Xu Chengfeng felt it.

"I should be fine!" Gemil said with some sentimentality, "Some gods will never have a chance."

Really... Optimistic!

Xu Chengfeng asked suddenly: "Gamil, have you noticed these wind elemental spirits?"


These wind spirits almost covered the entire temple.

It's hard not to pay attention!

"They are all followers of Janna!"

Gamil looked at Xu Chengfeng and Janna in surprise.

Janna nodded to Gamir.

"These wind elemental spirits, like those water elemental spirits, are you bringing them back to life?"


"Can they become believers?"


Gamil murmured: "I seem to understand why Janna said you can help me!"

Xu Chengfeng's ability is a little exaggerated.

If he can really mass-produce believers.

Well, he is definitely the object that every god wants to compete for!

This is already the authority of the Creator!

"Gamil, rest first, wait for the mermaids to come back, and I will arrange for you tomorrow!"

Xu Chengfeng felt a little tired!

"Okay!" Gemil said, "Then I'll stay here today, with Janna!"


Obviously, the current Gemil is closer to Janna.

Anyway, the master-servant contract has been confirmed, and Janna is also his own, so he is not worried.

Back at the villa, Xu Chengfeng was lying on the chair, and Wendini smiled and served Xu Chengfeng a glass of honey water.

"Too many things happened today!" Xu Chengfeng took a sip of honey water and said while looking at the moon in the sky, "I got a lot of intelligence and information!"

Wen Dini sat next to Xu Chengfeng and asked in a low voice, "Master, is that Gemil really the goddess of the sea?"

"Yes, it's her!"

"She really signed a slave contract with the master?"

At that time, Undine was naturally present.

After all, Gemil appeared too suddenly.

Xu Chengfeng was not prepared at all.

He never expected that Gemil could hide in Thea's body.


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

"Master Island Master, you are really amazing!" Wendini said excitedly, "Gamil is a powerful god, and she has become your servant!"

"She was cheated!"

"But no matter what, this is also true!" Wendini said, "Master Island Master, you will definitely become a god in the future!"

"Never mind him! Let's talk about the future!"

Xu Chengfeng said indifferently.

It is too early for him to become a god now.

He is just a little gold now!

"Master Island Master, when you become a god...can I still follow you?"

Wendini asked suddenly.

Xu Chengfeng asked back: "Why not?"

"But my strength... Sigh!"

Thinking of her strength, Wendini couldn't help but sigh.

Beside Xu Chengfeng, she and Chen Xinping were the weakest.

They couldn't keep up with the expansion of Xu Chengfeng's island power!

Because of this, Wendini actually felt worried!

She talked with Chen Xinping, and Chen Xinping was also under a lot of pressure.

However, as the deputy island owner, Chen Xinping can help Xu Chengfeng a lot.

This made Wendini, who was a maid, extremely envious.

Xu Chengfeng smiled and comforted: "It's okay, you are in charge of cleaning, just serve tea and water!"

"Master Island Master, I want to take care of you for the rest of my life!"


Xu Chengfeng pinched Wendini's cheek.

This made Wendini both happy and shy.

She told herself repeatedly in her heart that she was still an underage elf!

After washing up, Xu Chengfeng lay on the bed, thinking of the Goddess of the Night, the Goddess of the Sea, and Janna on the island...

Xu Chengfeng felt that he seemed to have the physique to attract a goddess!

Needless to say, Janna came from the Shattered Dimension and was completely lucky.

The goddess of the night, Paradis, was snatched by him by virtue of his strength, with the contribution of the pirates of the abyss.

As for Gemil, she hid it well, but was discovered by the Evernight Goddess.

"Forget it, don't care! Don't you have to listen to yourself, no matter what kind of god they are?"

Thinking of this, Xu Chengfeng felt much more comfortable.

He glanced at the newcomer island owner's world exchange channel. In the world exchange channel, the news that those newcomer island owners were talking about quickly attracted Xu Chengfeng's attention.

"Have you heard? Can the island of our Longguo Tianbang Island Master, Senior Ning Yongming, run by himself?"

"Run? How do you run? Don't you have long legs!"

"I can swim by myself, swimming in the sea!"

"Really? You're not kidding, are you?"

"It's absolutely true! The media of the Kangaroo Country has already leaked out. An island owner of the Tianbang Island of the Kangaroo Country saw it with his own eyes and even recorded a video!"

"Not only the island owner of the Kangaroo Kingdom saw it, but our island owner of the White Elephant Kingdom also saw it!"

"The island...how can it move by itself? Isn't it too buggy?"

"How did that Ning Yongming do it?"

"The devil knows! I heard that Ning Yongming is a monster!"

"Is it better than Old Dog Xu?"

"It's all monster strings!"

A beautiful newcomer island owner said angrily:

"I want to report, to report that the owner of Longguo Island cheated!"

"Yes! There is Xu Chengfeng in the front and Ning Yongming in the back...they are all cheating!"

"Fool! This is a magical world. Even if the island can move by itself, it's normal. I heard that the kingdom of gods can fly around in the sky!"


Seeing this news, Xu Chengfeng smiled unscrupulously!

Ning Yongming's mobile island was exposed by other island owners and the media!

Chapter 277 Xu Chengfeng's family history exposed!Story time!

He knew that Ning Yongming's mobile island would be exposed sooner or later.

Ning Yongming was different from him, he was in the rookie island owner area at the time.

Those new island owners are no more than black iron level, and it is almost impossible to find his island.

In the area where Ning Yongming is active, those island owners may have 50 or 40 years of experience, and there may be king-level and emperor-level island owners.

It is almost impossible to hide from the eyes and ears of other star-level, king-level, and emperor-level island owners.

Even with Xu Chengfeng's current strength, it is difficult to hide the truth from the royal island owner.

However, Xu Chengfeng has already slipped away now!

It doesn't matter if it's exposed or not.

When Ning Yongming leaves the island owner's area and enters the outer domain with him, he probably won't care.

Xu Chengfeng smiled and typed on the World Channel:

"Senior Ning's island can actually move, it's really shocking... I never dreamed that I could do this!"

As soon as Xu Chengfeng spoke, he was directly set by the Newcomer World communication channel.

As soon as those new island owners saw Xu Chengfeng appear, the entire world communication channel started to boil.

"Boss Xu, you finally appeared!"

"Old dog Xu, we are not used to you not talking for so long!"

"Even Boss Xu thinks Senior Ning is awesome?"

"That's right! That Ning Yongming is indeed very powerful!"

"If I build the Evernight Church on the island, can Boss Xu give me a signed photo of Angel 853?"

"Boss Xu, I want to build the Evernight Church on the island, can you allocate a spot for me?"

"I want to go through the back door too!"

"Go through Boss Xu's back door?"


"Don't be stupid, Boss Xu is now the vice president of the Longguo Island Owners Association, he must have got the news before you!"

"Yes! Boss Xu may have known about it long ago, but now he is just pretending to be surprised!"


Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing when he saw the speeches of these new island owners.

The world is so big, there are really smart people!

He continued: "How could I know? I just found out. I haven't left the island for a long time!"

"Boss Xu, what's the matter with your meritorious service?"

"President Xu, are there any emperor-level powerhouses on your island?"

"There must be emperor-level powerhouses, otherwise the merit value cannot increase by hundreds of millions!"

"I did some calculations just now. Boss Xu's meritorious service this month, even if he puts it on the veteran island owner's side, he might rank first!"

"very scary!"

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