Under the wrapping of white light, one meter, two meters... ten meters, 50 meters... 100 meters...

When the tree of life grew to more than 100 meters, it finally stopped growing.

The beautiful and gentle tree spirit of the tree of life slowly emerged from the trunk.

"Master, hello!"

"Hello!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "From now on, you can grow up here!"

"Okay, master!"

Xu Chengfeng turned his head and looked at Paradis beside him: "When did you come?"

"Just now!" Paradis stared at the tree spirit of the tree of life and said, "I have noticed the movement here, and I have been embarrassed to come here, but seeing the tree of life... I really can't stand it !"

"En!" Xu Chengfeng warned, "Next time you show up, please say hello to me!"

Paradis knew his secret.

Xu Chengfeng didn't care either, since she was protected by a contract anyway, unless she didn't want to hang out in Kane's world anymore.

It's just the way Paradis showed up that made him unhappy!

"Okay, I know I was wrong, there will be no next time!"

This was the first time Xu Chengfeng heard that Paradis, the always strong goddess of the night, took the initiative to admit his mistake to him.

It feels like drinking frozen Sprite in summer!

Most of his anger disappeared in an instant.


"I didn't expect that you could directly upgrade the tree of life... If the goddess of the elves finds out, she might go crazy!"

"Isn't she dead?"

"You are really..."

Paradis doesn't even know how to describe Xu Chengfeng's character!

"Island Master Xu, can you give me another [-] dark elemental elves?"

Xu Chengfeng smiled and said, "Let's sign a master-servant contract, and I'll give you 100 million!"


"Strictly speaking, you still owe me!" Xu Chengfeng said seriously, "I saved your life, I gave you a place to die, I introduced Angel to you, and I helped you establish It is I who recruited believers for you, I gave you [-] dark spirits, and I let you build your church on the islands of other island owners..."

"I did my best to you!" Xu Chengfeng firmly grasped the shoulder of the Evernight Goddess: "Then let me ask you, my dear Highness Paradis, what have you given me?"

Paradis bowed his head and fell silent.

Now, she couldn't be prouder anymore.

In this matter, she also felt that she had taken advantage of Xu Chengfeng.

As the goddess of the night, Paradis is also proud and will not deny the favors given to her by others.

Xu Chengfeng stretched out his right hand and placed it on her head.

Paradis shook his head, but failed to shake Xu Chengfeng's hand away.

Firmly and gently stroking Evernight Goddess's long hair, Xu Chengfeng said slowly: "Your Highness Paradis, this is unreasonable, what do you think?"

"what do you want?"

"what can you give me?"

Paradis opened his mouth, but didn't know what to give.

"How is Angel?"

Xu Chengfeng laughed, a little mockingly!

"why are you laughing?"

Paradis wondered.

"Don't forget, I gave Angel to you!"

Paradis froze.

It seems to be true!

Xu Chengfeng was right, before she arrived, An Qier lived on Xu Chengfeng's island.

With Xu Chengfeng's strength and ability, Angel is naturally in his pocket.

How could she not see that An Qier had a crush on Xu Chengfeng before.

She handed Xu Chengfeng to her person, and then to Xu Chengfeng?

This seems shameless!

"To be honest, recently I found that I seem to be losing more and more money!" Xu Chengfeng laughed, "Although there is an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom that suffering is a blessing, I don't like to enjoy this kind of blessing... No matter how much I give, I long to be able How much to get back, can you understand?"

"I can understand... I am also this kind of person!"

Paradis lived for 10,000+ years, and this was the first time that he was so overwhelmed by the aura of a mortal that he couldn't hold his head up.

She is completely at a disadvantage!

"The equality contract we signed is to help each other and give to each other." Xu Chengfeng emphasized, "The problem is that I have been giving, but you don't seem to help me."


"So, what can you come up with? Don't say anything about improving the talent of the dark attribute, that is the condition for me to spare your life."

Good guy!

Paradis gasped.

Xu Chengfeng guessed what she wanted to say.

"But I haven't fully recovered yet!"

"How long will it take you to recover?"

"Decades... 100 years!"

Paradis wasn't too sure either.

Restoring the divine position is not an easy task.

It is not as easy as imagined for the gods to be resurrected!

Xu Chengfeng sighed: "If you really want me to wait for decades, hundreds of years, I may not need you, I don't need Church of the Evernight!"

Paradis took a deep breath.

She knew that Xu Chengfeng was telling the truth.

With his terrifying ability, it's really no joke!

If she was still proud of being a god when she first met Xu Chengfeng, then after seeing Xu Chengfeng's special ability, she couldn't be proud anymore!

"Paradis, go back and think about it!"

Xu Chengfeng did not continue to be aggressive.

"Okay, my lord!"

Paradis fled!

Seeing her disappearing back, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

Chapter 238: Outland Intelligent Creature Appears!The mermaids chasing the murlocs!

He was just putting a little pressure on Paradis.

This time, he didn't intend to force the goddess too much.

Anyway, the future is long!

In the distance, the flower elves who were temporarily transferred away looked at the tree of life and were stunned.

"tree of Life?"

Lilian recognized the Tree of Life at a glance.

Because there is already one on the island.

"It seems to have appeared all of a sudden!"

An Li said in a low voice.

"Yes!" Lilian nodded, "This must have been transplanted by the island owner, and only the island owner can do it."


Anli also agrees with Lilian's point of view. After all, the angel of tears just asked them to leave the flower field temporarily, saying that the island owner has important things to do.

Lilian was stunned for a moment, and then excitedly said: "This tree of life is in our flower field, our flower field will be more beautiful, and the flowers will grow better... Great!"

When she saw the tree of life behind Xu Chengfeng's villa, she had imagined how wonderful it would be if the tree of life was planted in their flower field.

Unexpectedly, her dream came true today.

"That's right!" Enli also echoed, "That's the tree of life, the holy tree of the elves. I heard that they can promote the rapid growth of nearby plants...very, very precious!"

Two days later, Xu Chengfeng's island finally came to a slow stop, ready to annex an island of about ten square kilometers.

After swallowing this island, the area of ​​Xu Chengfeng's island officially reached [-] square kilometers.

Xu Chengfeng glanced at the newcomer world communication channel. The most talked about thing in the world communication channel is the mission of the Church of Light, Church of the Evernight, and Church of Water God in the Blue Star World.

However, the one that appeared most frequently was the Church of Evernight.

Indeed, the appearance of Saint Angel was too amazing.

The combination of her noble status, legendary experience, and powerful charm almost crushed the saints of the Church of Light and the Church of the Water God into scum.

"The Saint Angel of the Church of the Evernight is so beautiful... Even if she is disfigured, she is so beautiful, no wonder she is jealous of the evil god!"

"That's right! That's the real princess of the empire! The saintesses of the Church of Light and the Church of the Water God are nothing compared to her!"

"I heard that she is now living on Boss Xu's island. I wonder if she will suffer?"

"You want to say...how did you suffer?"

"How is it possible? She is the saint of the Evernight Goddess, and Boss Xu dare not touch her!"

"That's fine! That's fine!"

"I'm so envious that Boss Xu can live on the same island with Angel!"

"I want to join the Church of Evernight and accept Angel's guidance!"

"Pull it down! In this matter, we Longguo island masters have priority!"

"Let me tell you, although the goddess of the night has just awakened, the strength of the church is still there. Boss Xu also helped us ten independent island owners of the Dragon Kingdom, and won ten platinum-level church masters to sit on the island!"

"Boss Xu is now the vice president, and he is really working for our welfare. The Guangming Church does not have this kind of treatment!"

"After the newcomer period is over, I will definitely apply to the Evernight Church to build a church on my island."

"If my island can also win a platinum-level church master to sit in charge, wouldn't my island be as stable as Mount Tai?"

"I heard that the female members of the Church of Evernight like to wear black stockings..."

"The Protestants of the Illuminati Church are dressed like a ball!"

"In this regard, the rules of the Church of Evernight are not as complicated as that of the Church of Light."


Hearing these words, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

These guys definitely don't know that he recommended the black stockings to the Evernight Goddess.

However, the words of some new island owners still caught Xu Chengfeng's attention.

Platinum-level dark spirits are quite attractive to low-level island owners.

He may have no choice but to help the rookie island owners win over the dark spirits, but those island owners who have left the rookie stage and are not strong can send the dark spirits there!

"Can I operate it? For a little personal gain?"

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