Xu Chengfeng shouted.

Janna lowered her head and shouted loudly, "Okay...Captain!"

"That's it!"

When Janna ran for her life, it was the real storm.

Xu Chengfeng stood at the front of the island, watching the reefs breaking through the waves.

Soon, he felt the sea breeze blowing.

Slowly, the sea breeze is getting stronger and stronger!

getting bigger!

But the spirit of the island is still accelerating!

The tree people on the island, as well as the branches and leaves of the tree of life, began to shake violently.

Residents on the island also noticed something strange.

The ones who feel the deepest are probably the flower elves and the flower spirit bees.

They can clearly feel that the island is moving fast!

Much faster than before!

In the Shrine of Sketos, the damaged magic circle was activated again.

After the blue light passed, the wind suddenly stopped on Xu Chengfeng's island!

Xu Chengfeng finally realized the problem when he saw the two-meter water waves splashed on the embankment.

"Spirit of the island, how fast is it?"

"Fifty kilometers per hour, 1200 kilometers a day!" The island spirit laughed happily, "Master, I can continue, continue to accelerate!"

The spirit of the island likes this acceleration feeling too much.

Some time ago, even if she tried her best, she only had a few kilometers a day, more than ten kilometers!

That feeling is really a snail with a heavy shell on its back.

But now, she suddenly changed the racing engine with short legs!

This feeling is extremely joyous!

Let the spirit of the island be addicted!

"Master, I didn't say that, if I didn't worry about the humans on the island, the flower elves, the flower spirit bees, I could instantly increase the speed to [-] kilometers per hour!" The island spirit laughed, "I really improved It’s a lot faster, and the speed of [-] kilometers per hour is not my limit at all!”

"Wait, let's start with this speed!" Xu Chengfeng said hastily, "Don't add any more!"

Fifty kilometers per hour, about 30 knots.

Many warships only travel at this speed during normal sailing!

Two hundred kilometers per hour?


The warship broke out at full speed, it is impossible to reach this speed!

This is serious speeding on the highway!

Xu Chengfeng doesn't want the spirit of the island to race his island!

The spirit of the island smiled and said, "Master must be seasick!"

"Fifty kilometers per hour is not bad!" Xu Chengfeng said, "Don't go too fast, too fast, the creatures on the island can't stand it!"

"All right!"

"Wait later, we will definitely have a chance to race in the future!"


I saw that the spirit of the island looked a little unhappy.

Xu Chengfeng said: "In the future, when there is a chance in the future, maybe we can fly to the sky!"

"Is it really possible?"

Xu Chengfeng scratched the nose of the spirit of the island: "What do you think, why did I activate thirty platinum top-grade magnetic snakes?"

The eyes of the spirit of the island suddenly lit up.


As the spirit of the island, she never thought that she would be able to fly one day...

"Is it really possible?"

"I said yes, yes!"

Xu Chengfeng laughed.

"I trust the master!"

A pure metamagnet, even without the blessing of a magic circle, has a strong anti-gravity effect.

As long as there are enough yuan magnets, Xu Chengfeng's island will definitely be lifted by the yuan magnets.

Moreover, isn't he able to activate the Yuan Magnetic Snake?

As long as there are enough Yuan Magnetic Snakes, his island still has a chance to fly!

After doing all this, Xu Chengfeng felt extremely relaxed.

Ten middle-grade emperor-level crystal nuclei directly increased his combat effectiveness on the island!

The Spirit of the Holy Spring, the Spirit of the Island, Janna, the Holy Shield, Venom, the Tree of Life, and the Lucky Silver Snake have all reached the mid-level imperial level in strength!

The strength of the leader of the water spirit, the leader of the wind spirit, the leader of the mist demon, the leader of the rock spirit, the leader of the ethereal spirit, and the snowman have been upgraded to the lower diamond level.

In addition, he also has [-] platinum middle-grade wind spirit troops, fog demon troops, and rock spirit troops.

263 platinum middle-grade ethereal troops!

And a thousand platinum middle-grade water spirit troops!

In addition, Xu Chengfeng also has thirty platinum high-grade magnetic snakes, ten pure gold spirits, mithril spirits, iron spirit spirits, and copper spirit spirits.

These belong to the logistics force!

Xu Chengfeng felt that with his current subordinates' fighting power, they might already be comparable to some strong men on the list!

ps: Chapter 168, the leader of the water spirit, the leader of the wind spirit, the leader of the mist demon, the leader of the rock spirit, the leader of the ethereal spirit, and the snowman, were promoted to the lower diamond rank. I wrote it as the lower rank of Xingyao, and it has been corrected. …Feel sorry!

Chapter 171 Thank you to Tan Ying!Everyone's curiosity!

Xu Chengfeng is still in the rookie period.

It will take another ten months before he can leave his status as a rookie and become an "veteran" island owner.

Veteran island owners have four lists.

Including island area list, merit list, number of aboriginal people list.

Each list has one hundred rankings.

In addition, there is a list of heaven.

The Tianbang is ranked according to the comprehensive power of the island owner.

Only those who can be on the list can be regarded as the top [-] island owners recognized by the island world.

Emperor-level strength is already the strongest strength of the Blue Star Sea Island Lord.

But Xu Chengfeng's island now has seven emperor-level middle-rank powerhouses...

That's why Xu Chengfeng dared to say that he should have the comprehensive combat power of the top [-] in the Tianbang.

There may be some gaps with monsters like Song Yongming.

But it's pretty good!

Song Yongming has developed for 50 years, how long has he developed?

Just over 60 days!

Thinking of this, Xu Chengfeng felt flattered.

"My lord, we may need to stabilize the island again!" The spirit of the island suggested after stabilizing the speed, "I found that with the current structure of the island, if I sail at full speed, there may be problems."

"You still know!"

Xu Chengfeng laughed.

"I'm not happy!"

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while, and summoned the leader of the rock spirit.

Today's rock spirit leader, the strength of the diamond is low.

The body has swelled to a height of nearly ten meters, a proper giant body!

Standing in front of Xu Chengfeng, Xu Chengfeng could feel a sense of oppression!

"The leader of the rock spirit, lead the rock spirit troops to strengthen the rock circle at the base of the island!"

"Yes, Master!"

The leader of Yan Ling replied.

The outer layer of Xu Chengfeng's island is the lithosphere.

The rock spirits are good at manipulating rocks, and they also have the ability to strengthen rocks.

Usually, the defense task of the rock spirit troops is not heavy.

Let them reinforce the rock base of the island, which should allow the island to withstand stronger speed impacts.

After all, the Yanling troops have an average platinum mid-level strength.

The rocks strengthened by them may only be destroyed by platinum-level demonized beasts!

Platinum level demonized beasts... that's not common!

In the future, if conditions permit, he will lay a layer of reinforced meta-magnets on the upper layer of the rock base.

Although the Yuan magnet is light, it is still a relatively strong material.

It is just born with anti-gravity properties, and its density is actually harder than steel!

On the way, Xu Chengfeng contacted Tan Ying.

Xu Chengfeng: "Are you there?"

Tan Ying: "Boss Xu, I'm here!"

Xu Chengfeng: "I've seen the coordinates you gave me!"

Tan Ying: "Have you found my friend's relic?"

Xu Chengfeng: "I found it!"

Tan Ying: "Is there any other gain?"

Xu Chengfeng: "The harvest is quite good!"

The medium-sized element magnetite is indeed very good.

The most important thing is that the activated meta-magnet is very competitive, and the gold level can actually produce a meta-magnet.

If it weren't for them, Xu Chengfeng might have to wait for a while before discovering that the activated metal organisms can actually make metal.

Xu Chengfeng: "What reward do you want?"

Tan Ying: "Boss Xu just give me some!"

This kind of reply made Xu Chengfeng feel a bit difficult to deal with!

Tan Ying is so knowledgeable!

Tan Ying: "But can you give me my friend's belongings, I'll hand them over to his family!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Didn't he take his family to the island?"

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