
Paradis stood there and muttered: "How do I feel, this Bistia is still annoying?"

The [-] little Fengling is not a problem at all for the current Xu Chengfeng.

If it wasn't for the fear that the island would not be able to hold it, he could activate tens of millions.

But it's not necessary yet.

There is still a long way to go before Janna becomes a legendary powerhouse.

Only when you become a legendary powerhouse can you start thinking about lighting the fire.

"Master, there is something I want to tell you!"

Jana whispered.

"what's up?"

Xu Chengfeng was a little curious.

"I can use some wind spells now!" Janna said with a smile.

"That's great!"

Divine power is one of the most advanced energies in the Kane world.

As long as it is a skill that uses divine power, it can get a great increase.

When the gods are still there, a small number of loyal believers with excellent talents can receive the gifts of the gods, improve their strength, and use divine arts.

But now that Storm Goddess Stia has not been resurrected, it is impossible for the priests of Stormwind Church to use divine magic.

But Janna, who possesses divinity, can!

Paradis is actually 633.

But not only is her strength low now, she doesn't even have much accumulated power of faith...

Janna said: "I can only be regarded as a false god now!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, you will become the new Storm Goddess!"

The conversation between Janna and Xu Chengfeng was heard by Paradis.

She admitted that she was a little sour!

Janna was covered by Xu Chengfeng.

By coincidence, Paradis followed the two to the Temple of Storms.

Watching Xu Chengfeng begin to activate countless little wind spirits.

Xu Chengfeng noticed her, but he didn't pay much attention.

While Xu Chengfeng was helping Janna to revitalize Little Wind Spirit, Thea also gathered the top management of the mermaid clan on the remote Kelban Islands.

Other ordinary mermaids can do things like collecting crystal nuclei of demonized beasts.

Now Thea has more important things to discuss with the elders.

Looking at the five king-level elders of the mermaid tribe, Thea whispered, "Although we have survived the crisis this time, it is only temporary. Fili, the great chapter of the deep sea, will definitely make a comeback. This place is no longer safe!"

"Unexpectedly, Philip betrayed us!"

The Great Elder sighed.

"Now is not the time to condemn Philip, Great Elder!" Thea said worriedly, "We must leave the Kelban Islands as soon as possible!"

ps: Visiting relatives today, come back late, try to write as much as possible, sorry!

Chapter 266 Should I rush out of the South Star Sea, or seek refuge with the mysterious island owner?

"But where can we escape now?" The Great Elder looked at the Kelban Islands and said in a low voice, "It's been hard for us to gain a firm foothold in the Kelban Islands, and it's been almost a hundred years!"

"Next time, when Philip comes back, we may not be as lucky as today!" Thea said, "This time, it just happens to be helped by a powerful emperor."

"Can you invite that emperor-level powerhouse to join our mermaid clan?"

The elder asked in a low voice.


Thea shook her head.

Elder Hailing next to him told the first elder about 31's identity.

After the Great Elder heard this, he also rejected this unrealistic idea.

"Then where can we go?" asked the Great Elder, "The Kelban Islands are the most suitable place for us to station in the South Star Sea. If we go to other places, it is very likely that we will have conflicts with the Seven Star City-State Alliance, the Naga Clan, and the Shark Clan. ...No matter which force it is, we mermaids are unable to deal with it!"


Thea nodded helplessly.

Their Kelban mermaid clan migrated here a hundred years ago, so they are really not strong in the Southern Star Sea.

Elder Hai Ling said: "Moreover, they are extremely repulsive to beliefs. If they know that we believe in the goddess of the sea..."

"Then how about we leave the Southern Star Sea?"

At this time, Chlorella, the youngest elder among the mermaid clan, asked in a low voice.

The four elders, including Thea, shook their heads directly.

"Why?" Chlorella wondered.

Thea sighed deeply: "You haven't experienced the last migration, and you don't know how cruel it is to travel long distances between sea areas!"

"At that time, we lost two high-rank emperors, two middle-rank emperors, and three low-rank emperors, as well as countless compatriots." Elder Hai Ling said softly, "I didn't Thinking about it, I can become an elder."

Chlorella whispered: "Then do we have other options?"

Thea and the five king-level mermaid elders were silent.

At this moment, Elder Hai Ling suddenly raised his head and looked at 31.

Thea also looked at 31, and then the other four elders of the mermaid clan all looked at 31's back.

31 is busy collecting the crystal nuclei collected by the mermaids.

The Great Elder lowered his voice and asked, "Elder Hai Ling, do you want to..."

"The owner of 31 has a legion of emperor-level powerhouses, and they can easily wander in the sea." Elder Hailing said softly, "I have seen their island from afar. The island is very beautiful, as if it has never been seen before." been attacked."


The elder hesitated.

Elder Hai Ling continued: "Do we have a better choice? Even if we move, as long as we don't leave the Southern Star Sea Region, we will definitely be found by Philip!"

What Elder Hai Ling said was the truth.

Is the Southern Star Sea Territory big?

It is indeed big!

But it is still a matter of time before it is found.

During this period, they may also have conflicts with the forces of Kuangsha, Naga, and Seven Star City-States!

"If we want to leave the Southern Star Sea Territory, we must be prepared to wipe out our entire army!"

After Elder Hai Ling finished speaking, he looked at Thea.

Thea smiled bitterly and said, "I'm really not sure about my mid-level imperial strength. Elder Hailing's words are not scaremongering, it's really very likely to happen."

If she was alone and left the Southern Star Sea Region, it would not be a big problem.

But if she is allowed to act together with more than 3000 mermaids, she is likely to be targeted by powerful abyss demonized beasts.

The Great Elder sighed, "That is to say, we have reached a dead end?"

Thea nodded: "That's almost what it means."

Elder Chlorella asked, "Want to rush out?"

Elder Hai Ling added: "We can also consider joining that island."

Elder Chlorella said: "Join that island and live under the fence. I'm afraid we will be at the mercy of that island owner."

Elder Hai Ling said helplessly: "If our Keerban mermaid clan successfully leaves the Southern Star Sea, there will only be dozens or hundreds of clan members left, what's the point?"

Elder Chlorella didn't know how to answer!

Thea smiled bitterly: "Green algae, you take it for granted. Even if we want to join that island, the prerequisite is the permission of the island owner!"

The five elders lowered their heads at the same time.

Even Elder Hai Ling, who had the idea of ​​joining the island, was silent.

They mermaids were expelled from the main royal court.

After arriving in the South Star Islands, they never dared to reveal their beliefs.

For fear of attracting hostility from the three racial forces, for fear of attracting the targets of the minions of the abyss!

"Perhaps, we can ask!" Elder Hai Ling said, "That island owner may not care about this."

"I believe that there must be life. Just like us, we believe in the gods and look forward to the return of the gods. The island owner is well-informed... Maybe he doesn't care?"

After saying this, she looked at Thea, waiting for Thea's decision.

Thea hesitated for a moment, but finally gritted her teeth and nodded.

The elder said in a low voice: "Patriarch, what if the other party reveals our secret?"

"Maybe the other party already knows!" Thea said helplessly, "I just used a magic spell in front of him."

Thea went straight to 31's side. 31 only glanced at her, then set his sights on the little mermaid swimming over with a large number of crystal nuclei in one hand.

Thea's appearance is definitely top-notch among the mermaid clan with endless beauties.

But her attraction to 31 is far less than the crystal nucleus!

The so-called straight man of steel, compared with 31, can only pale in comparison.

Because 31, who is an elemental being, doesn't respond to women at all.

Be it psychological or physical.

"Your Excellency 31!"

"Is there a problem?"

"Did you see the tsunami skill I used just now?"


31 nodded in approval.

Even though it is a super wide-range skill, it can still beat an abyss demonized beast of the same level to the brink of death. The destructive power of that magic skill is quite powerful.

31 thinks that the only person on the island who has reached this point may be Mrs. Janna!

"Did you find out what's special about that skill?"

"You mean... magic?"

31 Doubtful Daoming.

31 is relatively simple, but not stupid.

Hearing 31's answer, Thea relaxed.

It's all known anyway.

Thea tentatively asked: "Your Excellency 31, on your island, do you have any prejudice against believers in the gods?"

"Prejudice? What prejudice?"

"That is to say, will it reject the believers of the gods? Or burn the believers to death..."

Chapter 267 Of course hunters are not afraid of their prey!Only afraid of too little!

"Why burn to death?"

31 was a little puzzled.

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