
Xu Chengfeng suddenly asked suspiciously: "The association is also helping me collect the space ring, but you don't seem to know?"

Xu You smiled and said, "I guess, they definitely didn't collect it with magic metal..."

Xu Chengfeng suddenly realized.

Xu You explained: "Generally speaking, our island is only willing to accept precious magic metals!"


After the delivery, Xu Chengfeng paid 37 kilograms of fine gold and got [-] space rings, as well as a stack of goods lists on Song Yongming's island.

The list was given to him by Xu You, as if he had already been regarded as a big customer!

Once Xu Chengfeng returned to the island, he consumed more than 2 energy points and activated 37 low-grade gold space spirits.

And give them all to Janna, and assign them to the wind spirits in charge of investigation.

As for the clay figurines, they don't need the cooperation of the spirit of space.

If they really find the mine, it will be the spirit of the island!

"By the way, Janna, if the wind spirits detect the island in the future, let the mudmen go to explore the mines. The mudmen usually investigate on the seabed near the island."

The sea is a treasure.

If there are mines, in fact, there are the most mines in the sea.

There are much more mines than on the island, but they are not easily found.

A hundred gold-level clay figurines, as long as they spread out, the detection range is already very wide!

"Okay, master!"

Four days later, there was another turbulence, and Xu Chengfeng's island slowly stopped.

The new island on the opposite side is his goal this time

The end of the second month, tomorrow is coming!

Seeing that it was a demonic beast charging out of the new island instead of a mad beast, Xu Chengfeng directly issued a killing order to the wind spirits.

After all the demonized beasts that will be committed in the future are killed, the clay people and rock spirits will start to sweep the island.

Xu Chengfeng also boarded the island under their protection.

There are no special plants on the island.

Beforehand, the wind spirits had already swept away the special plants on the island.

A total of three gold-level special plants were harvested, as well as some bronze-level and black iron-level special plants.

They were all handed over to the care of the flower elves.

The magic beasts on the island were not wiped out, because the wind spirits still couldn't tell the difference between the magic beasts and the crazy ones.

Xu Chengfeng wanted to find some crazy monsters, and let the wind spirits sense them to see if they could tell the difference between them and monsters.

However, to Xu Chengfeng's slight disappointment, after searching around, he did not find any magical beasts infected by the abyssal air, and the island was full of magical beasts.

Leave the rest to the clay figurine leader.

Just as Xu Chengfeng returned to the villa, Jana rushed back.

"A wind spirit has detected a new island owner's island, and there is a special gold-level plant on the opponent's island!"

"which country?"

"Bangzi Country!"

"Take it away when it gets dark!" Xu Chengfeng thought for a while, and found a suitable reason for himself, "emm4.4mm... Let's charge some tolls!"


If it wasn't for Janna who knew what the toll fee meant, she might really have thought that there were regulations...

Xu Chengfeng had a simple idea.

Being met by myself, that Bangzi Chinese obviously did not have this blessing.

No one knows anyway.

Just take it!

When he returned to the small town, Xu Chengfeng found that the crops in the farmland were ripe again.

Whether this is the third season or the fourth season, Xu Chengfeng couldn't tell.

Now the town is almost finalized.

There are primary schools, libraries, hospitals, supermarkets, and simple food processing plants.

A total of 600 households and [-] people lived there.

Xu Chengfeng thinks it's okay!

Chapter 157 The end of the month!Strong wind is coming!Prepare!

After dinner, Xu Chengfeng returned to the villa and began to study the coordinates.

If he continued eastward, in about ten days, he would arrive at the ancient ruined castle.

Xu Chengfeng felt okay.

Maybe it won't take ten days.

During this period of time, the speed of the island's navigation is gradually increasing.

The role of a temple in the wind, and the reason for the continuous increase of special plants on the island.

In addition to activating the plants, the wind spirits scouting everywhere can always bring back some harvest.

Occasionally, it will bring back some surprises for Xu Chengfeng.

The next morning, Xu Chengfeng noticed that there were black clouds gradually drifting over from the sky.

When they came to the town, many town residents noticed the clouds.

There is no one who lives on an island who does not care about the weather.

The natural environment of the island world is much better than that of Blue Star, but the natural disasters are also stronger than Blue Star.

"My lord, this is not going to be a storm, right?"

Standing at the door of the restaurant, Chen Xinping looked at the north and couldn't help worrying.

"It's okay!" Xu Chengfeng said, "Don't worry, if there is a storm, it shouldn't affect the island."

"Are you sure?" Chen Xinping asked in a low voice, "I think we should activate the emergency plan on 14th."

"My island is not afraid of storms!" Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and said, "But you can still ask the people in the town to prepare."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now, and the mature crops in the field will be collected within today!"


After breakfast, Xu Chengfeng came to the territory of the flower elves, and found that the flower elves were a little anxious.

They are busy picking flowers.

Lilith shouted: "My lord, why are you here?"

"Come and see you!"

"The storm is coming, let's put some flowers away first, they are easily blown away!"

"Don't worry, the storm has little effect on our island!"


"What did I lie to you for?"

"Then try to harvest as much as possible!" Lilith hesitated and said, "Anyway, they will be harvested sooner or later."


Xu Chengfeng nodded in agreement.

He didn't explain much.

After this storm, the residents of the island will understand.

In the afternoon, the island was completely shrouded in dark clouds.

The sky darkened, and it was only two o'clock, but it seemed that evening was approaching.

On the island, the wind began to blow.

When Xu Chengfeng came to the beach, the clay people and rock spirits were still busy.

However, they are all gold-level strength now.

As long as they are still standing on the island, the storm is not a big problem for them.

"Spirit of the Island, are you almost ready?"

"Master, it's almost done, you can expand the island at any time."


"Jana, tell the clay figurines and rock spirits to withdraw, and pay attention to guarding the island today." Xu Chengfeng said, "Every time there is a storm in the island world, many ocean abyss monsters will leave the territory, and they are likely to appear near our island .”

"Yes, my lord!"

The abyss demonized beasts around Xu Chengfeng's island had been cleaned up by the water spirits long ago.

But when there is a stormy weather in the island world, the abyss demonized beasts in other areas may be transferred.

During the transfer, if they sense the strong life energy on the island, they will attack the island.

Xu Chengfeng glanced at the territory of the flower elves.

Large tracts of mature ones have been harvested by them.

The flower elves who have lived on the island for generations still have a lot of experience in dealing with storms.

Don't worry about Xu Chengfeng!

Lilith kindly reminded: "Master Island Master, in this weather, you have to be careful of the attack of demonic beasts. Every time there is a storm, those annoying ghosts will appear. It's disgusting!"

"Sleep with peace of mind!"

Xu Chengfeng laughed.

"If necessary, our flower elves and flower elves can participate in the defense!"

"I see, if necessary, I will call you!"


Lilith smiled happily.

"By the way, give me the black iron magic potion in your inventory!"

When Xu Chengfeng left the territory of the flower elves, it rained in the sky.

On the way, the branches of the treants were blown and swayed from side to side.

There are many fallen leaves on the gradually wet stone steps.

He crossed the villa intersection and walked towards the town.

When I came to the town, there was not even a ghost in the town.

This made Xu Chengfeng feel relieved.

The raindrops were getting heavier and heavier, and when Xu Chengfeng was about to go back to the villa, he saw a figure walking from the corner of the opposite street.

Xu Chengfeng squinted his eyes, and saw Chen Xinping walking towards her with his head down.

He greeted him immediately.

Hearing footsteps, Chen Xinping raised his head and saw Xu Chengfeng:

"Master Island Master?"

"Everyone has evacuated?"

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