Expand the Beng people's territory from three square kilometers to five square kilometers.

The mermaid family was expanded by ten square kilometers, making their territory reach thirty square kilometers.

Under the arrangement of Thea, the Rock Spirit Troops also excavated the Ocean Church near the mermaid's territory.

This ocean church was not built on land, but on the edge of the mermaid's territory.

Half of the Ocean Church is submerged in water, which is very convenient for aquariums to come and go.

If you are not an aquarist, you can also enter the Church of the Sea.

Thea also officially resigned from the position of patriarch, handing over the position of patriarch to Elder Hailing, and serving as the saint of the Ocean Church.

Then, under the guidance of Gemil, Thea selected four mermaids with good potential to enter the Ocean Church to take up positions.

When Xu Chengfeng saw the Ocean Church again, he couldn't help but marvel at the gorgeous carvings of the Ocean Church.

The stone-built ocean church building is 30 meters high, and there is a wave-shaped logo of the ocean church on the top of the church.

On the wall outside the Ocean Church, there are reliefs of Gemil, the goddess of water elements and the goddess of the sea, carved on the relief. Gemil is majestic, sacred, and overlooking all living beings.

Below Gemil, there is a sea of ​​Wang Yang.

In the sea, countless aquariums bowed down and prayed to Gemil.

Mermaids, Naga, crazy sharks, clams, sirens, clams, murlocs, and humans on the island...

Entering the interior of the church, there are also large areas of exquisite reliefs on both sides of the 0.6 church.

A pair of reliefs is like a historical scroll, recording the story of how Gemil became the god of the sea.

Xu Chengfeng took a quick look at the content. The content described how the former god of the sea, Tomis, was so vicious and brutal, how he set off a tsunami and killed the aquatic people.

And the kind-hearted, gentle goddess of water element Gemil, is very sympathetic to the suffering of the aquatic people.

The mermaid king Oakland begged for 99 days in the water god temple, begging Gemil to help the sea people gain freedom and stability.

Gemil was finally moved by the mermaid king Oakland and decided to fight for the Sea Clan!

After arduous battles, Gemil finally killed the brutal God of the Sea, inherited the priesthood of the Sea, and allowed countless aquariums to live under the protection of the gentle sea...

Chapter 295 Black Shark!Tiger Shark Legion!Catch the mermaid!

This story...Xu Chengfeng twitched his lips, not wanting to comment.

Thea was right behind, and Gemil was still watching, and there were believers from the Church of the Sea around.

He is a man who respects other people's beliefs!

"This relief, who carved it?"

"It's the Great Elder!" Thea laughed, "It was carved by the Great Elder of our mermaid clan. She grew up in the Ocean Church since she was a child, and she is very accomplished in carving."

"Excellent carving, much more beautiful than the Church of Evernight!"

Xu Chengfeng commented very pertinently.

He didn't have a background in art, but he could also see that the great elder of the mermaid clan had a solid foundation in carving art.

These mural reliefs are very expressive, vivid and vivid!

The cruel God of the sea, Tomis, the kind, compassionate, sacred and powerful Gemil, and the firm-belief Mermaid King Oakland... are all portrayed vividly!

Even Xu Chengfeng was shocked 18 times!

I almost believed it!

The skill of the Great Elder Mermaid may be a little bit worse than the carving skills of the Sketos Cathedral in the Temple of the Wind!

"Thank you for the praise, Lord Master!" Gemil laughed, "Susan will be very happy if she knows that she has been praised by Lord Master."

It can be seen that Gemil is very happy.

In particular, Xu Chengfeng thinks that the Ocean Church is more beautiful than the Evernight Church.

"By the way, are you just hiding it like this?"

Xu Chengfeng asked curiously.

Gemil wore a sea-blue hooded robe, hiding himself completely, mysteriously.

"It's not suitable for me to get too close to believers!" Gemil replied, "It's better to keep a proper distance."

"Whatever you want!" Xu Chengfeng said, "But, aren't you going to respond to believers?"

"With my current strength, I can only respond to the believers on the island!" Gemil said embarrassingly, "But I am worried that I will cause trouble to the island owner."

After Gemir's divinity woke up, it was dormant most of the time.

For ten thousand years, only one Thea has responded, and it was after suffering a severe injury.

In fact, she also wanted to respond to believers.

Because only by letting the believers feel her own existence, the believers' faith will be stronger, and she can gain more power of faith.

Xu Chengfeng smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, Paradis has already responded to the believers on the island!"

"I can rest assured that!"

"I go first!"

After visiting the Ocean Church, Xu Chengfeng planned to leave.

He entered the Ocean Church entirely because he saw that the Ocean Church was beautiful.

He had no interest in the Church of Evernight.

Even if he didn't go in, he knew that the inside would be pitch black and there would be nothing to see.

emmmmm...except for those religious women who like to wear stockings!

While Xu Chengfeng was visiting the Ocean Church, Tsunami Black Shark, the elder of the Mad Shark Clan, also got the news that there was a mermaid wandering nearby.

In the crazy shark family, the internal races are also divided.

Like the elder Black Shark Tsunami, his name is actually on the back.

Black Shark is his race category.

"Are you sure it's a mermaid?"

Elder Black Shark Tsunami said in surprise.

"Elder Tsunami, I'm very sure, my nose can't be wrong!" Captain Shark said affirmatively, "However, they are a bit strong, and I smell the bloody smell of diamond-level abyssal demonized beasts, so we dare not make too much noise." It's getting closer!"

"Not bad, well done!" Elder Black Shark Tsunami praised.

"This is what the subordinates should do, but the subordinates think that there should be a lot of them!"

"It's probably the group of mermaids entrenched in the Kelban Islands. I heard that their patriarch Thea is more powerful. She has the strength of the emperor's mid-level and can even leapfrog the battle!" Elder Tsunami laughed, "I didn't expect her to send me When it arrives at our door, we have no reason to let it go!"

The mermaid is known as the darling of the sea.

Like the elves, they are all good-looking and talented races.

Whether it's mad sharks, naga, or human nobles, they are all very interested in mermaid slaves!

Captain Shark said: "My lord, if it's really the mermaids of Kelban, they are still very powerful!"

Captain Shark is also more inclined to smell the smell of a large group of mermaids, which belong to the Keerban mermaids.

After all, there is only one mermaid in the entire Southern Star Sea!

"It's very simple, tell Elder Tiger Shark that we will go catch the mermaid together. It's just Thea, and we can turn the world upside down!" Elder Black Shark said with a smile, "At that time, I will reward you with two mermaids!"

"Thank you elder!"

Captain Shark said ecstatically.

Elder Black Shark approached Elder Tiger Shark and asked for cooperation.

He is still a little apprehensive about the fighting power of Thea, the head of the Keerban mermaid.

He also didn't want to lose his elite to catch a group of mermaids.

As a result, the elder Tiger Shark was also very interested in the mermaid, and the two hit it off!

They even discussed the issue of dividing up the loot.

Mermaids split evenly!

In the end, whoever contributes the most will get Thea, the patriarch of the Keerban mermaid clan!

Elder Black Shark and Elder Tiger Shark quickly assembled an army of six thousand mad sharks.

Three thousand black shark legions and three thousand tiger shark legions!

These 620 [-] Black Shark Legion are all elite troops in their hands!

The most common members all have platinum level strength!

Under the leadership of Captain Kuang Sha, Elder Hei Sha and Elder Tiger Shark brought six thousand elites to kill in the direction of Xu Chengfeng's island.

The actions of the Wild Shark Legion directly attracted the attention of other Wild Shark members.

They all speculated about what the two elders were going to do with the [-] elites!

Six thousand elite sharks, not long after leaving the territory, a wind spirit floating in the sky noticed the unusual turbulence in the sea.

The wind spirit floated in the wind, following the surging vortex.

Not long after, pieces of tail fins floated out of the sea.

More than 6000 pieces of caudal fins are gathered together, in groups, uniform, swimming aggressively and fast, killing in one direction, it is difficult for Fengling not to pay attention.

The most important thing is that they are moving in the direction of Xu Chengfeng's island.

Feng Ling, who was serious about detecting important information by himself, accelerated in the air, and rushed towards the island in the direction of the hurricane.

The strong wind blew into the Shrine of Sketos, and the wind spirit stopped and reported:

"Master Janna, my subordinates have detected the movement of the mad shark. About 15 members of the mad shark family are rushing towards our island and will arrive in about [-] minutes!"

Chapter 296 Two Flares!Artillery bombardment!

"Understood, you continue to investigate!"

Janna nodded and disappeared into the temple in an instant.

This is the first time Feng Ling has seen the mad shark family.

But this does not prevent them from recognizing mad sharks.

Fengling is an important scouting team on the island, and it is Xu Chengfeng's eyes in the sky.

Jana has been conscientiously carrying out Xu Chengfeng's orders, and has not made any major mistakes.

When she was still in Star Leaf City, Janna had already taught the wind spirits in charge of investigation!

The wind spirits can easily distinguish the characteristics of the mad shark and the Naga clan!

Janna was also very careful when going to Battleship Island this time.

Knowing that the island might be closer to the sphere of influence of the mad shark, she assigned a large number of wind spirits to patrol in the direction of the mad shark's influence.

Mad Shark is fast, but not good at fighting in deep sea.

When they accelerate, they will habitually expose their tail fins to the surface of the sea.

This is an obvious confirmation!

Before Xu Chengfeng left the mermaid territory, Jana found him and told him about the changes of the mad sharks.

"Is it coming after us?"

Xu Chengfeng asked with a frown.

Most of the crazy sharks don't believe in the goddess of the sea.

The gods they believe in are the god of sharks and Tomis, the god of the sea.

After Ocean Tomis was killed, most of them threw themselves into the embrace of the mad shark god.

The extremely aggressive mad sharks are not liked by Gemil, and the mad sharks don't like the sea goddess either.

"It may also be directed at us!"

Thea said awkwardly.

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