"more or less!"

"Angel of Tears, go and ask them to come in, stay in the saltwater lake first, and have breakfast with the Mussels!"

Xu Chengfeng was a little embarrassed to let the mermaid family wait outside the island overnight.

"Okay, master!"

After the Angel of Tears left, Xu Chengfeng looked at Thea.

"Thea, can you act on land now?"

"Yes, my lord!"

Thea flicked her tail, and after jumping ashore, the water-blue magic power wrapped around the fish's tail, transforming into a pair of white and slender legs in an instant.

Thea gently stepped on the lawn and explained: "The mermaid clan, if the strength reaches the emperor level, they can use their legs to walk freely on land."

"Not bad!" Xu Chengfeng nodded and sat on the chair, "You sit too!"

"Thank you, Master Island Master!"

Xina sat down in a well-behaved manner opposite Xu Chengfeng.

"Wendini, have two cups of Tianxin tea!"

"Okay, master!"

Every morning, Xu Chengfeng is willing to have a cup of Tianxin tea.

After drinking it, it's like getting blood from a chicken, and you will feel energetic all day long!

The Tianxin tea tree is already more than ten meters high, with luxuriant branches and leaves. You only need to steep one leaf for a cup of tea, and Xu Chengfeng is not afraid to bald it!

As soon as Wendini's tea was served, Thea smelled the fresh fragrance of tea.

“Good tea!”

Xu Chengfeng smiled and said, "Drink and watch!"


Thea took a sip lightly, eyes full of shock.

"My lord, this..."

"Imperial grade Tianxin tea, after drinking, it is very good for meditation!"

"It's really good tea!"

Thea exclaimed.


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

Thea thought for a while and said, "I heard from the spirit of the holy spring that the island owner likes special plants?"

"Yes, that's right!"

Thea took out a delicate cloth bag from the space ring, and shook out three emerald-like seeds from the bag.

[Emerald Jade Coral Seed (Emperor Grade): An extremely precious coral plant in Kane Continent. Most of the Jade Jade Coral is located in the Mermaid King’s Court. It grows extremely slowly and is extremely fragile. It takes 10 years to form. Jade Jade Coral can grow Gathering a large amount of water elemental energy can enhance the water talent of surrounding water creatures, greatly speed up the growth of marine life, and directly consume it to enhance the water talent. It is also the main medicine of many emperor-level, legendary-level, and demigod-level potions. 】

Emperor-level jadeite coral seeds?

This is the first time Xu Chengfeng has seen the seeds of special emperor-level plants.

If it is said that the tree of life is the holy tree of the elves.

Then the emerald jade coral is the holy tree of the mermaid clan!

The tree of life can gather a lot of life energy, and the emerald jade coral can gather a lot of water element energy.


They can all change the surrounding ecological environment and affect the talents of the surrounding creatures.

For any ethnic group, it is a treasure!

The symbol of the Mermaid Kingdom contains emerald jade coral.

Xu Chengfeng did not expect that Thea would be able to take out this.

"These three emperor-level jadeite corals were secretly taken away by my mother when she left!" Thea said sadly, "After we settled in the Kelban Islands, we didn't dare to plant them at all."


"Emerald corals are too fragile, and they have extremely high requirements on the environment and water quality!" Thea sighed, "The environment of the Kerban Islands is not suitable for planting them at all, and we don't know when they will be destroyed by the abyss." The demonized beasts found that... only an environment like the island owner's island is suitable for them."

"give it to me!"

Xu Chengfeng accepted them with a smile.

He has no reason not to accept these three emperor-level jadeite corals.

A kind of emerald jade coral, the water environment on the island will be greatly changed.

Whether it is water spirits, mussels, mermaids, or other special aquatic plants and aquatic products, they can all benefit.

"How many people are there in your mermaid clan?"

"Including me, we still have 640 people!" Thea replied, "I am an emperor-level middle-grade ocean priest, and there are five king-level elders, all of whom are water mages. It's more ordinary!"

Chapter 279 Gemil: Janna, why are you ignoring me?

Thea had observed the water elemental elves wandering around Xu Chengfeng's island, and they were all at least at the star level.

Even more frightening is the Venom Legion where 31 belongs.

Every member she saw was an imperial middle grade!

Comparable to her strength level!

Therefore, to Xu Chengfeng, mermaids below the king level should not have much meaning.

"Are there any requirements for the place of residence?"

Just for the three emperor-level jadeite corals, Xu Chengfeng should create a good living environment for the mermaid family.

"The environment we like is similar to that of the Clam Clan!"

Thea replied.

"Is an area of ​​twenty square kilometers enough?"

"Enough!" Thea nodded repeatedly.

For a family of more than 2000 mermaids, [-] square kilometers is a bit small.

But Thea felt enough was enough.

She also discovered that Xu Chengfeng's island was only about [-] square kilometers.

They can account for one-fifth, which is quite good.

Moreover, Xu Chengfeng Island is different from ordinary island areas.

The frighteningly abundant life energy is enough to cause the algae plants in the island area to multiply, enough to ensure the basic rations of more than 2000 mermaids.

"That's good!" Xu Chengfeng stomped the ground under his feet lightly, "The spirit of the island!"

"Yes, master!"

The spirit of the island suddenly appeared from Xu Chengfeng's side, startling Thea!

After Thea observed for a while, the beautiful girl who ran out of the field was even more surprised.

Royal top-rank powerhouse!

She didn't expect that Xu Chengfeng could casually summon a high-ranking emperor?

It was the first time she saw this.

The way it appeared was even more weird!

Soundless, like a ghost.

Only the devil knows how many emperor-level powerhouses there are on this island!

"The mermaid clan is going to move here. You expand the clam clan's saltwater lake to 22 square kilometers, of which [-] square kilometers are the territory of the mermaids!"

The spirit of the island nodded: "Master, do you need to separate?"

"Not completely separated!" Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and said, "Let's make some borders!"

Mermaids and mussels are two completely different races.

The clam clan are Xu Chengfeng's slaves in name, and the mermaid clan are ordinary residents.

Xu Chengfeng was a little worried that the clams were being bullied by the mermaid.

He didn't want to worry about these shitty things.

Simply, everyone keeps a certain distance and draws clear boundaries.

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

The spirit of the island disappeared directly into the earth.

Thea said again: "There is one more thing, Master Island Master!"

"what's up?"

Thea said: "Our mermaid family also wants to participate in the battle!"


Xu Chengfeng agreed: "Under normal circumstances, you can go out to hunt the demonic beasts of the abyss. If there are special circumstances, I will transfer you to join the battle!"

"Thank you, Master Island Master!"

"By the way, your profession is an ocean priest?"

Thea replied: "Yes, this is a special profession of our Ocean Church. I only awakened after His Highness Ocean Goddess woke up!"

"Okay, drink the Tianxin tea, you go down first!" Xu Chengfeng said, "About the matter of the Ocean Church, I will send someone to help you build it later."

"Okay, my lord!"

After Thea left, Xu Chengfeng ate a relatively simple breakfast, and sent an angel of light to call Janna and Gamil.

In the Temple of the Wind, Janna sat on the pedestal of the statue, her eyes closed, motionless.

Gemil stood beside her, and said in a mournful tone, "Jana, why are you ignoring me?"

"Jana, just talk to me!"


"Jana, don't just keep talking!"


"Jana, do you hate me?"


"Jana, let me tell you Stia's story!"


At this moment, the angel of light flew into the main temple:

"Master Janna, Lord Gemil, the master said that you want to pass..."

Guang Angel hadn't finished her sentence, she just felt that there was a strong wind blowing around her long white hair.

When she looked at the pedestal again, Janna had disappeared.

Only Gemil was left pouted, looking dissatisfied at the large open window of the main temple.

Gemil took a deep breath and straightened his back.

The majesty, sanctity and mighty aura that belonged to the gods began to radiate from her.

"Has Janna always been very wooden?"

Angel of Light replied: "Master Janna is always serious!"

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