She greeted politely.

She wanted to make a good relationship with the mysterious island owner, and at least make a good first impression when facing this emperor-level top-grade water elemental spirit.

"Hello!" The Spirit of the Holy Spring smiled, "You have a special smell about you."

"Thank you!"

Thea could feel the kindness in the other party.

Let's take it as a compliment!

"Are you the master's guest?"

"I'm here to ask to see the island owner!"

"Oh!" The Spirit of the Holy Spring laughed, "Then let's go!"

Inside the gazebo, Xu Chengfeng put down the bait.

Two seconds later, the buoy sank.

Xu Chengfeng pulled the fishing rod, pulling up a series of little water spirits.


Xu Chengfeng lost interest in fishing in an instant.

He has raised so many fish, but he has never caught one.

At the beginning, I liked the Holy Spring Spirit who bit the hook the most.

Later, other little water spirits followed suit.

As long as the spirit of the holy spring didn't notice that he was fishing, he must have caught a series of small water spirits.

Just when he was about to put away his fishing rod, Xu Chengfeng saw a wind spirit swimming over with an extremely beautiful blond mermaid and the spirit of the holy spring.

And Thea was quickly attracted to Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng is not only handsome, but also fits Thea's aesthetics very well.

He also has an aura that makes Thea very comfortable, and he feels very kind.

Beside Xu Chengfeng, there are Angels of Tears and Angels of Light.

The two angels exuded a faint warm light magic power, which added a layer of brilliance to Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng sat on the ponytail and asked, "Are you the patriarch of the Kerban mermaid clan?"

"Hello, respected island owner, I am Thea, the patriarch of the Kerban mermaid clan!"

"I heard you want to see me, what's the matter?"

Xu Chengfeng got straight to the point.

He doesn't like to be verbose.

Thea replied: "I want to bring my people to join the command of the island master!"

"And then?" Xu Chengfeng said flatly, "Why should I accept you? Are you of any use to me?"

"Our mermaid family is good at water magic, good at communicating with sea beasts, and also good at refining water potions and water magic props, and cultivating special aquatic plants..." Thea said very seriously, "Our mermaids are willing to serve the island master. Serving, I only ask the island owner to provide shelter."

Instead of emphasizing the strength of the mermaid family, it emphasizes other functions.

Angel of Tears smiled, she felt that Thea had done her homework seriously.

Sure enough, after hearing Thea's answer, Xu Chengfeng nodded in approval.

However, even the tearful angels were a little surprised that Xu Chengfeng did not agree immediately.

"Besides that you mermaids want to join our island, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Thea nodded: "We are being hunted down by demonized beasts from the abyss!"

"The reason?"

"Because we believe in the goddess of the sea!"

The mermaid family are all believers of the sea goddess.

The Goddess of the Sea, also known as the Goddess of Water.

The goddess of the sea also loved the mermaid family very much.

In the world of Kane, Gemil, the sea goddess, is definitely a powerful god!

Her strength is by no means inferior to the God of Light, the Goddess of the Night, and the God of War.

Under the sea goddess Gemil, there are many gods.

The Storm Goddess is inferior to them all.

As far as Xu Chengfeng knows, the owner of Yoshida Island in the Cherry Blossom Country enshrines Gemil.

Xu Chengfeng did not expect that the Keerban mermaid clan still believed in Gemil.

Hearing what Angus told about the past during the day, he thought that believers had disappeared in the Southern Star Sea!

"Have you, the Keerban mermaid family, been living in the Southern Star Sea? A hundred years ago, in the Southern Star Sea, the Abyss Demonic Beasts seemed to have launched a strike against the believers of the major churches, right? How did you survive?"

Thea whispered: "After that time, we migrated to the Kelban Islands from other sea areas."

Hearing what Thea said, Xu Chengfeng immediately became interested:

"Then where did you migrate from?"

"From Xingyue Sea King Court!"


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

As if he knew better.

However, this was the first time he had heard of Xingyue Sea.

But he knows Wang Ting.

If he guessed correctly, it should be the capital of the mermaid clan kingdom.

"My mother used to be the emperor of the mermaid clan!" Thea whispered, "The blood of the mermaid clan's royal family flows in my body."


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

Pay attention to Thea too.

In the Blue Star World, there are also people from the Dragon Country who like to claim that so-and-so is their ancestor, and they are their descendants. Western nobles also like this set, they have a set of bloodline theory.

But in Xu Chengfeng's eyes, it was just like that.

There have been powerful people in the ancestors, but it doesn't mean that he is also powerful, and it doesn't mean that he has a high IQ...

But in the Kane world, bloodlines are extremely important and have a very high gold content.

Legendary-level Warcraft, the talent is stronger than emperor-level, emperor-level!

Thea, who has the blood of the mermaid royal family flowing in her body, should have the potential to become a legendary mermaid!

"Then why did you end up in the Southern Star Sea?"

Chapter 269 The epic migration a hundred years ago!Thea has big problems!

After Thea told her secret, she looked up at Xu Chengfeng.

I found Xu Chengfeng's reaction... a little flat.

Just seemed a little surprised.

Hearing Xu Chengfeng's question, she didn't hesitate too much: "Because of the abyss demonized beast's suppression of god believers, our mermaid family was the first to bear the brunt a hundred years ago and suffered a great loss again."

"For thousands of years, the mermaid family has never received a response from the sea goddess, and the strength of the sea church has been greatly reduced. About a hundred years ago, many mermaids discovered that the believers of the sea church would attract the attacks of abyss demonized beasts, so they wanted to expel the belief in the sea goddess. of the same race."

"At that time, my mother disagreed. My mother is a devout believer!"

Xu Chengfeng took it for granted and asked: "As the emperor of the mermaid clan, your mother should be very strong, right?"

Thea shook her head: "My mother is not strong, she is still very young, she came to power hastily, the previous emperor of the mermaid, my grandma, a legendary powerhouse just died protecting the royal court..."

Xu Chengfeng: "Then it was overthrown?"

"Coup d'état!" Thea nodded, "My aunt advocated the expulsion of the church. She won the support of a large number of strong beauties, and finally the coup d'état succeeded."

"All right!"

Xu Chengfeng felt that it was not surprising that the coup was successful.

Thea's mother, who hastily ascended to the position, was originally unpopular.

The previous Mermaid Emperor had just died.

The entire royal court can be said to be panic-stricken.

Driven by fear, their desire to expel the Church of the Sea will become even more urgent!

"Then, you were expelled?"

Xu Chengfeng asked again.

"Yes! I was expelled!" Thea nodded helplessly, "Auntie gave those believers a chance to give up their beliefs. Most of the mermaids chose to stay in the royal court and give up their beliefs... In the end, more than 2 mermaids chose to stick to their beliefs , and leave with my mother."

"You should be considered lucky!" Xu Chengfeng complained, "The people of the Seven Star City-State Alliance are not as gentle as your mermaids. They directly use fire."

"My mother...don't blame my aunt!" Thea whispered, "She said that everyone has their own choice."

"How many of you Kerban mermaids are there?"

Xu Chengfeng asked.

"After a hundred years of recuperation, there are still more than 2000 people."

"So much loss?"

Xu Chengfeng said in surprise.

The team of more than 2 people now has only more than 2000 people left.

There are still more than 2000 people after a hundred years of recuperation.

The loss at that time definitely exceeded nine-tenths.

Thea smiled wryly: "For the island owner, it may be very simple, but for us exiled mermaids, it is too difficult."


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

Even through Thea's few words, Xu Chengfeng can imagine how many crises and tribulations this mermaid has encountered during the migration!

Their migration was ten thousand years later than the logistics fleet of the Peninsula Fleet of the Carthage Empire!

But the hardships and crises experienced far exceeded the logistics fleet.

The time period is different!

Thousands of years ago, the abyss demonized beasts might not have spread to the fringes of Kane's world.

But now, abyss demonized beasts are everywhere, and they are flooding.

Moreover, the power of the Ocean Church and the power of the mermaids have also suffered heavy losses.

Xu Chengfeng felt that the migration of the mermaid believers was already qualified to be included in an epic story!

Thea lowered her head and asked, "My lord, I have confessed enough, can you accept us?"

Thea was not sure, so she led another two thousand mermaids and left the Southern Star Sea.

A hundred years ago, they still had several emperor-level powerhouses. Even so, they lost more than nine-tenths of their compatriots!

And now, she is the only emperor-level powerhouse left!

As a last resort, Thea didn't want to make fun of the lives of the clansmen.

Do you want to accept the mermaid family?

Of course Xu Chengfeng wanted to accept it.

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