It feels very comfortable and feels great in the hand!

Paradis gritted his teeth: "Absolutely can't touch it!"

"Then touch it again... Janna, hold her down for me!"


[Equal contract: You sign an equal contract with Paradis, and you will never betray each other, and you cannot reveal each other's secrets. You help Paradis resurrect, and Paradis will help you develop power, enhance strength, eradicate The enemy... is this equal contract signed under the will of Kane World? 】



Under the witness of Kane's world will, Xu Chengfeng formally concluded a contract with Paradis.

After signing the contract, Paradis' long black hair stretched out.

Judging from the results, her crisis was resolved.

And it seems to have gained a powerful ally, although this ally has a very, very bad character!

"Can you get a body, Paradis?" Xu Chengfeng asked, "You will frighten other ordinary people in my territory now."

"Wait for me to recover, recover my strength!"

"it is good!"

"By the way, Island Master Xu, why do you call her Jana? Don't you know her identity?"

Xu Chengfeng smiled: "No one knows her identity better than me. She is Jana and has nothing to do with Stia!"

"Rebellious? How is it possible?" Paradis stared at Janna with scorching eyes. After observing carefully for a while, she also found the problem, "It seems to be true. Although it contains Stia's divinity, it is different ,how did you do it?"


Xu Chengfeng smiled: "In the future, you will know!"

"Hmph!" Paradis said disdainfully, "It's mysterious!"

Paradis suddenly realized that she seemed to have been cheated!

"By the way, look at Wendini, is there a way to solve her physical problems?"

Paradis stared at Undine carefully: "She has some congenital developmental problems."

"How to deal with it?"

"Help me build an Evernight Church!"


"The best solution is the water of life!" Paradis laughed. "However, I don't know if the elves still have the tree of life... I might have a solution after I recover some strength."

Xu Chengfeng laughed!

He stood up and said to Undine: "Come with me!"

"Okay, my lord!"

"Stia... No, Janna, your master doesn't really have the water of life, does he?"

"It seems that there really are!"

Xu Chengfeng brought Wendini to the Tree of Life.

Paradis, who followed, was stunned.

"Isn't he the new island owner? How could there be a tree of life?"

Janna said proudly: "Paradis, the greatness of the master is beyond your imagination!"

Paradis looked at Janna with surprise on his face.

She has heard that it is the first time for a god to brainwash believers to encounter a divinity that has been brainwashed by humans!

"Tree of Life, give me a drop of water of life!"

On the trunk of the tree of life, a green-haired woman slowly leaned out: "Okay, master!"

The Tree of Life gradually burst into green light.

The lines on each leaf are full of life energy.

The Tree of Life stretched out its hand, condensing a drop of light green water.

[Water of Life (s): Possesses a powerful healing ability, which can make up for biological deficiencies! 】

It is also relatively difficult to gather the water of life and the tree of life together.

Recently, the tree of life was raised by Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng didn't even notice the efficacy of the water of life.

"Wendini, eat it!"

Wendini swallowed: "Master, is this okay?"

"What can't you do?"

Although, Xu Chengfeng occasionally likes to watch Wendini wrestling.

However, he also knew that Wendini didn't like this.

Chapter 206 Follow the Master!Believers are not a problem!

Coming to the tree spirit of the tree of life, the tree spirit of the tree of life showed a gentle smile to Undini, and sent the water of life to her.

Wendini opened her mouth and drank the water of life, her body was enveloped in soft green light.

After the light faded away, Xu Chengfeng noticed Wendini's strength, and even broke through to the low-rank bronze.

"Wendini, try to run and see if you will fall again!"


Wendini just started, just trotting.

But soon, she ran faster and faster, and disappeared along the mountain road.

Xu Chengfeng smiled, and took Paradis and Janna back to the villa.

Paradis reminded: "Master Xu, my church!"

"Jana, you take Paradis to choose a site, and you ask the rock spirits to do the cultivation work."

"Okay, Master!" Janna looked at Paradis, "Come here!"

Walking out of Xu Chengfeng's villa, Paradis looked at the artificial lake, and couldn't help saying, "There are a lot of water elemental spirits, and there are also a lot of treants."

"Master's island, that's it."

"How many people are there on the island?"

"Do you want to recruit believers?"

"If you don't preach, how will you develop?"

"I suggest you ask the master!" Janna laughed. "There are only a few hundred people on the island, and they are all brought by the master from his world. It is not easy to preach!"

"so little?"

"That's how little it is!"

Janna nodded seriously.

"By the way, what is your relationship with Stia?"

"I want to replace Stia, can I?"

Hearing Naga's words, Paradis froze for a moment, then smiled: "If you want to replace Stia, I absolutely support you!"

Janna took Paradis around Xu Chengfeng's island.

The situation on the island made Paradis very uncomfortable.

People, too few!

Paradis, who wanted to be resurrected and ascended to the throne again, of course hoped that the more people the better.

Preferably millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions!

Of course, she can accept hundreds of thousands.

Hundreds of thousands of devout believers are enough for her to ignite the divine fire again!

But when she saw the Wind Temple, she was shocked!

"They're all wind elemental spirits?"


"More than a hundred thousand?"

In the Temple of the Wind, the defensive formation has long been destroyed.

It can't be hidden from Paradis' perception at all.

Janna said lightly: "Less than 17!"

At the end of the first month, Xu Chengfeng activated more than 1 wind element spirits.

Yesterday, at the end of the third month, another 15 was activated for Janna.

Added up, the number of wind elemental elves has exceeded 16!

These more than 16 wind spirits are all squeezed into the temple of 2.5 square kilometers.

They like the smell of wind jade very much, almost all of them are attached to the temple buildings, and they may occasionally laugh at each other, but they quickly return to their original positions.

"Why are there so many? Elemental spirits are hard to be born!" Paradis said incredulously, "These low-level elemental spirits should be difficult to control, right?"

"It's not difficult!" Janna shook her head, "They're all very smart!"

Paradis couldn't believe it: "Are you kidding me?"

In the world of Kane, at the same level of strength, generally speaking, elemental elves, like treants, have relatively low intelligence, while animal monsters have relatively high intelligence.

Unless the strength of the elemental spirit reaches the king level, the wisdom is no different from that of ordinary people.

Moreover, almost none of the elemental elves believe in gods.

They are more willing to believe in the king of elements!

The King of Elements is the overlord of the major elemental planes in Kane World, and his strength is enough to rival the existence of powerful gods.

Janna smiled and hooked her fingers at the little wind spirits on the stone pillar, and a group of little wind spirits flew over.

"Master Janna, do you have any orders?"

"Let me introduce you to our new member of the island, you can call her Master Paradis!"

"Hello from Paradis!"


The Paradisians are stupid.

She has already seen that this group of black iron low-grade wind element spirits have high IQs.

Paradis couldn't help asking: "How come there are so many highly intelligent elemental elves?"

"This is the master's credit!"

"But what if there are more elemental spirits?" Paradis said helplessly, "What we want are believers!"

"Who says they are not believers?"

Janna asked back.

"Are you kidding me, Janna?"

"Ask these little guys!"

"Who do you believe in?"

A group of little wind spirits chattered and said, "We believe in Lord Janna, Goddess of Storms!"

"That's right! The master said, we must believe in Lord Janna!"

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