After Thea finished listening, she was stunned.

This morning, Hannah's team returned.

She did hear the report from Hai Na and the others, but before she went out to find people, the Kelban Islands were surrounded by countless abyss demonized beasts.

She looked at Elder Hai Ling again, and Elder Hai Ling nodded, as a testimony for Tina.

Only then did Thea feel the terror of that island.

Randomly send out any member of the legion, and they all have such terrifying fighting power.

What about the whole army?

How scary should it be?

The number is 31, which means that there are at least 31 members of the imperial middle rank in that legion...

This was beyond the imagination of Thea.

Thea: "I'm sorry, Mr. 31, I shouldn't ask more questions!"

31: "It's okay, just collect all the crystal nuclei and give them to me to return to my life."


Thea sighed deeply.

She knew that it was impossible for her to recruit this emperor-level middle-rank powerhouse!

Not to mention whether it will be successful or not.

Even if she succeeded, she couldn't bear the anger of the mysterious island owner!

It was almost noon, and the mermaids were busy treating the wounded and collecting crystal nuclei.

What made Thea a little happy was that the mermaids didn't suffer too much loss because 31's support was relatively timely.

Because of the relationship between Tina and 31, Tina, Hai Ling, and Thea all stand beside 31.

Elder Hai Ling was seriously injured by the venom and has not recovered yet.

She leaned against the reef a little tiredly, took out a piece of meat, and slowly gnawed on it.

Yesterday, she led people to carry out the task of exterminating the Murloc tribe.

Later, I heard that Tina was kidnapped by Xu Chengfeng. In order to track down the island, she was careful not to eat any food.

But today, she was severely injured by the venom again, and her body was greatly consumed.

She is very hungry!

"Elder Hailing, eat my food!"

Seeing Elder Hai Ling eating, Tina took out the storage shells.

This time she was taken away by Xu Chengfeng, Elder Hailing never gave up on her.

She was also very moved.


Elder Hai Ling was puzzled.

Tina opened the storage shell, and the hot air and tempting meaty aroma immediately radiated out.

Elder Hai Ling was very close to Thea, and he couldn't help swallowing when he smelled the fragrance.

Time inside the reserve shell, of course, is not stagnant.

But it is also a large incubator with good airtightness.

The kelp stew soup that was put in is still steaming hot.

"This is the food I brought back from the island owner's island!"

Tina whispered.

She hadn't told Elder Hai Ling about this before.

Because she was a little embarrassed and happy.

The mysterious island owner planned to give her a reward, but she asked for two pots of seaweed stewed meat soup... This is really hard to say.

It seems to be seems very unintelligent

"no problem?"

Elder Hailing swam up to Tina, barely maintaining his sanity.

"No problem, I'll eat this every day there!"

"I'll try it!"

Elder Hai Ling had never smelled such an alluring food aroma.

Faced with the pressure of the abyss demonized beasts all the time, even their lives may not be saved. It is impossible for the mermaids to bother to study some "cooking skills"!

Elder Hailing took out a beautiful shell bowl and scooped a bowl of kelp stew from Tina's storage shell.

Thea looked at Elder Hailing, watching Elder Hailing put a piece of meat into his mouth...

She wanted to try it too, but she just couldn't save face.

"what about the taste?"

Tina asked quietly.

"It's delicious, it's delicious!" Elder Hai Ling said excitedly, "I've never eaten such delicious food!"

Tina smiled and said, "Then elders, eat more!"

Thea asked in a low voice, "Can I have a taste?"

Hearing Elder Hailing's full marks, Thea couldn't help being curious.

In fact, Elder Hai Ling is the old man of the Kelban Mermaid.

A patriarch who once followed her mother, Fanny.

She also served in the Mermaid King's Court and enjoyed the delicious food of the Mermaid King's Court.

"of course can!"

Tina nodded.

The patriarch, Lord Thea, wanted to eat, so how could she not give it?

Thea narrowed her eyes after taking a sip of the stew.

The meat was stewed very soft and melted in the mouth, not greasy at all.

There are also various plant fragrances that crazily stimulate her taste buds.

Such delicious food, sliding in her mouth, made her enjoy it immensely.

I even forgot the exhaustion from the battle just now!

She ate some kelp again. The kelp had soup, a rich meaty aroma, and the unique aroma of kelp permeated the tip of her tongue.

She chewed it lightly and felt pink. This feeling made her a little addicted.

Thea found herself out of control.

A piece of meat, another piece of meat, a fork of kelp, a fork of kelp, and drinking the hot juice... I can't stop.

In just 5 minutes, she ate five bowls.

She didn't stop until her lower abdomen stretched slightly.

She looked at Hai Ling, Elder Hai Ling was holding a bowl, and looked at her with some embarrassment.

However, both sides were relatively tacit and did not speak.

In the face of this supreme delicacy, some gaffes are normal.


Thea asked in a low voice: "Tina, is this given to you by the Island Master Xu?"


Tina nodded.

Thea sighed: "Is this the food made by his chef? It's really delicious!"

Tina shook her head: "It wasn't his chef who did it."

"Who is that?"

Tina opened her mouth, and the words came to her lips, but she couldn't speak.

At this time, Venom 31 turned his head and looked at the three mermaids curiously.

"Tina, this there something unspeakable?"

Thea's eyes were vicious, and she quickly discovered the crux of the problem.

"It's the Clam Clan!"

Tina also noticed that 31 looked at them, and she felt a little stressed.

Thea was a little puzzled: "The clam tribe?"

"It's the clam chef!"

Tina smiled awkwardly.

"Is this the clam food?"


At this time, Tina could only nod her head.

31 is next to her, if she talks nonsense, it will be even worse if 31 exposes her.

"They eat really well!" Thea enviously said, "Do they have a high status on the island? I remember that their combat effectiveness is not strong!"

In Thea's eyes, delicious food should of course be enjoyed by the strong!

If there are many races, it must be the most powerful race that enjoys the most delicious food!

But in the history of the clam clan, there has never been any strong person, so Thea has doubts!

"There are clams on our island, but their status is not high!" 31 on the side corrected in a serious tone, "They are slaves, slaves of their masters, and the lowest status race!"

ps: [-]D update, asking points, evaluation, monthly pass, thank you for your support!

Chapter 259: The Elite Stegosaurus Battleship of the Cathay Empire!Watch the boat!

31. Class status is not very important.

But if someone says that the clams have a high status on the island... it must be corrected!

On the island, there are water spirits, wind spirits, ethereal spirits, energy cannons, fire magic crystals, rock spirits, clay figurines, fog demons, magnetic snakes... and so on, which race is not stronger than the clam race?Which branch is not higher than the clam clan?

Hearing 31's words, Thea and Hai Ling were both stunned.

They looked at Tina at the same time, and Tina nodded awkwardly.

The clams are indeed slaves, so there is nothing to wash away.

Thea pursed her lips and slowly lowered her head.

She feels like a failure.

As the leader of the mermaid tribe, I am not as good as a lowly slave!

Elder Hai Ling looked at half a bowl of stew in Shell Bowl, and suddenly felt that it was not fragrant.

She even had the idea of ​​just throwing it away.

However, in the end she silently closed the shell bowl and put it into the storage space.


Near Xingye Island, Xu Chengfeng's island.

Chen Xinping was reporting to Xu Chengfeng about the Xingye Island goods she was looking for.

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