Therefore, Angus would send his disciples every year to check the magical talents of the children born on Star Leaf Island.

This work has already started from the place where Xingye Island was built.

Angus himself is a wind magician, good at wind magic.

But because the ancestors of the Seven-Star City-State Alliance all came from the Cathay Empire, the Seven-Star City-State Alliance can also inherit the water magicians.

It can cultivate powerful water magicians.

Other mainstream magic genres, such as earth, fire, even lightning, and light, can find corresponding inheritance in the seven-star city-state alliance.

These inheritances may not be as powerful as the water and wind elements, but they can be accommodated.

But the dark magician... is really miserable!

In the Carthage Empire back then, the most mainstream beliefs were the Goddess of the Sea and the Goddess of Storms.

However, the Goddess of the Sea and the Goddess of the Storm are extremely at odds with the Goddess of the Night!

The Cathay Empire once sent troops to completely cut off the sea trade of the Dark Night Empire...

Two countries, two churches, have been hostile for many years.

The Cathay Empire is extremely repulsive to the Church of Evernight, and has no good attitude towards the Dark Mage.

This led to the fact that none of the mages who followed the logistics ship to the South Star Sea was a mage of the dark department!

Many mage seeds with dark magic talents can't learn systematic dark magic at all!

All they can learn is ordinary dark magic recorded by mages who have studied dark magic, as well as superficial dark meditation methods.

Magicians, the most important thing is inheritance.

Excellent inheritance can make magicians improve faster!

Without the inheritance, the life of a dark magician is very difficult.

It happens that people who can awaken the talents of dark magic are extremely rare, and there are not enough dark magicians to conduct research... This directly leads to the development of dark magicians far behind the equally rare light and thunder magicians!

The dark magician of Star Leaf Island is completely useless!

Angus has no way to teach them.

Therefore, when Palladia proposed to dig out the dark mage on his island, he readily agreed!

After Palladia left, Angus immediately asked his disciples to find all the dark mages in the four cities on the island.

no way!

Many dark mages have low strength and do not hold any important positions.

Angus usually didn't care about them.

Selling these dark mages, Angus will not feel guilty.

Anyway, once they leave like this, they probably won't be able to come back!

Maybe, they can live a better life on Xu Chengfeng's island!


When Paradis returned to the island, Xu Chengfeng, who was drenched in sweat, was standing on the embankment, holding the heavy sword of the Holy Shield, doing squats.

Wendini and Angel of Tears were standing beside him, one holding a towel and the other a drink.

Paradis told Xu Chengfeng about the deal with Angus, and Xu Feng agreed.

This time he did not embarrass the goddess of the night.

He doesn't want to provoke her anymore!

The newcomer island owners in the entire newcomer area know that Xu Chengfeng is a man with "grace"!

Moreover, one hundred kilograms of pure gold and one hundred kilograms of mithril are no different from giving away for nothing to him!

"Master Island Master, you shouldn't record it in the account?"

Paradis asked cautiously.

Xu Chengfeng put down the Holy Shield sword, took the towel from Wendini, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said slowly:

"It's okay, don't worry, you can pay it back slowly in the future!"

"I knew it!" Paradis gritted his teeth, "You just don't want to suffer!"

"Actually, you made a lot of money!"

"How did I make money again?"

The Goddess of the Night said in astonishment.

She is so familiar with this sentence!

"I haven't even asked you for interest! Do you think so?" Xu Chengfeng smiled, "I remember that you borrow money from Kane World, and you also have interest, right?"

"You, you still want interest?"

The goddess of the night is stupid!

"Haven't I asked yet?"

She always felt that Xu Chengfeng would ask her for interest one day sooner or later!

Rolling interest, if rolling for tens of thousands of years...

She felt that she owed Xu Chengfeng more and more, and it would never end!

The sky is falling!

She is going crazy!

"Can you let them go, I have something very important to tell you, only you know!"

Paradis eyes are red

"Yes!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "Wendini, Angel of guys leave!"

"Okay, master!"

Paradis looked at Xu Chengfeng's clothes and necklace again: "Where are they?"

"They won't talk nonsense, I can guarantee that!" Xu Chengfeng asked, "What are you trying to tell me?"

Paradis took a deep breath, took Xu Chengfeng's hand, and pressed it to his thigh.

"Is it alright?"

"Can what?"

Xu Chengfeng's mind was completely dazed!

Although he likes to eat some tofu occasionally, he never thought that Paradis would do such a thing!

"Can it be worth the value of those fine gold and mithril?"


Xu Chengfeng looked at the goddess of the night with red eyes, who seemed to be on the verge of eruption, and finally nodded.

"That's fine!"

As soon as Xu Chengfeng finished speaking, Paradis disappeared in place.



Xu Chengfeng sighed heavily.

Angel of Tears brought Wen Dini to Xu Chengfeng's side, just in time to hear Xu Chengfeng sigh.

"My lord, what's wrong with you?"

Wendy asked.

Xu Chengfeng whispered 5.9: "I seem to have been taken advantage of!"

He just touched it a little, why is it worth [-] kilograms of fine gold and mithril?

A little bit at a loss!

The tearful angel exclaimed: "Master Paradis can take advantage of the master, she is really amazing!"


Wendini also nodded, echoing Angel of Tears.

She also agrees with the point of view of the Angel of Tears.

She has never seen her island owner suffer a disadvantage!

This seems to be the first time!

Xu Chengfeng raised his head slowly: "Your words make me seem like a stingy man!"

"My lord, this is not stingy, this is thrifty!"

Wendini flattered her softly.

"Self-cultivation through tranquility, virtue through frugality, ambition without indifference, and long-distance without tranquility!" Xu Chengfeng agreed, "This is indeed the principle of life left by our ancestors..."

Chapter 285 The two parties officially traded!The dark magician landed on the island!

It was the third day after Xu Chengfeng arrived in Bayeux City.

More than 30 carriages pulled the goods and came to the port of Bayeux City.

Philip, the lord of Bayeux City, the heads of the two families of Xingye Island, Angus, and his disciples all appeared.

Behind Angus, there are more than 400 magicians and civilians with luggage.

Many professionals have seen these big figures gather together.

"So many big figures, why did they all appear?"

"I heard that Master Angus and the others are doing business with the owner of that island!"

"Doing business? What business?"

"Exchange some goods!"

A professional suddenly thought: "Is it impossible for us to exchange items with the owner of that island?"

"We're not qualified yet!"

"This is too underestimating people!"

"Then behind Angus, what are those people doing?"

"I seem to know a few of them. They are all dark magicians, and their strength is not very good!"

"I heard that there seems to be a powerful imperial-level dark magician on the island who wants to recruit some disciples with dark magic talents on Star Leaf Island and allow their families to move to the island!"


18 "Of course it is true! Guaranteed by Lord Angus, it is absolutely safe!"

"Then they are really lucky, I want to live on that island!"


The dark magician Geer wearing a black robe looked at the beautiful island, his eyes full of expectation and longing.

Beside him, his five-year-old son Mike asked softly, "Father, are we going to live on that beautiful island in the future?"

"Yes, we are going to live on that island!" Geer laughed, "Master Angus said that there is endless food on that island, and there are many powerful imperial magicians to protect it. The abyss Demonic beasts can't break through the defenses on that island at all!"

"That's great!" Mike said happily, "I've also heard that many people wanted to swim to that island, but they were all stopped by the city guards. I didn't expect us to live there!"

Geer touched his son's head and said with a smile: "Mike, there is a powerful dark magician on that island. Your Excellency is willing to train us!"

"Is Master Angus powerful?"

Mike asked quietly.

In Little Mike's eyes, Angus is the most powerful magician!

Geer nodded: "Of course, that lord specializes in dark magic. Like Lord Angus, he is a royal magician. With the teaching of that lord, maybe you can also become a royal dark magician." A magician!"

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