"it is good!"

Xu Chengfeng took out [-] kilograms of fine gold with distress, and got the file bag.

When he returned to the villa, he began to study the eleven coordinates.

He found a piece of manuscript paper, found his current coordinates, and began to locate eleven coordinates, which were the approximate directions.

Then he discovered that if he continued eastward, he could explore ancient castles and large ancient shipwrecks, and he could also mine fire magic crystals.

If he goes south, he can meet the Clam Clan and three Platinum Rank Dragon Butterfly Flowers.

If he goes north, he can meet the piranha island and an iron concentrate mine. If he is lucky, he can find another group of flower elves!

If he went west, he would be able to find thirteen platinum-grade yew trees, a city buried in the deep sea, and possibly meet sirens.

A distant relative of the mermaid family, but even more ferocious than mermaids!

Anyway, his southeast, north, and west have relatively good exploration targets.

Xu Chengfeng wasn't bothered.

He decided to keep going east!

To the east is an island with an area of ​​[-] square kilometers.

It was originally Xu Chengfeng's established goal.

The three coordinates to the east of the Longguo Island Owners Association are far from the coordinates that Tan Ying gave him.

In other words, there are five clear targets to the east.

As for the clam clan, he wasn't very worried.

Being able to survive in the island world for so long, their strength is not something new island owners can deal with!

Although one hundred catties of fine gold is a pain to spend, Xu Chengfeng at least has a clear goal now.

Of course, he will still explore what should be explored.

After all, the coordinates provided to him by the Longguo Island Owners Association are only a very small number of resources in the newcomer area.

Most of the resource coordinates are unknown to the Dragon Kingdom.

Maybe, Xu Chengfeng will encounter other unexpected gains on the way.

While Xu Chengfeng was meditating, he noticed a faint mist rising on the island.

This fog is naturally the masterpiece of the Fog Demon Troop.

Xu Chengfeng stood up from the deck chair and walked towards the beach.

The closer to the sea, the denser the fog.

Even Xu Chengfeng's bronze-level strength couldn't see anything ten meters away.

Of course he knew the reason for the fog.

All wind spirits and water spirits must notify the fog demon troops to fog up once they detect newcomer island owners or humans nearby.

Most of this fog covers the outside of the island.

The small towns and flower elves inside the island will not be greatly affected!

At this moment, the fog surged, and Jana broke through the fog and appeared beside Xu Chengfeng.

"Master, I took a look just now, it's the flag of the White Elephant Kingdom!"

Jana continued.

"Did you find anything special?"

"There should be some black iron-level special plants on the other side's island, and a bronze-level tree... Other than that, there is nothing else."

Xu Chengfeng was slightly disappointed, and then suddenly realized.

"Jana, do you know special plants?"

He clearly remembered that Janna couldn't even recognize the green spirit fruit tree last time!

Janna: "I don't know!"

Xu Chengfeng asked suspiciously: "Then how do you know that there are black iron-level and bronze-level special plants on the main island of Baixiang Country?"

Janna replied in a low voice: "The master said that the strength of life energy released by special plants is different. I recently consulted with the flower elves and found that I can distinguish the strength of life energy released by special plants from black iron to diamond level!"

"Is it by perception?"


"Can other wind spirits perceive it?"

"I've asked other wind spirits, and only the leader of the wind spirits can perceive it!" Janna said, "I was able to sense it at the gold level before, but I didn't pay attention at the time. Only when the strength reaches the gold level can I clearly distinguish the strength of life energy. The difference between strength and weakness."

"So it is!"

Xu Chengfeng suddenly realized that he had overlooked one thing.

If his wind spirits can learn to perceive the strength of life energy, no matter where his island sails, even if the island does not stay, his wind spirits will be able to collect special plant resources on the island while investigating.

After all, it is impossible for Xu Chengfeng to stop whenever he encounters any island.

Because of the course selection, Xu Chengfeng gave up on many islands that seemed to have few resources!

Thinking divergently, since Fengling can learn to distinguish the level of special plants, why can't his clay people learn to prospect?


Got it!

Xu Chengfeng knew that he had to expand the clay figurine and wind spirit troops!

Originally, there were 18 energy points, but today I went to the Queen of the Flower Spirit Bee to get the royal jelly, which consumed more than 2 energy points, and upgraded the Queen of the Flower Spirit Bee to the platinum top grade.

The honey and royal jelly from Hualing bee are very good for Xu Chengfeng's cultivation.

Xu Chengfeng couldn't be stingy!

There are only 16 left, and he has not started to revitalize the trees in the new area for this 16.

But what else to say?

It should be expanded, it must be expanded!

Soon, Jana selected seventy little wind spirits for Xu Chengfeng.

Spend more than 4 energy points to flexibly transform seventy black iron low-grade wind spirits into golden low-grade wind spirits.

Then, the remaining 7000 silver high-rank wind spirits were promoted to gold low-rank, which cost more than [-] points of energy.

For the clay figurine army, Xu Chengfeng spent almost the same amount of energy points to upgrade the clay figurine army from thirty silver high-grade clay figurines to one hundred gold low-grade clay figurines.

As a result, Xu Chengfeng only had more than 6 energy points left.

There are many kinds of ores on Xu Chengfeng's island, and many kinds of special materials were found in the Temple of Wind. He asked the clay people to distinguish the difference of ores a little bit.

Then he was surprised to find that the clay people could tell the difference!

But Xu Chengfeng was right when he thought about it, the clay people are also advanced intelligent creatures!

Not long after, Janna also appeared beside Xu Chengfeng, and Xu Chengfeng asked directly:

"Can gold-level wind spirits tell the difference?"

"Yes!" Janna nodded affirmatively, "With a little teaching, they can search for special plants for their masters."

"very good!"

Xu Chengfeng suddenly discovered that he was still in urgent need of a space ring!

If the wind spirit also wanted to help him collect special plants, it would be much more comfortable to bring the spirit of space!

Chapter 156 Small Town Size!Just treat it as a toll!

Thinking of the space ring, Xu Chengfeng started to have a headache.

On the side of the Longguo Island Owners Association, the low-level space rings were all emptied by myself.

It may take several months to continue the acquisition.

Xu Chengfeng couldn't afford to wait for these things.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of Song Yongming.

He claimed that when Xu Chengfeng said he wanted the fragments of the Ares Shield, he called himself a master alchemist?

Xu Chengfeng: "Tong Mu, do you have the contact information of Deputy Island Master Xu?"

Tong Mu: "Yes."

Xu Chengfeng: "Give me one!"

Tong Mu: "Are you looking for senior Song Yongming?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Yes!"

Tong Mu: "He should still be in Blue Star, you can contact him."

After getting Xu You's contact information, Xu Chengfeng left the island and quickly got in touch with him.

When Xu Chengfeng asked him if Song Yongming could refine the space ring, Xu You said yes and said that he could have an interview.

This made Xu Chengfeng overjoyed.

Of course, he was not happy for long.

It must be very difficult to ask Song Yongming to refine the space ring.

In the Island Owners Association, Xu Chengfeng met Xu You.

"Senior Xu, all I need is a batch of space rings?"

Xu You said in surprise: "A batch?"


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

"If it is a batch, the island owner may not have the energy. He has been focusing on transforming the island recently!" Xu You said with a smile, "If you want to invite him, it will cost a lot of money!"

Xu Chengfeng also felt a headache.

If you want to invite an imperial magician to help refine the space ring, the price can be imagined.

"By the way, what level of space ring do you need?"

"The lowest level is fine!"

It's not that Xu Chengfeng doesn't want to refine high-end space rings, he's really short of cash.

Although he has a small fortune, he is definitely not as good as a senior like Song Yongming.

"That's okay!" Xu Merit nodded, "You've found the right person. If it's for a low-level person, there are other alchemists on our island who can refine it. The materials for refining space rings are also available on the island."

Xu Chengfeng looked at Xu You in surprise: "Are there other alchemists on your island?"


"Sell or not?"

Xu You couldn't help laughing: "Island Master Xu, you went to the hotel to eat, and you bought a chef?"

"Haha!" Xu Chengfeng smiled awkwardly, "How much is the lowest-level space ring?"

"Two of a kilogram of fine gold!"

"Adamantine again?"

"Other magic metals are also fine!" Xu You said helplessly, "What our island owner lacks most now is precious magic metals. As long as they are magic metals, he will accept everything!"

"Two hundred, when will it be ready?"

"Ten days!"

"Is it in stock?"

"There should be dozens of them!" Xu You took out the tablet and checked it a bit, "There are more than 30 lowest-level space rings."

"I'll pay [-] kilograms of fine gold as a deposit first, and you give me the rest of the interspatial ring!" Xu Chengfeng said, "The rest will be handed over to me in ten days!"

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