Gemil: "I will definitely melt her!"

Angel of Light: "Master Gemil, the master asked you and Master Janna to meet him"

"Okay!" Gemil nodded, and looked at the light angel curiously, "Are you also an elemental life?"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Master... The ability of the island master is really amazing!"

Gamel sighed.

In fact, this is no longer surprising.

Simply frightening!

The sea breeze was blowing on the island, seeing Jana and Gemil standing respectfully in front of him, Xu Chengfeng felt very happy.

"Gamil, I am going to help you preach. In addition to the mermaids on the island, there are mussels and water spirits on my island. You can make them believe in you!"

Gemil asked curiously, "Including those dark water element life?"

After a night of hard work, Gemil has fully accepted Xu Chengfeng's ability.

She already knew that the elemental spirits activated by Xu Chengfeng completely obeyed Xu Chengfeng's orders. They would not believe in the elemental kings of the major elemental planes. They could become her followers!

Although Xu Chengfeng, Jana and the Goddess of the Night jointly plotted against her, she was still a little brooding.

But after Gemil learned about Xu Chengfeng's ability, he felt much better.

She didn't hate Xu Chengfeng or Janna, but she was quite dissatisfied with the Evernight Goddess!

"They are the venom army, transformed from the venom of my activated abyss poisonous dragon!" Xu Chengfeng laughed, "They indeed belong to the formation of the water spirit army!"


Gamil was a little excited, but her face was calm and unwavering.

Gemil coveted those poisonous 5.6 liquid legions.

The stronger the believer, the more power of faith she can gain.

"Master, are you going to prepare a residence for the mermaid family?"

Jana asked suddenly.

"Yes!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "I have prepared a lake of [-] square kilometers for them, which is connected to the sea just like the territory of the Bang tribe."

Janna: "Then the master can also prepare 20 little water spirits for Gemil? Just like me!"


Xu Chengfeng directly agreed.

The territory of the mermaid family will be opened up soon, and now there is room for the little water spirits on the island.

Gemil looked at Janna, and excitedly took her hand: "Janna, you are not as heartless as you appear on the surface! You must have a crush on me, right?"

Chapter 280 Borrowing the Country to Lay Eggs!Your goddess, my servant!

Janna sighed softly, turned her head away, not looking at Gemil.

Seeing this scene, Xu Chengfeng felt it was funny.

"Jana, what's wrong with you?"

Janna said helplessly: "Gamil is more... more clingy!"


Xu Chengfeng smiled unscrupulously.

It was rare to see Janna deflated, as if she was a little confused about Gemil.

"Gamil, do you want to meet Thea, do you want to meet the mermaid family?"

Xu Chengfeng remembered that Thea hadn't seen Gemil yet!

"Meet Thea!" Gemil let go of Janna and said in a low voice, "Their mermaid clan has been too difficult in the past hundred years, and I can see it all."

"What about the rest?"

Gaimil glanced at Xu Chengfeng: "Other mermaids, let's see for now! I'll just meet Thea, and I plan to let her be the saint of the Ocean Church. She is very talented."

"By the way!" Xu Chengfeng asked suddenly, "Someone in the south has established the Church of the Water God and is spreading your beliefs. Can you sense it?"

"I can absorb the power of faith!" Gemil smiled gratifiedly, "About 30 years ago, the power of faith came from there, and it should be praying through the temple 18. Recently, they seem to be It has expanded a lot, and the power of faith is increasing!"

Gemil quickly realized: "My lord, have you met the member of the Water God Church?"

Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

"I've seen it!"

He nodded.

"Are they strong?"

Gemil is very worried about this problem.

There are not many people who can keep their faith now.

Every believer deserves her attention.

Especially one that organized a church for her.

If it was ten thousand years ago, the establishment of the Church of the Water God would definitely require the consent of the orthodox Church of the Ocean, and must also accept the unified management of the Church of the Ocean.

But now, Gemil will definitely not have so many demands.

If someone still believes in her, that's pretty good!

Her only worry is that that church will be strangled by the minions of the abyss like the previous church!

Xu Chengfeng explained with a smile: "The newly established Water God Church is headed by an emperor-level powerhouse named Yoshida. He also allowed the Water God Church to gain the support of a large number of island masters. Although the strength of those island owners varies, the number Enough, the Church of the Water God should be able to strengthen once in a short time!"

"That's good!"

Gaimil felt relieved when he heard Xu Chengfeng's comment.

She still believed in Xu Chengfeng's vision.

After all, Xu Chengfeng was very strong, and he was loyal to Janna, and was targeted by the Evernight Goddess!

"However, Lord Island Master, the smile on your face...why does it look a bit strange!"

Gemil suddenly asked suspiciously.

"Is there? No!"


Gemil nodded seriously.

"Then have it!"

Now that he's been spotted, Xu Chengfeng doesn't seem to be pretending anymore!

"Can you tell me why?"

Gemil asked curiously.

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile: "I know that Yoshida...I was wondering, next time we meet, will he listen to my order!"

"Uh... indeed!"

Gemil remembered the content of the master-servant contract.

The church she belongs to must obey Xu Chengfeng's order and fight for Xu Chengfeng!

"Hahaha... I'm just laughing at this!"

Xu Chengfeng couldn't take it anymore!

This thing is really too fun!

Enough for him to be happy for ten years!

Yoshida, the strong man in the cherry blossom country, started to train believers in the Church of the Water God after he got the Temple of the Water God.

Recently, the Island Owners Association of the Sakura Country has been doing its best to promote the belief of the Water God Church in the Kane world. Many Sakura Country island owners have responded to the call and established the Water God Church on the island to train believers of the Water God Church.

Cherry Blossom Kingdom must want to revive the god of water elements and the goddess of the sea, Gemil. If there is a war with the abyss in the future, their Sakura Kingdom can also have a god to support them!

But now...

Now, the god of the water element, the goddess of the sea, the great Gemil, whom they wanted to resurrect, was cut off by Xu Chengfeng in advance!

Gaimil has become Xu Chengfeng's slave, and all the efforts made by Sakura Kingdom to resurrect Gaimil will be used as Xu Chengfeng's wedding dress!

The church they worked so hard to build will become Xu Chengfeng's power!

They have spent all their efforts to cultivate believers, and it is very likely that all of them will become Xu Chengfeng's subordinates!

Unless, they choose to turn their backs on the gods and Gemil.

It is not so easy for a believer with a firm belief to change his belief!

Can't this be called borrowing chickens to lay eggs?

It's - laying eggs on the basis of the country!

Xu Chengfeng is now thinking all over his head, what will happen if the Cherry Blossom Kingdom suddenly finds out that the goddess of water elements and the god of the sea, Gemil, they believe in, is their servant!

You should kneel down respectfully!

After all, he is the boss of their gods!

Gemil was a little embarrassed.

She felt that Xu Chengfeng was definitely more than just acquainted with Jitian.

Maybe there is still a conflict between the two sides!

Otherwise, Xu Chengfeng wouldn't have laughed so sinisterly!

She whispered: "Master, if that Yoshida has offended you, can you not punish him too much? After all, he is also building a church for me and spreading the faith..."

"Don't worry, I really have no old grudges with him before!" Xu Chengfeng laughed, "If we don't have conflicts in the future, I won't care about him... After all, he is also my subordinate!"

Of course Xu Chengfeng would not do anything to Yoshida now.

Right now, Yoshida is still busy helping him train his subordinate Gemil!

Gemil flattered slightly: "It's still the island owner who is generous!"

"That's right, I do belong to the kind of person who is more magnanimous!"

This is a bit narcissistic.

Gemil is relatively thin-skinned and can't handle it.

The island began to vibrate again.

This is the spirit of the island transforming the environment of the island and expanding the territory for the mermaid family.

This time the island needs to add [-] square kilometers of water area, which can be regarded as a major transformation.

But it's not a big problem, Xu Chengfeng's island has been staying at the port of Bayeux City recently, and most of the life energy can be consumed.

Xu Chengfeng left the villa and came to the seaside warehouse. After greeting the ice girl, he entered the warehouse and saw a mountain of crystal nuclei inside.

Yesterday, he already knew about 31 helping the mermaid family survive the catastrophe.

These crystal nuclei were all brought back by 31.

After absorbing all the crystal nuclei, the energy points in Xu Chengfeng's hand exploded to more than 6 million!

That's a lot of money.

The emperor-level top-rank subordinates can directly activate four of them!

Chapter 281 You Scared Me, You Need to Compensate for Mental Damage!

When he returned to the villa, he saw that the Evernight Goddess was already waiting in front of the villa.

"Is there a problem?"

"My lord, where's my reward from yesterday!"

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