She stretched out her hand, pushed aside the densely packed little wind spirits, and gently stroked the relief of Stia on the wall of the temple, with mixed feelings in her heart.

"It's indeed Sketos!" Gemil's nails were tapped to see the mottled traces of the wind jade, "It has been soaked in the sea for thousands of years."

As the goddess of the sea, she is not very familiar with buildings soaked in seawater.

"En!" Janna nodded, "This was salvaged by the master."

Janna led Gemil into the main hall, and Gemil glanced at the missing statue in the main hall, then walked into the side hall with Janna.

After walking for a certain distance, the Fengyu wall suddenly became clean.

It is in stark contrast to the area soaked in seawater.

"This area was in the Shattered Space at the time, and the owner also found me there."

Gemil looked at the two areas, and said with a clear broken mark: "This is at least caused by a demigod-level abyss demonized beast. Sketos has indeed been captured, and Stia's divinity cannot be spared."

"Then why did Kane World remind me that Stia's divinity is still there?"

Xu Chengfeng came to Gemil's side and remembered the reminder when he saw the statue for the first time.

After dealing with 5.2 Thea, Xu Chengfeng also followed.

"The only explanation is that Stia's divinity was indeed defeated at that time!" Gemil looked at Janna with a complicated expression, "But the collapsed divinity gradually merged with the statue... Sigh!"


Xu Chengfeng was slightly surprised.

"God's descending tool!" Gemil spit out these two words softly, "Whether it is a temple statue or a church saint, it can be used as a carrier tool for the gods to descend to the main world!"

Gemil explained: "Among them, the statues of the temple are the most compatible with the divinity of the gods. As for the saints of the temple, it depends on the talents of the saints!"

"My lord, you can take it as the statue of Sketos unintentionally merged with Stia's collapsed divinity... Stia's consciousness has indeed dissipated, otherwise this situation would not have happened. "

Chapter 275 The crybaby is a little crazy!Getting scammed is common!

"Are you sure it's merged?"

Xu Chengfeng asked curiously.

His knowledge of the gods is actually not very rich.

"It's definitely a fusion!" Gemil said with certainty, "Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to read Stia's memory, and Stia's memory will completely dissipate within a certain period of time!"

"Even if the divinity of the gods is eaten by people, the person who eats the divinity does increase his comprehension of the corresponding laws...but he cannot inherit the memory of the gods!"

"The deity of the temple is a body, which unintentionally preserves and incorporates divinity...but it is not a real life itself, and has no soul!"

Gemil looked at Xu Chengfeng: "The ability of the island master just awakened it!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded: "I seem to understand your explanation!"

Gemil looked at Janna: "Your name is Janna... right?"


Jana nodded too.

Gemil said softly: "Stia's departure is indeed not your fault. You inherited part of Stia's memory and her 18-year-old divinity... In fact, you should be regarded as Stia's child!"

Janna looked at Gemil in astonishment.

She thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong.

"This way, it's better than Stia disappearing completely!"

Gemil said sadly.

"Then why didn't those who attacked the temple completely destroy the statue?"

Xu Chengfeng was puzzled.

"It should be that there is no such skill!" Gemil said, "Even if Stia was dead at that time, the remaining power of the Temple of the Wind is still very strong."

"You know Stia well?"

This was also something Xu Chengfeng was very curious about.

"Yes!" Gemil forced a smile, "She became a god earlier than me, and I met her when I was still weaker than a god."

"Didn't Janna tell you? I was able to get the priesthood of the ocean thanks to Stia's help!"

"Is she so kind to help you?" Xu Chengfeng was a little puzzled.

"She is a very enthusiastic person!" The relief inside the Temple of the Watcher in Gemil recalled somewhat, "She has a carefree personality, likes to use her fists, and is competitive, but she is a very gentle person."


That's kinder to you, right?

Xu Chengfeng looked at Gemil and sighed in his heart.

The only thing that made him feel better was Stia's divinity, not death by his hands.

It can be regarded as a little relaxation of the relationship between him and Gemil.

Don't think that by signing a master-servant contract, you can really restrain some people.

The master-servant contract between him and Gemil was not harsh.

As long as you are not afraid of death, even if you sign a master-servant contract, Gemil can break it!

It's okay to die!

Xu Chengfeng wanted an obedient Gemil more.

As for what Janna told Gemil, he can save the world...

That's just bragging!

Xu Chengfeng didn't think about it for the time being.

Now, he can just accumulate strength step by step!

Xu Chengfeng said suddenly: "By the way, Gemil, just now Thea woke up, and I have already sent someone to bring her family back!"

"That's good!" Gemil said, "Fortunately, there are those mermaids, otherwise my last trace of divinity would not be preserved, and they would suffer too!"

" too? Just such a trace of divinity?"

Xu Chengfeng said in surprise.

"Like Stia, I left two strands of divinity ten thousand years ago, but I lost one trace a long time ago." Gemil smiled wryly, "My divinity woke up very early. In the Mermaid King’s Court, relying on the power of faith to gradually increase my strength to the legendary level, my number of believers is indeed small, but it is also quite considerable, 400 years ago I met the conditions to be able to ignite the divine fire and become a demigod!"

"Then you didn't light the fire?"

Xu Chengfeng said in surprise.



"I dare not!" Gemil replied, "Once I ignite the divine fire, the entire Kane world will be affected... I will definitely be discovered by the abyss."

"You're a bit cowardly!"

Xu Chengfeng laughed.

"I didn't even dare to answer the prayers of the believers!" Gemil whispered, "I don't know how much power the abyss has, I can't find other gods at all, I don't have any information, just like the whole Kane In the world, I am the only god who is still alive..."

"Also, I'm timid... I'm really a little timid!"

Xu Chengfeng thought about it, and felt that Gemil could not be blamed either.

Gemil only has one chance, and she must be cautious.

Once she dared to ignite the divine fire at that time, maybe the entire abyss will and the participating abyss power would attack her crazily.

She is a god, and there is a high probability that she will be unstoppable.

"It's okay!" Xu Chengfeng smiled, "If I stood in your position, I would definitely hide first!"

Janna reminded from the side: "Master, don't look at Gamil as if she is very gentle, but when she is angry, she is still crazy, even crazier than Stia!"

"Have it?"

Xu Chengfeng asked curiously.

I always feel that Janna has recalled some secret of the gods.

"Gamil was once angry twice. Once, she secretly poured seawater into the underground world, drowning hundreds of millions of underground races. Another time, she swept the coastal cities of the Empire of Darkness into the sea..."

"Is it so cruel?"

Xu Chengfeng looked at Gemil, looking weak.

I can't tell at all that she is that kind of cruel god.

Janna commented: "383 is the kind of character who is desperate when she gets angry, so she is crazy!"

"Of course, she is still easily deceived, this is an old problem!"

Janna added.

"Easy to be deceived? Is there any story?"

Recently, Xu Chengfeng likes to listen to stories.

Janna: "She was tricked by the Goddess of the Night, the God of the Sea, and the Spider Queen..."

Xu Chengfeng looked at Gemil and found that it was not surprising that Gemil was cheated this time.

It's no wonder that Gemil will have an enmity with the Evernight Goddess.

"I hate being deceived!" Gemil said seriously, "Stia has never deceived me!"

"Didn't it mean that the divine descendant consumes a lot of energy and is in danger of being hunted?"

Xu Chengfeng was puzzled.

Ordinary gods will not perform divine descent unless it is absolutely necessary.

Not to mention, it will consume a lot of power of faith, and even the strength of the gods will be suppressed by the main world!

This creates an opportunity for some legendary powerhouses who dream of becoming gods!

In history, there are many legend-level and demigod-level powerhouses who are crazy about becoming gods!

There have also been strong men who succeeded in killing gods and ascended to the throne of gods!

"Hey! How else can you say that Gemil is crazy!" Janna whispered, "But this is still good, at least after that, no gods want to do anything to her."

Chapter 276: Ning Yongming's Moving Island Is Revealed!

Xu Chengfeng suddenly remembered the matter of the Keerban mermaid clan.

That murloc once said that the Kerban mermaids are a group of crazy mermaids.

In the Southern Star Sea Territory, it has a very vicious reputation!

Only now did Xu Chengfeng discover that the behavior style of the Kerban mermaids is really in line with the sea goddess Gemil they believe in!

"Then what about you now? How did you become like this?"

Xu Chengfeng continued to ask Gemil.

Gemil clearly said that he is a legendary powerhouse.

But now, the strength is clearly very weak!

"The island owner should know what happened later!" Gemil said helplessly, "Even though I have been very careful in hiding, the abyss still attacked all the churches, including the royal court of the mermaid clan!"

"When Thea's grandma was still alive, I once helped the Mermaid Royal Court once in a crisis... and I was noticed by the abyss!"

"Later, most people in the Mermaid Court gave up their faith, so I secretly followed Thea's mother, Fanny, and left the court. In the end, I was still targeted by the abyss!"

"On the way, I ran into the encirclement and suppression of more than a dozen legendary abyss demonized beasts... After a big battle, I barely escaped by feigning death and hid in Thea's body."

Xu Chengfeng asked curiously, "Does Thea's mother know about you?"

"I know, she put me into Thea's body." Gemil said, "But she didn't say it until she died."

Xu Chengfeng asked: "So, you became what you are now?"

"In order to feign death, I kept most of my divinity, which is considered a serious injury." Gamil whispered.

"It's really miserable!"

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