Among everyone in the field, Angus is the strongest.

"What? Islands?"

Philip couldn't believe it.

"Teacher, could that be the warship of that honored guest?" Allie asked in a low voice, "Are you dazed?"

"No, it's really an island!" Angus took a breath, and said with certainty, "The teacher is not old, and his eyes are not dim."

"how can that be?"

Allie exclaimed.


Moving islands?

She never dreamed that the big man was not on a warship, but an island!

"It should be that big man!"

Angus said in a low voice.

Not long after, even Philip and Ellie saw the gray mist and white mist gradually fade away, and a huge island full of flowers, plants and trees, lingering in a faint white mist, was slowly approaching the port of Bayeux City.

Many professionals with good eyesight can still see mountains and plains all over the island, large fields of bright flowers blooming in large fields, and a huge towering tree standing in the middle of the flower fields!

"Oh my god!" Ellie said excitedly, covering her mouth, "What a beautiful island, the legendary Kingdom of God should be nothing more than this, right?"

"Yeah! It's really beautiful!"

Angus nodded.

This is the most beautiful island he has ever seen since he was born.

He can also sense the extremely rich life energy of the island.

At the same time, Ellie and Angus were not the only ones expressing the same emotion.

The island stopped slowly when it was more than 800 meters away from Bayeux City. Angus, Philip, and Ellie all held their breath.

Just at this moment, a light breeze blew across Bayeux City.

A handsome and mighty young man came here with four beautiful women.

Angus watched them fly, and quickly set his eyes on Janna.

Janna's figure is no different from that of a human being.

Angus only discovered that she belonged to an elemental elf when Janna left last time.

Angus originally thought that he would be able to see Janna's strength clearly after he broke through.

But now, he realized that he was too naive!

As for the other women, Angus was also extremely surprised.

An emperor-level middle-rank mage who exudes powerful magic power of the light department.

The other is an emperor-level low-grade dark mage exuding terrifying dark magic power, wearing a veil and only revealing a pair of golden pupils.

There is also a woman with relatively ordinary strength, who seems to be a bronze-level mage.

Of course Angus also noticed the handsome man surrounded by them.

The strength of the opponent is only gold level, but Angus dare not neglect.

It was clear at a glance that he was the center of the group of four.

Moreover, Angus could also sense that there were two other strange and terrifying auras on this handsome man.

It was as if there was some strong person hiding in him.

Ellie fixed her eyes on Xu Chengfeng, and said in a low voice, "Teacher, he seems to be prettier than Lord Philip!"

Angus made a silent gesture.

Seeing Xu Chengfeng's five people landed on the pier, Angus hurriedly brought Philip and a group of disciples to greet him: "Angus of Xingye Island, I have met you!"

"Angus, hello!" Xu Chengfeng said with a smile, "My name is Xu Chengfeng, and you can call me Island Master Xu."

"Hello, Master Xu!" Angus introduced to Xu Chengfeng, "This is Philip, the Lord of Bayeux City!"

"Master Island Master, welcome to Bayeux City as a guest!"

Philip said politely.

Xu Chengfeng smiled and nodded: "Hello, Lord Philip!"

Angus introduced the disciples behind him to Xu Chengfeng: "These are my disciples!"

"Hello, Master Island Master!"

"Master Island Master, hello!"


Xu Chengfeng nodded with a smile.

"Hello, Master Island Master, my name is Ellie, teacher's disciple!"

Seeing that the teacher didn't intend to introduce herself, Ellie took the initiative to stand up and introduce herself.

She has a name too!

"Hello, Ellie!"

Xu Chengfeng didn't care.

He just thought Ellie was lively.

Seeing that Xu Chengfeng didn't blame him, Angus also breathed a sigh of relief.

I plan to go back and warn my disciples!

Xu Chengfeng also briefly introduced the people around him to Angus 3.5.

Maid Angel of Tears, subordinate Janna, deputy island owner Chen Xinping, and a friend... Paradis.

Paradis volunteered to join.

Xu Chengfeng thought on his knees, knowing what she wanted to do.

Angus didn't care about the title of Angel of Tears.

He thought it was just a code name.

Because Xu Chengfeng was afraid that the Angel of Tears would be too high-profile, he specially asked her to hide her beautiful wings and halo.

However, when Angus learned that the emperor-level middle-grade light magician Angel of Tears was just Xu Chengfeng's maid, he felt quite upset!

In other words, with his strength, he can only be a maid on Xu Chengfeng's island...?

Do not!

He looks tearless and beautiful, as if he doesn't even have the qualifications to be a maid...

ps: Happy New Years Eve everyone!I also seem to be playing...

Chapter 250 Visit Bayeux City!Barren city!

Standing on the pier, Xu Chengfeng sniffed.

The air in Bayeux City is too dirty.

Make him a little uncomfortable!

He raised his head, and glanced at the light green life energy defense shield covering Bayeux City.

The height of the life energy cover is about 20 meters above Xu Chengfeng's head.

Pushed down very low, it must have been regulated.

This kind of life energy cover is very similar to the island owner's life energy cover.

However, the life energy cover of Bayeux City is even thinner, as if it has expanded to the limit.

It could barely resist the invasion of the abyss breath.

"Island Master Xu, come with me!" Angus said with a smile, "We are in the City Lord's Mansion, and we have prepared a banquet, just take a carriage."

"Okay!" Xu Chengfeng hesitated for a while, but still nodded, "I want to take a walk first, it's still early anyway."


Angus didn't object.

In fact, Xu Chengfeng wanted to keep a low profile and wander around Xingye Island.

After all, this was the first local human force he encountered.

If it weren't for the fear that Bayeux City would be too nervous and cause misunderstandings.

He will not inform Bayeux 18 City.

But since everyone has already hosted a banquet, he can't refuse too much.

"Then please!"

Angus laughed.


Xu Chengfeng walked side by side with Angus, and Santo Philip and Angus' disciples followed Angus.

Jana, Chen Xinping, Angel of Tears, and Paradis followed Xu Chengfeng.

Bayeux City's elite hundred city guards followed behind them.

Xu Chengfeng and Angus walked on the main road of Bayeux City, attracting the attention of countless people.

The professionals in the restaurant watched them go away curiously.

After Xu Chengfeng and Angus walked away, they set their sights on the beautiful island 800 meters away.

"That island... is so beautiful!"

"The most important thing is that the island can still move!"

"Yeah! I think I'll go up and have a look!"

"Those trees grow really well, and those flowers...shouldn't they be ordinary flowers?"

"I suggest you calm down. Those people are definitely from the outer seas. They can cross the sea. Do you think their strength on the island will be weak?"

"That's right! The strength of the island is definitely very strong. After all, a moving island is much more exaggerated than emperor-class and legendary-class warships!"


The main roads of Bayeux City are all made of blue stone bricks.

On the stone bricks, there is a layer of dried mud, and there are many other garbage.

But it's sunny recently, so it's not a big problem.

If it is a rainy day, it is probably better than the country dirt road.

On both sides of the street, there are two or three-story stone buildings, which don't look particularly bad.

Occasionally, you can see a few shops selling grain, fruit, and linen.

Many sallow and emaciated civilians hid on the side of the street, looked at them curiously, then quickly lowered their heads and left in a hurry.

The situation in Bayeux City does not look good.

This is still the path that Angus took him.

In other places, it may be worse.

"The situation in Bayeux City doesn't seem to be very good!"

Xu Chengfeng said in a low voice.

"Isn't it good?" Angus looked around, thought for a while and replied, "In the Seven-Star City-State Alliance, I dare not say that the residents of Bayeux City live well, but in fact, they should be regarded as upper-middle level. !"


Xu Chengfeng was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

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