Tan Ying: "He brought a few strong relatives with him. The family members have not been brought to the island for the time being. He wants to wait until he has gained a firm foothold in the island world before picking up his family."

Xu Chengfeng: "So that's how it is!"

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while, then asked again: "Are you the owner of the independent island?"

Tan Ying: "Yes!"

Xu Chengfeng: "I will give you five low-level sea island seeds, three bottles of black iron-level speed and strength enhancement potions, one bottle of black iron-level strength and speed burst potions, three bottles of bronze-level speed and strength enhancement potions, and three bottles of bronze-level strength and speed potions. One bottle of explosive potion, one thousand kilograms of gold-grade demonized beast meat!"

Xu Chengfeng: "In addition, send me the bank card number, and I will give you [-] million funds, and I will give it to your friends and family members!"

After waiting for half a minute, Xu Chengfeng thought that Tan Ying had gone offline.

Tan Ying: "Boss Xu...this...is too much!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Not much, your coordinates are very valuable!"

As far as what he paid, compared with the medium-sized yuan magnetite, it was nothing at all.

Compared with his harvest, it is insignificant at all!

The current Xu Chengfeng is really not short of money!

Of course, the most important thing is that he likes Tan Ying very much!

Tan Ying: "I really can't refuse...how about I help Boss Xu make an advertisement?"

Xu Chengfeng: "What advertisement?"

Now, Xu Chengfeng is interested

Tan Ying: "I was looking for these things in the trading area, and they were buzzing on the communication channel, and then Boss Xu gave me the things, and I told them that I gave Boss Xu your valuable coordinates...Maybe, Boss Xu There will be gains!"

Xu Chengfeng: "All right! If you want!"

Not to mention whether there is any gain or not, it is actually not bad to have a good reputation.

The most important thing is that he doesn't need to pay anything at all.

Tan Ying: "Okay! But I still need someone to cooperate! Someone should find out about my begging transaction?"

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and smiled, "I can find someone for that!"

Tan Ying: "That would be even better!"

Not long after, Sakura Kuni Ichiro Tanaka jumped out of the world communication channel.

Sakura Kuni Tanaka Ichiro: "Look, everyone, there is a woman from the Dragon Kingdom in the trading area who actually used an ordinary maple leaf to buy five low-level sea island seeds and three bottles of black iron-level speed and strength enhancement potions...why didn't she grab it? ?”

Sakura Kuni Tanaka Ichiro: "Which idiot would agree to such a deal that loses money!"

Ichiro Tanaka's speech still caught the attention of some new island owners.

"I checked it out, and it's true, the one named Tan Ying hasn't woken up yet, right?"

"Five low-level sea island seeds? Magic potion? Oh my God! I've seen someone exchange a bottle of magic potion with platinum-level special plants at Boss Xu's place!"

"This woman must be crazy, or she is just idle and bored, wanting to see if any fool is willing to make a deal..."


"Don't talk nonsense, this kind of extremely unequal 2.6 transaction must have occurred after certain conditions were reached in private!"

"If Tan Ying is not crazy, then it must be a deal with Boss Xu!"

"I saw it last time. Tong Mu used a drop of rainwater to buy a gold-level defensive formation. Boss Xu directly sold the gold-level defensive formation to her... awesome!"

"Yes! Only Boss Xu has so many low-level sea island seeds and magic potions!"

"Do you know what the deal is?"

"who knows?"

"I am also very curious!"

"These things can allow an independent island owner to grow steadily for several years!"

"Especially the magic potion, I'm so greedy!"

"I think Tan Ying is crazy. Old dog Xu is so stingy, how could he agree to such a deal?"

"Makes sense!"


Chapter 172 The Trustworthy Boss Xu!Horror acceleration!

In this way, Tan Ying's purchase request attracted the attention of many new island owners.

They are not about Tan Ying, they just want to know if there is any deal between Xu Chengfeng and Tan Ying, and what is the content of the deal.

After waiting for two hours, this group of new island owners gradually lost confidence. Many people thought that Tan Ying might just be idle and bored, and just sent a random message asking for a purchase.

At this moment, someone noticed that Tan Ying's purchase information transaction was successful.

She really used an ordinary maple leaf to buy five low-level sea island seeds, eight bottles of black iron-level magic potions, eight bottles of bronze-level magic potions, and a thousand kilograms of gold-level enchanted beast meat.

"Tan Ying's purchase transaction has been successful, and it is indeed Boss Xu who made the purchase!"

"Boss Xu is really rich!"

"Even if the price of low-level sea island seeds has dropped, it is more than one billion! Not to mention those black iron-level and bronze-level magic potions!"

"Boss Xu and Tan Ying are conducting a py transaction? I really want 14 to join!"

"I really envy Tan Ying, this is a wave of fat!"

"What is the deal? I really want to know!"

"Is Tan Ying here? Can you disclose the transaction content?"

"Where's Boss Xu? Boss Xu, explain? What Tan Ying can do, so can we!"

"Yes, Boss Xu, we want it too!"


At this time, Tan Ying finally spoke out.

Longguo Tan Ying: "Before my friend died, he sent me a mysterious coordinate without saying anything. That coordinate is far away from me, and I have no way to go there. Then I gave the coordinate to Boss Xu! "

Longguo Tan Ying: "At that time, I just hoped that if Boss Xu could explore that coordinate and find something good, he would give me some rewards. Even some special black iron-level plants would be good...I didn't expect Boss Xu to be so Generous!"


After Tan Ying's explanation, other new island owners understood:

"So it is!"

"It looks like that coordinate must be of great benefit!"

"I remembered, some time ago, Tan Ying was on the regional communication channel @徐博士, it must be because of this incident!"

"But Boss Xu is also quite honest!"

"That's right! He casually gave Tan Ying a bottle of black iron-grade potion, which is actually fine, and Tan Ying doesn't know what the coordinates are!"

"Indeed, Boss Xu is very trustworthy, there is nothing wrong with him!"

"If you sell that coordinate to another consortium, the consortium won't be able to pay such a high price!"

"I want to sell my coordinates to Boss Xu..."

"Your coordinates, is it valuable?"

"Maybe not!"


Seeing Tan Yingye's reminder, Xu Chengfeng also spoke on the World Communication Channel:

"Everyone, if you have any valuable coordinates, you can share them with me. If I can find them, I will pay you a certain reward!"

"Of course, I also know your concerns. You are worried about revealing your coordinates. Your worries are normal. I will advertise. If you have good business and good things, you can come to me!"


"Boss Xu, you haven't spoken for a long time. When you speak this time, it's an advertisement again!"

"Boss Xu, what did you find on Tan Ying's coordinates?"

"Old Dog Xu must have made a lot of money, otherwise he wouldn't be so generous!"

"It's Boss Xu's ability to make money!"

"Boss Xu, help! Quickly add me as a friend. I have coordinates here. See if it is close to you. If it is close enough, please save my life!"

"Brother upstairs, what's wrong with you?"

"Attacked by a demonized beast?"

"Just kidding! Unless you are next to Boss Xu's island, he can't save you!"

"That's right! Far water can't save near fire!"

"Boss Xu can collect the corpse for you!"

"@If you don't reach him, that brother is gone..."



Xu Chengfeng glanced at the friend application, the head of the new island owner who asked him for help was all black.

People are indeed gone!

The coordinates, of course, could not be left behind.

Xu Chengfeng didn't care too much, the other party was probably attacked by a powerful abyss demonized beast, and he went to the doctor for his illness!

In the afternoon of the second day, Xu Chengfeng's island slowly stopped.

Janna introduced: "Master, this island is five square kilometers, has more than [-] trees, and a relatively thick soil layer, which was carefully selected by the subordinates."

Xu Chengfeng looked at the green on the island, nodded in appreciation and said, "It's really good!"

In the past, Xu Chengfeng sailed more than ten kilometers a day to the island, and there were not many islands to choose from.

But now, the island can sail more than 1000 kilometers a day.

The range of islands he can choose has expanded.

Destroy the abyss demonized beasts on the island, and completely annex this new island.

Xu Chengfeng's island area reaches 41.1 square kilometers.

At the end of the second month, his island was only 29.3 square kilometers.

Not long ago, he took away five square kilometers on Yuan Magnetite Island.

The island added another 5.8 square kilometers to Xu Chengfeng.

Annexing an island is much more comfortable than using island seeds!

Most of the land evolved from sea island seeds is bare and requires artificial planting.

It is very easy to annex other islands, especially those with lush vegetation!

It saved Xu Chengfeng a lot of labor.

Xu Chengfeng's island, also under the control of the spirit of the island, gradually changed the island's landscape. 340

In the middle of the island, where Xu Chengfeng lived, a mountain range gradually evolved.

There are a large number of treants standing on this mountain, as well as the tree of life.

A lot of rocks and minerals were also hoarded, and the island was divided into two parts.

Behind the ship-shaped island, there are mainly trees, small towns surrounded by trees, and farmland!

The people from Blue Star are farming and living here!

In front of the boat-shaped island, there are mainly artificial lakes, the Temple of the Wind, and the territory of the flower elves.

In the central mountain range, the only road that runs through the front and back areas is near Xu Chengfeng's villa.

It is certainly impossible for Xu Chengfeng's island town to occupy half of the area.

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