As soon as he walked out of the room, Xu Chengfeng saw Gemil and Palladia staring at each other in the hall of the villa.

"What are you doing?"

Gemil said: "Master Island Master, we rushed over after seeing the vision!"

When Gaimil first started, when he became Xu Chengfeng's slave, he was still a little unwilling.

But after Jana's enlightenment, she found that she was enjoying it a bit.

Anyway, I couldn't resist, so I just accepted it.

Moreover, she found that being Xu Chengfeng's slave didn't seem too bad.

Xu Chengfeng did not do nasty things to himself, but built a church for her, accepted believers, and protected her safety, which made Gemil, who had always been insecure, very useful.

In addition, after learning that Paradis is extremely envious of her 20 water spirits, her heart is even more beautiful...

Although she has lost her freedom, she is not poor!

"Haha, it's actually nothing!"

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile.

But Gemil and Paradis turned their attention to Janna.

The spirit of the island has already escaped!

She never takes the usual path.

Only Janna came out from the main entrance.

Paradis wondered: "Has Janna's strength become stronger again?"

The strength of Paradis has been restored to the emperor level.

She felt that Janna's momentum was much stronger than before!

It must have just broken through, and I can't control my breath.

"Yeah!" Janna nodded, "Emperor level!"

"Jana, you are amazing!"

Gemil took Janna's hand and said enviously.

"It's the island owner who is amazing!"

Paradis corrected.

"Yes, it's the island owner who is the most powerful!" Gemil said hastily, "Island owner, look, can you help me improve as well?"

"My ability is useless to you!"

Xu Chengfeng said helplessly.

"Then give me 20 emperor-level water spirits?"

Gemil looked expectant.

Xu Chengfeng couldn't help but knocked Gemil's smooth forehead: "20? You're dreaming!"

More than 4000 main force and logistics troops are a bit difficult for him to bear!

20, definitely kill him!

"Jana, inform the water spirit army that all the corpses of the demonized beasts will be thrown into the pits, and let the earth demon earthworms and blood spirit bees deal with them!"

"Okay, master!"

Xu Chengfeng planned to plant the jadeite coral and the tree of life in his hand.

"Wendini, go collect the water of life, the more the better!"

"Okay, my lord!"

After dealing with these things, Xu Chengfeng's island shook a little, and then sailed to the fourth island described by Thea.

One day later, Xu Chengfeng's island merged into a seven-square-kilometer island again, and the area of ​​the island reached 120 square kilometers.

Because the Bang tribe has increased by more than 1000 people, Xu Chengfeng specially added five square kilometers of water to the Bang tribe, making the Bang tribe's territory reach ten square kilometers.

The mermaids and the mussels planted a large number of special marine plant seeds that Xu Chengfeng got from the mad sharks in their territory.

Xu Chengfeng's island is in a state of prosperity.

Just when Xu Chengfeng activated Xin Shuren, he received a private message from Tong Mu.

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu, why don't you sell medicine this time?"

Xu Chengfeng was a little puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Tong Mu: "The ocean storm has begun again!"

Xu Chengfeng raised his head, looked at the clear sky, and switched to the world communication channel again. As Tong Mu said, there was another storm affecting the newbie area!

ps: I feel very tired all of a sudden...

Chapter 302 The island owners looking forward to being harvested!Not enough eaux-de-vie!

In the newcomer's world communication channel, there was another burst of howling.

I also asked why Xu Chengfeng didn't sell magic potions?

Xu Chengfeng could only smile at this.

Now, he can be regarded as someone who has seen the world!

On the side of the new island owner, there are very few things he can look at.

However, Xu Chengfeng is a person with old feelings.

The rookie island owners have contributed a lot to their own rise.

Coupled with the diligence of the flower elves, he did store a lot of low-level magic potions in his hand, so he released all the low-level magic potions.

Just clean out your inventory!

Still the same as before, using the auction mode.

The other party must at least pay the equivalent item!

After hanging out the magic potion, Xu Chengfeng glanced at his friend column again.

He found that many of his friends' avatars were grayed out!

In the past, he added a lot of friends in order to do business!

If the avatar turns gray, it means losing the island owner qualification.

Either be killed!

Either they were fled back to Blue Star, and the heart of the island was shattered!

Xu Chengfeng looked at those names, and occasionally recalled the deal with the other party.

After clearing out friends whose profile pictures were grayed out, Xu Chengfeng browsed the world communication channel:

"Great, Boss Xu is back!"

"I want to buy potions, President Xu, hurry up and pass!"

"760 everyone, run! Old dog Xu is back to harvest newcomers!"

"Can't afford it! Can't afford it! Not even eligible to bid!"


Xu Chengfeng smiled and turned off the world communication channel, and found Tong Mu.

Xu Chengfeng: "Is there a lot of pressure on the island?"

Tong Mu: "It's not big at all, that dark elemental spirit from Church of Evernight is so strong!"

Tong Mu: "I used to be the most worried at night, but the dark elemental spirits seem to be stronger at night, and now I can sleep well!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Night is the home of the dark elemental elves!"

Tong Mu: "President Xu, it seems that you haven't returned to the association for a long time, right?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Just over a month!"

Xu Chengfeng was in Blue Star, but he only had the name of a vice president.

He had already discussed it with Chu Bozhong, Feng Yu, and Fu Qingze.

He has also been recognized by higher-level leaders. He doesn't need to be on duty, he only needs to protect the divinity of the Evernight Goddess and help her cultivate believers.

Tong Mu: "You, the president, are really... chic!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Hahaha... I am giving the name of the vice-chairman because of the face of President Fu and the association. I am not willing to be invited by ordinary forces!"

Tong Mu: "... Desperate!"

But Tong Mu also knew that Xu Chengfeng was telling the truth.

The current Xu Chengfeng really doesn't need to give face to any forces.

After Xu Chengfeng took up the position of vice president, the association really has a lot of face!

However, it's not that the association has benefited Xu Chengfeng. Helping him spread the Church of Evernight's faith in the world of Kane is a help to him.

The two parties are mutually beneficial!

After finishing the call with Tong Mu, Xu Chengfeng traded a few orders casually in the trading area, and Wendini returned to the villa.

"Master, this is the water of life!"

Wendini carefully brought out a small bowl.

In the small bowl, there is half a bowl of water of life!

The water of life has a faint green light, exuding a strong breath of life.

Just smell it, it will make you feel refreshed!

It is not easy for the tree of life to condense the water of life.

In addition to time, they also need a large amount of life energy.

The three emperor-level trees of life can condense so much water of life, thanks to Xu Chengfeng's exaggeratedly rich life energy on the island!

Xu Chengfeng's hundreds of square kilometers of island gathered a large number of precious and special plants, as well as a terrifying number of treants.

These are all collected and revitalized by Xu Chengfeng along the way.

Xu Chengfeng took out the white dragon egg and told Wendini, "Go to the kitchen and bring a big plate!"

"Do you want to eat it?"

Wendini asked curiously.


Xu Chengfeng looked at the white dragon egg in his hand, and suddenly felt that Wendini's suggestion seemed good!

"No, I used it to hold eggs!"


Xu Chengfeng's villa has a kitchen, but it is not often used.

His mouth had already been sucked by Geng Rui's craftsmanship.

Every day, Angel of Light would go to the town ahead of time and bring over the three meals that Geng Rui had prepared for him.

He didn't take Geng Rui to live in the villa, he just thought it was inconvenient.

Putting the white dragon egg on a plate, Xu Chengfeng poured half a bowl of water of life onto the white dragon egg.

The tree of life flows down the white dragon egg, decreasing while flowing, and is gradually absorbed by the white dragon egg.

The last few drops flowed to the bottom of the plate, but they were quickly absorbed by the white dragon egg.

Xu Chengfeng handed the bowl to Wen Dini, observed the white dragon egg carefully, and said with some regret: "It's still not enough!"

But Xu Chengfeng was already mentally prepared.

After all, it is a legendary white dragon egg, which requires a lot of life energy, which is normal!

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