Even if they don't know anything, they are still a group of beautiful ornamental fish!

What's more, their abilities are quite good.

They are just believers.

Xu Chengfeng's island not only has the divinity of the goddess of the storm, but also the goddess of the night.

Is he still afraid of adding a group of believers?




The word "agree" was blocked in Xu Chengfeng's mouth.

Because someone preempted... rejected it!

Xu Chengfeng turned around and saw Paradis standing beside him

Thea looked up with a pale face, but when she saw Paradis beside Xu Chengfeng, she was slightly relieved.

Because it was not Xu Chengfeng who said "refusal".

But even so, Thea's heart was lifted.

After all, the objections of people around Xu Chengfeng will also affect his decision.

Just when Thea was worried, she had been listening to the story in silence, and the silent Holy Spring Spirit suddenly said:

"Master, I think this mermaid is very cute, so let them stay and play with me!"

Paradis said in a serious tone: "Kid, don't interrupt!"

"Master, she is killing me!"

The Spirit of the Holy Spring swam to the shore, grabbed Xu Chengfeng's trousers and said aggrievedly.

Paradis froze for a moment.

Xu Chengfeng gave Paradis a cold look: "Paradis, you have to understand, this is my island, I am the owner of the island, I have the final say!"

Xu Chengfeng's tone was already quite blunt!

In his tone, anger was suppressed!

He was extremely dissatisfied with the sudden appearance of Paradis.

Even more dissatisfied with her making decisions for herself!

The Angel of Tears and the Angel of Light stared at Paradis unkindly, as if they were going to purify her.

Paradis' face was cloudy and uncertain, and he wanted to get angry, but he didn't dare!

She took a deep breath and said slowly, "Master Xu, this mermaid has a big problem! 4.9"

"Oh? Is there a big problem?"

Hearing Paradis' words, the anger in Xu Chengfeng's heart dissipated a little.

Angel of Tears and Angel of Light also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Obviously, they didn't find anything wrong with Thea!

"What's wrong with Thea?"

Xu Chengfeng didn't think Paradis would lie to him.

There is a contract between the two parties. Paradis is extremely proud and will not aim at nothing!

Paradis came to the artificial lake, staring at Thea with a pair of golden eyes, as if to see through everything about her.

In front of Paradis's powerful aura, Thea couldn't help but backed away: "Master Island Master, I really didn't lie to you!"

"Stop pretending to be dead!" Paradis said coldly, "Gamil, how long are you going to hide?"

Chapter 270 Paradis: I signed a slave contract with the island owner!


When Paradis shouted the word "Gamil", Xu Chengfeng was in a daze.

It is really the three words "Gamil", which he is too familiar with.

In particular, "Gamil" still comes from the mouth of Paradis.

The "Gamil" who can make even the goddess of the night remember is the sea goddess Gemil with a high probability!

Most importantly, it looks like this sea goddess is trying to get close to him!

Xu Chengfeng retreated slowly, and the armor of the Holy Shield began to extend.

Angel of Tears and Angel of Light stood in front of him.

Thea watched Xu Chengfeng step back without saying a word, and quickly shouted: "Master Island Master, I really don't know what this woman is talking about..."

Paradis said coldly: "Gamil, if you don't come out again, I will cut her open and dig you out!"

At this moment, Thea suddenly lost consciousness, and her body slowly floated onto the artificial lake.

When Thea opened her eyes again, her sea blue eyes had turned into pure blue.

"Paradis, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Thea's voice has completely changed!

At this time, Xu Chengfeng was finally sure that Paradis did not lie to him.

Inside Thea's body, it seems that there is really a Gemil 18 hidden.

[Hint: You have discovered the divinity of the sea goddess Gemil. 】

[Tip: Resurrection of the sea goddess Gemil, you will receive protection and gifts from the sea goddess, and even become its saint, gaining eternal life! 】

Hearing the belated reminder, Xu Chengfeng curled his lips.

He didn't remind him until now, why didn't he remind him when he came into contact with Thea?

"Haha!" Paradis laughed, "I'm afraid this is called Yuan Jia Lu Narrow!"

Xu Chengfeng gave Paradis a strange look, and he found that the goddess of the night didn't seem to deal with anyone.

Could it be that she also has a grudge against the sea goddess?

Sea Goddess, Spider Queen, God of Light, Goddess of Storm...

Don't they all deal with her?

At this time, Xu Chengfeng suddenly admired Paradis.

It is not easy to provoke so many enemies.

Some people say that if you want to see a person's achievements, look at his enemies.

In this respect, the Evernight Goddess is really not inferior to God!

"Why, are you going to kill me?" Gemil asked in a calm tone, "Now that everyone is in trouble, why are you still holding on to the grievances of the past?"

Paradis: "I'm just stingy, what's wrong?"

Gemil looked at Paradis, and was speechless for a while.

Maybe she didn't expect that the mermaid possessed by herself would collide with Paradis!

When the two goddesses confronted each other, Xu Chengfeng turned his head and asked, "What strength is this Gemil?"

The Angel of Tears whispered: "This one seems to be only Xingyao top-rank, and his strength is much lower than that of Paradis!"


Hearing the words of Angel of Tears, Xu Chengfeng felt a little relieved.

Strength, not very strong!

At this time, Janna also appeared beside Xu Chengfeng.

Now, Xu Chengfeng was even less afraid.

Just when Xu Chengfeng was thinking about whether to take out the coffin of the abyss, Gemil looked at Paradis confidently and said:

"Paradis, it seems that you are not in charge of this island!"

"so what?"

When Paradis said this, he was obviously a little guilty.

"Giggle..." Gemil covered his mouth and smiled, "It's the first time I've seen you like this, Paradis!"

"I didn't expect that you would be subject to a mortal. Where did the arrogant and domineering Paradis go?"

"Tell me, are you a fake Evernight Goddess?"

"It's definitely fake, right?"


Paradis stared at Gemil tightly, clenched his fists tightly, like a little wild cat with fried hair.

Gemil laughed and said, "Whether I can stay with the island owner or not depends on what the island owner thinks!"

After saying this, Gemil looked at Xu Chengfeng.

Then, she knew that Janna appeared at some time.

"Stia, why are you here?" Gemil said in surprise.

However, after saying this, she frowned: "No, the breath seems wrong, you don't seem to be some Stia, who are you?"

Xu Chengfeng clapped his hands to attract the attention of Gemil and Paradis.

Among all the people present, it was obvious that his status was the highest.

Unfortunately, he seemed to be deliberately ignored.

He was a little upset!

"Gamil, can you explain why you came to my island?"

In any case, trying to sneak into his island secretly is a great challenge to him!

This made Xu Chengfeng very dissatisfied and afraid of Gemil!

Gamil's eyes lingered on the armor of Paradis, Janna, the two angels and Xu Chengfeng, and saluted Xu Chengfeng gracefully:

"Master Xu, this matter is actually a misunderstanding, this is Thea's own decision!"


Xu Chengfeng nodded, but still expressed doubts in his heart.

It is impossible for Gemil to say what he said.

Of course, Gemil is obviously better at life than Paradis.

Paradis reminded: "My lord, this guy may not be telling the truth." "I know!"

He's not a fool!

Gemil said very seriously: "Island Master Xu, as a god, will not lie to you...ordinary humans!"

Paradis laughed and said, "Master Island Master, Gaimil and I are good sisters, I really hope she stays on the island!"


The 603 speed that Paradis demolished is quite fast!

Xu Chengfeng stroked his chin, pondered for a while and said, "Gamil, take Thea and leave my island!"

In any case, Gemil is an unstable factor.

Xu Chengfeng has nothing to do with other places.

But on his island, there can only be one voice.

That was Xu Chengfeng's voice.

He wants to put an end to all unstable factors.

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