
"You said, could it be people from other sea areas?"

"Hard to say!"

"How strong is that?"


The seven-star city-state alliance is isolated by the abyss demonized beasts. Most of the island residents have never been out of the island in their entire lives. Information exchange between the alliance city-states is very difficult.

Even though Xu Chengfeng stayed in Xingye Island for several days, the news still hadn't reached Warship Island.

When it was 1000 meters away from Warship Harbor, the entire Battleship City shook.

Xu Chengfeng's island also gradually stopped, without going any further.

In the port of Warship City, the water is not very deep.

If the island continued to approach the port, it would only cause greater shocks.

Jana reminded Xu Chengfeng who was busy revitalizing the trees: "Master, we have arrived at our destination!"

"Angel of Tears, Angel of Light, you go invite Master Sila and the others to Shanghai Island as guests!"

"Okay, my lord!"

"Let the ice girl pave the way!"

Xu Chengfeng said.

There is no way, let people fly to the island, it seems a bit neglected.


Then, the people in Battleship City saw a beautiful woman in a blue long dress on the edge of the island, putting her hands on the sea.

In an instant, the ice crystals spread!

A wide ice road with a length of one kilometer and a width of 50 meters was erected.

"So strong!"

Master Sila exclaimed.

"Master Sira, are you really strong?"

The Lord of Warship City asked.

Master Sila raised his hand, and a water arrow pierced the ice road.

The water arrow penetrated only five centimeters.

"It's much better than me... at least the top-tier emperor, maybe it will be the emperor!" Silla murmured, "It seems that Angus didn't lie to me. Fortunately, they just like to exchange some items."

At this moment, two angels waved their wings and came to Sira and the others.

The pure white wings, the stunning beauty, and the holy and rich energy of the light system made the professionals in the entire Warship City stare straight at the sight!

"My God, it's so beautiful!"

"There shouldn't be such a beautiful girl on Battleship Island, right?"

"They are so temperamental, and they look warm in their hearts!"

"With wings, is this the legendary Winged Human Race?"

"I feel that if they wear halos, I will believe that they are angels!"


Naturally, there is nothing to say about the looks of the Angel of Tears and the Angel of Light.

Xu Chengfeng is surrounded by so many beauties every day, he may not have this feeling yet.

But in the eyes of ordinary professionals, Angel of Tears and Angel of Light are no different from goddesses.

The tearful angel asked, "Excuse me, are you Lord Sira?"

"Hi, I'm Sira!" Sira smiled wryly, "Just call me Sira!"

She has already seen that the two "winged humans" standing in front of her are also two emperor-level powerhouses.

Stronger than her!

Thousands of years ago, the world of Kane was the law of the jungle where the strong respected

Ten thousand years later, due to the threat of the abyss, it will be even more so!

Although Sira is not very generous, she still lowers her proud head when she sees a strong man.

Bow to the strong, no one will blame her.

Angel Guang smiled and said, "Our master invites you to be a guest on the island!"

Sila asked in a low voice, "Can you bring my disciple and the Lord of Warship City with you?"

"Of course!" Tears Angel laughed, "Welcome everyone!"


Sila glanced at the people behind her: "When you get to the island, you have to be polite, understand?"

"Understood, teacher!"

"Understood, Lord Sira!"

Xi La took five disciples and the owner of Warship City on the ice road, and soon came to Xu Chengfeng's island.

When Sira stepped onto the dam, she glanced at the ice girl standing quietly at the end of the icy road.

"Excuse me, you are..."

The ice girl looked at her coldly, with a bone-chilling chill all over her body.

When Silas spoke, she felt her tongue was frozen.

"She's an ice girl, she doesn't like to talk to people!" Tears Angel said with a smile, "That's her personality, don't worry about it."

"Don't care, why would I care?"

Sira smiled awkwardly.

When they set foot on the island, Xi La and his party of six could not help but take a deep breath.

They were all professionals, and they naturally noticed the strong breath of life on the island very quickly.

In Sila's mind, she had already come to a conclusion about this island—it can't be messed with!

Led by Angel of Tears and Angel of Light, a group of people passed the newly built mountain road.

The mountain road is winding and the ground is paved with stones.

This is just built by the rock spirits, and there is no need to pass through the territory of the flower elves.

From the side of the boat-shaped island to Xu Chengfeng's island, there are dense trees along the way, completely blocking everyone's sight.

But even so, it still shocked Xila and the others.

It was the first time for them to see tree people, and there were still so many of them!

When they arrived at Xu Chengfeng's villa, Wen Dini had already prepared lunch with the help of Chen Xinping, Yu Zhu, and Elder Hai Ling.

Chapter 305 Tell me, little black shark, have you seen a mermaid?

Yuzhu and Hailing are assistants trained by Chen Xinping.

This time, they were also brought here.

"Hello, I am the owner of this island, just call me Island owner Xu!"

When Xu Chengfeng saw the people from Zhanchuan Island, he introduced himself with a smile.

"Hello, Master Xu, I'm Sira, the master of Warship Island, just call me Sira!" Silla replied politely, "These four are my disciples, and this is the master of Warship City." the city lord Tucker."

Among the four disciples brought by Sila, there are three female mages.

The three female mages were all secretly looking at Xu Chengfeng.

It's because Xu Chengfeng's charm is so high that most people can't help but be attracted to him!

"Master Silla, you probably haven't eaten lunch yet!" Xu Chengfeng asked, "I have already ordered people to prepare lunch, so let's have a meal first, and then we can talk after eating."

In Blue Star, Chinese people have the habit of eating and talking about things.

But the humans in the Kane world prefer to talk about business after eating.

"Then thank you for the hospitality!"

Seeing that the food was ready, it was hard for her to refuse.

She started Xu Chengfeng at dawn and waited until noon, and she was indeed hungry.

The alluring fragrance made Sira, a royal magician, a little greedy.

After a meal, Silla and her 18 disciples, as well as Tucker, the lord of Warship City, were all exhausted!

It's the same as Angus and the mermaid clan in Star Leaf Island.

Seasonings in the Southern Star Sea Region are extremely scarce, and they have not eaten any good dishes.

Completely blown away by Geng Rui and Wei Jiang!

Sira looked at the messy table, feeling a little embarrassed.

Xu Chengfeng ordered someone to bring honey water, but he didn't care.

He is already mentally prepared!

Even Chef Geng made a lot of extra dishes, in case the guests would eat up all the food again.

However, it was obvious that the people on Battleship Island were not as effective as Star Leaf Island.

After resting for a while, Xu Chengfeng explained the purpose of coming to Silla, and hoped that Zhanchuan Island could make a deal with him. Silla, who was mentally prepared, naturally readily agreed.

After reading Angus' letter, she was already mentally prepared.

Moreover, she is also very eager to make a deal with Xu Chengfeng.

Demonized beasts are rampant in the abyss of the Southern Star Sea, and the Seven Star City-State Alliance can only occupy the island and the waters near the island.

Many cultivation resources are simply not available to them.

Even in their inheritance classics passed down from generation to generation, many skills in alchemy and potion making have been completely lost.

After all, it's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice.

At most, human mages make deals with the Shark Clan and the Naga Clan.

However, the seven-star city-state alliance can produce too few good things.

The two races of mad shark and naga are not easy characters to get along with.

They naturally have great reservations when doing business with humans, and they want to take advantage of everything.

Due to the lack of resources, many mages with outstanding talents who are expected to reach new heights are only stuck at the bottleneck... It is difficult to make progress for decades or hundreds of years.

I heard that Xu Chengfeng Island has a lot of scarce royal-level resources, which are exactly what she wants, and of course Silla doesn't want to miss them.

"Xin Ping, give Master Silla the list!"

Xu Chengfeng ordered.

"Okay, my lord!"

Chen Xinping handed the list to Silla, and Sira flipped through it a few times, and her breathing became short of breath.

Xu Chengfeng said: "I will let Xinping go to Warship Island with you, and she will be in charge of the transaction with you!"

In this transaction, it doesn't matter whether Xu Chengfeng shows up or not.

He didn't really want to go to Battleship Island.

Battleship Island and Star Leaf Island should be similar!

Therefore, he simply left everything to Chen Xinping to handle.

"Okay!" Silla looked at Chen Xinping, showing a kind smile, "You are very welcome!"

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