And only she, Paradis, is Xu Chengfeng's ally!

Allies...of course no subordinates and minions get close!

Paradis quickly asked: "My lord, do you think I have made a meritorious service today?"

"Of course!"

Today, Paradis is really indispensable.

"I'm leaving!"

Fortunately, she still has credit.

This is a little consolation.

But when Paradis left, he was still a little depressed.

She did successfully trap Gemil.

But she doesn't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for her...

After Paradis left, Gemil still looked at Xu Chengfeng and Janna, waiting for the answer.

"Can you get out of Thea's body?"

Xu Chengfeng asked.

"Yes!" Gemil said, "It's just that I'm too weak now, and I'm afraid of being discovered by the abyss."

Gemil glanced at Janna, and the blue light flowed on Thea.

A blue liquid seeped out of Thea's body, and gradually condensed into a beautiful woman with long blue hair, a gentle temperament, and a long blue dress.

Thea, on the other hand, fell unconscious on the ground.

Gemil picked Thea up and put her on the chair.

"Island Master, Janna, can you tell me what's going on now?"

"Jana is the divinity of Stia, a mixed life with the idol!" Xu Chengfeng explained slightly.

"Mixed life?"

Gemil frowned!

It was difficult for her to understand this description.

Xu Chengfeng came to the artificial lake and picked up a handful of water.

A white light flashed, and a little water spirit condensed into shape, and jumped into the artificial lake again.

Xu Chengfeng turned his head and said with a smile: "Gamil, you should understand now, right?"

"how is this possible?"

Gemil stared at Xu Chengfeng's hand, his face full of disbelief.

Janna stood beside Gemil and said: "Nothing is impossible. When I was still a god, the master activated me and gave me life!"

"Inside the statue, is there Stia's unawakened divinity?"

Gemil reacted extremely quickly.

Janna nodded: "Probably so."

Gemil complained loudly: "My lord, how could you do this?"

Xu Chengfeng touched his nose: "You just think my hands are itchy!"

Gemil asked Janna: "Then are you still Stia?"

Janna shook her head: "Probably not!"

To be honest, Stia's divinity is just a part of her body.

Gemil: "What about Nastia?"

Xu Chengfeng spread his hands: "Sorry, I don't know her well."

Janna frowned and asked, "Is there any other divinity in Stia left on the Kane continent?"

Gamil looked at Janna, tears streaming down again.

Xu Chengfeng: "Gamil, tell me!"


Gamil choked up and said, "A hundred years ago, the Storm Church in the Storm Sea Region was completely finished. It's gone... She probably has nothing left!"

"Did she leave only two divinities?"

Xu Chengfeng was puzzled.

"Two divinities, there are already many, they are souls!" Gemil looked at Janna and said, "If the divinity is left behind, she still has the hope of igniting the divine fire in a short time and resurrecting, but she has nothing to do now. there is none left!"

"Didn't it mean that you can still be resurrected?" Xu Chengfeng asked, "As long as the Stormwind Church is still there, as long as there are enough believers, as long as no one occupies her priesthood..."

"But that..." Gemil cried, "The resurrected Stia is not the real Stia, she is just the Stia in the minds of the believers, the Stia recorded in the teachings is not the real Stia. Stia!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded.

Gemil: "What's more, it's so difficult to be resurrected now."

Xu Chengfeng sat down on the chair and said helplessly: "So, I have undoubtedly lost the hope of Stia's resurrection?"


Gemil aggrieved.

She wanted to be angry, but the problem was that Xu Chengfeng was her master!

She was so wronged... she could only cry!

At this time, Jana said, "Actually, I can't blame the master. If there is no master, the divinity in my body will still not be able to revive Stia."


"I was discovered by the master in the Shattered World!" Janna said, "And that piece of divinity has been in a deep sleep, and there is no sign of waking up."

Chapter 274 Stia's consciousness has long been destroyed!God drop tool!

"Even in the Broken Space, Stia's divinity should be able to wake up, right?" Gemil wondered, "Also, why did Stia's divinity appear in the Broken Space? Didn't she put it in Sketto?" Shrine?"

Janna replied in a low voice: "At that time, Stia's divinity was sleeping in my body. She was kicked into the broken world by the people of the abyss."

Gemil asked: "You mean, there was a problem with Stia's divinity at that time?"

Xu Chengfeng slapped his head and suddenly figured it out!

At that time, he didn't pay attention.

"Gamil, there is something I want to mention to you!"

"what's up?"

"My ability can only activate non-living objects." Xu Chengfeng said, "Sleeping divinity should be considered a kind of life, right? Just like you!"

"Me? I can indeed be considered a living thing!"

Gemil nodded.

She is now a divine creature.

She has no flesh and blood, more akin to a spiritual aggregate.

"Then there was definitely a problem with Stia's divinity at that time!" Xu Chengfeng said with certainty, "If Stia's divinity was just sleeping, it would be impossible for me to fuse her into Janna's body."

Xu Chengfeng's life activation technique is ineffective against advanced intelligent creatures.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to fuse a life with an item, activate it!

The divinity of the gods is definitely an advanced intelligent creature!

Regardless of whether Stia's divinity fell into a deep sleep or woke up at that time, it cannot hinder the fact that it is a living body!

A sleeping intelligent creature is also an intelligent creature.

Obviously, if there was no problem with Stia's divinity at that time, it would be impossible for Xu Chengfeng to activate Janna.

"It is indeed impossible..."

Gemil believed Xu Chengfeng's words a little.

Xu Chengfeng's ability to turn objects into life force has already surprised her.

It's even more terrifying to fuse a kind of divine life with another kind of object!

"If the Temple of the Wind is really found by the minions of the abyss, they really have no reason to let Stia's divinity go!"

Gemil believed in Xu Chengfeng's words.

But today, she was really scared of being deceived!

"Jana, take Gemil to see the Temple of the Wind!"

"Okay, Master!" Janna turned around and said to Gemil, "Come with me!"

"All right!"

Gemil sighed.

The contract has been signed, and she has resigned herself to her fate!

Not long after Janna and Gemil disappeared, Thea slowly woke up from the chair.

After waking up, Thea hurriedly stood up from the chair: "My lord, what's wrong with me?"

"You have a little problem with your body, but it's all right now!"

"Is it about Her Majesty the Goddess of the Sea?"


Xu Chengfeng was slightly surprised.

"Just now, the name called by the woman in the name of His Royal Highness Ocean Goddess." Thea whispered, "Could the problem with me be related to Her Highness Ocean Goddess?"

"It's true that Gemil has something to do with it!"

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and replied.

Gemil would actually be parasitic in Thea's body, so he must have valued Thea very much.

Thea's face changed drastically when she heard Xu Chengfeng's address: "Master Island Master, please don't call Her Highness the Goddess of the Sea by her name!"

Seeing Thea's reaction, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing!

Thea definitely didn't know that at this moment when she fell into a coma, the goddess of the sea, Gemil, whom she had been thinking about, had become his servant under the calculations of the goddess of the night and Janna.

"Thea, you go back!"

"What?" Thea asked quickly, "is it not easy for the island master to belong to our mermaid clan?"

"I agreed!"


Thea was surprised.

"Of course it's true!" Xu Chengfeng ordered, "Angel of Tears, take Thea to find the Venom leader, and let him lead ten members of the Venom Legion to escort the mermaids over!"

All the gods of the mermaid clan belonged to him.

It is impossible for Xu Chengfeng to embarrass these mermaids again!

The tearful angel smiled and said, "Okay, master!"

"Thank you, Master Island Master!"

Xu Chengfeng laughed and said: "At that time, I will help you build a church on the island to worship the goddess of the sea!"

Thea's eye sockets were moist!

Janna took Gemil to the Shrine of Sketos.

Gemil looked at Janna's familiar and unfamiliar back, with extremely complicated eyes

When the Shrine of Sketos appeared in front of them, Gemil looked at the temple riddled with holes, and finally affirmed that the temple had indeed been destroyed by an abyss demonized beast.

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