"You should be able to completely digest these abyss demonized beast meat, right?"

Five hundred earth demon earthworms swarmed up, and the demonized beast meat like a hill was devoured by them.

Their bodies are also bulging, looking extremely bloated.

Xu Chengfeng nodded in satisfaction.

It is impossible for earth demon earthworms to be full, and the S-level steel stomach talent is not a decoration.

When they digest the demonized beast meat, their feces will become fertile soil!

Xu Chengfeng ordered the five hundred earth demon earthworms to dig a large hole on a flat ground near the mountain.

In the future, Xu Chengfeng would throw the excess corpses of the abyss demonized beasts into the pits. They would be responsible for devouring and digesting them, and then bringing the feces to all parts of the island.

So far, there are two underground races on Xu Chengfeng's island.

One is the Yuan Magnetic Snake responsible for making the Yuan Magnet. They are now working at the bottom of the island, near the base of the island.

One is the earth demon earthworms responsible for providing fertility to the island's soil. They shuttle through the soil layer, that is, the top layer of soil.

After solving a big and difficult problem, Xu Chengfeng was in a pretty good mood.

The next day, before dawn, Star Leaf Island's number one powerhouse, royal middle-grade magician Angus brought ten personal disciples to the port of Bayeux City.

In order to welcome the mysterious visitor, Angus and his disciples got up in the middle of the night and put on their best mage robes!

As soon as they arrived at the port, they noticed that more than 100 elite city guards had already stood in the port area.

Philip, the lord of Bayeux City, was wearing a shiny armor and a scarlet cloak, standing on the pier, looking out at the sea.

Seeing Angus appear, Philip immediately greeted him.

"Master Angus, you are here!"

Angus smiled and said, "Philip, you came quite early!"

Philip said helplessly: "Last night, I tossed and turned in bed and couldn't fall asleep, so I just stopped sleeping."

In fact, Angus didn't sleep last night either.

He just lay in bed until the latter part of the night.

Angus sized Philip up. Philip's short blonde hair had just been trimmed, and his messy beard was neatly trimmed.

The shiny armor was spotless, without any marks of knives and axes.

Even that scarlet cloak is brand new!

Angus smiled and said, "This armor looks familiar to me...you wore it when you got married, right?"


Philip rubbed the back of his head and laughed.

Angus and their disciples all laughed.

They are not laughing at Santo Philip, because they are all the same, wearing their most beautiful and best clothes!

There are more than a dozen warships docked at the port terminal of Bayeux City.

The most important king-class warship, Star Leaf, was docked at the pier and did not leave Bayeux City.

Philip asked in a low voice, "Master Angus, when will that guest come?"

"It said it was today, but did not specify the time."


Lord Philip nodded.

He wasn't upset.

Even Angus, the superior, has to wait at the pier in person, so what emotion can he have?

Soon, Chaoyang was born.

The gray abyssal breath was slightly melted away.

The faint sunshine, sprinkled on the earth, shone on the face of the person, a little warm.

Ellie looked directly at the sun and asked in a low voice: "Teacher, it is said in ancient books that you cannot look directly at the sun, otherwise you will be hurt by the sun... Is this true?"


Angus nodded.

Ellie: "I really want to see how the sun is dazzling."

Angus was silent.

He has no such luxury.

Ellie: "Teacher, tell me, if I can fly up all the time, will I be able to fly above the breath of the abyss...and see the real sun?"

"There must be a chance!" Angus encouraged with a smile, "Ellie, you have to meditate hard, and one day your wish will come true!"


Allie nodded.

Santo Philip smiled and didn't interrupt.

Flying above the breath of the abyss, this must be a joke.

But since Angus said so, it is not easy for him to refute.

As the sky brightened, Bayeux City gradually became a little more lively.

The sallow and emaciated citizens walked out of the house and started their day's work.

On the pier, some warriors and magicians were also gathered waiting to board the warship.

and many less healthy workers.

Bayeux City is the only one of the four cities on Star Leaf Island that is close to the coast and has a pier.

Because it is close to the coast, it is also the most dangerous city on Star Leaf Island.

On Star Leaf Island with an area of ​​more than 1 square kilometers, Angus and his disciples almost wiped out all the abyss demonized beasts on the land.

Only the gates of the abyss that appear from time to time will bring abyss demonic beasts suitable for land and air combat.

But the quantity is relatively small!

And in the ocean, the endless and powerful abyss demonized beasts are the real serious troubles of Xingye Island!

The three cities of Star Leaf Island are all built inland.

It is to increase the strategic depth, use the land, and weaken the combat effectiveness of the sea monsters.

But the city of Bayeux City, Star Leaf Island cannot give up.

Angus needs Bayeux City to communicate with other seven-star city-state alliances.

Without Bayeux City, Star Leaf Island will completely become a closed island.

Star Leaf Island also needs seafood from Bayeux City, as well as Abyss Demonized Beast Meat.

In the sea, there are other training resources needed by magicians and warriors.

Even though Bayeux City will often be attacked by demonized beasts from the abyss, Angus still has to guard here.

Except for a king-class warship in Bayeux City, none of the other warships are capable of long-distance voyages.

But other warships can still hunt and kill abyssal demonized beasts around Baiye City, but it is a bit dangerous.

"Master Angus!"

"Lord Philip!"


Many magicians, warriors and other professionals ran over to say hello when they saw Angus and Philip.

Most of these magicians, warriors and other professionals graduated from Star Leaf Academy.

Angus is the principal of Starleaf Academy.

They are all disciples of Angus.

Angus asked, "Are you going to go to the shallow sea area to hunt down the abyss demonized beast?"

"Yes, Lord Angus!"

"Let's forget about today!" Angus said, "There is a distinguished guest coming today."

Chapter 249 Arrived at Star Leaf Island!I'm not even qualified to be a maid!


A group of professionals who were waiting to board the warship and go to the shallow sea to hunt the demonic beasts of the abyss were stunned.

"That's right, it's a distinguished guest!" Angus said.

The professionals looked at each other, and finally nodded, choosing to give up today's plan.

They must give Angus face!

"Master Angus, can you tell us about that distinguished guest?"

A curious professional asked.

"I don't know either, I only know that the other party is from another sea area!"

The professionals immediately understood why Angus valued each other so much.

These days, without absolute strength, they dare not travel between sea areas.

A star-level magician asked: "Master Angus, can we meet our distinguished guests?"

"You guys better spread out!" Angus refused, "That distinguished guest doesn't like too many people."

A group of professionals left quickly.

However, none of them left the pier too far, but chose to wait and see in a restaurant near the pier by a window.

They were very curious about what kind of honored guest Angus was talking about.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and those professionals were tired of waiting.

But the "guest" still didn't show up for a long time.

Angus, his disciples, and Philip were all calm.

But the professionals waiting in the restaurant are not calm anymore.

"Who the hell is it? Make Lord Angus wait so long?"

"do not know!"

"The shelf is pretty good!"

"I'm waiting, I'm leaving, can you go?"

"Don't go, don't you see that Mr. Angus is not impatient yet?"


"and many more!"

At this moment, a sharp-eyed professional pointed to the direction of the pier and shouted:

"Look... what is that?"

All professionals rushed to the window, looking towards the port.

They saw a huge shadow appearing in the gray mist of the abyss in the distance.

"Is it an abyss demonized beast?"

"Probably not!"

At the pier, Angus and the others also saw the huge shadow slowly moving towards Bayeux City.

Philip immediately asked vigilantly: "Master Angus, Abyss Demonic Beast?"

"No!" Angus muttered, staring at the direction of the shadow, "It seems...it seems like an island!"

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