the sky!

The shadow of Jinghong's sword illuminates the bearded dragon's beard, and even more like a finishing touch, it lights up the blue animal pupils.

Chi Beast glared ferociously.

The God of Sea God Palace was astonished, and even more dismayed.

He is the supreme demon god.

He is the master of the sea where there are chi beasts hanging chariots and chariots everywhere.

All Chi beasts are his arrangements.

I created you.


How can you disobey Me! ?


The overlapping roars that were far more violent than before erupted suddenly, and the violent power erupted from the dragon's body winding in the sky. The heavy water vapor was no longer suppressed at this moment, and the sea-like water accumulated in the demon god's torso The elements also exploded at the same time, transpiring and spreading from each piece of scale armor and from every pattern on the scale armor.

boom -

At this moment, it seems that the sky is turned upside down, and the mountains and seas are about to fall.

The elements accumulated to the extreme are almost condensed into a solid body, spreading out in all directions centered on the demon god like ripples, the air is crumbling in the shock, and the pillars supporting the magnificent palace are mottled and cracked as if cut by dragon claws at the same time. The 'sun, moon, and stars' inlaid with huge jewels and jade on the dome shattered into fly ash in the blink of an eye, and the crystals covering the ground were also lifted up at the same time, and then pushed away layer by layer, revealing a piece of mottled, broken, finely divided sand like dust seen below. crystalline residue.

Just a blink, a moment.

This is higher and bigger than Tianheng Mountain, and the interior of the palace building that spans tens of hundreds of miles has become a broken mess.

And Luo Wei, who bears the brunt, is naturally inevitable.

His whole body was directly pushed away by this terrifying impact, even if he relied on the power of the 'Nightmare' to perfectly present his own power without reservation, placed in this torrent, he was still as powerless as a lone boat facing the [-]-meter huge waves .

He slammed heavily from a height onto the messy ground.

Coughing violently amidst the flying dust.

The placket is not broken.

However, strands of cracks and mottles emerged. Although it was slowly repairing, it was obviously difficult to fill up the dense gaps in an instant.

His body was covered with mess.

Severe pain surged, sweeping the whole body.

But even so, Luo Wei still whipped the long knife in an instant, and jumped up with his legs raised.

Drive the body to twist.

Suddenly drag the foot backwards, leaving two shallow traces on the ground, dragging tens of meters.

next second.

The dragon's shadow descended from the sky, and its huge dragon claws smashed through the ground of the palace building that had already been completely shattered into slag, raising a large cloud of crystal dust.

The mammoth Demon God landed on the ground, and the scales all over his body were more utilized than before.

It's like stacking layers and erecting them.

Under the light of the crystals that still radiate bright light even though the ground has turned into dust, it looks tall, sacred, majestic and terrifying.

The majesty of God, even if the power is not fully displayed, is still like a natural disaster.

"Ha..." Luo Wei chuckled, and drew his sword again.

With just that moment of dodge.

Although his state has not completely recovered, he is able to continue fighting—the hazy eyes represent that he is still in a lucid dream, and what is perfectly displayed under this is not only the strength of the body, but also the confinement of power .

The broken 'jade' was repaired in a blink of an eye.

The mottled cracks absorbed the spar fragments flying in the air, filled, repaired, and completely calmed down and disappeared.

It is only a dozen meters away from the dragon.

With such a distance, for the gigantic Sea Demon God, he only needs to stretch out his claws to grab it.

With such a distance, Luo Wei couldn't avoid the rapid impact of the real dragon's explosion just now.

Staring at the ferocious dragon pupil, he also knew that the knife he just had completely angered the Dragon Lord.

The so-called "nine sons of the dragon" in this world is actually not just a folk rumor.

It's just that the 'dragon' is not a tail.

It's just like the king of rocks once dotting the eyes of the 'Ruotuo Dragon King', just like shaping the shape for it.

The demon god in the sea also shaped the shape of the creatures created by the sea elements.

It's just that what He created was not a single powerful individual, but a scattered race.

What Hailong built was 'Chi'.

He united them with power, and gave them part of the power of the sea.

He regards them as subjects, as heirs.

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