His tree of life is only emperor-level medium-grade, the quality of the water of life produced is not too high, and the quantity of water of life is not enough!

"Master, what kind of egg is this?"

Wendini asked curiously.

The white dragon egg, which looks like white jade, is still very beautiful!

"White Dragon!"

"Wow! White Dragon?"

Wendini was surprised.

She didn't expect that Xu Chengfeng got a white dragon egg from nowhere!

Although the number of dragons is rare, every adult dragon has a strong fighting power!

Thousands of years ago, giant dragons were definitely a famous race.

However, Undine has never seen a dragon!

"Yes, this is the white dragon egg, sent to me by the mad shark family!"

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Can it hatch a baby white dragon?"

"It's definitely possible, but this white dragon was born prematurely and needs the water of life to supplement its development!"


Wendini nodded, and glanced at the small bowl in her hand again: "Master, the water of life has not been poured out!"

"There's not a single drop, why didn't you pour it clean?"

The water of life is still relatively precious, and it is impossible for Xu Chengfeng to waste it.

However, it is impossible to pour the liquid clean, and there will always be some stains on the bowl.

"It can't be wasted, so I'll deal with it?"

Wendini swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

No one can reach the temptation of the water of life.

Especially elves!

"take it!"

Xu Chengfeng laughed.

Wendini's little head was buried directly in the bowl.

Like a puppy, he licked the bowl all over.

Chapter 303 The Red-Eyed Giant Eagle and the Great Deep Sea Chapter!Letter from Angus!

Seeing this scene, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help touching Wendini's little head.

Wen Dini was touched by Xu Chengfeng, she ran away with the bowl...

Next, besides activating the trees on the island, Xu Chengfeng traded some magic potions to those poor new island owners, just to practice hard.

For a better life in the future, one must have a good body!

The mad shark family never appeared again.

Xu Chengfeng didn't find it strange either.

Regardless of whether it is a black shark or a tiger shark, among the crazy sharks, their overall strength ranks among the top five!

They were all crushed in front of Xu Chengfeng, and the other Wild Shark members definitely didn't dare to act rashly.

There are abyss demonized beasts everywhere, and it is still very difficult to live in this world.

They don't think about themselves, they also think about their race.

Once the elites are defeated by Xu Chengfeng, it will be extremely difficult for their family to gain a foothold in this sea area.

Without confidence, without sufficient profit motives, it is impossible for them to fight Xu Chengfeng to the death!

After two days, the storm in the island world of newcomers gradually subsided, and Janna reported to Xu Chengfeng: "Master, we have found Warship Island!"

"Is it far?"

"It's not far, I guess we'll arrive the day after tomorrow!"

"not bad!"

Warship Island also belongs to the Seven Star City-State Alliance.

Because it looks like a warship, it is called Battleship Island.

It is somewhat similar to Xu Chengfeng's island shape.

The owner of Warship Island is called Silla, a powerful emperor-level water mage.

Because of the relationship between inheritance and environment, the water and wind magicians of the Seven Star City-State Alliance are quite powerful.

Syrah's inheritance is different from Angus's, but she has a good relationship with Angus, and has trade relations with Star Leaf Island.

Xu Chengfeng said to Janna: "Wait until tomorrow, you go to see Master Sila, and give her the gift and Angus' letter."

"Okay, master!"

Xu Chengfeng was doing business and searching for crystal nuclei.

I don't want to cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

Just as Xu Chengfeng was heading to Warship Island, a red-eyed giant eagle shrouded in gray fog hovered over the Kelban Islands.

The giant eagle circled around a few times, but didn't even notice the shadow of the mermaids.

Not long after it left, the giant chapter of the deep sea, Fili, slowly surfaced.

Fili wandered around the archipelago and found that there were no mermaids in the nearby deep sea.

Even the mermaid's defensive formation was removed.

The algae plants planted by the mermaids were also quickly turned gray by the breath of the abyss.

Fili floated out of the island again, and the red-eyed giant eagle landed directly on Fili's head.

The red-eyed giant eagle asked, "Fili, have you found them?"

Fei Li angrily smashed the huge waves with his tentacles:

"They escaped!"

"If they don't escape, are they still waiting for you to come back?" The red-eyed giant eagle sneered, "Fili, if you can't find those mermaids quickly, you will be in big trouble this time!"

"I just didn't expect that among the mermaid clan, there is an elemental emperor who is a strong person!" Feili said stubbornly, "If it wasn't for that elemental strongman, I would definitely be able to take down the mermaid and capture Thea!"

"But you still haven't caught it!" The red-eyed giant eagle emphasized, "You think I don't know what you want to do? You want to take the credit for yourself!"

"So what?"

Phil said angrily.

"So what?" the red-eyed giant eagle said, "Do you know that those mermaids not only believe in the sea goddess, but may also know the whereabouts of the sea goddess' divinity?"

I just want to claim credit for it because I know it!

Of course, Philip didn't say that.

"Hundred years ago, the divinity of the goddess of the sea appeared once, and then disappeared. We all suspect that the group of mermaids may know the whereabouts of the divinity!" You found it, but in the end, you took the initiative to startle them without being fully prepared..."

Fili didn't want to talk.

He was indeed wrong!

But he didn't expect that another powerful character would appear halfway through!

If he had caught Thea at that time, the red-eyed giant eagle would definitely not have dared to jump on his head!

"I'll find them!" Fili said. "It's only been a few days, and they won't get very far."

"I hope!" the red-eyed giant eagle said, "I'll give you a month, if you can't find the mermaids, I will report this matter to the higher authorities, and then I have no control over how the higher authorities will deal with you. "


After the red-eyed giant eagle finished speaking, it flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

Fili, the great chapter of the deep sea, watched with a gloomy face as the red-eyed giant eagle disappeared into the sky before finally sinking into the gray sea.

On Battleship Island, Janna stood in front of Mage Sira. The gray-haired Mage Sira had weak calves.

The sense of oppression that Janna brought to mage Sila without comment was too strong!

Whether it's the aura of a strong Janna emperor or her bloodline of a divine creature, they naturally carry a strong oppressive force.

"My master will arrive at Battleship Island tomorrow, and he will make some deals with you guys at that time. I hope you will be well prepared so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings!"

0 0

Sila asked cautiously: "I don't know who your master is..."

"You don't need to inquire about this!" Janna took out the imperial flower spirit honey and a letter and handed it to Master Sila, "This is a small gift from the master, and this letter is from Angus. You'll understand when you open it."

Master Sila accepted the flower spirit honey and the letter and said respectfully: "I accept the gift, thank you master for me!"


When Sira looked up again, Janna in front of her had disappeared.

It was as if she had never been here!

Silla took the flower spirit honey back to the space ring, sat back on her chair, put on her reading glasses, opened the envelope, and quickly scanned Angus' letter, she roughly understood the situation!

"Islands from other seas? Very, very powerful? Can you make a deal with them?" Sila sighed in a low voice, "Is it really that powerful?"

In the Southern Star Sea Region, there are still very few intelligent creatures in other sea regions.

Even if she was not fully prepared, she would not dare to leave the Southern Star Sea Territory.

After all, the Southern Star Sea Region is located in a quite remote area.

The abyssal monsters in other sea areas are stronger and more dangerous!

But the mysterious island owner in Angus's letter brought an island to shuttle between various sea areas...

Chapter 304 Master Sila!waiting!Battleship City!

It's hard for Sila to imagine what kind of force can take an island and travel around this dangerous world!

Taking out the imperial flower spirit bee, she lightly sniffed it, and her spirit became excited.

"Is this imperial flower spirit honey? That island owner is really generous!"

That night, Sila ordered the Lord of Warship City to seal off the port tomorrow, in order for distinguished guests to arrive.

At noon the next day, Silas also brought his children, who was still the lord of Warship City, to wait at the port early.

Master Sila's actions naturally attracted the attention of many other residents of Warship City.

However, Mage Sila had already cleared the field, and the professionals in Battleship City did not dare to approach.

For fear of offending this royal island owner!

No one dared to fear her bad luck.

Everyone on Battleship Island knows that Master Sila has a weird temper, withdrawn personality, petty and grudge-loving.

The professionals of Battleship City, the three city lords, and other families all feared her.

Waiting until noon, Master Sila saw a huge and beautiful island owner slowly approaching the warship port.

At this moment, the entire Battleship City was shocked.

It was the first time they saw such a beautiful island, and it was the first time they saw an island that could move like a ship.

Only then did many professionals know who Master Sila was waiting for.

"This is the first time I've seen a moving island, and I've never even heard of it before!"

"Me too, I've never heard of it, our Seven Star City-State Alliance has moving islands!"

"Could it be Master Sarah's latest masterpiece?"

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