Fourteen guests from Star Leaf City took their seats one after another.

Just smelling the smell, Ellie began to doubt herself. For more than ten years, she has been eating pig food.

Ellie looked at Xu Chengfeng anxiously, waiting for Xu Chengfeng to announce the dinner.

Seeing Ellie's small eyes, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

"Forget it, let's eat first!"

Angus picked up a piece of braised pork ribs, and the moment he put it in his mouth, the spiciness crazily stimulated his taste buds.

He closed his eyes gently, feeling so delicious!

This is a mixture of many kinds of plants and spices, which is simply wonderful!

He took a light breath and looked at the other people in Xingye Island.

Eat all of them with a headache!

At my table, Philip, Ellie, and the other two patriarchs were eating well, but Angus shook his head at the eating of his nine disciples at the next table!


image too!

When Angus came back to his senses, he realized that the plate of brightly colored braised pork ribs in front of him was missing a small half.

His beloved disciple Ellie, with a mouth full of hot red juice, gnawed on a spare rib.

In such a short time, the bones beside her bowl had piled up.

He kicked Ellie lightly, signaling her to be more ladylike, more elegant, and pay attention to her image.

Ellie, who was kicked, glanced at Angus, and quickly put a piece of ribs for him and put it in his bowl:

"Teacher, you can eat too, this one is very delicious!"

"This is the best dish I've ever eaten in my life!"


Seeing that Philip and the other two heads of the family had a piece of ribs in their hands, the ribs were doubled... less!

Angus couldn't bear it!

It's just food, why grab it?

He quickly put his head down and ate quickly!

If you don't eat it, you will really die...

Various spices from the world of Blue Star and Kane, in the hands of Chef Geng, have played a wonderful chemical reaction.

The situation of everyone in Xingye Island is a little bit better than that of the Kelban beauties.

The seven-star city-state alliance lacks food, and it is extremely difficult to train excellent chefs.

Coupled with the serious shortage of various spices, even if they have a chef, they are not able to cook good food.

The cooking skills of their chefs are far inferior to those in the heyday of the Carthage Empire.

Geng Rui's craftsmanship surpassed the chefs of the clam clan by an unknown number of levels!

Under Chef Geng's dimensionality reduction attack, the 14 people in Xingye Island were completely captured by the delicious food.

After 10 minutes, the dishes on the two tables were almost eaten!

Xu Chengfeng looked at Wendini, Wendini nodded repeatedly, and took out a lot of dishes from the spirit of space for the two tables.

After another 10 minutes, Xu Chengfeng looked at Wendini again.

Wen Dini added more to everyone, but at this time, Xu Chengfeng obviously found that each dish could not be filled to the plate.

Half an hour later, Xu Chengfeng looked at the clean bowls on the two tables, feeling a little embarrassed.

He didn't expect this to happen!

He has asked Chef Geng to prepare more meals!

When did the mage have the appetite of a warrior?

so edible?

Although he was treating guests by himself, the food he prepared was not enough for the guests, which made Xu Chengfeng feel ashamed...

"Wendini, hurry back to the town and ask Chef Geng to cook another table!"

"Wait, Island Master Xu, don't be too busy, we are already full!"

Angus had a good ear and said quickly.


"Master Island Master, no need, we are already full..."

Ellie yelled too.

Xu Chengfeng: "You must not have enough food!"

"You, Master Island Master... I really can't eat, you can't tempt me anymore!" Ellie begged, "I also realized that the food was gone, I really can't eat... "

Xu Chengfeng stood up and glanced at Ellie's belly, which was almost like being pregnant in October.

This girl has no restraint at all!

Isn't it said that mages are very rational?

"Philip, what about you?"

"Enough! Enough!" Philip said shyly, "The three of us ate most of the dishes on the table... I can't eat any more!"

Soldiers can indeed eat and digest quickly!

But what Xu Chengfeng provided was also imperial-level demonized beast meat!

The digestion rate cannot be too fast.

Moreover, he has made it!

"Okay then!" Xu Chengfeng said, "But if you don't have enough to eat, just tell me directly, I invite you to dinner, don't be polite to me!"

"I really can't eat it!"

When he said this, Angus felt a little ashamed.

After living for more than a hundred years, today is the time when he lost his composure the most.

He's just a little bit better than Ellie.

The four Bang girls held back their laughter and began to pour water for the 14 people in Xingye Island.

The gold-grade flower spirit bee honey water is still left over from before.

It is impossible to pour royal-grade honey water.


He wants to use it for the crystal nucleus!

Gold-grade honey water is already very good.

Ellie sniffed the honey water, picked it up and drank it down.

Then never move again.

Xu Chengfeng stood up, and the rest of them also staggered up with difficulty.

That speed of getting up is like killing them!

Xu Chengfeng glanced at the nine magicians at the next table, who had bigger stomachs than Ellie.

So, he could only helplessly say: "Forget it, everyone should sit down first!"

At this time, it would be too difficult to force these people to rise again.

The nine magicians at the next table had even more terrifying fighting power.

Xu Chengfeng was really worried that they would be overwhelmed!

Angus glared at the nine disciples at the next table, feeling ashamed.

The nine disciples all lowered their heads, pretending to be ostriches.

They really wanted to run...but they couldn't.

Can't fly?

No one spoke, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

So Xu Chengfeng looked at Paradis: "Don't you have something to discuss with Angus and Philip?"

"All right!"

Paradis nodded.

Angus and the others also looked at Paradis curiously.

They still remember Xu Chengfeng's introduction to Paradis as his friend.

Not a subordinate, not a servant!

are friends!

Paradis cleared his throat and said seriously: "I don't know everyone, have you heard of the Church of Evernight?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Angus, Philip, and others all changed their expressions.

Paradis, Xu Chengfeng, and Jana all felt something was wrong.

Paradis even frowned and asked, "Do you have any prejudice against the Church of Evernight?"

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Chapter 264 The seven-star city-state alliance cleans the church a hundred years ago!

Paradis' temper is much worse than Xu Chengfeng's.

She felt that talking to these mortals was already giving Xu Chengfeng face.

Angus and Philip looked at Xu Chengfeng with some embarrassment, and hesitated to speak.

They couldn't grasp what was the relationship between Xu Chengfeng and Paradis.

"Your Excellency Angus, can you tell me?"

"It's not a secret!" Angus sighed, "We, the Seven-Star City-State Alliance, do not allow religious belief."


"It's easy to be attacked by an abyss demonized beast!"

Paradis was silent.

Xu Chengfeng nodded, not too surprised.

They, the Blue Star island masters, huddled on the edge of the Kane continent, were all attacked by abyssal pirates.

It doesn't seem strange that the power of the gods in the Southern Star Group Region was targeted by the abyss.

At present, the power of the abyss messenger is recovering.

They will definitely use their limited power to give priority to attacking the believers of the gods.

To prevent the resurrection speed of the gods.

The believers of the Goddess of the Night gradually disappeared, with a high probability of being attacked by the minions of the abyss.

Don't think that if the gods disappear for ten thousand years, the faith will be cut off.

Some sects in Blue Star don’t even have a true god, so they still rely on stories to pass on for thousands of years?

The teachings of the gods of Kane World are worse than the teachings of the major sects of Blue Star.

Even fairy tales are more vivid and "real"!

Angus said in a low voice: "I heard that when we were exiled overseas, there were believers and priests from the Church of Stormwind and the Church of the Sea on our logistics ship, but they all lost their divine powers in the middle."

"After settling on Seven Star Island, they still did not give up their faith. They still built a church on the island, prayed devoutly every day, and tried to get the response from the goddess of the sea and the goddess of the storm again...but they all failed!"

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