That is the appearance of Luo Wei permeating the world with elements and manipulating movements with power.

It was a crack drawn like a pen.

It is also the coercion that shows the edge!

Under this, it seems that everything is flowing in the same direction.

Over the canyons and hills, through the sky and vaults...

"The path you chose is different from what I thought, which is not bad." Zhongli's gilt eyes shone with light.

made its own evaluation.

He was about to make a move, but stopped at this moment.


The real letting go should start now!

And around here.

Liyue and people's voices were silent, and everyone was looking up.

Tianquan stared at the clouds and breathed out the fog, with a pensive expression on his face, and the sky above the Liyue floating in the Qunyu Pavilion fell into a silent thought.

They looked at the black color blooming like a long knife.

Suspended from a high altitude to the southwest!

The three immortals in the sky finally landed on the three towering mountains near the Nantian Gate.

Countless ancient rock dragon lizards were running around and roaring, but none of them dared to get close to the ink stain.

Because under that.

A slender figure walked by slowly, with diffuse eye shadow and colorful jade, and the God's Eye built between the eyebrows bloomed brightly through the body.

And more because of what he is facing...

——It is the 'Giant Tree' standing majestically at the Nantian Gate.

The verdant canopy is different from the original one, it has already been completely submerged and covered by the pure red fire element.

Luo Wei slowly stood still in front of the giant tree.

He faced the 'tail' of the Dragon King sticking out of the ground.

He also faced the figure with his back facing him.

That is...

"The ancient dragon king is about to recover, and the true owner of this land will be awakened from betrayal."

"Are you also here to meet Dragon King?" The slender and immature girl turned around with braids, her delicate face seemed pure and harmless.

However, the seemingly innocent words revealed by the face are by no means harmless: " are just the same as Morax, an usurper?"

Words drift with the wind.

But it wasn't words that greeted her.

but the knife—

At this moment, Luo Wei bent his knees and stepped on the ground, raising dust and smoke like fire, roaring forward.

Li Haimengduan pushes out the sheath with the rotation of the wrist at the same time.

With one blade out of its sheath, he ran with one blade.

Suddenly, dragons chant everywhere, water, fire, wind, thunder, ice, grass, rock... the seven elements are intertwined in all directions, forming a continuous line!

This knife is just like what he has done all the way.

The knife light raised.

Dragging, but element dipping...

Half-width of the sky and the world!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Luo Wei's swing of the knife seemed crisp and neat.

Even if the little girl in front of me is indeed natural and harmless from the outside, she seems to be the kind of immature figure that can be seen everywhere in the folk countryside.

But to be able to appear here under such circumstances is impossible to be normal.

And what she said, any Liyue people would be terrified when they heard it, and their hairs would explode in an instant.

It's just Luo Wei's swinging the knife, but it's more than that.

He swings the knife.

It was because he already knew that the little girl in front of him...

It is the incarnation of 'Ruo Tuo Long Wang'!

And this knife fell.

The ink marks in the sky are also being driven, dragged and dropped at the same time!

The sound of humming suddenly resounded through the Minlin area, and the terrifying coercion instantly distorted the whole world in the roaring and trembling, and the squeeze of light and shadow became more mottled and broken.

This knife cuts down,

It is a world.

Luo Wei traveled all the way, no matter how slow his speed is, how strong his blade is.

The elements contained in it are unlimited.

The power contained in it seems to be enough to wipe out the infinite mountain in an instant.

Gathering strength, taking advantage of the right time and place—yes, if it were at other times and places, no matter how much time Luo Wei spent, he would not be able to perform the same trick as this knife.

Only at this moment, the elements of heaven and earth become disordered because of the 'Dragon King's recovery'.

Only at this moment, when the elements are already flowing rapidly, can he do it so easily.

It is so easy to dye a corner of the world and the sky with elements.

Then 'flow', drag and drop it!

But facing this knife, the immature little girl just tilted her head.

"Sure enough... is it an usurper?"

The crisp and tender voice reverberated again, but at the end of the voice, it brought vigor and mixed sound, as if it was the vibration produced by the roaring and squeezing of the boulder deep in the leylines.

What appeared following the change of the sound was the 'giant tree' behind it tilted and swaying, bursting into bright light and shadow from the roots of the giant tree!

Like a volcanic eruption, the fire element gushes out from under the veins of the earth, and collides with the wear scars falling from the sky.

The edges of the collision rushed to all sides at the same time, and the ink marks really scattered and splashed like ink. The flowing fire element was also instantly extinguished, and a large swath of water mist was evaporated, but it was blown away by the wind in the mountains and wilderness in an instant.

An earth-shattering blow.

That's it...resisted.

But Luo Wei raised the knife, but it also stopped three feet in front of him.

But a layer of light film blocks it.

Blocked by a layer of shield.

"Is it only this level? Morax, is it just you?"

The little girl seemed a little disappointed.

Luo Wei frowned, but at the same time he pulled back.

He never thought that he would be able to deal with such a powerful enemy with a single blow, but he just took the first strike as a test.

Test how much strength the Dragon King Ruo Tuo can display in the outside world now.

Test his spirit.

Test his condition.

...Facts have proved that the Dragon King Ruo Tuo is indeed very strong.

Even if the state is not complete, its strength is still strong enough to stop Luo Wei's long-prepared strike, which was shown by the right time and place.

After the test was over, Luo Wei also naturally backed away, staggering and standing steadily more than ten meters away, facing the immature, little girl-like Dragon King incarnation far away.

Minlin Nantianmen, the canyon plain surrounded by mountains, weeds blow again.

The crimson sky has a red sun falling.

fall on each other's shoulders.

The other party's expression is no longer pure as before, but with a heavy majesty: "Mortal, my disguise should be flawless, how did you see through my identity?"

"My eyes are quite special." Luo Wei looked directly at the pair of gold-plated dragon pupils of the incarnation of the Dragon King in front of him, which had a brilliance similar to that of Zhongli's pupils, and did not avoid it.

The "divine perspective" with his eyes opened can indeed directly see through the disguise of the Dragon King in front of him.

The Dragon King, who was born from the veins of the earth, is not good at changing.

That kind of form made up of pure elements can't even be hidden—even if Luo Wei can directly recognize its identity, it's because of the "plot" that he knew before crossing.

"Your eyes..." The low-pitched humming sounded again, and the Dragon King stared at Lovina's eyes surrounded by colorful patterns: " are, demon, you are not, you are human ..."

"You are--"

is a person?Or the devil?

Even though he is a human being, he possesses the power that symbolizes the essence of a demon god. He clearly possesses power, but he is a real human being...

The Dragon King Ruo Tuo seemed to have fallen into some kind of madness.

Just a perception.

An existence different from ordinary people... His power is powerful, but his mental state is by no means good.

"—No, it doesn't matter who you are."

"You are the son of Morax."

"You sworn enemy!"

But in the end, He still confirmed one point, and still only confirmed one point: "You are, the usurper!"

The roaring roar of the dragon came from under the towering giant tree behind it, and diffused in the mountain and wild breath blowing the wild grass.

After a long time.

The Dragon King Ruo Tuo could not remember many things clearly.

But his mind is still clearly engraved with resentment towards Morax, and anger towards humans.

"A thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years of resentment, Morax—it's time. It's all done!"

It has been a thousand years since it was sealed in Nantianmen.

For thousands of years, the Dragon King Ruo Tuo has been waiting, he is waiting for the day when the earth veins will change drastically, and he is waiting for the moment when the seal of the Nantian Gate will loosen due to the years.

And the moment He was waiting for was precisely this moment.

The power protruding from the loose seal has turned into a young girl, and at this moment, it will turn into an earth-shaking dragon!

The giant tree swayed.

The strong crimson breath poured out to a greater extent, and the surging fire element turned into a scarlet mist that could be seen with the naked eye. The dry and hot breath even distorted the light and shadow in the sight.

The seal that existed here finally had twists and turns following the restlessness in Dragon King Ruo Tuo's heart at this moment.

He is mad, he is confused.

He swells even more—

In the rolling scarlet fire mist, it gradually swelled into a majestic figure, entrenched in front of Luo Wei as if covering the sky and the sun.

Its shape is like a claw, its limbs are thick like a crocodile, its back is covered with jagged rock barbs, its head has horns, and the tail extending from its back is like a lush and verdant giant tree.

This is the original appearance of Ruotuo Dragon King - in ancient mythology, it belongs to the Aolong form of "Ba Xia", one of the "Nine Sons".

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