These [-] million energy points are more than what Venom obtained in the Kelban Islands last time.

But it's normal!

In this transaction, he should have obtained most of the magic crystal core reserves of Xingye Island for thousands of years!

Including more than 6 million energy points last time, he has 15 billion energy points in his hand!

At this time, Xu Chengfeng was rich again!

Xu Chengfeng looked at the tearful angel holding the large beehive: "Let's go, let's build a home for the blood spirit bee!"

The blood spirit bee honey has a strong blood energy.

It is very suitable for training warriors, knights and other occupations that require a strong body.

And the flower spirit bee honey is suitable for both mages and warriors, and its effect is relatively moderate!

For Xu Chengfeng, the honey from the Blood Spirit Bee must be better.

The habits of the blood spirit bee are different from the flower spirit bee.

The flower spirit bee has relatively high requirements on the environment, and needs to have a large number of special plant flowers around it.

But blood spirit bees are much less dependent on special plant flowers, but they need to absorb the blood essence of living things.

There is no shortage of blood teams on Xu Chengfeng's island.

He brought the angel of tears and went straight to the large pit where the earth demon earthworms were fed.

After finding a tree with a height of more than 50 meters, Xu Chengfeng decided to place the home of the blood spirit bee on this big tree.

Xu Chengfeng tore open the beehive, and grabbed the conspicuous blood spirit bee queen.

The queen of the blood spirit bee is about [-] centimeters long, blood red all over, and has black markings, and is plump. It is easy to identify when she sees that she is eating well.

The blood spirit bee queen who was caught by Xu Chengfeng struggled desperately, but she couldn't break free from Xu Chengfeng's hand. Other bee colonies also wanted to attack Xu Chengfeng, but their stings couldn't even pierce Xu Chengfeng's skin!


The Angel of Tears used a light spell, and the white light illuminated the blood spirit bee queen and bee colony, and they all calmed down.

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Chapter 287: Imperial Grade Middle Grade Emerald Jade Coral!Ocean domain!

Xu Chengfeng input more than 6000 million energy, and white light shot up into the sky.

The blood spirit bee queen, shrouded in white light, began to grow in size until it grew to more than three meters long.

Xu Chengfeng had no choice but to lift it up.

After the white light dissipated, Xu Chengfeng looked at the attributes of the Blood Spirit Bee Queen.

【Name】: Blood Spirit Bee Queen

[Talent]: 1. Accelerated reproduction (c), 2. Bloodline control (c).

【Loyalty】: 100

【Attribute】: poison, blood

【Grade】: Royal top grade


1. Accelerated reproduction, 2. Stinger, 3. Bloodline control, 4. Sucking...


Xu Chengfeng let go, and the chubby Blood Spirit Bee Queen flapped her wings and flew up.

At this time, the leader of the earth demon earthworm also appeared.

Xu Chengfeng said: "Earth Demon Earthworm, the Queen of the Blood Spirit Bee will live here from now on. For the corpse that Feng Ling put in the pit, let the Blood Spirit Bee suck the blood first, and then you eat it, understand?"

"Okay, master!"

"Understood, Master!"

Both the Earth Demon Earthworm and the Blood Spirit Bee Queen nodded.

From now on, they are neighbors.

"Queen of the Blood Spirit Bee, you will build a nest on this tree in the future, and the Blood Spirit Bee can absorb blood in that pit!" Xu Chengfeng pointed to the tall oak tree next to him and said, "There are a lot of special plants at the front of the island. Flowers, I will say hello to 307 flower spirit bee queens and flower elves, blood spirit bees can collect them!"

"Okay, master!"

The Blood Spirit Bee Queen nodded.

"then you go!"


Letting the blood spirit bee queen go to build a nest, Xu Chengfeng came to the territory of the flower elf, and told the flower spirit bee queen and the flower elf about the blood spirit bee.

By the way, Xu Chengfeng also consumed more than 8000 million energy points to upgrade the queen-level middle-rank flower spirit bee to the top-rank emperor!

After dealing with the blood spirit bee and promoting the flower spirit bee, Xu Chengfeng rushed to the saltwater lake.

Twenty square kilometers of mermaid territory.

Three square kilometers of the Beng people's territory.

An artificial lake of two square kilometers.

Today, Xu Chengfeng's 25-square-kilometer island has about [-] square kilometers of water, accounting for a quarter of it.

In fact, the 2000-square-kilometer saltwater lake is a bit crowded with more than [-] mermaids.

Mermaids are powerful creatures and they need bigger waters.

However, the conditions on the island are limited, so Xu Chengfeng can only let them squeeze in for a while!

After leaving Star Leaf City, he will find a way to expand the area of ​​the island.

The saltwater lake is now 23 square kilometers, and three square kilometers belong to the Bang people.

The Beng people and another [-] square kilometers of saltwater lake also have a clear lithosphere, but the seawater is interconnected.

Both sides have outlets to the sea, but the one owned by the Mermaid Territory is larger.

As soon as Xu Chengfeng appeared, Yuzhi, the patriarch of the clam clan, and Hai Ling, the elder of the mermaid clan, greeted him.

"Hello, Island Master!"

"Hello, Island Master!"

"Hello!" Xu Chengfeng nodded and asked Elder Hai Ling: "How deep is your territory?"

Elder Hai Ling replied: "Master Island Master, the deepest part of our territory is more than 600 meters deep, and the closer to the sea, the shallower it becomes."

"It should be fine, right?"

"It's not bad!" Elder Hai Ling said, "We mermaids don't like the deep sea either!"

"This depth should be suitable for coral cultivation, right?"

"Coral is more suitable for shallow seas with a water depth of 200 to [-] meters, of course it is suitable!"

"Then... let the mermaids and clams leave the territory!"

Xu Chengfeng ordered.

Elder Hai Ling asked suspiciously: "My lord, what are you going to do?"

"Of course it's a kind of coral!" Xu Chengfeng laughed, "Listen to me, it won't take much time. The mermaid and clam clans will all leave the lagoon and enter the sea temporarily."

"All right!"

Elder Hailing and Patriarch Yuzhi nodded, and immediately left to convey Xu Chengfeng's order.

Ten minutes later, the last clam left the lagoon and entered the sea.

Xu Chengfeng looked at Angel of Tears: "Is everything cleared?"

Angel of Tears nodded: "I have checked everything and left!"

"Okay! You stay here and watch, don't allow anyone to approach!"

Xu Chengfeng plunged headfirst into the saltwater lake.

With Xu Chengfeng's current strength, diving 200 meters is extremely easy for him.

After diving to a depth of about 150 meters, Xu Chengfeng took out the jadeite coral seed and put it on the seabed.

In one breath, input 8000 million energy.

The beam of light penetrated the sea and pierced the sky.

Both the mermaid clan and clam clan looked at their territory with too many doubts in their hearts!

Gamil in the Temple of the Wind looked at the beam of light, and asked Janna curiously: "What is that? Why is there another beam of light?"

Janna replied: "It should be caused by the master. When his ability creates powerful creatures, this abnormality will appear. You will get used to it in the future!"

In Bayeux City, Angus, Philip, Thea and other experts also looked at Xu Chengfeng's island again, not knowing what happened on the island.

In front of Xu Chengfeng's eyes, the emperor-level jadeite coral seed began to break open the seed shell, root its roots into the seabed, and grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just 3 minutes, it covered a surrounding area of ​​[-] square meters.

The white light disappeared, revealing the true face of the emerald jade coral.

Emerald Jade Coral lives up to its name, it is a large coral reef like emerald jade.

These corals are red and green, blue and purple, colorful and dazzling under the sunlight.

When the emerald jade coral appeared, the surrounding waters began to be purified rapidly, and a large amount of water elemental energy surged in.

Soon, the entire water area seemed to be purified, filled with rich water elemental energy.

【Name】: Emerald Jade Coral

[Talent]: 1. Water purification (sss), 2. Ocean domain (sss).

【Loyalty】: 100

[Attribute]: Water

【Grade】: Royal Grade Middle Grade


1. Water purification, 2. Ocean domain, 3. Water cannon, 4. Waterspout...

Xu Chengfeng glanced curiously at the detailed introduction of Jade Jade Coral's talent.

[Water Purification (sss): Automatically purify nearby waters, including toxins! 】

[Ocean Realm (sss): Automatically gather a large amount of water elements, the growth rate of aquatic plants planted near emerald jade corals is significantly accelerated, the speed of water mages' practice and meditation is accelerated, and the combat effectiveness of water mages is greatly improved! 】

[Reminder: Swallowing jadeite coral branches and leaves can greatly increase water talent, up to sss level, but jadeite corals are not easy to grow, please be careful!

Chapter 288 Professional: I admit it!I am a poor man!


If you don't want to be unhappy, Xu Chengfeng won't give it to anyone.

Even in the Mermaid Kingdom, it is impossible to eat the emerald jade coral that has been cultivated for 10 years.

However, the emerald jade coral is really beautiful!

If it was smaller, Xu Chengfeng would like to plant it in a fish tank and put it on display in his living room!

Xu Chengfeng took out another emerald jade coral seed, and when he was about to continue to activate it, the spirit of the island suddenly poked its head out from the seabed.

Xu Chengfeng's hand just shook.

"Master, didn't I scare you?"

"no, what happened?"

Being frightened, of course he couldn't admit it!

"It's fine if you don't have one!" The spirit of the island laughed, "The fertility on the seabed is almost exhausted now, and the owner may have to wait for a while before planting."

"All right!"

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