Since Tan Ying's friend didn't go home, he lost his island owner qualification.

That is absolutely dead.

There will be no other reason.

Before he died, he should only have time to share a coordinate with Tan Ying.

There is no time to say more.

This coordinate probably represents great wealth and danger!

Xu Chengfeng: "Why did you tell me?"

Tan Ying: "This coordinate is too far away from me. I have no way to go there. When I have a chance to go, others may find out..."

Xu Chengfeng: "The reason is valid!"

Don't look at them as regional communication channels, they may be thousands of miles apart!

If Tan Ying wants to stay away from the island and explore other areas, she must pass through the dangerous sea area and resist the attacks of silver and gold demonized beasts from the dangerous sea area!

There are other uncertain dangers!

Ordinary island owners want to have gold-level strength.

With good talent, it may take a few years...

Poor talent may last a lifetime!

Most importantly, that coordinate is also full of uncertainty.

What if it's just a silver-ranked special plant?

No one can guarantee it!

Tan Ying: "My friend awakened the C-level flying ability talent. Most of what he found was an island. After a few years or ten years, I risked it to go there, and most of the day lily would be cold!"

If it is an island, it is indeed very easy to be discovered by other nearby island owners!

Tan Ying: "I want to give this coordinate to Boss Xu in 3.1. If Boss Xu is nearby, with Boss Xu's strength, he can definitely explore it!"

Tan Ying: "I just hope that if Boss Xu can find something of value, he can give me some rewards!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Aren't you afraid that I'll renege on my debt?"

Tan Ying: "Boss Xu just rewards me with something, it's enough for me to benefit from it!"

This is really nice to say!

It was difficult for Xu Chengfeng to associate the aggressive woman who bickered with Comrade Uemura with her.

This girl has a sweet mouth and is very good at talking!

Xu Chengfeng: "Send me the coordinates and let me have a look!"

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Chapter 152 The Value of Coordinates!Coordinate database of Longguo Island Owners Association!

Tan Ying immediately sent the coordinates to Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng glanced at the coordinates and compared them with his own coordinates.

With a distance of more than 4000 kilometers, the direction is exactly the direction of his next goal.

For ordinary island owners, this distance is still too far away.

But for Xu Chengfeng, it was not unacceptable.

Xu Chengfeng: "It's a little far away, I'll take a look when I have a chance."

Tan Ying: "Oh!"

There was indescribable disappointment in Tan Ying's tone.

She didn't doubt Xu Chengfeng, she just wanted to try her luck!

After all, in the same area, the strongest and richest Xu Chengfeng is her best choice!

Xu Chengfeng: "What kind of talent are you?"

Tan Ying: "Speed ​​talent."

Xu Chengfeng: "What career template?"

Tan Ying: "Assassin!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Then I'll give you a bottle of black iron-level agility enhancement potion first!"

In Xu Chengfeng's warehouse, there are a lot of medicines stored!

Tan Ying: "Boss Xu... is grand!"

Xu Chengfeng: "When there is something to gain, I will give you a certain reward according to the gain."

Tan Ying: "Thank you, Boss Xu!"

Staring at this coordinate, Xu Chengfeng suddenly remembered the Longguo Island Owners Association.

The island world has eliminated countless island owners. 14

A small army of these island owners died in the island world, like Chen Xinping's father and Tan Ying's friends.

But most of the island owners fled back to Blue Star.

These island owners who fled back to Blue Star must still remember the coordinates of their islands!

These coordinates actually have certain value.

Totally available for sale!

If Xu Chengfeng guessed correctly, the Longguo Island Owners Association and various top financial groups must have some valuable coordinates in their hands!

He recalled the training class at the Island Owners Association back then. The expert said that the Longguo Island Owners Association has a distribution database of island owners in the world of islands.

Many of the coordinates in those databases, most of them should have been contributed by those who lost their island master qualifications...

The Dragon Country Island Owner Association is definitely the strongest island owner force among the Blue Star island owner forces!

If one compares the overall power of the country's island owners, the Dragon Kingdom has been slightly higher than the Pretty Country in recent years, and the Pretty Country is followed by the populous White Elephant Country.

But if it is more than a pure power organization, the Longguo Island Owners Association is definitely the best in the world!

The Longguo Island Owners Association ranks first in the world in terms of membership and organization ability!

The Association of Island Owners of the Beautiful Country is not as good as the Dragon Country as a whole.

Their top consortium has dispersed a lot of association power.

As for the White Elephant Kingdom... it is notoriously a mess.

There is still class discrimination among the members of the internal island owner!

All in all, the Longguo Island Owners Association must have the most complete coordinate database in the island world...

There are definitely a lot of very valuable coordinates in it!

What does Xu Chengfeng need most now?

It's actually a target!

The best is the coordinates!

As long as there are many valuable coordinates, he can go to find the treasure!

It's not a problem to keep trying your luck, relying on the sky to eat, and scurrying around like headless chickens.

Thinking of this, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help scratching his head.

If you want to get these coordinates, you must pay a lot of money.

It is also easy to expose that the island is constantly moving.

But even if it was exposed, Xu Chengfeng didn't think it was a big problem.

Newcomer to the island world, who else is he afraid of?

It's useless to think too much, Xu Chengfeng is a man of action.

He decided to check the tone of the Longguo Island Owners Association first.

See what conditions people open!

On the whole, he still has a good opinion of the Longguo Island Owners Association.

At least... not bad for him.

So Xu Chengfeng found Tong Mu again: "Are you there?"

It didn't take long for Tong Mu to message back: "It's dripping!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Did your Island Owners Association collect a lot of coordinates?"

Tong Mu: "Is Island Master Xu interested in this now?"

Xu Chengfeng: "How to say?"

Tong Mu: "Generally speaking, it takes at least a few years or ten years to develop. Only a very small number of powerful and ambitious island owners will consider the value of the coordinates... Most of the island owners who eat and wait to die are all Not interested in that."

After a few years or ten years of development, it is likely to have the ability to collect resources from a long distance.

At that time, the value of coordinates is reflected.

The island owner who is eating and waiting to die is not strong enough, so he usually pays attention to his own one-acre three-point land.

It is dangerous to come out from a long distance, and they have no interest at all.

Xu Chengfeng: "I'm a little interested now!"

Tong Mu: "With Boss Xu's strength, it should be enough. Your meritorious service... makes people despair!"

Xu Chengfeng: "What conditions are needed to obtain these coordinates."

Tong Mu: "Generally only core members of the Island Owners Association can do it, such as me!"

Xu Chengfeng: "What is the standard for core members?"

Tong Mu: "The Island Owners Association has invested in shares..."

Xu Chengfeng: "This is impossible!"

Tong Mu: "There is another way, but you probably don't want to."

Xu Chengfeng: "Tell me."

Tong Mu: "I need your coordinates!"

This condition was actually not beyond Xu Chengfeng's expectation.

It is impossible for the Longguo Island Owners Association to put the entire coordinate database in front of him and let him choose one by one.

If you want to come up with coordinates that suit him, you must determine his location.

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu, there is no way to do this, the regulations are like this, unless you are now the vice president of our Island Owners Association..."

Tong Mu: "Give me the coordinates. When I have time, I will drive a warship to your island to play!"

Xu Chengfeng: "What happens after the coordinates are given to you?"

Tong Mu: "Charge according to the coordinate value!"

Xu Chengfeng: "How to determine the coordinate value?"

Tong Mu: "According to the description of the coordinate provider!"

Xu 160 Chengfeng: "What if they are lying?"

Tong Mu: "Psychic mages, generally those who lose the qualification of island owner are not strong!"

In this way, the credibility of the coordinate value is very high!

Xu Chengfeng: "I leaked the coordinates, will it harm me?"

Tong Mu: "No, all the coordinates of the owner of Longguo Island are at the highest level of confidentiality. Only the president and the two vice-chairmen have the authority to see them. In the past 50 years, there has been no leak of coordinates stored by the Longguo Island Owners Association. .”

Tong Mu: "It's mainly to help you match the appropriate coordinates, and to enrich the database. The top financial groups in the Dragon Kingdom have cooperated with us."

Tong Mu: "Or, Boss Xu doesn't believe me!"

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