Only Fili, the great chapter of the deep sea, barely blocked Thea's strongest blow with his powerful body and vortex water shield.

After one blow, Xina turned pale.

She looked at the deep-sea giant Feili who was covered with scars in front of her, and showed a helpless smile.

She knew it would be like this.

Fili was the strongest and most valued sea beast partner of its mother, Fanny, and has the potential to become a legend.

The Great Chapter of the Deep Sea is famous for its powerful strength, defensive power, and terrifying water talent, and dominates the deep sea world.

Fili was just young and hadn't grown up.

With her current strength, even if she cooperates with divine arts, she wants to kill it with one blow.

It is also impossible seven!

Don't look at the many injuries on Feili's body, but for the deep sea giant chapter, it's just a skin trauma!

"I didn't expect you to be able to use divine magic... It seems that the strength of the goddess of water has increased a bit, which is important information." Fei Li sneered, "But the divine power is too weak, you probably can't use it for a second time. Is it a magic spell?"

"It's okay, I'm just delaying for a while!"

Thea looked to the south, and a black streak swam towards him like a bloodthirsty shark.

The giant chapter of the deep sea noticed the greedy eyes of that group of black shadows, as if watching prey!

Chapter 257 No Name!Only numbers!Nobodies 31!

Thea's magical tsunami was originally a continuous explosive skill.

The tsunami not only kept the six emperor-level abyss monsters away from the mermaid clan, but also bought time for Venom to clean up the other abyss monsters.

Now, Venom support is here!

The great chapter of the abyss, Feili, cast a gloomy look at Thea, and plunged into the sea.

Philip knew that it was no longer possible to kill Thea now.

It's pointless to stay any longer.

Instead, he might lose his life.

Thea saw the thought of wearing Philip at a glance, and she waved her staff again:

"The tide is surging!"

Seeing the surging tide, the giant chapter of the abyss in the sea resolutely bumped into it head-on.

The sea was dyed red by the blood of the giant chapter of the abyss.

But the figure of the giant chapter of the abyss was no longer seen.

The Great Chapter of the Abyss used his body to force Thea's magic skill and escaped.

Seeing this, Venom 31 turned around with some regrets, and killed the two mid-grade abyss demonized beasts that were still lingering.

The emperor-level top-grade abyss demonized beast fled first, and it was almost impossible for it to catch up.

31 Take out two emperor-level middle-grade abyss demonized beast crystal nuclei:

"These two imperial-level middle-grade crystals are mine, is there a problem?" 133

Thea was slightly taken aback, as if she understood.

She nodded: "If you need it, the other three low-grade emperor-level crystal cores are also yours!"

"Then I'm welcome!"

31 quickly took out three low-grade emperor-level crystal nuclei.

After harvesting five emperor-level crystal nuclei, 31 was a little happy.

Even after entering the outer domain, the Venom Legion rarely encountered the emperor-level abyss demonized beast.

And today, it got five!

On the side of the mermaid clan, there are many king-level and star-level crystal nuclei... all of them belong to it!

It knew that if it brought back all these crystal nuclei, its owner Xu Chengfeng would be very happy.

31 was very happy to accept five imperial crystal nuclei.

Even looking at the mermaid family and Thea is quite pleasing to the eye!

After all, these five emperor-level crystal nuclei are equivalent to picking them up for nothing.

It was Thea, the patriarch of the mermaid clan, who made the most of the effort.

"Can you help me clean up the remaining abyss demonized beasts?"

Thea asked.

Just now, 31 just dealt with most of the king-level, star-level, and diamond-level abyssal monsters before rushing over to "reinforce" Thea to deal with the emperor-level abyssal monsters.

Therefore, there are still a large number of abyss demonized beasts that continue to besiege the mermaid family.

It's just that after 31 killed most of the powerful abyss demonized beasts, the pressure on the mermaid clan was greatly relieved!

31: "Okay, it's agreed that the crystal nucleus will be mine!"

Thea, the patriarch of the mermaid family, is definitely a peerless beauty.

But at 31 it is completely immune to women.

No matter when, it never forgot its mission, never forgot the duty of the Venom Legion!

Thea nodded: "Yes!"

Thea's idea is very simple, if it is not 31 today, the mermaid family will be finished.

Because of the appearance of 31, their mermaid family can be saved.

Now that the giant chapter of the deep sea, Fili, has escaped, it is very likely that he will make a comeback.

She wants to win over 31, it is best to recruit 31 into the mermaid family.

She even felt that 31 could make good use of the fact that [-] liked the crystal nucleus of the abyss demonized beast.

She does not know the identity of 31.

I didn't know that 31 was loyal to Xu Chengfeng.

The emperor-level abyss demonized beast can die or escape.

A large number of King-level, Xingyao-level, and Diamond-level abyssal monsters were killed, and 31 and Thea, two mid-level emperor-level powerhouses joined forces, together with the master of the Kerban mermaid family, the remaining abyssal monsters were killed. Soon suffered a catastrophe.

The mermaid family is not weak in the sea.

They are naturally good at water magic!

However, the strength shown by 31 still shocked Thea.

Thea herself is also a genius, possessing a very high talent in water magic.

But her lethality is still not as good as Venom 31.

31 Wherever they go, the abyss demonized beasts will fall down in pieces, and the death is extremely tragic.

At this time, Thea also saw the characteristics of 31.

All of its skills carry terrifying and deadly toxicity.

These poisons are odorless and tasteless, and she cannot detect them.

When it was almost noon, the abyss demonized beasts were almost cleaned up!

31 also began to feel tired, and gradually stopped.

Thea said gratefully: "Your Excellency, I feel that you helped our Kerban mermaid family get through the difficulties today!"

"I am for the crystal nucleus!"

Venom 31 said directly.

It doesn't care about the gratitude of the mermaids.

It only cares about crystal nuclei!

Thea took a deep breath and asked again: "I don't know your surname Gao?"

"You can call me 31!"

Thea gave it five emperor-level crystal nuclei, and it found Thea more pleasing to the eye, and was willing to say a few more words to her.

Thea frowned and said, "31...It's not like a name, it's more like a serial number, right?"

31 has proven his strength.

The strength of the middle grade of the emperor, the lethality in the sea, is stronger than her.

She really wanted to recruit 31, and she also planned to use the crystal nucleus to recruit.

Seeing that 31 refused to reveal her real name, she was still a little unhappy.

"31 is indeed a number!"

31 nodded, it was an admission.

"Your Excellency refuses to reveal your real name?" Thea asked suspiciously, "Is there any inconvenience?"

"It's not inconvenient!" 31 shook his head, "It's just that I don't have a name!"

"No name? How is that possible?" Thea asked in surprise.

Thea knew that 31 was similar to a water elemental elf, but with a powerful poisonous mutation.

But the imperial-level elemental elves already possess wisdom.

Impossible without a name!

"I don't need to lie to you!" 31 said to Hai Ling and Tina who were swimming over, "I'm just an insignificant member of the master's army, and I don't deserve to have a name. My number in the army is 31."

Thea stared at 31 with her eyes wide open.

She always felt that 31 was joking with her!

Only number, no name?

An emperor-level middle-rank powerhouse who is stronger than himself is not worthy of having a name!

What a big joke!

In other words, if she joins that legion...she is just a nobody?

This is absolutely unacceptable to Thea.

With the blood of the mermaid royal family, she was gifted with extraordinary talent since she was a child, and she also broke through to the middle class of the emperor with the help of divine power... Helping the mermaid family gain a firm foothold in the Kelban Islands in the South Star Sea.

With these achievements, she is still a little proud.

But in the end, she was not as good as a soldier?

Chapter 258 The Mussels Eat So Well!It must have a high status on the island, right?

"Master Patriarch, 31 belongs to Island Master Xu!"

Tina came to Thea and said.

Seeing the frown of the elder of her own family, she thought there was some conflict between the two.

She was afraid that, growing up in her family, she would have conflicts with 31.

31 combat power, Tina can see it.

She may not be as intuitive as Thea, but she also knows that 31's fighting power is very strong!

Island Master Xu's power is unfathomable!

It's best not to get into conflict.

"Tina, you know it?"

"It's Island Master Xu's subordinate, and Island Master Xu sent it to send me back."

"Island Master Xu? Your Island Master Xu who took you away?"

Tina hurriedly told Thea what had happened in the past two days.

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