As a god, she still had her own kingdom of heaven in the past.

"Your Highness Gemil, how did you do this?"

"This... this is the island owner's secret, I can't say it!"

It's not hard to say, she doesn't know the reason at all.

But as a god, how can you say you don't know?

Her strength has regressed too much, she just feels that the land under her feet seems to be alive!


Five square kilometers of land was added to the island, and Xu Chengfeng's island continued on the road.

Afterwards, Xu Chengfeng's island moved and annexed other islands.

The Water Spirit Legion is also hunting down the abyss demonized beasts that are attracted by the nearby islands.

Xu Chengfeng's daily routine is to practice constantly and digest the black dragon blood crystal essence in his body.

The development of the island has entered the rhythm he is most familiar with.

During these days, Yuzhu, the younger sister of Yuzhi, the patriarch of the mussel clan, and Lvzao, the elder of the mermaid clan, were selected by Chen Xinping and planned to be trained as his assistants.

Yuzhu and Lvzao are also willing to assist Chen Xinping in managing the island.

Their clan is also quite supportive!

Both jade beads and green algae are quite good.

Yuzhu is Yuzhi's younger sister, and Chlorella is the elder of the mermaid clan, so they have good management experience.

As long as Chen Xinping needs a little training, he can go to work directly.

Although both of them are Sea Clan.

But Yuzhu, who is the weakest, also has platinum-level strength.

It will not affect their actions at all on land.

The appearance of the two helpers also relieved Chen Xinping of a lot of pressure.

Naturally, Xu Chengfeng would not be stingy with them.

The benefits that they should have, the imperial Tianxin tea and the imperial flower spirit honey will provide them with some.

Thousands of miles away, a school of sharks is speeding through the sea.

Only the dorsal fin is on the surface of the sea, making splashes.

After they swam back and forth around an area, the leading shark finally stopped.

A muscular sharkman slowly surfaced, looking at the empty area in front of him in a daze.

The crazy shark family is one of the most widely distributed and largest sea tribes in the Kane world.

They have strong physical defenses and extremely fast swimming.

Although their magic is not as good as mermaids, and their melee combat is not as good as Naga.


But their overall strength is quite good.

Coupled with their strong aggressiveness, even the Naga clan dare not provoke them easily.

In the Southern Star Sea Territory, in terms of comprehensive strength, the Kelban mermaid clan that Thea belonged to was still not on the table.

The mermaids can only rely on Thea, a royal powerhouse, to support them!

The Shark Clan, the Naga Clan, and the Seven-Star City-State Alliance are the three major forces that restrict each other.

Among the three major forces, the Shark Clan is the most powerful.

Followed by the Janna family.

The last is the Seven Star City-State Alliance!

Strictly speaking, the Shark Clan, the Naga Clan, and the Seven-Star City-State Alliance are all migrated races.


The location of the Southern Star Sea is at the extreme south of Kane World.

Ten thousand years ago, this place was a place where magic power was thin and birds didn't shit.

Few powerful races are willing to move here.

Until the catastrophe ten thousand years ago!

The logistics formation of the Peninsula Fleet of the Cathay Empire arrived at the Southern Star Sea Region first, and took root on the islands in the Southern Star Sea Region.

The Shark Clan and Naga Clan migrated to the Southern Star Sea one after another in the next thousand years.

After the fall of the gods, the ancestors of the Shark Clan and Naga Clan who were exiled to the Southern Star Sea Region were unwilling to give up the land they had lived in.

However, they were finally defeated by the seemingly endless abyss demonized beasts!

Some members of the Shark Clan and Naga Clan came to the Southern Star Sea to settle down.

They have preserved more tribes and are also very suitable for the marine environment.

Although they are hundreds or thousands of years later than the Seven Star City-State Alliance, they are still stronger than the Seven-Star City-State Alliance in the South Star Sea Region.

However, because the Seven Star City-State Alliance is all human beings, they prefer the land environment and occupy large islands, so there is not much conflict with the Shark Clan and Naga Clan.

Therefore, even if the Seven-Star City-State Alliance has occasional conflicts with the Shark Clan and the Naga Clan, they are relatively restrained towards the Seven-Star City-State Alliance.

The Shark Clan often fights with the Naga Clan.

At times like this, the Seven Star City-State Alliance generally remained neutral.

Chapter 294 Looking for traces!The story of the church relief of the Ocean Church!

Anyway, in most cases, the Shark Clan and the Naga Clan are fighting for territory and vassal races.

The Seven Star City-State Alliance is not very interested in these.

It is difficult for them to rule the sea!

A crazy shark also surfaced, seeing his team leader staring at the sea, he couldn't understand it.

"Captain, why did you take us around in a circle? Did you find anything?"

Captain Shark frowned and said: "I remember, there seems to be an island here?"

"It seems so!"

"I also remember that there is indeed an island here!"

"What about the island?"


If it wasn't for the reminder from the captain of the mad shark, the other mad sharks really didn't notice.

The Shark Clan is a Sea Clan, so they travel by sea naturally.

Their determination of their position also depends on the topography of the seabed.

Therefore, they rarely pay attention above the surface of the sea.

If Captain Shark hadn't noticed that the island was missing, they wouldn't have noticed.

"Could it be leveled by a powerful abyss demonized beast!"

"It's really possible!"

"Makes sense!"


Captain Shark swam into the original island area with six companions around him, and quickly ruled out this possibility.

The island is more like being moved away by an invisible force.

Under the sea surface, there is no residual energy fluctuation!

"It's really strange, someone wants that deserted island?"

"That's right, even those humans don't look down on them."


"Do you smell it?"

At this moment, the captain of the crazy shark sniffed.

"Captain, what smell?"

"Of course it smells like blood!"

"There's a bloody smell... isn't it normal?" said a crazy shark, "Our people are patrolling everywhere, and we will definitely encounter demonized beasts from the abyss."

Captain Wild Shark surfaced again and looked to the northwest: "The smell of blood I smell is very strong. It seems that a large number of abyss demonized beasts have been killed, and I also smell other smells!"

"What smells?"

"The smell of the mermaid, the smell of the mussels, and an inexplicable, unexplainable, very attractive clean smell!"

"Captain, I have a very sensitive nose, why didn't I smell it?"

"I didn't smell it either?"

"You guys better stop talking, listen to the captain, the captain's nose can be ranked in the top [-] in our clan!" A sharkman stood up and asked, "Captain, could it be that group of mermaids from the Kelban Islands that came here?" gone?"

"I don't know, but it's very unlikely!" Captain Shark said, "Although their patriarch is quite powerful, they probably don't dare to approach the territory of our Shark clan. If we can catch a mermaid and give it to the elders..."

When the other six sharkmen heard this, their eyes lit up.

Captain Shark said: "Let's follow up and have a look first!"

"Okay, Captain!"

Most members of the crazy shark family have an extremely sensitive sense of smell.

Relying on their sense of smell, they easily judged the sailing direction of Xu Chengfeng's island.

After just over ten minutes, the smell of blood they smelled became stronger and stronger.

"We withdraw!"

At this moment, Captain Shark suddenly said.

"What's the matter, Captain?"

"I smell the bloody smell of a diamond-level abyss demonized beast!" Captain Shark calmly said, "Even if we catch up, we probably won't be their opponents. Let's pass the news back to the clan!"

"it is good!"

The rest of the crazy sharks are not stupid either.

Among them, the strongest Captain Shark was only at the platinum level.

Those mermaids could kill diamond-level abyss demonized beasts. Once they got close, they might be killed.

Leaving immediately and bringing the news back to the clan is indeed the best choice!

Seven crazy sharks dived into the deep sea and quickly swam towards the territory of the crazy sharks.

It just so happens that this place is not too far from the territory of the Shark Clan.

But Xu Chengfeng didn't know at all that his island had been discovered by the crazy sharks.

Captain Shark's team consisted of seven people, experienced and extremely cautious.

They retreated more than 30 kilometers away, and Xu Chengfeng never had a chance to find them.

The first island merged by the spirit of the island is five square kilometers, the second island is three square kilometers, and the third island is seven square kilometers.

The area of ​​his entire island has also reached 110 square kilometers.

Except for the first island, the vegetation on the other two islands is very common.

But the soil is indeed sufficient.

On the way forward, Xu Chengfeng asked the spirit of the island to slowly expand the artificial lake from two square kilometers to five square kilometers

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