Of course, what appears here is not the essence.

It's just that part of the power of the Dragon King extended after the seal is loosened carries his consciousness.

But that madness and inversion,

But it is true.

And at this moment, Luo Wei also inexplicably remembered a sentence that Zhong Li once said to him, the state of mind of those existences that have passed through the long years that he once told him.

"Abrasion is where the law of heaven lies."

"I can't do it."

Everything in this world cannot escape the scouring of time, even if it is as strong as the Seven Gods, it will gradually lose its original purity over the long years.

Gradually lose purpose, lose self, confuse reality and illusion.

eventually become...

Crazy and chaotic.

He exhaled softly.

Maybe thousands of years ago, Morax, who brought the Dragon King Ruo Tuo out of the leylines, was already ready to seal him back to the leylines?

No, maybe not just the seal.

But completely, depriving it of its light.

Bring it back to earth.

There is no chance to stand up again.


"You finally softened your heart, Mr. Zhongli."

After all, they are partners.

after all...

He is a friend who fought side by side and formed a deep friendship.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Morax and the Dragon King Ruoda are not subordinates, nor are they kings and ministers.

Even though the Dragon King Ruo Tuo kept saying seemingly superior words such as "the usurper", in fact, his identity has always been a companion beside Morax, who has always been guarding the rock in the war of demon gods. Demon God's greatest help.

This is also the contract that Morax, who was the demon god of rock, made when he bestowed the eyes of the dragon king of Ruoda and freed him from the darkness of the underground——

At that time, the rock god promised him to live with the people on the ground.

But if one day he destroys the order, he will be sealed into darkness again.

That is, since then.

The Dragon King Ruo Tuo often accompanied the Rock God, following his conquests, and emerged in the chaotic war of demon gods in Liyue.

The giant dragon transformed from the veins of the earth is already extremely powerful.

In its heyday, it possessed a power not inferior to that of the Rock God.

He has a long life like a mountain, in terms of the number of years that can simply exist in the world, it is even higher than Morax.

But no matter how powerful a life is, it cannot resist the erosion of the torrent of time.

After the end of the Demon God War, human beings began to multiply and thrive on this land, but the ancient giant dragon gradually lost consciousness due to wear and tear.

Human beings mine the ore in the mountains for development.

It also angered the Dragon King who lives in the mountains.

In his anger, the Dragon King finally lost his self and memory due to "wear and tear", and frantically destroyed everything on the ground.

That's why there was an allusion that the three immortals teamed up to open the cave, and the emperor personally took action to suppress the Dragon King.

But Ruo Tuo, who is now severely worn out, will not remember these things.

His consciousness is confused, and he can't remember clearly what happened long ago. He only remembers Morax's 'rebellion' and 'suppression' against him.

As the oldest dragon king, he naturally mistook it as 'transcendence'.

He seems to never be able to remember the hesitation and thought of the Rock God when he suppressed him, and the kindness of Morax, who was decisive in killing and killing him during the Demon God War, when facing him, let alone...

The true past of Rock God and Dragon King that Luo Wei knew in the game.

But Rowe understands better.

These words, on their own, cannot awaken the worn-out Dragon King Ruo Tuo.


There is only one battle——

Although the Dragon King Ruotuo is strong, he has not completely escaped the seal after all, and the gap between the incarnation transformed by only this part of the power and himself has not yet reached a disparity.

With the arrangements already made and with the help of the three immortals, he may not be defeated.

Luo Wei inhaled and exhaled.

He separated his legs slightly, and stepped firmly in a triangle between the wilderness soil of Nantianmen, supporting his body slightly bent,

With both hands clenched tightly, the raised blade is three inches in front of him.

Cover the face, cover the eyes.

It also blocked the body of the Dragon King that was revealed in the crimson fire mist in an instant.

Blocked the burst of Longwei at this moment.


The earth-shattering roar reverberated accordingly, and the surging hot air instantly turned the ground up layer by layer, like ripples spreading.

The place where the civil engineering was overturned covered hundreds of meters in an instant, but Luo Wei was still as stable as Mount Tai, only with the slight shaking of his hands, he brought out bursts of sword groaning.

The sound of the knife was clear, but it seemed like an invisible edge raised.

Block the oncoming hot air, chop it, and separate the layers.

At the same time, along with the heat wave formed by the fire element, the huge 'Mastiff Dragon' bent its thick and strong limbs in an instant.

Its torso was compressed, its scales protruded, like a curved bow stretching its strings, and then it suddenly rose up!

The ground vibrated and cracked, dust and smoke billowed and splashed, and the soil that had been impacted by the distance collapsed in an instant, while the Dragon King Ruo Tuo, who jumped up with the force of the recoil, slammed into Luo Wei in front like a rising black cloud.

Compared to the dragon king's avatar, which was as huge as a small hill, Luo Wei seemed insignificant.

But his knife blocked the view.

Instead of looking at the huge figure of the Dragon King, he was able to concentrate all his attention on the limbs supporting that huge body.

So the moment the Dragon King lowered his limbs,

Luo Wei also responded at the same time.

The mastiff dragon volleyed and struck like a dark cloud.

But at the moment before Mastiff Dragon got up and leaped, he suddenly bent forward while turning his ankle——

There was a buzzing sound.

The Dragon King's body just hangs up to size.

The knife in Luo Wei's hand followed it to the front, bringing out a clear dragon chant.

His whole body was glowing with jade quality streamer.

His face is covered with colorful jade, his consciousness has long been covered with a layer of dream, his hazy eyes are gazing at the reality from the dream, and the built-in God's Eye between the brows radiates faint light through the flawless jade body.

——Exercising all powers.

——The distance of tens of meters, spanning in an instant!

He raised his saber and slashed at the raised forelimb of the Dragon King.

The awe-inspiring edge is entwined with the black as ink blending elements, which is even more profound in the scorched wasteland that has been turned into a scorched black by the heat.

Like a deep gap, the crimson flames are drawn in all directions by the gravity of the natural fall. The lines drawn in the air are more like the outlines of ink pens. Wherever they pass, the patterns on the paper are completely destroyed and become shapeless.

The divine eye blooms, and the elements spread.

The power of flow is activated as before.

Although the scale is far less than the previous knife.

But there is no doubt that this knife is directly aimed at the 'element'.

Ignore defense.

Ignores elemental shields.

Even with the stalwart of the Dragon King at this moment, it seems difficult to resist.

After all, the Dragon King is only a doppelganger.

Even if this avatar is stronger than Luo Wei, there is not much difference.

But it is at this very moment.

The dragon king's gilded dragon pupils suddenly tightened, and he felt the sting, and felt the crisis of the shattered scales of his clone. Even though he had lost most of his memory after experiencing the war of demon gods, his instinctive fighting consciousness still kept him This blink made the most correct feedback.

The forelegs that had just been raised suddenly retracted as the scales on the back of the giant mastiff dragon gathered, and stomped down heavily.

The huge tree behind the Dragon King rose high, and the red light and shadow bloomed at the same time.

The fire element gushes out from the tail.

The knife has not arrived.

The dragon's claws have been accelerated by the flames, and they tightly hold the ground that has just been shattered again.

Then the red streamer spread rapidly around the place where it stood.

Like the river rushing along the river, quickly spreading in all directions, and then rushing to both sides of the river under the roar of the Dragon King, sweeping away as if breaking a dike and changing its course——

"Mortal, don't be arrogant!"

The Dragon King roared.

The oncoming flames were instantly blocked from Luo Wei's saber light.

The blade trembled, and the pen and ink smudged.

When the tongue of scarlet fire touched the light of the knife, it turned into a piece of ink and fell like a flower that withered in an instant.

But Luo Wei's forward trend was also blocked for a moment.

Only for a moment.

For Dragon King Ruo Tuo, a fleeting opportunity is enough!

"Usurper—welcome destruction!"

The dragon's head was raised high and roared fiercely, the towering tail and the towering giant tree behind it set off each other, and the scarlet flames were connected at the same time.

He draws enormous power from his own body that is still suppressed under the tree.

The mammoth incarnation of the dragon body also swelled and agitated at the same time,

The forelegs have dropped.

At the same time, the hind limbs stepped forward suddenly.

Drive the huge dragon body forward.

Under this, the Dragon King's whole body was covered by the more massive fire element that he absorbed from his body.

He seems to be condensed from pure flame.

Full of rapidity, extremes, bursts and rages!

A sudden sprint--

Just the size and the bump from Rowe!

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