She seems to have decided to stand on the same front as "Stia".

Seeing Gemil's movements, Paradis was stunned.

Suddenly, she felt flustered.

Something doesn't seem right!

Whether it is forcing Gemil away or making Gemil Xu Chengfeng's servant, Paradis believes that he will not lose money.

But now, things seem to be going wrong.

Although she knew that Janna was not Stia, Gemil didn't.

Moreover, Janna and Stia are still inextricably linked.

Will these two be allies?

It’s no wonder that Paradis would have such worries. The relationship between Stia and Gemil was very good ten thousand years ago...

Gemil took Janna's hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Stia, I'll be with you this time!"

Just as Paradis was about to open his mouth to speak, he noticed Xu Chengfeng's hand on her shoulder.

Gemil: "What kind of slave 947 contract did you sign with your Island Master Xu?"

"The terms of the master-servant contract are relatively loose!" Janna replied directly, "I accept his command and will never betray, but only in battle...and he needs to help me cultivate believers, spread faith, and help me ignite the divine fire again, Ascend to God."

"If he becomes a god one day, the power of faith will be divided into three and seven, the master will be three, and we will be seven."

Gemil pulled Jana to Xu Chengfeng and said firmly, "Master Xu, right? I trust Stia's judgment! I want to stay on the island with Stia!"

"A master-servant contract?"

Xu Chengfeng thought that Paradis' black-bellied plan might succeed.

But he never thought that everything would be so easy!

He always felt that the relationship between Gemil and Stia was very unusual!

"Yes!" Gemil nodded firmly, "Let's make a contract!"

"Can't sign!"

Paradis suddenly shouted.

"To shut up!"

"you shut up!"

"you shut up!"

Xu Chengfeng, Jana, and Gemil said angrily at the same time.

Facing the anger of the three, Paradis took a step back.

She is very complicated now!

Obviously she just wanted to cheat Gaimil, but now she suddenly discovered that if Gaimil signed a master-servant contract with Xu Chengfeng, she, Paradis, seemed to be a real "outsider"!

In other words, even if she managed to trap Gemil, she probably wouldn't get any benefits, instead, she might put an enemy who hated her by Xu Chengfeng's side!

It's completely harming others and yourself!

Paradis: "Gamil, you will regret it!"

"Hmph!" Gemil sneered, "Paradis, you are just like the Spider Queen, full of bad things, I won't fall for you this time!"


This fool!

As silly as ever!

Paradis was too angry to speak any more.

She has a covenant with Xu Chengfeng!

[Reminder: The god of water elements, the goddess of the sea Gemil applied to sign a master-servant contract with you...]

[The terms of the master-servant contract: the god of the water element, the goddess of the sea, Gemil, will be your servant, loyal to you, and will never betray you. You can command Gemil, and all the gods of Gemil, the Church of the Ocean, and the Church of the Water God will participate. Fighting, and you must help her cultivate followers, help her ignite the divine fire, and ascend to the throne...]

"Island Master Xu, is this okay?"


But as long as the contract is signed, Gemil will become his subordinate.

To be honest, Xu Chengfeng had no reason to refuse.

This master-servant contract is a relatively loose type.

But Gemil's predecessor was a powerful god after all, so she should naturally enjoy generous treatment!

"Then you should agree quickly!" Gemil said, "If you hesitate any longer, I'm afraid you will regret it!"

[Hint: Do you agree? 】


A strange and simple chain spread in Xu Chengfeng's hands, and the other side of the chain extended to Gemil's chest...

[Hint: The master-servant (of God) contract is established! 】

[Hint: The divine contract will only take effect after you become a god! 】

Then, the chain disappeared.

However, some kind of mysterious connection has been established between Xu Chengfeng and Gemil.

"This is……"

Janna said: "The chain of rules, the contract is established!"

"Stia, now we're going to be together again!"

"Hahaha... I can't help it anymore, I'm dying of laughter, the contract is established, and now I can talk!" Paradis covered his stomach and laughed loudly, "Gamil, you stupid woman, you I was lied to again!"

"I won't be fooled by you!" Gemil sneered, "I'm with Stia now!"

"She's not a Stia at all, she's Janna, she's Janna!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about..." Gemil pulled Lajanna's little hand, "Stia, is this woman crazy? How could you not be Stia, right?"

Obviously, Gemil's tone was a little weak, with a hint of pleading.

She might also realize that something was wrong.

Janna gently opened Gemir's hand:

"Gamil, you are indeed being deceived. I am indeed not Stia... My name is Jana, the name given to me by the master."

The smile on Gemil's face froze.

She stood where she was, like a statue.

"Impossible, this is impossible, you are Stia!"

"Gamil, don't you give up?" Paradis laughed loudly, "You are an idiot, I don't know how you became a god!"

Jana said softly: "Gamil, although I am not Stia, it must be a good thing for you to become the master's servant!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" Gemil took Janna's hand and said, "Stia, you must be joking with me again, right?"

Janna shook her head calmly.

She helped Paradis at least Gemil just because she wanted Xu Chengfeng to have a powerful servant of the gods.

It's just because she knew that Xu Chengfeng was attracted to the goddess of the ocean!

Now, the master-servant contract has been signed.

She doesn't need to pretend anymore!

Janna ruthlessly shook off Gemil's hand, and stood beside Xu Chengfeng

Gamil sat weakly on the grass, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Gemil cried!

The gods are crying!

"Unexpectedly, Gemil is really a crybaby!"

Paradis just started, still laughing at Gemil.

But laughing and laughing, she found that Xu Chengfeng and Jana were looking at her angrily, and she gradually calmed down.

"Okay! I won't laugh! I won't laugh!"

Chapter 273 Stia has lost hope of resurrection!Gamir's cry!

Paradis suddenly discovered that Gaimil is now Xu Chengfeng's man...

Thinking of this, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh!

"Jana, what happened to her?"

Xu Chengfeng didn't like to see girls cry.

If it was an ordinary girl, he might throw her off the island, or just leave.

But Gemil is different.

This guy is a god.

In the future, he might become Xu Chengfeng's important subordinate.

Janna replied in a low voice: "She just loves to cry, few people know!"

Xu Chengfeng was surprised and said: "Crying can also become a god?"

"Whether you can become a god or not has nothing to do with whether you like to cry or not!" Janna corrected, "Gamir is still very capable, but she is a little crying, and her tears are relatively low."

"All right!"


yelled Gemil.

"Call me Janna!"


Gamir sobbed.

"Is her relationship with Stia really good?"

Xu Chengfeng asked in a low voice.

In myths and legends, the goddess of storm has a good relationship with the goddess of the sea.

Even the Church of the Sea and the Church of Stormwind can often coexist peacefully in the same city.

But Xu Chengfeng didn't know the specific situation.

He found that Janna should have seen some memories with Stia and Gemil.

Jana said: "The relationship between her and Stia is indeed very close. Gemil met Stia when she was a weak god. It is also thanks to Stia that Gamil can become the goddess of the sea. ..."

"Back when Gemil was dealing with the God of the Sea, Stia attacked the God of the Sea in a sneak attack. It can be said that Gemil was able to obtain the priesthood of the sea and become a powerful god, and Stia contributed a lot!"

"No wonder!" Paradis suddenly said, "I said, why is their relationship so good? It turns out that the Storm Goddess actually helped Gemil back then. At that time, we thought that Gemil was very powerful in fighting!"

At this time, Gemil had stopped crying.

She stood up and choked with sobs, "That S... Ganna, how did you have the divinity of Stia? Can you tell me?"

Janna looked at Paradis and then at Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and said, "Paradis, you go back now!"

Paradis pointed at himself stupidly: "Do you want me to leave?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Yes! I have something to talk to Gemil!"

Paradis looked at Janna, Gemil and Xu Chengfeng, and suddenly realized that he was really an outsider...

Now, Janna and Gemil are both Xu Chengfeng's subordinates.

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