Xu Chengfeng couldn't help thinking.

He has a certain right to decide whose island the Church of Evernight is built on.

It is entirely up to him to decide whether to send the dark spirit there.

He seems to be able to "operate in secret"!

If anyone can pay the price to make his heart move, he will let the Church of Evernight build a church there.

In the name of the church, send a platinum-level dark spirit there.

Get the benefits of those island masters, and then send platinum-level dark spirits to distribute the demonized beast crystal cores, maybe you can get more benefits from the Church of the Evernight...

Thinking about it this way, Xu Chengfeng felt that things seemed easy to operate.

Thinking of this, he asked the angel of tears to call Chen Xinping over.

Simply explaining the matter, Chen Xinping understood.

"Island Master, is this okay?"

"What's wrong? There will be a market if there is a demand!" Xu Chengfeng asked back, "I am helping those island owners of the Dragon Kingdom. You just need to release a little news."

"All right!"

Chen Xinping nodded.


Although she felt that her island owner was a little shameless.

But she also felt that being able to apply for a platinum-level master from the Church of Evernight to sit on the island would definitely be beneficial to those weaker island owners.

Especially Longguo Island Owners below Platinum Rank.

It took a long time for the spirit of the island to completely annex the new island.

The area of ​​Xu Chengfeng's island just exceeded 100.1 kilometers, reaching [-] square kilometers.

So far, the initial expansion of the island has reached Xu Chengfeng's expectation.

About three days later, when Xu Chengfeng was practicing under the Tianxin tea tree, Jana suddenly appeared beside him.

"Master, the Venom Legion just found a seriously injured murloc."


Xu Chengfeng immediately became interested.

After sailing in Outland for so long, he finally met the intelligent race!

Although the murloc is a bit ugly, Xu Chengfeng doesn't dislike it at all now!

Regarding the exploration of the outer domain, the intelligence of the Longguo Island Owners Association is seriously insufficient.

Even Chu Bozhong, who are strong in the heaven list, have never explored the outer domain for a long time.

"In addition to the unconscious murloc, we also captured two mermaids!" Jana laughed, "The two mermaids were chasing and killing the murloc."

"It seems interesting!" Xu Chengfeng said with a smile, "How is their strength?"

"That murloc has gold-level strength, and so do the other two mermaids!"

"Bring them here, let me see them!"

Chapter 239 Kerban Mermaid!Murloc Fields!

Beside the island dam, three water spirits escorted two mermaids and one murloc ashore.

Xu Chengfeng has long ordered that if you encounter intelligent creatures, try to catch them alive.

The two mermaids are extremely beautiful.

They all have big ocean blue eyes, green shoulder-length hair like seaweed, and big blue fishtails.

The other seriously injured murloc looked much uglier.

It has a fish head and a human body, wearing a tattered green sea bathing suit.

After leaving the ocean, he was bleeding from the wounds on his body.

The extremely weak murloc couldn't even stand upright.

When the murloc was running for its life, it accidentally heard the sound of a battle.

Sensing the breath of life, he rushed directly towards Xu Chengfeng's island when he was hunted down to the point of desperation, trying to fight for a glimmer of life.

Then, he and the two mermaids who were chasing him were captured by the nearby Venom Legion.

The two mermaids and the murloc are both gold level.

But whether in front of Venom or Shui Ling, they can only be caught obediently.

The difference is too big!

A mermaid asked softly, "Sister Tina, what should I do?"

"Hina, don't resist, we are not their opponents." Tina, who is slightly taller, whispered, "We can wait, the clan will definitely find out about our disappearance, and they should be able to find us."

"However, these elemental spirits look so powerful!"

"Don't worry, our mermaid family is not weak!" Tina comforted, "Maybe, the other party will let us go immediately after hearing our mermaid family's reputation!"

"I listen to Sister Tina!"

The murloc Fields on the side heard the conversation between the two mermaids, and felt extremely unwilling.

He doesn't want to die!

He wants to live on and take revenge on the damned mermaid clan!

Just then, the Angel of Tears arrived.

As soon as she appeared, she firmly attracted the eyes of the murloc Fields and the two mermaids.

Angel of tears, like a luminous body.

Wherever you go, you will feel warm.

The moment they saw the Angel of Tears, the murloc Fields and the two mermaids thought of the God of Light.

As an attendant of the God of Light, Angel is too famous!

Even though the God of Light has fallen for tens of thousands of years, the legends of the Angel of Light are still circulating among the various races on the Kane Continent.

A glimmer of hope appeared in the eyes of the murloc Fields.

Legend has it that the God of Light is a god of kindness, justice, justice, and benevolence!

Angels of light are naturally fair and just!

Angel of Tears stood in mid-air, looked curiously at the two mermaids and one murloc Fields, and then said to the water spirits: "Master wants to see them, take them with me."

"Okay, Mister Tears Angel!"

Three water spirits took the lead.

The murloc Fields staggered just as he took a step.

Seeing this situation, Angel of Tears waved his hand lightly, and a white light shone on Fields the murloc.

The hideous wound on Murloc Fields healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just three seconds, Fields discovered that his serious injury had completely healed!

Too strong!

"Thank you, Angel of Tears!"

Fields knelt directly to the ground.

He knew that this island was his last straw.

Angel of Tears didn't care about this thank you, she just said lightly: "Come with me!"

Fields complained: "Lord Angel of Tears, you must not be fooled by the beautiful appearance of these mermaids. They are cruel and evil. Not long ago, they attacked our murlocs for no reason, and I managed to escape. Yes, but they are still chasing me..."

"I know!" Angel of Tears nodded, "When you see the master, you can tell him."

"Will he uphold justice for us murlocs?"

Murloc Fields said expectantly.

"The master is great and just!"

When she cried, her eyes were filled with reverence.

Murloc Fields was a little excited.

The mermaid Tina at the side saw that something was wrong, and immediately stood up and said, "My lord Angel of Tears, we are members of the Keerban mermaid clan, and our clansmen will definitely be able to find our whereabouts and discover this magical island... ..."

"Please let us go back, we Kelban mermaids don't want to make enemies for no reason!"

Both Tina and Haina felt that as long as the name of the Kerban mermaid was reported, the Angel of Tears would definitely be afraid

But who knows, Angel of Tears didn't even raise her eyelids when she heard the name "Kerban Mermaid", "Whether or not you will be let go depends on our master's mood."

Tina took a deep breath.

It feels like things are getting serious.

Either the other party has never heard of the name of the "Kerban Mermaid" family, or they just don't care.

Whatever the reason, it's not good for them.

Tina said: "People from Angel of Tears, our Keerban mermaid clan is very strong!"

The tearful angel corrected: "Our master is the strongest!"

Seeing Tina deflate, Fields became excited all over the fish.

This proves that this island has strength and ignores the mermaid clan.

Then, maybe, his chance for revenge will come!

Fields is full of energy now.

But Tina and Hana felt a little uneasy.

When they entered the depths of the island along the unstained steps, they were all stunned by the beautiful scenery in front of them.

On this island, everything is full of vitality, even the weeds are extremely lush.

A small squirrel, holding an acorn, stands on a tree.

Looking at them curiously, these outsiders.

When they walked out of the woods, what appeared in front of them was a large sea of ​​flowers and flower elves walking among the flowers. 3.7

They are carefree, and occasionally they will ride a big bee mischievously...

This place is quiet and full of vitality. The creatures on the island have no worries in their eyes.

It's like a paradise!

Fishman Fields, mermaid Tina, and Hana all felt that they were out of tune with the atmosphere of this island.

It's so peaceful here!

Before long, they saw a huge artificial lake.

The lake is calm, like a huge glass mirror, and there are many beautiful aquatic flowers floating there.

And a luxurious and beautiful building stands beside the artificial lake.

The tearful angel urged: "Hurry up, don't make the master wait!"

Not long after, Xu Chengfeng, who was sitting on a chair, saw the murloc Fields and two mermaids.

And Fields, Henna, and Tina also met the owner of the island.

Chapter 240 Master, I think the mermaid family is a little too much!

Fields took a look at Xu Chengfeng, then prostrated himself on the ground, not daring to move, he just felt ashamed.

And Tina and Hina were also amazed at Xu Chengfeng's appearance and temperament, but they were much calmer than Fields.

The mermaids, like the elves, are the races with the highest overall appearance level in the Kane world.

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