Xu Chengfeng: "The Temple of the Wind!"

Tong Mu: "Sketos?!!!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Yes!"

Tong Mu: "It turned out to be a wonder of the Holy Land! Do you want to cultivate followers of the goddess of the storm?"

Xu Chengfeng: "You know?"

Tong Mu: "I know, I am now the core figure of the Longguo Island Owners Association!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Can you tell me something about the intelligence?"

Tong Mu: "If you want to know, I have to ask the deputy island owner for instructions. After all, I signed a non-disclosure agreement, but when I ask for instructions, I will disclose your things... is that okay?"

Tong Mu: "Of course, if you don't want to, I will still keep it secret for you!"

Xu Chengfeng hesitated for a moment: "Will there be trouble?"

Tong Mu: "As far as I know, there is no trouble. According to the records, the other temples of the Storm Goddess have not been discovered by the island master of the Dragon Kingdom. Even if they are found, we will definitely help the strongest!"


What a reality!

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while: "I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Tong Mu: "It's okay!"

Twenty minutes later, Tong Mu appeared again: "Senior Fu is here, and he allowed me to reveal to you some of the core secrets of the Longguo Island Owners Association, but he asked you not to disclose it to other people without the permission of the vice president of the association. Nobody leaks this."

Xu Chengfeng: "Yes!"

It seems that there is no substantive constraint, it all depends on self-consciousness.

And it's not too much to ask for!

Tong Mu: "The island owner of the Dragon Kingdom discovered and reported two wonders of the Holy Land, one is the fire temple of Tanda, the god of fire, and the other is the kobold temple of Kurtumak, the god of kobolds!"

Tanda, the god of fire, is still somewhat famous in the world of Kane.

But this kobold god, Kurtumak, seems a bit stretched!

If Xu Chengfeng remembered correctly, the kobold god Kurtumak should be a very weak god.

Xu Chengfeng: "Have they cultivated believers?"

Tong Mu: "All of them!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Do you want to be a saint?"

Tong Mu: "Not necessarily!"

Xu Chengfeng: "How to say?"

Tong Mu: "There is another choice!"

Xu Chengfeng: "What is it?"

Tong Mu: "Maybe I will kill God!"

Xu Chengfeng: "This is a good idea!"

Tong Mu: "Senior Fu asked me to tell you, you choose your own path!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Okay!"

Tong Mu: "By the way, there is still some information I can tell you!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Tell me!"

Tong Mu: "Joseph, the beautiful country No. 1 on the list, is cultivating believers in the God of Light; Yoshida, No. 30 and No. 80 in the Sakura Country, is cultivating followers of the Water God; Isabella, No. [-] and No. [-] in the Gaul Kingdom, is cultivating love. Believers in God!"

Tong Mu: "This is relatively clear information. There should be more island owners hiding, and no news has been revealed."

To be honest, Xu Chengfeng was shocked when he heard the news.

He didn't expect that Lan Xing and the island owners were quite powerful!

Chapter 151 Tan Ying's Call!Coordinates shared by deceased friends!

Xu Chengfeng: "The God of Light? Isn't that very powerful?"

Tong Mu: "The God of Light was indeed very powerful ten thousand years ago, but the main reason is that there are many believers. Now that he is resurrected, it is not necessarily so!"

Xu Chengfeng: "How long will it take for them to revive the gods?"

This is what Xu Chengfeng cares about the most!

Tong Mu: "At least it will take a long time? The gods don't want to be resurrected, they can be resurrected!"

Xu Chengfeng: "That's good!"

Tong Mu: "What's wrong?"

Xu Chengfeng: "I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up?"

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu, can you tell me a little about your thoughts? Do you want to be a saint?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Can you say that? This is in the island world?"

Tong Mu: "It's okay, the island world is more like a system, there is no problem calling it an idiot!"

Xu Chengfeng: "I prefer to be my own boss!"

Tong Mu: "Oh, I see!"

Tong Mu felt that he understood Xu Chengfeng's thoughts.

People from the Dragon Kingdom!

It's just different from Westerners' ideas.

They don't fear gods at all!

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu, my island is nearly [-] square kilometers in size, and now it ranks No. [-] in the island area list!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Are you trying to speak harshly to me?"

Tong Mu: "Don't dare! Don't dare! I just want to remind you!"

No one dared to speak harsh words in front of Xu Chengfeng!

Xu Chengfeng: "Thank you!"

After looking at it for a while, there are still seven days until the end of the month.

Only then did he realize that the second month had passed so quickly!

After resting enough, Xu Chengfeng came to the beach and ordered the water spirits to release a few bronze-level abyssal monsters to the island.

Xu Chengfeng waved the mace and began to sharpen his combat experience!

Two days later, Xu Chengfeng's island sailed more than 400 kilometers and appeared in front of an island.

"Is that it?"

"Yes, master!" Janna replied, "This island is seven square kilometers with lush vegetation, which is quite suitable for the master to expand the island."

"Then merge the islands!"

Don't ask the monsters on the island what to do.

Has been killed by the first condemned troops.

Now on Xu Chengfeng's island, the leader of Fengling is a top-rank gold, and thirty wind spirits are low-grade gold. If you send out any one, you can sweep many islands.

As the end of the month was approaching, Xu Chengfeng had to compete for the top spot in the island area list.

Moreover, his island is now crowded.

On the other side of the town, a large piece of farmland has been reclaimed, but it is still small!

The Temple of the Wind occupies an area of ​​2.5 square kilometers on the island, more than one-tenth of the land.

Xu Chengfeng also dug an artificial lake with a size of one square kilometer.

As for the flower elves, it was even more extreme!

In the past, the Flower Fairy Island was about eight square kilometers, and the flower field occupied five square kilometers.

But now, the flower field has expanded to seven square kilometers.

In addition, there are as many as [-] adult trees on Xu Chengfeng Island.

Every big tree needs a large area to receive sunlight...

He had to increase the area of ​​the island!

Even, his current business has begun to decline.

Not many trees are harvested every day!

The new island owners also need big trees to produce life energy. Even if they worship Xu Chengfeng again, they can only take care of Xu Chengfeng's business a little bit.

But what about later?

Xu Chengfeng glanced at the three ranking lists. On the list, Tong Mu took the top spot with an island area of ​​59 square kilometers.

And occupy No.2 on the merit list.

Wilson Island covers an area of ​​57 square kilometers, and occupies No.2 in the list of aborigines and No.3 in the list of meritorious service.

He glanced at the world communication channel and the regional communication channel again.

He didn't watch regional communication channels much before.

But after meeting Comrade Uemura, he paid more attention to regional communication channels.

At this moment, he noticed someone @ him on the regional communication channel.

In the world communication channel, unless he speaks first, no one can @ him.

But the regional communication channel is different, his name is in the regional column.

Occasionally, there will be people who don't understand people @ him on the regional communication channel, asking him for benefits.

He ignored everything, and gradually no one @ him.

But this time, it's a little different!

Long Guo Tan Ying: "@龙国徐成峰: Is Boss Xu there? I have something very important to tell you. If you see it, you can apply through my friend!"

Long Guo Tan Ying: "@龙国徐成峰: Is Boss Xu there? I have something very important to tell you. It's really important. I won't lie to you!"


Xu Chengfeng took a look, and Tan Ying has been @他 for a long time.

Many people also made sarcastic remarks, saying that Xu Chengfeng was putting on airs or something.

Some people ridiculed Tan Ying, saying that she was overconfident.

If Xu Chengfeng is a big shot, he won't talk to her at all.

Xu Chengfeng frowned and thought for a while, and found Tan Ying among countless friend applications.


Xu Chengfeng: "What's the matter?"

Tan Ying: "Great, Boss Xu, you are finally willing to add me!"

Xu Chengfeng: "You said there is something very important?"

Tan Ying: "It's really important. A friend of mine shared a coordinate with me before he died!"

Xu Chengfeng: "And then?"

Tan Ying: "He didn't say anything...he just shared a coordinate with me, and he lost the island owner qualification. I met him in reality and knew where he lived. I went back yesterday and asked his brother, his brother Said he didn't come home!"

Tan Ying: "His position is at home!"

Xu Chengfeng: "What meaning do you want to express?"

Tan Ying: "He is a very honest person. I have helped him. He probably won't harm me. I suspect that this coordinate should be very important!"

Xu Chengfeng was silent

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