"and then?"

Paradis asked.

"About 100 years ago, the rare emperor-level abyss demonized beasts began to attack our Seven-Star City-State Alliance crazily, and all their targets were churches on various islands." Angus pursed his lips, "A church without the support of gods It looks like it will collapse at the first touch, and many islands were encumbered by the two churches and captured by the demonized beasts of the abyss, and almost half of the city-states were lost in a short period of time... other city-states are also in a hurry."

Xu Chengfeng closed his eyes, probably guessing the ending of the matter.

The church has lost its gods, not only has no effect, but has become a disaster, and the outcome can be imagined.

Humans are a very real species.

Paradis sneered: "As a result, you abandoned the church and the faith?"

Philip shouted: "Don't give up, we will die together!"

"Paradise!" Xu Chengfeng tapped the table twice with his index finger, "Calm down!"

Paradis bowed his head.

Xu Chengfeng looked at Philip and Angus again: "At that time, you abandoned the church, I can understand, Angus Island Master, you continue to talk."

Philip picked up the honey water, took a sip, and leaned back on the chair, staring blankly at the gray sky.

"At that time, Master Sarah ordered to completely abolish the Church of Stormwind and the Church of the Sea, destroy all churches and statues, and burn all scriptures... execute all believers of the Goddess of Storms and Goddess of the Sea!"

Angus was sure that Paradis was not from the Church of Stormwind and the Church of the Sea.

She is more like a member of the Church of Evernight!

That's why he dared to speak out about it.

"The civilians and professionals on the island, out of fear of the abyss demonized beasts, in order to save their own lives, they all started to attack those believers frantically."

"At that time, many people went crazy... My teacher was in charge of the purge of Star Leaf Island. The situation was almost out of control, and he also acquiesced."

Angus closed his eyes silently, he still vividly remembered what happened at that time.

He is a witness, a participant, and a member of the profession.

"My mother, a member of the Church of the Sea, was burned to death!" Philip whispered, "A very gentle woman... I was locked in the room, and I saw it with my own eyes from the window. I didn't even know she committed the crime." What's wrong."

Master Weier at the next table said: "My grandfather and second grandfather are both believers in the Church of the Storm, and they are gone."

Ellie whispered: "I heard from my mother that our great-grandfather was also burned to death."

A patriarch across from Ellie said, "One of my younger sisters died too, and I can't fucking find the murderer..."


After Xu Chengfeng listened to their narration, he found that all the people present had relatives and friends who died in the cleaning operation

He looked at Angus: "So, the operation to cleanse the church is effective?"

"It works!" Angus nodded. "The number of emperor-level abyssal demonic beasts has decreased. My teacher said that the most difficult part of the abyssal demonic beasts has left... But since then, almost no one believes in gods anymore."

Philip: "We don't want to believe in gods anymore!"

Xu Chengfeng sighed and looked at Paradis.

Paradis pursed his lips and left the villa straight away.

Janna hesitated for a moment, then followed.

Seeing Paradis leave, Angus and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Angus asked in a low voice: "Master Xu, is that Paradis from the Church of Evernight?"


"Then you have to be careful!" Angus reminded kindly, "The minions of the abyss are chasing and killing church believers everywhere, including races that believe in gods."


"It is impossible for us on Xingye Island to build churches and believe in gods."

"I can understand!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded.

For Xingye Island, for the humans of the Seven Star City-State Alliance.

Survival is the most important thing.

Unless the 4.5 church has the strength to fight against the abyss demonized beasts and has the strength to protect them.

Otherwise, in order to survive, they would rather abandon the gods!

For the gods, this is an endless loop.

The gods need a large number of devout believers to be resurrected and to fight against the abyss...

But the Seven-Star City-State Alliance, because of fear of the abyss, destroyed churches, destroyed scriptures, burned believers to death, and abandoned the fallen gods.

When the top power of the abyss recovers, it will still be a catastrophe to welcome the world of Kane!

Xu Chengfeng curled his lips, feeling that these gods are really pitiful!

But Xu Chengfeng also knew that this could not be blamed on the Seven Star City-State Alliance or Sara.

Want to live... is it wrong?


It is almost impossible for Paradis to build the Evernight Church in the Seven-Star City-State Alliance.

Chapter 265 The difference between having a backing and not having a backing!Mermaid Clan Meeting!

Talking about believers made the guests of Star Leaf Island a little sentimental.

After their stomachs recovered, they all got up and said goodbye.

Xu Chengfeng sent them to the coast and watched them leave.

He turned and walked towards Paradis and Janna who were standing near the stegosaurus.

These two are not in a good mood today.

Especially Paradis.

"Are you okay?"

Xu Chengfeng asked.


Paradis stared at Star Leaf Island with golden eyes, expressionless.

"I just said, Janna wasn't even sad, why are you hurt!"

Xu Chengfeng laughed.

Paradis: "She's not Stia. If Stia is here, the Seven-Star City-State Alliance will definitely be leveled!"

Paradis looked at Angus and the others standing on the pier: "I want to recruit some believers on Star Leaf Island or the Seven Star City-State Alliance. What do you think?"

"They don't dare to believe in religion anymore!"

Paradis asked with a sideways face: "What if they are invited to live on the island?"

"In this way, of course you have a chance at 18." Xu Chengfeng admitted that this is a good choice, but of course he would not be very willing, "But, look, my island is just that big!"

Paradis: "I'll recruit less!"

"Isn't Lan Xing someone willing to join the Church of Evernight?"

Xu Chengfeng was puzzled.

"Most of their talents are mediocre!" Paradis said helplessly, "On the whole, humans in Kane World are more talented in magic. I plan to recruit some people who are born with dark attributes. There are very few such people, but Impossible not."

Born with a dark attribute, it is equivalent to a blue star who awakens the talent related to the dark attribute as soon as he enters the world of Kane.

Quite rare!

"If you insist, you can recruit some!"

Xu Chengfeng didn't stop this matter, anyway, he didn't need to worry about it.

It is impossible for the Evernight Goddess to find many.

"Thank you!"

Su Yang waved his hand, he didn't intend to embarrass Paradis today.

"Jana, is there a battle happening nearby today? It involves emperor-level abyss demonized beasts."


Janna shook her head.

Xu Chengfeng scratched his head: "That's strange, the sudden increase of hundreds of millions of merit points is simply huge!"

Janna asked: "Did the master send anyone to leave the island to perform a mission?"

Xu Chengfeng frowned.

The Angel of Tears reminded in a low voice: "Master, Mermaid Tina!"

"I remembered, which venom should have done it!"

As soon as Jana and Lai Angel reminded him, Xu Chengfeng remembered it.

He did send a Venom to the Mermaid Kerban Islands yesterday.

Xu Chengfeng was almost certain that it should be the venom that left the island that helped him get so many merit points.

Among the emperor-level powerhouses on the island, there are not many who can kill a large number of abyss demonized beasts in a short period of time.

Janna counts as one, and the rest are members of the Venom Legion.

Tears: "It's the venom named 31!"


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

The Venom named 31 is at the end of the ranking, and he has some impressions.

It's the last drop, the venom wrapped in the pellet.

It was just activated by him not long ago.

The members of his Venom Legion naturally have no names.

The venom leader simply numbered them directly, and 31 was the latest to be born, so they were ranked 31.

Paradis pouted: "31, the name is quite perfunctory."

"I didn't take these, the Venom Head took them, so I didn't name them."

Xu Chengfeng decisively threw the pot away.

Paradis said helplessly: "My lord...you should be more perfunctory and don't even take the name."

"No way, there are too many subordinates, it is impossible to ask me to name them all."

Xu Chengfeng said calmly.

Paradis looked at Xu Chengfeng enviously.

If she had Xu Chengfeng's ability, she wouldn't be as passive as she is now.

"Island Master Xu, what should I do so that you can help me get more dark elemental elves?"

"This... you must exchange it with something!" Xu Chengfeng spread his hands, "You can't let honest people suffer, right?"

Paradis sighed inwardly.

Xu Chengfeng's reaction did not exceed her expectations.

At this moment, Jana tugged at Xu Chengfeng's sleeve: "Master, I want more than 3 little wind spirits, and I want to get 20!"

"Okay!" Xu Chengfeng thought for a while, "Anyway, there's nothing to do today, let's go now..."


Paradis stood there in a daze, watching Janna leave with Xu Chengfeng.

Janna turned her head and smiled at her when she was halfway there.

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