They seem to vow to wipe out their mermaid clan completely!

"Why? Why did you seek refuge in the abyss? Why did you deal with us?"

Thea stared at the giant seal of the deep sea and asked.

The giant seal of the deep sea floats on the surface of the sea, like an island.

Even Xu Chengfeng's island of hundreds of square kilometers is not as big as the giant seal of the deep sea!

The two big black eyes of the giant seal of the deep sea are each the size of the territory of the clam saltwater lake.

During the battle just now, Thea discovered that this giant seal of the deep sea is rare and has independent consciousness.

The mermaid family is good at domesticating monsters of the deep sea. Even after the gods fell thousands of years ago and the will of the abyss invaded the world of Kane, the mermaids have fought side by side with some giant chapters of the abyss!

Therefore, the giant chapter of the deep sea is not an abyssal creature at all.

It's the native Warcraft of Kane World!

The Great Chapter of the Deep Sea temporarily stopped fighting, and the attack of the other five emperor-level abyss demonized beasts also slowed down slightly, surrounding Thea.

The giant chapter of the deep sea stared at Thea with two terrifying big eyes, slowly opened its big mouth with countless sharp teeth and said, "Princess Thea, don't you remember me?"

"What!!!" Thea looked at the giant chapter of the deep sea in astonishment, "Who are you?"

In the entire Southern Star Sea Region, many people know her as Thea.

But except for a few members of the mermaid clan, no one knows her identity!

"We haven't seen each other for 100 years!" Shen Hai Ju Zhang said slowly, "The last time we met, your idiot mother was still there."

Thea asked sharply, "Who the hell are you?"

"Remember this sign?"

The giant seal of the deep sea slowly moved its body, and a tentacle pointed to the fishtail mark on its head.

The big head of the giant seal of the deep sea is full of hideous healing scars.

But Thea could still see the fishtail mark clearly.

That is the unique partner mark of the mermaid family!

Each mermaid has a slightly different mark.

But how could Xiya not remember her mother's mark?

"Are you... Fili?"

Thea stared at the imperial high-grade deep-sea giant medal, tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm glad you still know me. I thought you had forgotten me!" Fili shook his tentacles and said, "I still remember that you were very naughty when you were young and begged me to take you out to play, but we They were all imprisoned by Fanny!"

Fanny is Thea's mother's name.

Thea: "Aren't you already dead? Beast demonized by the abyss in the Sea of ​​Stars..."

"I'm not's your mother, she abandoned me!" Feli said angrily, "We have a contract, Fanny knew I was not dead, but she refused to save me, but took you away, 790 me was abandoned!"

Hearing Philip's words, Thea felt extremely uncomfortable.

She didn't know the inside story. At that time, her mother didn't tell her about giving up Philip.

It's just that Fili is dead!

But Thea knew that if they hadn't chosen to evacuate immediately, their mermaids would have been wiped out in the Sea of ​​Stars!

"Fortunately, I didn't deserve to die. Just when I was about to die... Lord Messenger, you gave me a chance!" Philip said excitedly, waving his tentacles filled with the power of the abyss, "This time, I'm here to destroy remnants of the old days who worship evil gods."

Thea whispered: "My mother is also very sad. After leaving the Sea of ​​Stars, she often hides and sheds tears alone."

"Thea, I don't care anymore!" Fei Li whispered, "You are as stubborn as your mother, and you still want to resurrect the gods. The gods cannot be the opponents of the abyss. Only when you merge into the abyss can you have a chance To obtain eternity, let me send you into the embrace of the abyss with my own hands!"

Thea's heart was twisted like a knife, and she fell into despair.

Fili is one of her mother's most important sea beast partners, and Thea knows his fighting power very well!

If one-on-one, she might have some chances.

But in this situation, she is powerless to recover.

Chapter 256 Divine Art: Big Tsunami!The ungrown deep-sea overlord!

But at this moment, both Thea and Deep Sea Juzhang heard the tragic cries of countless abyss demonized beasts before they died.

This scream sounded like he had been tortured by skinning and lingchi.

Even the abyss demonized beasts will feel creepy when they hear it.

Thea rode the huge waves and rose into the air. What happened in front of her eyes made her extremely shocked.

Under the sea near the Kelban Islands area, there seems to be an invisible sickle.

Those densely packed abyss demonized beasts, like wheat, are harvested by invisible sickles...

The abyss demonized beasts fell one by one.

Whether it is black iron level, bronze level, or star level, king level...

Only a few king-level ones with relatively tenacious vitality fluttered a little on the sea, raised their necks, and let out a miserable cry to the sky...

Then, Thea saw that the flesh and blood of those king-level abyss demonized beasts fell into the sea piece by piece.

Huge bones, sinking slowly!

Died too tragically!

Too cruel!

"This is……"

Thea's eyes locked directly on the group under the sea in the distance, moving the black shadow towards the Kelban Islands.

Wherever it passed, all abyss demonized beasts were destroyed.

"what is that?"

Fili, the giant chapter of the deep sea, said in astonishment.

"It seems to be my reinforcements!"

Thea laughed.

She didn't know who it was, but since she had killed so many abyss demonized beasts, it was their reinforcements.

"It's just a mid-level imperial grade. Do you think it can really save you?" The Abyss Giant Chapter ordered, "Go, kill her for me!"

The Abyss Grand Chapter also discovered that now is not the time to reminisce about the past.

The variable on the battlefield made it a little frightened.

Even if it is it, it is not so powerful to kill so many abyss demonized beasts in a short period of time.

Venom 31 broke through the abyssal monsters that surrounded the Kelban Islands all the way, wherever they went, the abyssal monsters died wherever they went, invincible!

No abyss demonized beast can stop its footsteps.

It didn't come to a slow stop until 31 approached the Kelban Islands.

"Go back!" 31 said to Elder Hai Ling and Tina, "If you return to the island, my mission will be considered complete."

Fighting all the way in without any obstacles, Hai Ling and Tina felt like they were dreaming!

Hai Ling and Tina looked around the island, those fellow clansmen who were fighting bloody battles.

The fellow mermaids also looked at them in shock.

Perhaps, they didn't expect that there would be strong support at this time!

This is great news for them!

Venom 31 entered the Kelban Islands, and nearly one-fifth of the abyss demonic beasts surrounding the mermaid clan were poisoned by it.

The venom of 31 is the venom of the abyss poisonous dragon.

Even, it is much stronger than the Abyss Poison Dragon of the same level!

Because, it is the venom... itself!

The toxicity has surpassed the Abyss Poison Dragon of the same level!

If it is the amount of venom, the emperor-level abyss poisonous dragon is not worthy of giving the venom a shoe!

"My lord, can you help us?"

Tina begged.

Now the mermaid family is at a critical moment of life and death, and having seen how powerful 31 is, she certainly hopes that 31 can help them.

"Sorry, my mission is to escort you to the Kelban Islands!"

Venom refused in a cold tone.

Hai Ling and Tina felt extremely uncomfortable when they heard 31's unreasonable answer.

Seeing the reinforcements appear, they ran over happily, and the mermaid elders who greeted Hai Ling and the others also heard 31's words.

The hope that had just risen in their hearts... was shattered again!

"However, if you are willing to give me the crystal nucleus of the abyss demonized beasts, I can help you hunt and kill these abyss demonized beasts!"

31 added calmly.

"is it okay?"

Elder Hailing murmured.

31 nodded: "Of course, the mission of our legion has always been to hunt and kill abyss demonized beasts to obtain crystal nuclei for the owner. As long as you kill abyss demonized beasts, it's the same wherever you kill them..."

Hai Ling shouted: "Grand Elder, it wants a crystal nucleus!"

An elderly mermaid with gray hair, old age, but smooth skin said quickly: "Of course, Lord Elemental Elf, as long as you are willing to help us deal with the abyss demonized beasts, the crystal cores are all yours!"

The elder mermaid reacted quite quickly.

Now their mermaid clan is about to perish, so why keep the crystal nucleus.

"it is good!"

31 Hearing this, he rushed into the abyss without hesitation among the group of demonized beasts.

It is not afraid of the mermaid family's repudiation at all!

The venom in its body quickly melted into the sea.

In the sky, dark clouds condensed, and raindrops mixed with venom also fell from the sky.

31 of the abyss demonized beasts rushed into the abyss, and all the abyss demonized beasts were poisoned wherever they passed.

Facing the abyss demonized beasts that are not as powerful as the emperor's level, its venom is a funny harvester.

Fili, the great chapter of the deep sea, has realized that something is wrong!

It found that the black elemental life that just appeared was many times more powerful than Thea!

Especially the terrifying hunting efficiency shocked even a top-ranked powerhouse at the imperial level!

"You three, go to the other party's elemental life immediately!"

Feili immediately ordered two middle-grade emperor-level beasts and one low-grade emperor-level abyss demonized beast to rush over to support the abyss demonized beast herd.

But how could Xina let them succeed?

"You are dreaming!"

Thea waved the staff inlaid with dark blue gems, and shouted in a low voice:

"Divine Art: Big Tsunami!"

Terrifying waves soared into the sky, attacking Thea, Fili, the giant of the deep sea, and the other five emperor-level abyss demonized beasts.

The tsunami will drive everyone present further north.

The three emperor-level abyss demonized beasts that wanted to rush towards the Kelban Islands were all swept in by the tsunami.

When the tsunami subsided, the three emperor-level low-grade abyss monsters all died in the tsunami.

The remaining two emperor-level middle-grade abyss demonized beasts were directly injured and completely lost their fighting ability.

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