It's as if the creator is more partial to them.

However, at this moment, Tina and Hina also lowered their heads, not daring to make mistakes.

Whether it was the two angels at the scene, or the woman with a great appearance and a divine temperament, they all felt unfathomable.

They are not stupid, and they also know the truth that people must bow their heads under the eaves.

Xu Chengfeng only glanced at the murloc Fields, then set his sights on the two mermaids.

Putting mermaids and murlocs together, they are two extremes.

One is extremely beautiful and the other is extremely ugly!

No matter how you look at it, the mermaid is more eye-catching.

Xu Chengfeng asked curiously, "Why did you hunt down that murloc?"

Just as Tina was about to speak, the murloc Fields spoke first.

It probably means that the Mermen took the initiative to attack the Murloc tribe, and Fields was the only 17 survivors of their tribe.

The murloc Fields wept bitterly: "I also ask the just, great, and just adults to uphold justice for our murloc tribe and kill these two evil mermaids!"

Xu Chengfeng looked at the two beautiful mermaids again: "Do you have anything to add?"

Tina said respectfully: "My lord, we are members of the Keerban mermaid clan, please let me go back, my lord, we have absolutely no intention of offending you!"

At this time, the murloc Fields shouted: "My lord, this evil mermaid is threatening you!"

"Don't talk!" Xu Chengfeng warned the murloc, and then asked Tina, "In other words, what this murloc said is the truth?"

"It's true!" Tina nodded.

Xu Chengfeng was slightly surprised, but he didn't care too much: "Can you tell me why you attacked the Murloc tribe?"

In his impression, the mermaid family is the same as the elf family.

The talent is very powerful, but it is also a race that does not like to fight.

"That murloc tribe attacked members of our Keerban mermaid clan..."

Fields shouted loudly: "My lord, that mermaid was injured a little bit, and ran away at that time... But their Kelban mermaids attacked our tribe and killed more than 700 members of our tribe!"

"My lord, the Keerban mermaid clan is a group of crazy mermaids!"

"They will retaliate, they are so small-minded, they are as evil as the abyss demonized beasts, and they are the cancer of the sea!"

Fields' small body, but driven by hatred, exploded with a shocking aura.

"My lord, if you put them back, you will definitely have endless troubles, and they will definitely bring their own people to take revenge!"


This seems interesting.

Xu Chengfeng looked at the two mermaids with a smile, expecting their answer.

"My lord, it was the murloc tribe who attacked us first, we just fought back!" Tina replied loudly, "We absolutely have no intention of becoming an enemy of your lord!"

Tina always felt that this island was very powerful.

Even the bees flying among the flowers... seem to be better than her.

Their Kerban mermaids are a little crazy, but not stupid.

You will not become enemies with powerful forces for no reason!

Xu Chengfeng smiled and didn't care, but continued to ask: "Is there any name for this area? Are there any powerful forces nearby?"

This is what he cares most about.

The Kelban mermaids have all appeared, and the murloc tribe has also appeared.

This proves that there is likely to be a powerful force nearby, which survived and continued under the attack of the abyss demonized beast.

Running around like a headless chicken without a guide or a goal is obviously not in Xu Chengfeng's interest.

"My lord, this area is called the Southern Star Sea!" Tina said cautiously, "There are indeed some slightly powerful forces here, such as the mad shark clan, the human seven-star city-state alliance, and the Naga clan. These three races, They are relatively strong, but our Kerban mermaid clan is relatively weak, and can barely survive on the edge of the Southern Star Sea."

The crazy shark family, if Xu Chengfeng remembered correctly, should be the shark-human family.

Some are similar to the murlocs, but the mad shark race is far more powerful than the murlocs.

Ten thousand years ago, they also established the mad shark empire in the sea, and they can be regarded as one of the main intelligent races in the sea of ​​Kane World.

And Naga is also one of the extremely powerful Sea Clan.

The racial strength is no worse than that of the crazy sharks.

The Shark Clan, the Naga Clan, and the Mermaid Clan are the three main wisdom sea clans in Kane World.

Among them, the number of mermaids is relatively rare.

But their strength is actually not weak.

The Shark Clan has strong defenses, the Naga Clan is unparalleled in melee combat, and the Mermaid Clan is rich in powerful water magicians, and they are also good at domesticating sea beasts.

These three powerful sea clans are naturally powerful and survived the encirclement and suppression of the abyss demonized beasts.

Xu Chengfeng pointed to Fields and said, "Then they are murlocs?"

"Most of these small Sea Clans are vassals of the Crazy Shark Clan and the Janna Clan!" Tina said, "That Murloc tribe, who dared to attack members of our Mermaid Clan, actually wanted to send my people to the Crazy Shark Clan. A family..."630

"So it is!"

Xu Chengfeng was talking about why the murloc tribe took the initiative to attack the mermaids.

It turned out to be kidnapping!

"My lord, even if we attacked a mermaid, we never thought of killing that mermaid! Otherwise, that mermaid wouldn't be able to escape!" Fields cried, "And that mermaid They also escaped... In the end, they wiped out our entire tribe, they were too vicious and vicious."

Xu Chengfeng frowned, hesitating in his heart: "Angel of Tears, what do you think?"

The tearful angel said softly: "Master, I think the mermaid family is a little too much!"

The opinion of Angel of Tears is relatively fair and neutral!

When Fields heard the words of the Angel of Tears, his face showed ecstasy!

But the faces of Tina and Hana, two mermaids, darkened.

Xu Chengfeng frowned, patted the armrest of the chair with his fingers, and fell into deep thought.

The hearts of the two mermaids, Tina and Haina, were raised. They held their breath, waiting for Xu Chengfeng's punishment.


Xu Chengfeng's eyes wandered between the murloc and the mermaid.

Finally, he set his sights on the murloc Fields who was full of expectation: "Then kill this murloc!"

Chapter 241 Seven Star City-State Alliance!Star Leaf Island!

Murloc Fields stared at Xu Chengfeng with an expression of disbelief.

Didn't the Angel of Tears say that her master is just and great?

"My lord, didn't you say that they went too far?"

Fields pointed to the two murlocs and said.

"They?" Xu Chengfeng spread his hands, "They are prettier than you!"

The fishman Fields stared with big dead fish eyes. He never dreamed that a big man like Xu Chengfeng would still look at his face.

However, Fields didn't want to die yet: "Lord Angel of Tears, you are an must be the most just!"

"No!" Angel of Tears shook his head, "The master is the most just. He said you should die, so you must die!"

Fiery white light shone on Fields, and Fields instantly turned into ashes.

The wind blew gently, and Fields' ashes were lifted high, blown into the woods, and turned into the fertility of the island.

The reason why Xu Chengfeng killed the murlocs was simple.

One is that the murloc looks a bit ugly, which really doesn't fit Xu Chengfeng's aesthetics.

The second is that two mermaids are obviously more useful.

Behind them is the Keerban mermaid clan.

And the murloc is alone.

There is no use value.

As for why this group of mermaids are called crazy mermaids, Xu Chengfeng doesn't care.

In this dangerous world, it would be really difficult to live without being crazy and cruel.

Xu Chengfeng looked at the two mermaids, and the two mermaids quickly lowered their heads.

Of course Tina would not think that Xu Chengfeng kept them because they were beautiful.

The two angels beside Xu Chengfeng, as well as that woman with a divine temperament, aren't they stunning in the world?

Xu Chengfeng said: "You two mermaids, what do you call them?"

Tina raised her head and said, "My lord, my name is Tina, and this is my companion, Heina!"

"Hi Tina, you can call me Island Master Xu, the master of this island!" Xu Chengfeng said simply, "I just came to this sea area, would you like to be my guide?"

"Of course I would!"

Tina and Hana nodded again and again.

Fields died too quickly, and the two mermaids have already discovered that Xu Chengfeng is definitely the kind of person who kills without blinking an eye.

Moreover, Xu Chengfeng also claimed that he came to the Southern Star Sea Region from other sea regions.

Then the strength of this island, of course, needless to say!

Even their mermaid clan doesn't dare to move across the sea.

Xu Chengfeng asked: "Is there any force nearby? A city? Or a special place?"

"My lord, Star Leaf Island is relatively close to here. Star Leaf Island is a human force and belongs to the Seven Star City-State Alliance." Tina whispered.

"Okay!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "Take us to Xingye Island!"

Tina bowed and said, "Yes, my lord!"

When coming to Outland, the first thing to do is of course to obtain information.

Star Leaf Island, which is the seven-star city-state alliance of the human race, is a good choice.

Xu Chengfeng also wanted to see what the cities and countries in Kane World looked like.

"Which direction is Star Leaf Island?"

Tina pointed to the northwest direction and said, "Probably in the northwest!"

"How far?"

Tina replied: "It's a little far, more than 2000 kilometers!"

"That's not far!"

With a distance of more than 2000 kilometers, it is not a big problem for Xu Chengfeng's island.

It will arrive in about two days.

Xu Chengfeng didn't doubt that Tina would lie to her and ask her where the mermaid was.

She might lie.

But Star Leaf Island of the Seven Star City-State Alliance, she shouldn't lie!

"By the way, where are you mermaids?"

Tina hesitated for a moment, but said honestly: "Near the Kelban Islands..."

Hearing Tina's words, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

No wonder it is called "Kerban Mermaid". It turns out that "Kerban" is a place name.

"In which direction is it likely?"

"Probably in the northeast!" Tina whispered, "My lord, we mermaids really have no intention of being your enemy."

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