
Little Mike's eyes were full of yearning.

"Of course it is true!" Geer said, "With the teaching of that adult, you will definitely not be like Dad, who has practiced for 30 years and is still a gold-level dark magician. Excellent magician!"

The dark magicians who came to the port were all summoned by Angus.

The civilians around those dark magicians are their relatives.

In order to let them land on the island willingly, Angus naturally described that island as a paradise that everyone yearns for!

Of course, Angus thought that he did not brag.

Although he only stayed on the island for half a day, he could still sense the terrifying life energy of the island, so there should be no shortage of food.

During this time, people from Star Leaf Island also tried to land on the island.

But they were all stopped by the city guards and water spirit troops!

Without Xu Chengfeng's permission, he would absolutely not allow anyone to land on the island.

Xu Chengfeng stood on the island, with Jana, Paradis, Chen Xinping, Ice Girl, Angel of Light, Angel of Tears, and Wendini standing behind him.

"Ice Maiden, Tower Bridge!"

"Yes, Master!"

The ice girl came to the beach, put her hands in the water, and said softly:


White frost instantly spread from Xu Chengfeng's island to the port of Bayeux City.

In just one breath, the ice girl froze an 800-meter-long and 20-meter-wide ice crystal road between Xu Chengfeng's island and Bayeux City.

Angus looked at the icy and snowy road in front of him and sighed!

Another powerful imperial magician, even stronger than him!

Still a rare ice magician!

"Come with me!"

cried Angus.

Angus was at the forefront, followed by the convoy and the dark magicians who were about to land on the island, as well as their families!

After they landed on Xu Chengfeng's island, Chen Xinping began to count the goods with the assistance of Janna, Angel of Light, Angel of Tears, Wen Dini, and a large number of wind spirits.

Paradis' eyes glided in front of more than 400 civilians.

Among these people, there are indeed 65 dark magicians.

But the strength is very low, and the strongest is no more than gold rank!

Of the rest, there were twelve children with a talent for dark magic.

The rest of the civilians are in good physical and mental condition.

They are all relatives of the dark magician.

Although the strength of these dark magicians is not very good, but with a little effort, they can still feed their loved ones!

"Your Excellency Paradis, everyone is here!" Angus shouted, "Geor, come here!"


Geer came to Angus and quickly saluted Angus and Paradis. 963

"Geor, this is Your Excellency Paradis, a royal-level dark magician!"

"Master Paradis!"

"Well!" Paradis glanced at Geer, "Your talent is very good, and there is no problem in becoming a king-level magician!"

As the goddess of the night, Paradis's dark magic is unmatched in the world!


Greg was surprised.

"of course it's true!"

Paradis nodded.

Angus smiled kindly and said, "Geer, we don't have the inheritance of dark mages in the Seven-Star City-State Alliance. I really feel sorry for you. From now on, I will practice hard with Your Excellency Paradis and strive to become a king-level magician as soon as possible!"

"Master Paradis, Lord Angus, I will definitely work hard!"

Chen Xinping also quickly counted the goods!

In addition to the special products of Xingye Island, these goods also include special plants that are not found on Xu Chengfeng's island, blood spirit bee queens, and large quantities of demonized beast crystal cores!

In other words, these demonized beast crystal cores are the items with the largest number of transactions this time.

It took thousands of years for Xingye Island to be built!

Generations of island owners and big families have also accumulated a large number of demonized beast crystal nuclei.

Even though they have consumed a lot, the number of crystal nuclei that can be traded to Xu Chengfeng is still very impressive!

Chapter 286 Empty Star Leaf Island Crystal Core Reserve!Royal top-grade Blood Spirit Bee Queen!

Chen Xinping took out the calculator, and quickly calculated all the crystal nuclei of each level according to the energy intensity.

The energy of the crystal nucleus that Angus took out is roughly equal to seven emperor-level middle-grade crystal nuclei, which is slightly exceeded.

The other two families each took out about three emperor-level middle-grade crystal nucleus energies, which were also slightly exceeded.

Philip, the lord of Bayeux City, took out a middle-grade imperial-level crystal nucleus energy.

Chen Xinping summed up with them, and they didn't have any opinion on the amount of energy calculated by Chen Xinping.

These crystal nuclei were taken out by them for trading, so they had counted them beforehand.

However, they were a little curious about the calculator in Chen Xinping's hands!

After counting, Xu Chengfeng gave Angus [-] kilograms of pure gold and [-] kilograms of mithril, a jar of imperial honey, and a piece of Tianxin tea.

One hundred kilograms of fine gold and mithril were exchanged for 77 dark-type talents and their families.

The royal flower spirit honey is exchanged for the blood spirit bee queen.

That piece of Tianxin tea belongs to intelligence expenses.

Xu Chengfeng's price for the emperor-level water of life is three emperor-level top-grade crystal cores, or six emperor-level middle-grade crystal cores.

The price for Tianxin tea is twenty pieces of a low-grade imperial crystal nucleus!

The price for the imperial-level flower spirit honey is three bottles of a low-grade imperial-level crystal core.

Don't say that Xu Chengfeng is black-hearted!

These good things are definitely not available in the entire Seven Star City-State Alliance!

Who let him monopolize it?

Angus gritted his teeth and asked for a drop of water of life, and another twenty pieces of Tianxin tea leaves.

In addition to other various transactions, he got ten pieces of Tianxin tea leaves, fifty kilograms of pure gold and mithril.

Fine gold and mithril are used to perfect the mage tower.

The mage tower where Angus lives is inherited from his teacher.

But that mage tower doesn't have the function to complete the mage tower yet!

They were trapped on the island, and it was difficult for them to go to sea and find no mines.

Not enough magic metal yet.

Well now, Xu Chengfeng has it here, so you can buy it.

Once Angus builds the mage tower, the defense of Bayeux City will be greatly enhanced.

In the other two family forces, both have king-level warriors.

After hearing that Angus took the imperial-level flower spirit honey, they directly broke through, and they also exchanged the imperial-level flower spirit honey and a few pieces of Tianxin tea leaves under Xu Chengfeng's suggestion.

After Philip also chose the imperial flower spirit honey, the transaction was finally completed!

Through a transaction, Xu Chengfeng emptied most of Star Leaf Island's reserve of demonized beast crystal cores!

After the transaction was completed, Angus said in a low voice: "Island Master Xu, there are some small families who also want to trade with you, and they may arrive tomorrow. Look..."

"I can wait for them all day!"

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile.

The nuclei reserves of those small families may not be many, but they are also valuable.

"By the way!" Philip said, "Some professionals also have the idea of ​​trading. They heard the news and found me specifically, hoping that I can talk to the island owner."

Xu Chengfeng asked curiously, "Do they have any good things?"

Philip said helplessly: "Valuable items...may not be many!"

"Then I'll send someone there!"

"Then thank you, Lord Island Master!" Philip said respectfully, "I will maintain order at the scene, and I will never let those professionals collide with Lord Island Master!"

Today's Lord Philip is extraordinarily polite!

"Okay, you have a heart!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled and ordered Guangangang: "Guangangang, tell Thea to come and see me!"

"Okay, master!"

Xu Chengfeng felt that it was possible to trade with those ordinary professionals.

What if they stumble upon something nice?

Royal flower spirit honey can also be sold spoon by spoon.

Imperial Tianxin tea can also be cut into ten pieces!

Xu Chengfeng turned to Chen Xinping and said, "Xinping, in the future, take some time from the mermaid clan and clam clan to choose some smart and talented people to train as helpers, so as to reduce your workload!"

Now, there are more and more things on the island.

Everything was on Chen Xinping's body, and Chen Xinping was too busy.

Adding a few deputies to her can help her share some work.

Chen Xinping nodded: "I will pay attention, Lord Island Master!"

After Angus and the others left, Xu Chengfeng asked Feng Ling to move the crop seeds to the town and the special plant seeds to the flower elf territory.

All the unloaded crystal nuclei were sent to the warehouse by Janna.

The Blood Spirit Bee Queen is temporarily kept by the Angel of Tears.

Soon, the angel of light found Thea.

Thea: "My lord, what can you do for me?"

Today, the Spirit of the Island has completed the construction of a [-]-square-kilometer saltwater lake.

The mermaid family is digging their own houses on the rock wall.

The elders of the mermaid clan can handle these simple things, but Thea has nothing to do.

"I need you to go to Bayeux City for me and make some deals with those professionals. Angel Guang will accompany you there, and Xinping will teach you how to set the price!"

"Okay, my lord!"

For her, this kind of thing is still very simple!

Xu Chengfeng was relieved to leave the matter to Thea.

As a royal magician, Thea still has vision.

On Xu Chengfeng's island, her vision should be second only to the three gods.

After everything was arranged, Xu Chengfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

He absorbed all the crystal nuclei harvested today, and obtained nearly [-] million energy points again.

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