An excellent mage tower can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of mages and enhance the defense of the city!

As long as the mage towers don't fall, they can continue to operate.

Inherited from generation to generation!

This is why Sila is willing to sell the ancestral magic book.

In the entire Seven Star City-State Alliance, there are only a handful of mages with complete mage towers!

The magic metal Master Sila wanted happened to be the least valuable on Xu Chengfeng's island.

The fine gold and mithril were sold, and these mages immediately used them up.

Coupled with the inconvenient transportation, Xu Chengfeng doesn't have to worry about inflation at all.

It doesn't affect him at all.

But twenty bottles of imperial flower spirit honey, one hundred pieces of Tianxin tea leaves, and three drops of water of life made Xu Chengfeng's heart ache a bit!

"Ask Sila to show me the magic note!"


Not long after, Master Sila appeared on Xu Chengfeng's island.

Silas should be older than Angus, with silver hair and a quaint mage robe without any decorations.

There are not many wrinkles on her face, but her nasolabial folds are deep, and her mouth protrudes a bit, making her look serious and mean.

"Hello, Island Master Xu!"

"I heard that you want to sell your ancestor's magic note?"

"Yeah!" Silla nodded, "In my lifetime, the only person who has the conditions to give me a price that meets my psychological price is Island Master Xu!"

"Why sell it?"

"Why not sell it?" Silla laughed, "Although inheritance is precious, life is never as precious as life. I want to continue to break through, and I also want to train an excellent junior to take over as the owner of Battleship Island."


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

"It's very difficult for us to train a royal-level mage!" Silla said helplessly, "Such a warship island is in a state of failure. I have a family descendant who is very talented and is expected to inherit my island master profession. But he hasn't grown up yet, I don't want the position of the island owner of Battleship Island to fall into the hands of other royal mages!"

"This is a little selfishness of my old lady. I also want to strengthen the defense of Battleship Island, so that the Xila family can pass it on for as long as possible!"

"Everyone has selfishness!" Xu Chengfeng smiled and said, "Show me the magic notes!"


Farah took out a magic notebook with a metal cover and handed it to Xu Chengfeng.

Angel of Tears took the magic note, checked it, and handed it to Xu Chengfeng.

[Silah Family Inheritance Magic Notes (Emperor Level): The magic notes passed down from generation to generation by the Silla family of the Cathay Empire. It is a book of experience inheritance of countless generations of outstanding magicians in the Silla family. Reading this note will greatly improve the knowledge of water magic You can also learn the magic recorded in the notes. 】

[Reminder: Since the magic note contains the spiritual imprint of countless outstanding magicians of the Syrah family, reading this magic note can increase your understanding by about 20.00%! 】

[Hint: Relying on magic notes to learn magic, getting started is slow, but it will allow you to go further! 】

"The inheritance of our Syrah family was not the best in the Cathay Empire back then, but in the Seven Star City-State Alliance, our inheritance is definitely relatively complete, especially this inheritance note, which is an excellent example of our Syrah family from generation to generation. The crystallization of the magician's experience!" Master Sila said with some helplessness, "This is already the most valuable property in my hands!"

Chapter 309 A small gift from the goddess of the night, Paradis!

The next day, Chen Xinping named the goods needed in Warship City and delivered them to the island.

Of the three cities on Warship Island, Warship Island is the closest.

There are two other cities, Master Sila also sent someone to notify.

Those small forces naturally also have the idea of ​​trading with Xu Chengfeng.

The training resources provided by Xu Chengfeng are too precious and tempting!

They all knew that if they missed this time, they might not have a chance.

For a mobile island force like Xu Chengfeng, the next time they pass by Warship City may be a hundred years later...or they may never come back.

On the fourth day, small forces successively traded with Xu Chengfeng with the crystal cores of demonized beasts collected over thousands of years.

This made Xu Chengfeng's energy points break through one billion again!

And at this moment, Xu Chengfeng's trip to Warship City was coming to an end.

"Island Master Xu, goodbye!"

"Master Sila, you have to take care too!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled and waved goodbye.

When Xu Chengfeng just returned to the villa, Paradis saw that there was no one else around, only two cute little angels and Wendini were left, so she whispered to Xu Chengfeng: "Master Island Master, I have some small gifts for you !"

As she spoke, she took out a large cardboard box from the interspatial ring.


Xu Chengfeng asked curiously.

It was also the first time he received a gift from the natives of the Kane world.

Of course, the emerald jade coral that the mermaid surrendered last time cannot be counted.

"Take it apart and you'll understand!"

Paradis said with a smile.

"All right!"

When Xu Chengfeng saw the packing carton, he knew that the gift should be from Blue Star.

He didn't pay much attention either.

It shouldn't be anything too expensive.

After tearing open the packing carton, Xu Chengfeng was stunned as he took out the gift from inside.

"This is……"

"Stockings! White stockings!" Paradis said with a smile, "I think white stockings match your two angel maids very well."

Xu Chengfeng turned his head to look at Angel of Tears and Angel of Light.

Their white skirts are all very conservative, covering directly to the ankles.

White silk, paired with an indeed a good match!

Xu Chengfeng is very sure that the old man, the God of Light, probably has never tried this kind of combination!

When Xu Chengfeng saw the two angelic girls, they stepped back together and shook their heads repeatedly.

The Angel of Tears saw Paradis's evil smile, and suddenly found that the Evernight Goddess really held a grudge!

Paradis said: "The two of you will definitely satisfy the island owner... right?"

Angel of Tears and Angel of Light were taken aback for a moment, their eyes exchanged in the air for a while, and finally they nodded.

Paradis hit their nails.

"Is this...isn't it good?"

Angel of Tears and Angel of Light nodded, Xu Chengfeng felt a little embarrassed instead.

He could see that the two angels were somewhat repulsive to the white stockings.

"My lord, what's wrong with this?" Paradis urged, "Aren't these clothes very common in Blue Star, can you wear them on the street?"

Xu Chengfeng: "That's how it is said..."

"Naturally it's possible to do that too, isn't it?"

Paradis suddenly approached Xu Chengfeng, staring at him with a pair of golden cat eyes, she stretched out her index finger, and poked his heart: "My lord, don't say what you mean."

Xu Chengfeng was suffocating for breathing!

At this time, the goddess of the night suddenly hit Xu Chengfeng's cute spot.

Some are arrogant, some are evil, some are cute, and there is a hint of temptation...

Paradis also seemed to have sensed the danger, and quickly backed away from Xu Chengfeng for a distance, then rummaged through the cardboard box again.

While rummaging through, she said, "I also bought sailor clothes, bunny clothes, some professional clothes, and rabbit tails, dog ears..."

The two angels blushed like blood.

Wendini wanted to get away directly.

But she ran to the door, but was pulled back by Paradis.

"Lovely Wendini, don't go, I have prepared a gift for you..."


Wendini had a terrible premonition.

But she didn't know why she was being targeted by the Goddess of the Night!

"Maid outfit!" Paradis pulled out a beautiful outfit, "Do you like it?"


Wendini breathed a sigh of relief.

She can still accept this dress.

She was originally Xu Chengfeng's little maid.

"There's also cat ears, try wearing them!"

Wendini stepped back again and again: "I think my elf ears are so cute!"

"Okay!" Paradis didn't force it either.

"Emmmm... what is this?"

Xu Chengfeng picked up a sea-blue robe and asked in doubt.

The blue robe was clearly not any special clothing.

Instead, it's more like the costumes of Kane's world.

"This one!" Paradis laughed, "I got it from Chen Xinping, the priest's uniform of the Ocean Church, and ordered it from Blue Star. I think this suit is quite interesting..."

Whether it's the Church of Evernight or the Church of the Sea, their believers need to wear uniforms.

Xu Chengfeng's island does not have a garment factory, so he can only order from Blue Star.

Xu Chengfeng tore open the packaging bag, and after opening it, he saw the logo of Ocean Church.

"Let's forget about this, if Gemil sees it, she will be upset."

"Is the island owner very afraid of her?"

"Of course not!"

"Then accept it!" Paradis blinked at Xu Chengfeng, "Maybe, it can be used in the future!"

"All right!"

Xu Chengfeng always felt that he had been tricked by Paradis, so he said, "By the way, give me a priest uniform from the Church of Evernight!"

Paradis' face froze instantly.

She didn't expect Xu Chengfeng to make such a request. 1.7

"Why, don't you want to?"

Xu Chengfeng asked very seriously.

"All right!"

Paradis nodded with difficulty.

Xu Chengfeng felt a little better with the Goddess of the Night instead.

After Paradis left, he handed another box of clothes to Undine.

Wendini asked in a low voice: "Master, do you want us to change?"

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