Gemil is an unstable factor.

Hearing Xu Chengfeng's words, Paradis proudly raised his chin with a proud face!

But Gemil's complexion sank.

Gamil asked softly: "This Island Master Xu, can you take in the mermaid family?"

Xu Chengfeng replied seriously: "If you're not here, I can take them in!"


Gaimil just wanted to hide in Thea's body and gain temporary shelter on Xu Chengfeng's island.

It would be too dangerous if she left!

"Then why can she stay on the island?"

Gemil pointed to Paradis and asked.

"I have signed a slave contract with the island owner!" Paradis walked to Xu Chengfeng's side with a clever smile, and said sweetly while holding his arm, "I am now his man!"


The Gemilians are stupid!

Chapter 271 Dark-bellied Goddess of the Night!Stia and Gemil!

Gemil couldn't believe his ears.


A god!

To be willing to sign a slave contract with a human being?

This is really a big joke!

Its shock level is almost catching up with the invasion of Kane's world by the will of the abyss!


Absolutely false!

"Look at this, these are called silk stockings!" Paradis pointed to the stockings on his thigh and laughed, "This is the island owner's favorite, and I wear it just for the island owner to see."

Xu Chengfeng stretched out his hand silently and put it on Paradis' lap.

The Goddess of the Night froze, and then she was left by Xu Chengfeng...

Gamil swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyes widened.

She stared at Xu Chengfeng's hand, and couldn't believe her eyes.

Is this still the irascible, black-bellied, arrogant, narrow-minded, vengeful goddess of the night, Paradis?

It's been ten thousand years, Paradis has changed?

"Then... what about her?"

Gemil asked, pointing to Janna.

She wasn't sure about Janna's identity, but it was obvious that the other party must be related to Stia.


Paradis smiled: "Well, who is Xu Chengfeng to you?"

Janna: "Master!"

Gemil scratched his head vigorously, this is the first time this powerful god realized that his brain was not enough.

But today, what happened in front of her left her in a daze!

Good guy!

The Goddess of the Night actually recognized her master!

She couldn't even dream of it!

If Xu Chengfeng is a god, she can still figure it out.

At the peak of her defeating the God of the Ocean and obtaining the priesthood of the Ocean, some low-level gods, under her coercion and lure, signed a master-servant contract with her and became her god!

But Xu Chengfeng is clearly an ordinary person!

Or...Xu Chengfeng is not an ordinary person?

Worthy Evernight Goddess Paradis selling his worth?

Gemil couldn't figure it out!

I really can't figure it out!

Gaimil raised his head, and saw Xu Chengfeng pamperingly stroking Paradis's long hair... Don't be too proficient in that technique!

But the relationship between them doesn't look like a fake at all!

"Gamil, do you understand now?" Paradis said, "This island can only have one owner, and you are not suitable to stay on the island."

"Paradis, you must be lying to me, right?" Gemil asked, "I will never be fooled by you again this time, you are definitely lying to me, absolutely!"

Paradis snuggled into Xu Chengfeng's arms with a sneer and said triumphantly, "Whether I lied to you or not, you are not suitable to stay on this island!"

Xu Chengfeng is very cooperative with the goddess of the night.

Because no matter how you look at it, he won't suffer.

By the way, I can also eat some soft tofu.

The Goddess of the Night is like a wild cat, she can't be caught under normal circumstances!

It's rare that she wants to pretend to be a house cat once!

Janna stared at Gemil with a hint of surprise in her eyes:

"Gamil, Paradis didn't lie to you!" Janna whispered, "She did sign a slave contract with her master."

"It's not just Paradis who signed a slave contract with the master, even me!"

"No!" Gemil shook his head again and again, "You are definitely lying to me, your breath is a bit weird, you are not the real Stia!"

"I'm Stia!" Janna said firmly, "It's just that I had a little problem. Thanks to the master's help, I was able to get through it!"

Gemil asked loudly, "How do you prove it?"

Janna walked up to Gemil, she stretched out her hand, bursting with divine power, and a whirlwind flew in her hand.

Gemil looked at Janna in surprise, and Janna nodded to her.

Only then did Gemil reach out his hand and lightly pressed on the whirlwind.

The energy of the water system gradually penetrated into the whirlwind easily, and the flow of the energy of the wind system... fits perfectly.

A small Feng Shui tornado spins in mid-air.

Feng Shui Tornado, a kind of composite magic in Kane World, extremely difficult!

The magician is required to be proficient in wind and water magic at the same time, and fuse them together!

If a wind magician and a water magician cast it together, the difficulty will increase to a terrifying level.

This requires years of uninterrupted practice to achieve a perfect tacit understanding.

Any small mistake, an unbalanced control of a magic element, will cause the spell to fail!

But Gemil cooperated directly with Stia as usual.

This is a secret code!

A code known only to Gemil and Stia!

The relationship between the Church of the Sea and the Church of Stormwind is very good, because the gods and gods of the two churches have a good relationship, and even the believers of the two churches can perform compound magic together!

The two churches also supported the development of the Cathay Empire together, allowing the Cathay Empire to develop into the top power of the human race in the Kane world!

Qin Hui has two or three friends, let alone the Storm Goddess?

Seeing the feng shui tornado, Paradis' eyes lit up.

In her dark eyes, there was a hint of a scheming smile.

At this point, Gaimi completely believed in Janna's identity.

Because this compound spell is one of the divine spells they created together.

Even if someone can swallow Stia's divinity, it is impossible to get Stia's memory.

But she didn't expect that Xu Chengfeng directly merged divinity and statues together!

Gemil softly shouted: "Stia!"



Gamel sighed.

She couldn't believe that Stia, who was also grumpy, also signed a master-servant contract with a human being!

Janna: "I don't want to die yet, and I don't want to fail again!"


Gemil didn't expect that "Stia" would respond to her like this.

Janna asked in a low voice: "Can all the gods in the Kane world be resurrected?"

Gemil smiled wryly, "Impossible!"

Janna: "If we are all resurrected, can we still recover to the strength we were back then?"

Gemil: "Impossible!"

There are not many native creatures left in the Kane world now.

It is no longer possible to go back to ten thousand years ago.

And the number of remaining believers is even more pitiful.

Without the support of enough faith, even if they rekindle the divine fire.

It is impossible for them to return to their original strength.

Whether it's Gemil, Janna, or Paradis, they all know it in their hearts.

They tried every means to resurrect, but most of them were still not reconciled!

What greeted them was probably another failure!

Janna: "Then is it possible for us to defeat the will of the abyss?"

Gemil was silent.

Even Paradis lowered his head.

Gemil: "Is that why you chose that island owner?"

"Yes!" Janna nodded firmly, "If the master can't do anything about it, then no one in Kane World can do anything about it!"

These words... are exaggerating a little too much!

If it blows too hard, Xu Chengfeng will feel the pressure.

Gemil looked at Xu Chengfeng with beautiful eyes and asked softly, "Can he become a god?"

This is Gemil's doubts!

If he wants to save the world, Xu Chengfeng must at least become a god, right?

"Becoming a god is only a matter of time for the master. Not only can he become a god, but he can also save you countless years and make you ignite the fire faster!" Jana said coldly, "This bitch Paradis is It was posted upside down like this, obviously I followed the master first!"

Paradis turned cold, and immediately jumped out of Xu Chengfeng's arms and cursed: "Stia, you are a bitch!"

Chapter 272 Stia, we want to be together!crying gods!

"Paradis, you better shut up!" Gemil said angrily, "You are not allowed to say that about Stia."

Gamil walked out of the artificial lake, walked to Janna's side, and glared at Paradis.

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