"Whoever the master tells us to believe in, we will believe in whoever!"

"We want to help Lord Janna ascend to the throne!"

"Only Lady Janna is the most suitable candidate for the Storm God, and Stia is not worthy!"


Listening to the answers of these little wind spirits, Paradis was shocked

If you really want what Janna said, then Janna already has 16 believers now!

All of them are elemental elves with strength levels!

Under the same wisdom, naturally, the more pious and stronger the believer is, the more power of faith the gods will get!

If the Church of Evernight was still in its heyday, she would definitely not have taken the 16 black iron low-grade wind spirits seriously, but now her body is dead!

Ten thousand years ago, her church had already been destroyed.

The wandering believers have not received any response for many years, and now there are very few people who believe in her!

Believers who still believe in the Goddess of the Night may be very sad...

These more than [-] believers are definitely a dream of wealth for her.

"Jana, how did you do it?"

"Of course the master helped me!" Janna laughed, "As long as my strength reaches the legendary level, my followers will definitely be enough, and I can ignite the divine fire and become a demigod!"

"Is he that capable?"

"Master's ability is as high as 3.0!" Janna smiled, "As long as he is willing to help you with all his strength, the believer you are most worried about... is not a problem!"

"The master these wind elemental spirits speak of is Island Master Xu?"

Jana nodded.

Paradis looked enviously at those little wind spirits, and at Sketos, the Temple of the Wind, enviously.

Seeing Sketos, she suddenly felt that the church was not fragrant!

She also wanted to find out her own temple.

She has noticed that Xu Chengfeng's island is moving.

Maybe, Xu Chengfeng can lead her to find several temples of the night.

"In that old castle, there seems to be an aura that I really hate!" Paradis, who followed Janna, suddenly pointed at the refurbished ancient castle and frowned, "I seem to smell the smell of that bitch Rose, don't tell me?" Where is her blood left?"

Chapter 207 The Evernight Church is established!Angel joins!

"It's not Rose's blood, it's Angel!" Janna explained, "Angel was plotted by Rose back then, but was awakened by the master recently."

"Angel?" Paradis asked with some doubts, "Who is Angel?"

She didn't remember that there was a god named Angel.

"Princess of the Glorious Empire, the candidate for the saint!"


Paradis remembered.

She has some impressions.

A mortal who can leave an impression in her memory is already very good.

After shopping around, Paradis decided that the church was built behind the island, slightly closer to the end of the island.

She didn't want to get too close to Janna's Temple of the Wind.

After Jana reported to Xu Chengfeng, Xu Chengfeng also chose to agree.

Just don't want Paradis preaching in his small town.

He didn't want Paradis to turn his town into a mess.

Paradis whispered: "Then you at least get some people? Otherwise, how can I preach?"

Xu Chengfeng nodded: "When you encounter intelligent creatures, I will help you pay attention."

"All right!"

Now that he is under the fence, Paradis dare not force it.

She knows that what she needs most now is for 15 to recover his strength as soon as possible.

As long as she is strong enough, Xu Chengfeng will definitely ask her for help.

At that time, she can make a request to Xu Chengfeng!

"By the way, Janna, did the wind spirit pass by the clam clan?"

Janna replied: "I sent the wind spirits and water spirits to investigate this morning!"


"Clam Clan?"

Hearing the Clam Clan, Paradis' eyes lit up.

She felt that it would be good if she could recruit some clam disciples.

The strength is a bit weak, but she is not picky now.

Xu Chengfeng coughed lightly: "Paradis, the clam clan is not suitable for you!"

Paradis insisted: "If you haven't tried it, how do you know it's not suitable?"

"Actually!" Xu Chengfeng thought for a while, "I heard that you have conflicts with Rose?"


Paradis nodded.

She and Rose are sworn enemies.

It is much bigger than the conflict between her and Stia.

Ten thousand years ago, both she and Rose, the Spider Queen, possessed the priesthood of darkness.

The priesthood is the authority given to the gods in the Kane world.

Authority cannot be shared!

Everyone wants monopoly!

Paradis and Rose are natural enemies!

However, most of the dark priesthoods are in the hands of Paradis.

But the two sides fought countless times, but Paradis failed to take advantage of Rose!

"An Qier also hates Rose very much. Now she needs strength very much. Her talent should be very good." Xu Chengfeng said, "There are more than 30 young women in that castle. Their families were all killed by Abyss pirates. Many of them were also ruined, and if you want, I can also give them to you."

"Give them to me!" Paradis said with a smile, "I will teach them well."

If it was really that angel Angel in the world back then, Paradis would definitely train her well!

The Bright Vatican chooses a saint, not just based on her family background.

There are also personal abilities and talents, which are also very important!

The saint is the signboard of the Holy See!

Just like the endorsement stars of major brands!

extremely important!

If she can cultivate a powerful and capable dark saint, it will be more valuable than cultivating [-] believers.

Most importantly, Angel's identity!

The former saint of the Holy See of Light, the woman that Rose, the Queen of the Spiders, is jealous of...

Both the God of Light and the Spider Queen are her sworn enemies!

Thinking about it, Paradis felt exciting and interesting!

"Yes!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "If you can convince Angel, I will move the castle near your church, no other means are allowed."

"no problem!"

Paradis left happily.

"Master, is this okay?"

The Angel of Tears asked in a low voice.

"Leaving it to the Goddess of the Night is the best choice. I can't teach Angel!" Xu Chengfeng said, "An Qier has been completely eroded by dark energy now, and even her physical attributes have changed. It is impossible for her to believe in the God of Light. The Evernight Goddess is absolutely the best in the world in terms of dark magic, and she has the ability to train Angel well."

Angel of Tears nodded: "Yes!"

"Those more than 30 women have also suffered a great blow. Almost all their relatives have been killed. What happened on the pirate ship will become a nightmare that they can't get rid of for the rest of their lives!" Xu Chengfeng said, leaning on the sofa, "the church is healing It’s very good, it should make them forget the painful experience and cheer up, they can become the first batch of Paradis team, and they will have a good future in the future.”

Although Xu Chengfeng didn't want to be a worker.

But the treatment that the gods can give is actually very high!

It is the dream of absolutely most ordinary people, even emperor-level, emperor-level, and legendary-level powerhouses!

The light angel worshiped: "The master is still thoughtful!"

Not long after, Angel followed Paradis to Xu Chengfeng's villa.

Paradis said helplessly: "This child, I want to come and confirm in person, as if I would deceive her, you persuade her!"

Xu Chengfeng briefly chatted with An Qier and explained why he did what he did.

Angel is still not used to 797.

After all, she has been asleep for thousands of years.

She felt that not long ago, she seemed to be an alternate saint who believed in the God of Light.

The change in position now made it a little difficult for her to accept.

In the end, under Xu Chengfeng's persuasion, she agreed to join the Church of Evernight.

Leading Angel away, Paradis showed a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth.

She could see that An Qier had a good impression of Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng seems to have a good sense of Angel.

This is a great thing for her.

Ten thousand years ago, Angel was a peerless beauty who fascinated a group of princes, nobles, kings and princes.

Even Paradis himself has to admit his peerless appearance and extraordinary charm.

Paradis believed that when she taught Angel the ability to master the dark blood, she would be able to restore her original appearance and charm.

Paradis has already discovered that Xu Chengfeng is quite extraordinary!

He is obviously just a new island owner, and he has only been in the island world for three months, yet his island has a lot of powerful elemental life forms!

Moreover, these elemental beings are still completely under the orders of Xu Chengfeng.

Paradis intends to observe for a while, if Xu Chengfeng is really worth her heavy bet.

She will let Angel become the Saintess of the Church of Evernight, and let her take down Xu Chengfeng!

Chapter 208 Xu Chengfeng: I have a friend who was almost killed by you!


Of course, she should dedicate herself to the church and to her god.

Thousands of miles away, on the vicinity of the island where the Bang tribe lived, a few unexpected guests suddenly greeted them.

As soon as they appeared, they attracted the attention of the Clam Clan.

Threatened by demonic beasts from the abyss at all times, the small Bang tribe is naturally full of vigilance.

Races without vigilance have long been killed by the demonized beasts of the abyss.

The rapid knocking of clamshells, through the sea water, echoed in the shallow sea area.

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