"Yes, it is indeed a good thing!"

King-level special plants are already considered natural treasures, extremely rare!

"Of course it's a good thing!" Tong Mu said with some reluctance, "This was brought out by Vice President Feng Yu."

"It's very kind!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled, picked up the Tianxin tea tree, and handed it to the tearful angel.

Chapter 221 Are You Interested In Me?I am not a good guy!

Tong Mu tentatively asked: "Boss Xu, can your island really move?"

Xu Chengfeng smiled: "What did you tell them?"

"Let's say that your subordinates who explored coordinate resources happened to be nearby, and as soon as they appeared, they lured the group of pirates away!" Tong Mu shrugged, "That's probably the case, they should have no doubts for the time being."

"Thank you!"

"No, I should be the one thanking you!" Tong Mu stared at Xu Chengfeng with piercing eyes and asked, "Also, did Boss Xu admit it?"

Xu Chengfeng smiled and said nothing.

"Boss Xu, can you stop doing this?" Tong Mu whispered, "Can you take me to the beach? I promise I won't reveal anything about your island!"

Xu Chengfeng looked at Tong Mu, thought for a while and said, "Then come with me!"

Anyway, the other party guessed it.

Standing on the embankment by the sea, Tong Mu looked at the sky and the sea, and at the far end of the sky, the rapidly disappearing island, and sighed softly:

"Sure enough, Boss Xu's island is the same as Senior Ning's island!"

"Yeah!" Xu Chengfeng didn't deny it, "it's moving."

Tong Mu asked curiously: "Boss Xu, what is the principle that your island can move?"

Xu Chengfeng smiled: "It's good to know it's moving, you don't need to know the principle!"


Tong Mu nodded.

This time, she finally didn't ask any more questions.

She knew that with Xu Chengfeng's personality, being able to tell her so many things was already very good.

"Am I the first to know?"

"Except for the members on the island."

"That's not bad!"

Tong Mu looked at Xu Chengfeng with a smile, hesitated a little, and gently took his hand.

Xu Chengfeng froze for a moment, but didn't immediately clap that little hand away.

He asked slowly: "What do you think?"

"What do you think?"

Xu Chengfeng squeezed Tong Mu's hand and shook it.

"You do not understand?"

Tong Mu glanced at Xu Chengfeng shyly, his ears turned red.

To be honest, this girl moved his heart slightly.

But when things came to an end, Xu Chengfeng couldn't bear it anymore.

His sanity was pulled back again.

As a human being in two lifetimes, Xu Chengfeng's experience is not too much.

But for love or something, I have already looked down on it.

After all, it has been owned and lost, and it has been gradually indifferent in the blow.

Even with a young body, his heart is no longer young.

Xu Chengfeng said in a low voice: "I thought I understood, but I'm afraid I'll guess wrong!"

Tong Mu didn't know how to answer this time.

Xu Chengfeng slowly let go of her hand.

Tong Mu withdrew his hand, a little at a loss.

She probably didn't expect Xu Chengfeng to have this kind of reaction.

It was hard for her to muster up the courage to take the initiative to grab Xu Chengfeng's hand.

Tong Mu raised his head, mist formed in his beautiful big eyes:

"Xu Chengfeng, don't you have feelings for me?"

The current Tong Mu somewhat understands the feelings of those men who were rejected by her!


Xu Chengfeng nodded frankly.

To be honest, Xu Chengfeng has feelings for pretty girls.

Especially after swallowing the black dragon blood crystal, he has become more and more unable to control himself recently.

Every day, he can only rely on crazy exercises to consume his exuberant energy!

But this cannot be the reason for Xu Chengfeng's indulgence.

"Then why...reject?"

Tong Mu was puzzled.

"The main reason is that I don't want to be restrained, I don't want to take responsibility, I don't want to get married!" Xu Chengfeng said with some uncertainty, "I can't say, anyway, I know, I'm not a good person."


Tong Mu squeezed out these two words from between his teeth.

Xu Chengfeng patted Tong Mu on the head, laughed and said, "It shouldn't be considered scum, after all, I haven't had time to do it yet."

"Are you thinking about the clam girl? Or about the elf girl? Or the fox-eared girl? The cat-eared girl?"

"Emmmm...all of them!"

Tong Mu was stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect Xu Chengfeng to answer her like that.


Do you want a group?

"Sure enough, men don't have a good thing!"

Tong Mu sat on the embankment and put his sandaled feet directly into the water, feeling the rushing water.

Xu Chengfeng also sat next to her: "Don't overthrow a group of people with one blow, I may be a special case!"

"No, you are not a special case!" Tong Mu shook his head, "You are the majority, most men think this way."

"When you say that, I suddenly feel much more comfortable..."

"I'm not trying to comfort you!"

Tong Mu said angrily

"You are a good girl, I don't want to make you feel bad... let alone make me feel bad!"

Tong Mu asked, "Then why did you help me?"

"It's pleasing to your eyes!" Xu Chengfeng smiled indifferently.

Tong Mu: "I thought you were interested in me!"

Xu Chengfeng cleared his throat: "There is indeed a little bit, believe me, most men are like this!"

"I thought you didn't ask for anything in return!"

At this time, Tong Mu's tone has calmed down a lot.

"Human nature is very complicated, and I can't even see myself clearly..." Xu Chengfeng smiled indifferently, "It's like I never believe in such nonsense as good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil, but occasionally I still endure it." Just keep doing something nice…”

"You are far more mature and sober than your peers!"

"Aren't you the same age as me?" Xu Chengfeng curled his lips: "You sound like a big sister!"

Tong Mu stood up without saying a word.

Just when Xu Chengfeng suspected that she was angry, he felt a strong force coming from his back.

Pushing his whole body, he fell to the surface of the sea.

Xu Chengfeng's reaction was naturally extremely fast. He grabbed Tong Mu's arm with his backhand and threw it over his shoulder...


Tong Mu screamed loudly and flew into the air.

At the same time, a water spirit appeared from the sea and caught Xu Chengfeng steadily.

Xu Chengfeng stepped on Shui Ling and watched Tong Mu fall 5.3 nautical miles with a "plop".

Xu Chengfeng watched Tong Mu's whole process of entering the water, and couldn't help sighing: "This water pressing technique is good!"

When Tong Mu came out of the sea, Xu Chengfeng's gaze was on her chest.

Now on the island, the temperature is still quite high, and Tong Mu's clothes are relatively cool, as soon as he touches the sea water...

"Look at what!"

Tong Mu covered his chest.

"Not bad, in good shape!"

Tong Mubai glanced at Xu Chengfeng: "Give me a hand."

Xu Chengfeng stretched out his hand and put it in front of Tong Mu.

Tong Mu took his hand and complained: "You are a real person, you have no grace at all..."

Xu Chengfeng let go of his hand.



Tong Mu fell into the sea again.

This time, water splashed Xu Chengfeng's face.

Chapter 222 That Chairman Chu will decide to kill God, right?

This time, Tong Mu dived in the sea for a long time before surfacing.

She looked at Xu Chengfeng aggrievedly, swam to the edge of the island, and climbed up the embankment.

After steaming the clothes, she ran along the coastline without looking back.

Xu Chengfeng stood where he was, watching her disappear.

"Master, don't you want to chase?"

Janna and Angel of Tears all appeared beside Xu Chengfeng.

"Don't chase, she will come back!"

Without Xu Chengfeng's permission, she couldn't leave the island.

Janna couldn't help laughing and said, "Master, are you bullying me?"

"I think should not be!"

Xu Chengfeng was not sure.

Sure enough, an hour later, Tong Mu returned to the villa silently.

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