But she didn't see Xu Chengfeng in the villa.

"Wendini, where's Boss Xu?"

"I don't know, maybe I went to practice!" Wendini asked suspiciously, "Master Tong Island, didn't you go out with Master?"


Tong Mu didn't know how to answer.

"Then you sit here for a while, and the island owner may come back later!" Wendini said, "No matter what happens, the island owner will come back on time for 16 meals."

"Waiting to eat? How long will it take!"

Wendini looked at Guangangang: "Guangangang, why don't you go find the island owner?"

"All right!"

Angel of Light did not refuse.

She could tell that Tong Mu was considered Xu Chengfeng's distinguished guest.

After all, so far, apart from Chen Xinping, the deputy island owner, the only human beings who can enter the villa are Tong Mu.

After 10 minutes, Xu Chengfeng returned to the villa.


"I'm fed up with you!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled indifferently.

Tong Mu complained: "Boss Xu, with your personality, you will be alone!"

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile: "Well, I'm not very worried, even if I'm alone, I can live a good life!"

He is not afraid of being alone.

As long as you have something to do, you can live a fulfilling life every day and make progress every day.

Single or not doesn't matter.

Wendini couldn't help laughing and said, "Island Master Tong, you really don't need to worry about this. The Master is so good, there should be many girls who like him."

Hearing Wendini's words, Tong Mu's heart began to feel sore.

She discovered that this was indeed the case.

Although Xu Chengfeng has a bad personality, he is indeed the prince charming in the hearts of many girls.

Calm down and reflect a little.

Tong Mu suddenly felt that he had lost his composure today.

Although Xu Chengfeng's personality is a bit scumbag, he is very open-minded.

So frank... a little cute!

Xu Chengfeng never owed her, but helped her a lot.

She was so angry because she had finally summoned up the courage to confess to Xu Chengfeng and was rejected, and she felt a little annoyed!

After all, in the past, others chased her and she rejected her...

Thinking of this, Tong Mu took a deep breath, stood up from the chair, bowed to Xu Chengfeng and said, "Boss Xu, I'm sorry, I lost my composure today!"


Xu Chengfeng glanced at Tong Mu in surprise, not expecting the other party to apologize.

In fact, Xu Chengfeng didn't take this matter to heart.

It's just a feeling that it's a little troublesome.

Although he is not socially phobic, he doesn't really like dealing with people.

"Boss Xu can forgive me!"

Tong Mu smiled.

Xu Chengfeng found that she had returned to her former calm and confident state.

"By the way, Boss Xu, I almost forgot about the business. I want to ask, are you planning to train members of Church of Evernight or Church of Storms?"

Xu Chengfeng asked curiously, "Why do you ask this?"

"Our Island Owner Association wants to hear your opinion!" Tong Mu said in a low voice, "There are some veteran island owners in Longguo who want to join the church."


After Xu Chengfeng thought about it, he understood.

People in Longguo have always been pragmatists.

If belief can really bring benefits, as long as the teachings are not bad, they must be willing to become believers.

It just so happens that the gods in Kane's world are real gods.

It must be much more comfortable to hang out with the gods than to hang out with other ordinary forces!

"Among the island masters of the Dragon Kingdom, only you and the president can develop the church. Regardless of the goddess of the night, the goddess of the storm, or the god of flames, their fighting power is quite strong!" Tong Mu said in a low voice, "Especially The Goddess of the Night, in the mythological records, she is also considered to be the most powerful god."

"so what?"

Tong Mu asked in a low voice: "Is it safe to speak here?"


By Xu Chengfeng's side, there are only Wen Dini and the two angels.

Tong Mu said in a low voice: "If you are willing to become a saint, then you can cooperate with other island owners to spread your faith and strive to bring the gods back to the Kane continent as soon as possible!"

Xu Chengfeng frowned.

It was not what he wanted to bring the gods back to life as soon as possible.

"If the gods return, will we island owners become vassals?"

Xu Chengfeng didn't believe it, and the Longguo Island Owners Association hadn't considered this matter.

Is the Blue Star Island Lord willing to become a vassal?

The answer is definitely no.

At least the people of Long Kingdom will not be too reverent of the gods.

Tong Mu said helplessly: "After this pirate attack, Joseph and Yoshida began to spread their beliefs on a large scale...Many island owners from the Beautiful Country and the Cherry Blossom Country have joined, and they are all planning to build churches on the islands to spread the faith."

"If our Dragon Kingdom doesn't seize the time and let the God of Light and the Goddess of Water be resurrected first, the overall strength of our Dragon Kingdom island master will be at a disadvantage!"

Xu Chengfeng came to a sudden: "So it was forced!"

Tong Mu nodded: "This time the abyss pirates attacked the major island owners, and the island owners all over the world felt the threat of the abyss. The gods are the strongest weapons against the abyss. Joseph and Yoshida want to spread their beliefs and fight for the abyss." The resurrection of the gods, our Dragon Country Island Owners Association, there are island owners who have the same ideas as the beautiful country and the cherry blossom country, wanting to join the church, resurrect the gods, and strengthen the strength of the Dragon Kingdom island owners...even if it may take a long time."

"Isn't there a president on our side?" Xu Chengfeng asked, "Isn't the belief in the God of Fire spreading?"

"It's the president, let me ask you what you mean!" Tong Mu whispered, "The president means that if you want to become a saint, let the Longguo Island Owners Association fully support you."

"Is there such a benefit?"

Xu Chengfeng feels that this is the world's pie!

"Yeah!" Tong Mu nodded seriously, "President Chu told me personally, but there are still conditions, and the conditions are not harsh!"

"What conditions!"

"You are going to be the vice president of the Longguo Island Owners Association!"

"This... I don't like being in charge!"

Serving as the vice president is a headache just thinking about it.

Tong Mu said with a smile: "You don't need to be in charge, the honorary vice president is also fine, just use your name!"

Ordinary island owners, with their heads sharpened, want to join the Longguo Island Owners Association Council.

Xu Chengfeng is fine, he doesn't even want to give it to the vice president!

Xu Chengfeng frowned and thought for 2 minutes before slowly asking: "Chairman Chu, he must have decided to kill God, right?"

Chapter 223 Chu Bozhong: Becoming a God is a Dream!Don't want to give up!

Look at how active Joseph and Yoshida are in spreading faith and resurrecting gods.

However, Chu Bozhong did not want to spread the belief in the God of Fire.

Instead, they want the association to help Xu Chengfeng spread the belief of the Goddess of the Night.

It would be weird if it wasn't tricky.

Xu Chengfeng could only think in the direction of killing gods.

Tong Mu said in a low voice: "I'm not sure, but President Chu claimed that he is very optimistic about your development, and also thinks that the goddess of the night is more worthy of belief than the god of fire."

"In mythology and history, the Goddess of the Night is not only stronger than the God of Fire, but her personality is cruel, but her temper is not as violent and impulsive as the God of Fire!"

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while, and finally said: "I want to meet President Chu before making a decision!"

"All right!"

Tong Mu nodded.

She also found that Xu Chengfeng was unexpectedly calm in the face of such a great event.

If it was her, she would definitely agree without hesitation.

The portal opened, Tong Mu waved goodbye to Xu Chengfeng, and left the island.

Xu Chengfeng stood where he was, thinking about the Longguo Island Owners Association.

"What do you think?"

Xu Chengfeng turned his head and asked Janna and the two angels.

Angel of Tears smiled and said, "I think Tong Mu is quite generous and a nice person. She is indeed different from ordinary girls. She should be a good wife."

"I'm not asking about this!" Xu Chengfeng waved his hand, "I'm asking about spreading beliefs and serving as the vice president of the Longguo Island Owners Association!"

"I think, no matter from which point of view, this is a good thing for the master!" Janna said, "To resist the abyss, resurrecting the gods is one of the best ways. The Longguo Island Masters Association obviously wants to To use the power of the gods to increase the guarantee for myself, I hope that the master will serve as the vice president, just to insure things."

"For some reason, Chu Bozhong doesn't want to spread the belief of the God of Fire, and the Longguo Island Owners Association doesn't want to have the support of the gods, so they can only support you instead!"

"They have no other choice!"

"Can't you also go to believe in the God of Light? This will only make Joseph wake up with a smile!"

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while: "When I meet President Chu, if it's almost the same, then I will agree?"

"Of course I have to agree!" Tears said, "This is a good thing that the sky is falling. Whether it is the Evernight Goddess or Lord Janna, it is absolutely beneficial to the master to ignite the divine fire again!"

Tong Mu handled things very quickly, and not long after, she told Xu Chengfeng that Chu Bozhong would meet him at the Longguo Island Owners Association at ten o'clock in the evening, blue star time.

At 95:[-] in the evening, Xu Chengfeng returned to the Longguo Island Owners Association.

Feng Yu and Tong Mu were standing on the association square waiting for him.

Feng Yu smiled and said: "Master Xu, are you still satisfied with the Tianxin tea tree?"

“Satisfied, very satisfied!”

Xu Chengfeng smiled and nodded.

Mainly, he drank too much honey water, so some tea would be quite good.

"This is a small gift for you, it is a specialty of my island!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled and took out two small jars.

"Can you take a look?"

Tong Mu asked curiously.


Tong Mu opened the jar and took a deep breath.

"Imperial flower fairy honey?"

Seeing this situation, Feng Yu immediately opened her jar, with a look of surprise on her face.

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