"This white dragon egg is not bad!"

Xu Chengfeng didn't expect that the Shark Clan would have such a collection.

As for the white dragon egg, in Xu Chengfeng's view, it was not a big problem.

Now on his island, there are already three trees of life and one emerald jade coral.

Even if there is not much water of life now, it will definitely be saved in the future.

If there is no problem with the white dragon egg, it must have hatched long ago. Where is his?

Hearing Xu Chengfeng's appreciation, Elder Hei Sha's face darkened even more!

This legendary white dragon egg is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by their Black Sharks.

In order to preserve the vitality of this white dragon egg, generations of elders of the black shark have spent a lot of effort.

As a result, the white dragon egg has not yet hatched, so it is cheaper for others!

The Angel of Tears asked, "Master, how do we deal with these people?"

"Take away the valuables from them first!" Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and said, "Then let them pay the ransom!"

The Angel of Tears asked 18, "How to pay the ransom?"

"Then... masters of any level, use their crystal nuclei of the same level to pay the ransom!" Xu Chengfeng said after a little thought, "Tiger Shark's people, use five times the crystal core, and Black Shark's people Just ten times!"

"This is not fair!"

Elder Black Shark shouted loudly.

"It's fair!" Xu Chengfeng corrected, "Elder Tiger Shark surrendered first, and there will be preferential treatment if you surrender first, and Elder Tiger Shark is also more honest than you!"

"Island Master is still fair!" Elder Tiger Shark said quickly, "Our Tiger Shark has no problem, we can pay the ransom."

They tiger sharks carry most of their wealth with them.

Now they are all taken away by Xu Chengfeng.

The ransom of five times the crystal nucleus of the same level, and the remaining property of their Tiger Shark, can barely bear it.

Xu Chengfeng said to tears: "Send a tiger shark and black shark members back to report and ask them to pay the ransom. I'll wait for them for three days. If they don't redeem them within three days, I'll kill them all!"

"Understood, Master!"

The Angel of Tears nodded.

"If there are any other treasures or valuable things, they can also be used as ransom collateral!"

Xu Chengfeng reminded.

"Okay, master!"

Not long after, the wealth of more than 5000 Black Shark Legion and Tiger Shark Legion was looted by the Shui Lings.

Among these ordinary legion members, there are also emperor-level powerhouses, king-level powerhouses, and star-level masters!

They also have a large number of crystal nuclei!

After confiscating the loot, Xu Chengfeng asked Leitian to use the magic lock to control the remaining two emperor-level low-rank and six king-level mad shark clan powerhouses.

After controlling their masters, this group of tiger sharks and black sharks will never be able to turn the tide again.

"Venom leader, assign half of the members of the Venom Legion to guard them!"

"Okay, master!"

"Jana, put all these things in the warehouse!"


A gust of wind blew, and all the trophies that Xu Chengfeng harvested flew into the sky, and were taken to the warehouse by Jana.

Xu Chengfeng looked at the members of the Shark Clan and was already thinking about building a large prison!

He now has such conditions.

Thea asked in a low voice: "Master Island Master, I'm worried that after you let them go, they will come to trouble us again."

"It's okay, then we can collect another wave of ransom!"

Xu Chengfeng is not afraid of the crazy sharks on the opposite side!

He asked Thea and Angus that there is no emperor-level powerhouse in the entire Southern Star Sea Region.

On his island, emperor-level powerhouses gather together, so why are they afraid of mad sharks?

"All right!"

Seeing that Xu Chengfeng couldn't be persuaded, Xi Ya couldn't talk anymore.

Entering the warehouse, Xu Chengfeng absorbed and transformed all the crystal nuclei.

Xu Chengfeng's stored energy has officially broken through to 40 billion!

When the ransom from the Shark Clan comes, the energy in his hand might be doubled!

Xu Chengfeng didn't have much thought about the crazy sharks.

He didn't intend to drive them all to death either!

If they were really going to die, Xu Chengfeng wouldn't mind giving them a ride!

As for subduing the crazy sharks...he really didn't have much idea.

Firstly, the area of ​​the island is limited; secondly, there are too many of them, and their temperaments are cruel; thirdly, they are not good-looking, with lumpy muscles all over their bodies, and they all look like brothers!

It doesn't quite fit Xu Chengfeng's aesthetics!

Xu Chengfeng's island waited in place for a day, and the next day the Tiger Shark and Black Shark clansmen rushed to redeem them.

The people of Tiger Shark and Black Shark not only brought a large number of demonized beast crystal nuclei, a large number of special marine plant seeds, but also donated a large amount of deep sea ghost iron ore.

Black Shark also sent more than 100 mussels, hoping to use them as collateral for ransom.

After Xu Chengfeng asked, he found out that these mussel clans are all vassal races of the mad shark clan.

In order to redeem the elite of the clan, the Black Shark clan has completely gone bankrupt.

As a last resort, they could only sell the vassal races as slaves.

To be honest, Black Shark's move is quite immoral!

Subject races are not slaves!

But Xu Chengfeng still accepted the clam clan.

After accepting the ransom, Xu Chengfeng released Elder Tiger Shark, Elder Hei Shark, and their subordinates directly.

"By the way, after I let you go, will you come to trouble me again?"

Before leaving, Xu Chengfeng asked suddenly.

Elder Tiger Shark hurriedly replied: "Master Island Master, this is absolutely impossible, we Tiger Shark will never dare to be an enemy of Lord Island Master again 417!"

"No, that's not what I meant!" Xu Chengfeng shook his head, "What I mean is, if you are not convinced, you can come to me again, as long as you can afford the ransom."

"The island owner is joking, we are absolutely convinced!"

"Then you guys go!"

Xu Chengfeng waved his hand to let them leave.

After the tiger sharks and black sharks left, Xu Chengfeng absorbed all the remaining crystal nuclei, and his stored energy reached an astonishing 83 billion!

This gave him the urge to rob the mad sharks' territory.

"Sure enough, kidnapping is the way to get rich!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled with satisfaction.

83 billion energy points are enough for Xu Chengfeng to raise the overall strength of the island to another level!

Taking advantage of his troops being on the island, Xu Chengfeng decided to give them a boost.

One thousand and one Water Spirit Corps, one thousand and one Ethereal Corps, eight hundred members of the Artillery Corps, three hundred and one members each of the Rock Spirit Corps, Clay Man Corps, Wind Spirit Corps, and Fog Demon Corps, and two hundred Yuan Magnetic Snake, as well as [-] members each of the Spirit of Fine Gold, Spirit of Mithril, Spirit of Iron, Spirit of Copper, and Spirit of Space Stone, were all promoted by Xu Chengfeng to the lower rank of Xingyao before.

This time, Xu Chengfeng raised them all to Xingyao top rank in one breath!

More than 40 billion energy points instantly... gone!

Chapter 301 Emperor-level top-rank Janna, the spirit of the island!Ocean storm!

Xu Chengfeng felt some flesh pain!

But seeing his subordinates, his strength has increased a step further.

He is still very pleased.

At least these energy points can see benefits.

Xu Chengfeng took out another batch of deep sea ghost iron and activated twenty deep sea ghost iron spirits.

If you want to activate a deep-sea ghost iron to the top-grade Xingyao, you need to consume more than 1205 million energy points.

He spent more than 600 million energy points to raise twenty deep sea ghost iron spirits to Xingyao top grade.

Not surprisingly, these deep sea ghost iron spirits have realized the skill of making ghost iron shields.

Xu Chengfeng asked these deep-sea ghost iron spirits to accompany them with the spirits of fine gold, and it was enough to produce deep-sea ghost iron every day.

Coming to the pit where the corpses of demonized beasts were disposed of, Xu Chengfeng gathered five hundred earth demon earthworms.

Last time, because of the lack of energy points, he just activated five hundred earth demon earthworms to low-grade diamonds.

In one breath, more than 5 million energy was consumed to activate 35 earth demon earthworms to Xingyao top grade. Xu Chengfeng looked at his own energy points, and there were only [-] billion energy points left.

Xu Chengfeng pursed his lips, and summoned Janna and the spirit of the island to his side.

Currently, Xu Chengfeng has the best talent on the island, the most important thing for him, he can directly improve, and among the members who can form combat effectiveness, Janna and the spirit of the island are in the forefront.

The spirit of the holy spring must be slightly behind.

The fighting power of creatures in the Kane world is closely linked to levels and talents!

Poor talent, as long as the level is high enough, it can still make up for this gap.

Now, Xu Chengfeng's subordinates on the island can still level up other enemies!

The importance of the spirit of the holy spring will not be mentioned until the later stage!

"Master, what's the matter?"

The spirit of Hailing asked.

"I'll help you improve your strength!"

It takes about 6000 million energy points to activate a drop of water into an emperor-level top-grade water spirit.

It takes about 12 billion energy points to activate a drop of water into an emperor-level top-grade water spirit.

Xu Chengfeng grabbed the two hands of Janna and the Spirit of the Island, each input more than 11 billion energy, and bright white light shone over the island.

Ten minutes later, amidst a series of prompts, Janna and the Spirit of the Sea Island were promoted to Emperor-level top-rank by Xu Chengfeng!

Emperor-level top-rank, only one step away from legendary-level powerhouse!

During the heyday of the Kane world, emperor-level powerhouses walked everywhere, and there were as many emperor-level powerhouses as dogs. Legendary-level powerhouses were the ones who truly dominated one side!

Gather up the legendary powerhouses, and even try to challenge the clone of the gods.

Of course, on top of legends, there are also demigods!

At that time, the demigods belonged to the peerless powerhouses of Kane's main world, and each of them was a giant.

Most of them are popes and popes in major churches!

The remaining few demigods are trying to hit the god position and become real gods!

After raising Janna and the Spirit of the Island to the top-rank emperor level, Xu Chengfeng smoothly raised the holy shield on his body to the top-rank emperor level.

Xu Chengfeng didn't want to die halfway!

The holy shield upgraded to the top grade of the emperor can already resist the attack of the legendary powerhouse!

This made Xu Chengfeng feel quite safe!

Xu Chengfeng saved the remaining [-] million energy points first.

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