Other people on Xingye Island also quickly came to see Xu Chengfeng's cargo list, and everyone who saw the cargo list was extremely shocked.

All eyes are red.

After searching through the list of goods, Philip asked Xu Chengfeng in a low voice: "My lord, do you know how to sell the Stegosaurus warship?"

"Stegosaurus battleship?"

Xu Chengfeng was a little puzzled.

"It's the island, those two emperor-class battleships!" Angel of Tears reminded, "The Lord Philip seems to be a descendant of the Carthage Empire."

"Descendants of the Cathay Empire?"

Xu Chengfeng looked at Philip curiously.

Philip looked at Angus, and Angus nodded.

Only then did Philip ask: "Actually, almost all of our ancestors in the Seven-Star City-State Alliance are descendants of the Carthage Empire."

"The mages of our lineage are all descendants of the disciples of the mages who accompanied the army of the Carthage Navy." Angus sighed. .”

Ten thousand years ago, it was not surprising that it was forgotten.

Xu Chengfeng asked curiously: "Then you are in the Southern Star Sea?"

Philip did not answer Xu Chengfeng's question, but looked at Angus!

"No!" Angus shook his head, "I heard from the teacher that our ancestors were a logistics force at that time. After the main force of the front-line navy, the Carthus Peninsula Fleet, was defeated by the Abyss Demonic Beast, we picked up some civilians from the coastal forces. fled into the sea, and finally ended up in this sea."

Xu Chengfeng looked at Angus with a strange face: "The navy was defeated...you fled into the sea again?"

It sounds like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger!

As if guessing what Xu Chengfeng was thinking, Angus replied in a low voice: "The navy of the Cathay Empire was the strongest among the human nations at that time, and the army of the Cathay Empire lost even more!"


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

After Angus' explanation, he understood now!

In other words, if they don't take the sea route, they will die faster if they take the land route!

Even Philip, Angus' disciples, and the two heads of the Xingye Island family looked at Angus, waiting for Angus to continue.

Obviously, they were not as clear as Angus about that period of history.

Angus took a deep breath and said: "At that time, the cities of the Cathay Empire on the mainland were captured by companies, and they could not stop the attack of the Abyss Demonic Beast. On the edge of the peninsula..."

"After the logistics force of the Peninsula Fleet learned that the main force had collapsed, General Lato, the logistics commander of the Peninsula, ordered the logistics force to go to the Carthage Peninsula to pick up the Carthusian civilians, and go as far as the sea, the farther the better."

"Did you just go overseas?"

Xu Chengfeng took a deep breath.

Chapter 262 Big Bang!Hinks lineage!Nautical charts!

Angus: "The Carthage Empire at that time had already collapsed, and General Rato should have been in despair!"

"How many people were taken away?"

Xu Chengfeng asked.

Angus said in a deep voice: "At that time, I also asked my teacher, and she couldn't explain clearly, but the logistics force of the entire Peninsula Fleet can only take away more than 100 million people at most!"

One million people is simply a drop in the bucket!

On the Carthage Peninsula, the fate of the remaining tens of millions of people can be imagined.

Angus continued: "At that time, the logistics force consisted of a formation of ten logistics ships. When they left the Carthage Peninsula, each ship contained at least tens of thousands of people!"

Xu Chengfeng frowned: "Can a ship hold 1 people?"

Angus nodded: "Of course not...but in an emergency, you can!"

"I understand!"

After seeing the imperial-class Stegosaurus battleship, Xu Chengfeng felt that the logistics ships of the Cathay Empire probably did not have the capacity of the large Blue Star cruise ship to accommodate people.

But if people are crowded and people overlap people, it's still okay.

Xu Chengfeng asked: "Pretending to be so many people, the ending is not good, right?"


Angus nodded.

"The overload of personnel seriously slowed down the speed of navigation. Many logistics ships were dragged into the sea by the demonized beasts of the abyss 023. The captains of many logistics ships had to consider whether to throw people or supplies."

As if he didn't want to say more about these things, Angus quickly skipped this part of the story.

"The ancestors of the Seven-Star City-State Alliance were very lucky. They escaped countless attacks from the abyss demonized beasts, drifted on the island for more than two years, and finally arrived near Seven Star Island with five logistics ships."

Angus continued in a deep voice: "At that moment, everyone heard a low-pitched explosion, and Master Sinkers, who had just become the captain, made a decisive decision to let the fleet dock at Seven Star Island and let everyone on board enter Seven Star Island take refuge."


Xu Chengfeng remembered that among Lilith's group of flower elves, rumors about the big bang were also circulated.

"Yes! It was an explosion!" Angus nodded, "At that time, everyone didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. Everyone was frightened by the abyss monsters, and they wanted to continue fleeing south to find a land free of abyss monsters." The land of beasts... Only Captain Sinks compels the other captains to obey orders."

"I heard that within two days of those ancestors hiding in the excavated shelter, a tsunami set off, just like the end of the world!"

"By the time the ancestors escaped from the refuge, the ships parked on the coast were almost destroyed, and they could no longer sail far away!"

"As a last resort, the remaining thousands of people can only choose to settle in Seven Star Island...until today!"

After Angus finished speaking, the people present were relieved.

Most people in Xingye Island were hearing this story for the first time.

It feels almost like a fairy tale!

Xu Chengfeng asked suddenly: "Has the terrain near Seven Star Island changed?"

"Indeed there are!" Angus nodded. "I heard that some islands didn't exist in the first place... There were even fragments from the mainland. It's hard to imagine what kind of explosion it was."

"So, are the charts of the four logistics ships still there?"

Xu Chengfeng asked again.

He didn't believe that the famous navy of the Cathay Empire didn't know how to draw nautical charts.

He was very interested in the nautical charts of the logistics force at that time.

"This... I don't know!" Angus didn't expect Xu Chengfeng to want the nautical chart, "If Master Xu really wants the nautical chart, he may need to go to Seven Star Island to find Master Sarah. She is Xin Kesi If she doesn’t have the captain’s direct lineage, the Seven-Star City-State Alliance won’t have one.”

Angus' teacher is also a direct descendant of Captain Sinks.

But only Sara inherits the legacy and stature of Hinks, and of Hinks' generations of disciples.

"I understand!" Xu Chengfeng laughed, "Thank you, Island Master Angus, for telling me this story and the information. I can give you a piece of Tianxin tea!"

Hearing Xu Chengfeng's words, Angus smiled.

His thoughts were also pulled back to reality by Xu Chengfeng's Tianxin tea leaves ten thousand years ago.

Angus replied in a low voice: "I didn't expect that Island Master Xu would be interested in this matter!"

"I love hearing stories!"

Xu Chengfeng felt very lucky.

If I hadn't met Angus, I might not have known the origin of the Seven Star City-State Alliance.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and there are not many people who still remember that they are descendants of the Carthage Empire and who know about the events at that time!

Xu Chengfeng smiled, and turned to look at Paradis who appeared nearby at an unknown time: "Paradis, do you know about the big bang?"

Paradis shook his head.

Xu Chengfeng didn't care.

Either the Evernight Goddess was dead at that time, or she was far away from the main continent at that time.

"Master Philip, if you want the Stegosaurus warship, I can sell it to you!" Xu Chengfeng said, "But you have to pay enough."

Xu Chengfeng can sell the Stegosaurus battleship, as long as Philip can afford it.

"Twenty emperor-level high-grade abyss demonized beast crystal cores, or forty imperial-level middle-grade demonized beast crystal cores...or you can come up with treasures and information that I am interested in!"

An imperial battleship is absolutely priceless.

If used well, it is worth as much as a living royal mage.

Xu Chengfeng didn't think he was asking too much.

He knew that Philip had feelings for the Stegosaurus warship, but he couldn't sell it cheap!

"What is the island owner interested in?"

Philip directly skipped the crystal nucleus transaction.

Obviously, he doesn't have that many crystal nuclei.

"For example, precious magic metals that I don't have, emperor-level family-inspired training methods, treasures with special attributes... at least they must be worthy of the value of emperor-level warships!"

Philip sighed deeply: "Master Xu, you don't want to use those two Stegosaurus at all. Instead of keeping them for scrap, you might as well leave them to me, we need them more!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled and shook his head: "I have a lot of treasures on the island, but I don't need them. I believe you need them too...do you want me to give them all to you?"

In an instant, the scene completely cooled down.

Angel of Tears, Angel of Light, and Janna stared coldly at all the people from Star Leaf Island present.

It seems that as long as Xu Chengfeng gives an order, all these people will be killed!

Paradis looked at Philip with a smile, but he was thinking about how to torture him so that Xu Chengfeng could be happy.

The most worrying question for her recently is how to make Xu Chengfeng happy.

These idiots seem to have annoyed Xu Chengfeng!

So cute!

Chapter 263 Stuck until I can't walk!Are you prejudiced against the Church of Evernight?

"I'm sorry, my lord, I made a slip of the tongue!" Philip lowered his head, "My request is indeed too much, I apologize!"

"It's good to know that you are wrong!"

Xu Chengfeng raised his hand, and Janna, Angel of Tears, and Angel of Light took a step back.

The atmosphere eased up a little.

If Philip can take the initiative to apologize, he can still accept it.

After all, he, Xu Chengfeng, is a generous and benevolent island owner.

Everyone knows it!

Paradis pouted, she didn't have a chance to do it, she was a little unhappy!

Hearing Xu Chengfeng's forgiveness for Philip, Angus, his disciples, and the two patriarchs all breathed a sigh of relief.


Fortunately, the island owner has a good temper.

Not as knowledgeable as Philip!

However, Angus and the others became vigilant, feeling that Philip was a little unreliable.

"Okay, let's eat first!"

Xu Chengfeng saw Wendini came back.

The task he gave Wendini was to go to the town to get food.

Soon, several clam girls helped Wendini prepare the meals.

The four Beng girls were temporarily transferred by Xu Chengfeng.

Can't let tears make them pour tea and water for Angus and the others!

When the delicious food was brought out, Angus couldn't help swallowing just by smelling the aroma.

"Everyone, sit down!"

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