With the assistance of Paradis, Xu Chengfeng consumed [-] energy points to quickly activate [-] dark elemental elves for her.

Seeing [-] dark elemental elves, Paradis felt a little relieved.

At least, fifteen hundred more believers!

She lowered her head, looked at her thigh, and then at Xu Chengfeng.

For no reason, she suddenly had the urge to let Xu Chengfeng touch her again!

Touch a thousand dark elemental spirits at once!

Ten thousand times ten times, one thousand times... that's 100 million!

1000 million dark elemental spirits only need to be touched [-] times!

She can become a god!

It seems that it is also very fast!

Paradis shook his head fiercely, trying to get this very tempting idea out of his mind!

She is a god!

High above the gods!

At this moment, she noticed Janna and Gemil standing beside the big tree not far away.

Janna, Paradis doesn't care!

But Gemil, this is an enemy!

"Ah, when did you arrive?"

Gaimil finally couldn't help but laugh while clutching his stomach, "That's when I was crying!"

"It's so funny, this is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life!"

"Hahahaha... I can't take it! I can't take it!"

"What did I see? I actually saw the famous Goddess of the Night crying!"


Gemil couldn't straighten up with a smile, leaned directly on Janna's body with a smile, and then slid from Janna's body to the ground and rolled...

Paradis's face turned black.

She died directly today!

"Gamil, don't forget, you are now Xu Chengfeng's slave!" Paradis shouted angrily, "And I am Xu Chengfeng's ally, I am equal to Xu Chengfeng, and you are just a slave!"

After being told by Paradis, Gemil's laughter finally gradually disappeared.

Gemil got up from the ground, and slowly walked in front of Xu Chengfeng: "Master Island Master, yesterday, you want to get me 20 water elemental spirits?"

"Don't worry, I won't go back on what I promised, and I will make up 20 for you!"

Xu Chengfeng felt that his head was getting bigger!

Gamil looked at Paradis provocatively.

Paradis looked at Xu Chengfeng and murmured, "You want to give her 20?"

"Yeah!" Xu Chengfeng nodded helplessly, "After all, Gemil is very short of believers now. I want to train her well and improve her strength."

Chapter 283 Recruiting people with dark magic talent!Also ask Xu Chengfeng!

Gemil's situation is completely different from Janna's.

Janna can use energy points to directly increase her strength.

But Gemil can't!

Adding a large number of followers to her and using the power of faith to enhance her strength is the fastest!

"What about me?" Paradis pointed at himself and said, "I'm only over 1..."

"Paradis, don't make trouble for no reason!" Jana stood up and said, "Gamil is different from you, you are just the master's friend, but Gaimil is the property of the master just like me... "

"That's right!" Gemil laughed, "Paradis, you are different from me!"

Paradis looked at Gemil, angry and angry, and a little helpless, he couldn't argue with it!

When did a god feel superior when he was a servant?

In fact, Gemil felt very sad and angry when he became Xu Chengfeng's servant.

But when she saw that Paradis had been begging for so long, until he cried, he could only get [-] dark elemental elves...

But she can directly get 20 water elemental spirits. Compared with Paradis, she suddenly feels less uncomfortable!

Paradis gritted his teeth and left with fifteen hundred dark elemental elves.

Now here, she couldn't stay any longer!

Seeing Paradis's back, Xu Chengfeng persuaded him: "Gamil, don't be angry with Paradis, everyone will be on the same island in the future."

"Master Island Master, I am a deadly enemy with her!" Gemil insisted, "I can only promise her, I will not fight with her!"

"All right!"

Xu Chengfeng couldn't help it either.

He didn't believe it either, he could tell Gemil to let go of his hatred for Paradis in a few words.

What he can do is to let these two minimize their contact.

"The matter of the water elemental elves, wait until the mermaid's territory is completed!"

Gamil nodded: "I know, what I said just now was to anger Paradis!"

Paradis took more than 1000 dark elemental spirits back to the Church of the Night, handed them over to Angel to take care of them, and then flew to the port of Bayeux City.

Ever since Xu Chengfeng's island came to Bayeux City, Bayeux City has never been attacked by an abyss demonized beast.

All the demonized beasts of the abyss were blocked from the port by Xu Chengfeng's navy troops.

Bayeux City was peaceful.

The city guards standing guard at the port did not dare to neglect when they saw Paradis flying from the island.

"My lord, what's the matter with you?"

Paradis said: "Report to you Lord Philip, and say that I want to recruit some children with dark magic talents."

The city guard was surprised and replied: "For this matter, it is better for adults to go to Lord Angus!"


"Master Angus will test the magical talents of the children born every year, and he is also the dean of the Magic Academy!"

"Okay, I'll go find Angus!" Palladia looked out of Bayeux City and asked at a mage's tower on a cliff, "Does he live there?"

"Yes, my lord!"

Paradis flew to the Mage Tower, and soon alarmed the magicians in the Mage Tower.

The magicians in the mage tower are all disciples of Angus, and they all met Paradis yesterday.

Ellie asked suspiciously: "You are a friend of Island Master Xu, Mr. Paradis, right? Are you here to find our teacher?"

"Yes, is Angus there?"

Ellie replied: "The teacher is out, he is preparing to trade items!"

"I want to recruit some people with dark magic talent!" Paradis directly explained the purpose of coming, "I heard that you test children's magic talent every year."

"So that's the case!" Ellie nodded, "But you may have to wait for the teacher to come back, we can't make a decision."

Yesterday, she had guessed the identity of Paradis, and there was a high probability that he was a member of the Church of Evernight.

They, Star Leaf Island, extremely reject church members.

But it has been a hundred years since the cleansing of the church.

And they couldn't afford to offend Xu Chengfeng, so it was impossible for them to attack Paradis.

"about how long?"

"Star Leaf Island is very small, half a day at most!"

"OK then!"

After waiting for two hours, Angus returned to the Mage Tower and met Paradis. After exchanging pleasantries, Paradis briefly explained the purpose of his visit.

Angus said with a smile: "People with dark magic talents are very rare, and we also have them on our island, but what does His Excellency Paradis plan to exchange?"


Paradis was asked by Angus.

She looked at Angus, and felt the urge to do something directly.

But she held back.

With her low-level imperial strength, she can definitely easily kill Angus, who is of mid-level imperial strength.

It can definitely turn the entire Star Leaf Island into a dead island!

But she couldn't bear Xu Chengfeng's anger!

She knew very well that unless it was absolutely necessary, it was impossible for Xu Chengfeng to raise the butcher's knife against any island.

Xu Chengfeng wants to talk about business more!

Angus didn't know, he was already on the verge of death, turning around!

"what do you want?"

"One hundred kilograms of fine gold, one hundred kilograms of mithril!"

Angus should not ask too much.

"Is that so?"

Paradis was a little dissatisfied.

Besides Xu Chengfeng, Angus is the second mortal who dares to negotiate terms with her!

Of course, Angus's qualification is entirely due to Xu Chengfeng.

Angus whispered: "Your Excellency Paradis, the people on the island are all my subjects, and I am responsible for them!"

"If I tell those people with dark magic talents that you belong to the church, they will most likely not follow you, but as long as I accept your benefits, I will help you get things done!"

"I will tell them that life on the island is rich, and there is a powerful imperial-level dark magician who will serve as their teacher!"

"My prestige on the island is very high. If you are willing to take their family away, they will definitely go with you without hesitation!"

"When they reach the island, they will accept their fate!"

Paradis chuckled and said, "This is what you said, responsible for them?"

Angus said sternly: "I believe that they will have a better future with His Excellency Paradis!"

This old fox!

So thick skinned!

"Okay!" Paradis hesitated: "Your conditions, I accept!"

Angus said with a smile: "There are 77 people in total. I will gather them together with their families and send them to the island for Your Excellency!"

"it is good!"

Paradis left the Mage Tower with a helpless expression on his face.

Got it!

She's going to beg Xu Chengfeng again!

Only Xu Chengfeng has those precious magic metals!

Chapter 284 You've Made Big Money Again!Static to self-cultivation, frugal and Germany to support!

Due to the threat of the abyss demonized beasts, Star Leaf Island will try its best to train all those with professional talent.

The magician profession with powerful destructive power is the focus of training.

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