"Put it on!" Xu Chengfeng said seriously, "After all, it was Paradis' wish."

"All right!"

Wendini pulled Angel of Tears and Angel of Light into the room.

After they came out, Xu Chengfeng immediately made a decision: "That's right, it looks good, you can wear it like this from now on!"

The two angels and Wendini could only nod their heads.

"At the beginning, I'm sure you won't get used to it!" Xu Chengfeng comforted, "But you will definitely get used to it in the future!"

Chapter 310 The Gate of the Abyss!King-level King Kong Magic Eagle!

Wendini looked at Angel of Tears' white skirt: "Is it not suitable for fighting?"

"It's still a little cool!"

The light angel complained.

Tears said: "During the battle, it's not a big problem, we can use magic power to condense the clothes!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled and said, "Then it's settled!"


With the strength of the emperor, what are you afraid of?

Seeing Xu Chengfeng settle the matter, Angel Guang looked at Angel Lai with some complaints.

Isn't she a little too active?

With one billion energy points in hand, it just seems like a lot.

The last time Xu Chengfeng raised his troops a little, he spent 40 billion energy points.

This time with one billion energy points, the number of subordinates he can improve is still limited.

Xu Chengfeng found the spirit of the island and asked if the spirit of the island could reactivate the tree of life, and then he got an affirmative answer from the spirit of the island.

"Recently, all the corpses of the abyss demonized beasts have been fed with small earthworms. They also produced a lot of fertilizer, and the fertility of the island has increased." The island spirit replied, "You can plant another tree on the tree of life."

"Then plant a tree of life!"

Xu Chengfeng immediately decided.

He just wanted to hatch the white dragon egg.

He needs 18 large quantities of eaux-de-vie.

Moreover, the water of life, a life-saving fetish, is also very popular in the Seven Star City-State Alliance.

Thus, Xu Chengfeng planted the fourth tree of life.

When the white light broke through the gray sky and the tree of life began to grow rapidly, five black fog clusters quickly condensed above Xu Chengfeng's island.

The gate of the abyss has appeared!

The five abyss gates this time have a diameter of 50 meters, and they are the largest abyss gates that Xu Chengfeng has ever seen.

The abyss demonized beast that drilled out of it should be very strong!

But Xu Chengfeng had already made preparations.

Janna took more than 200 wind spirits into the sky, surrounded by angels of tears and angels of light.

Paradis also noticed the gate of the abyss and came to help Xu Chengfeng on his own initiative.

"Spirit of the island, speed up your movement immediately!" Xu Chengfeng ordered, "Notify my artillery regiment to aim at the gate of the abyss!"

"Yes, Master!"

Keeping the island away from the gate of the abyss is for insurance.

Xu Chengfeng didn't want the island he built so hard to be damaged!

On the island, the disaster alarm sounded again.

All races retreated to the shelter at an extremely fast speed.

The spirit of the island controls the island and begins to move away from the gate of the abyss.

Either the gate of the abyss appeared, or a large number of abyss demonized beasts poured out.

When Xu Chengfeng's island was a little 400 meters away from the nearest gate of the abyss, the gate of the abyss began to tremble.

This is the sign that there are demonized beasts from the abyss pouring out!

"Janna, back off a little, let my artillery regiment try it first!"


Janna led the Wind Spirit Legion back a little, followed Angel of Tears, Angel of Light, and Paradis to the sky above Xu Chengfeng's Artillery Corps.

Anyway, after those abyss demonized beasts appeared, they would definitely come to Xu Chengfeng's island.

This time, due to the relatively short distance, the energy artillery corps directly aimed their muzzles at the five abyss gates.

Soon, a group of dark golden eagle-like abyss monsters with a wingspan of 20 meters flew out from the five abyss gates.

Xu Chengfeng's expression froze, and he got a reminder from Kane World:

[Vajra Magic Eagle (King-level top-rank): Possesses powerful melee combat ability and wind magic skills, the king of fighting among king-level abyss demonized beasts! 】

As soon as it appeared, it was a king-level flying-type abyss demonized beast!

This is what Xu Chengfeng didn't expect!

"Call me, use all your strength!"

he ordered loudly.

The king-level King Kong Magic Eagle is already a level higher than Xu Chengfeng's energy cannon unit!

Hearing Xu Chengfeng's order, four hundred ready energy cannons launched an attack.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The dense and terrifying shells accurately hit the Vajra Magic Eagle that just flew out of the five abyss gates!

Most of the dozen or so Vajra Magic Falcons that flew out at the beginning were seriously injured by the dense shells without any preparation, and fell into the sea.

In the sea, Xu Chengfeng's Water Spirit Legion has already been deployed.

These diamond magic eagles are indeed king level.

But the intensive bombing by Xu Chengfeng's [-] artillery regiments was equally terrifying!

The firepower of the four hundred artillery regiments covered five gates of the abyss, and every eighty energy cannons bombarded one gate of the abyss.

The eighty energy cannons are all Xingyao top grade!

They have no casting time yet, and can fire twelve shells in a very short time!

It is equivalent to a high-grade flame mage of Xingyao who casts twelve fire spells in an instant!

Coupled with the terrifying explosive ability of fire attribute shells,

Even if it is a king-level powerhouse, it will be too much!

After a round of bombing, only five Vajra Magic Falcons relied on the bodies of their companions to escape the bombardment of the artillery regiment, and headed towards Xu Chengfeng from the side.

More than a dozen other king-level diamond magic eagles were either smashed to pieces, or fell into the sea with serious injuries.

The Vajra Magic Eagle that fell into the sea could no longer fly.

"Jana, it's the Wind Spirit Legion's turn!"

"Yes, Master!"

The five king vajra magic eagles were quickly eliminated in the face of more than 200 wind spirit troops and Janna.

But at this time, more than twenty vajra magic eagles surged out from the gate of the abyss.

403 Fire Demon Crystal Spirit is charging the energy cannon, and only the wind spirit troops are on top first.

"Master, the energy cannon is fully charged!"

In less than ten seconds, the leader of the Fire Demon Crystal Spirit shouted.

"Bomb the gate of the abyss!" Xu Chengfeng ordered, "Don't accidentally hurt the wind spirit troops!"

"Yes, Master!"

The king-level diamond magic eagle is still very tricky.

The wind spirit troops did not block the exit of the gate of the abyss.

This is extremely dangerous for Feng Ling who only has Xingyao top grade!

In addition, the intelligence of the Wind Spirit troops is good, they must know how to avoid the ballistic trajectory.

So the artillery regiment doesn't need to be too scruples, just need to be careful!

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The sound of intensive bombing sounded again, and more than 20 King Kong Magic Falcons that had just rushed out fell into the sea.

The baptism of the energy cannon relieved a lot of pressure on the Wind Spirit Legion.

Janna didn't attack with all her strength, she turned into a whirlwind and killed those Vajra Magic Eagles who were trying to break through the blockade of the Wind Spirit Legion around the battle.

Any king-level diamond magic eagle will bring a devastating blow to Xu Chengfeng's island, and it is impossible for Janna to let them get close to the island.

She and Xu Chengfeng were waiting. The first wave of the Gate of the Abyss could break out of the king-level diamond magic eagle, which indicated that there would be more difficult enemies in the future.

Chapter 311 Ning Yongming's gift!King-level White Moon Spirit Dolphin!

There is a high probability that an imperial-level abyssal demonized beast will appear.

After killing more than 50 Vajra Magic Falcons, no new Vajra Magic Falcons appeared at the Gate of the Abyss.

With a low growl, five huge abyss demonized beasts rushed out from the five abyss gates.

[Abyssal Rock Dragon Beast: Possesses strong defense and strength, and is good at rock and earth spells. 】

As soon as the five abyssal rock dragon beasts stepped out of the gate of the abyss, they fell directly into the sea.

Just when they were about to fall into the sea, they finally reacted and stabilized their bodies in mid-air.

Maybe they didn't expect that the gate of the abyss would send it to the sea.

But at this moment, hundreds of black water spears suddenly shot out from the sea, and the spears accurately hit five abyssal rock dragon beasts.

The five imperial-level abyssal rock dragon beasts were almost tied into hedgehogs.

The abyss rock dragon beast let out a miserable wail, and one by one fell into the sea, causing splashes all over the sky.

Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

These five emperor-level abyssal rock dragon beasts were aggressive, but they were killed before they touched the ground!

Died a little confused.

Five more abyssal rock dragon beasts ran out from the gate of the abyss.

However, as soon as they came out of the gate of the abyss, they witnessed the tragic situation of their comrades falling into the sea. They learned their lesson, quickly stabilized their bodies in the air, and rushed towards Xu Chengfeng's island.

The abyss rock dragon beast is huge in size. Although it is far less than the giant seal of the deep sea, its burly body with a length of 50 meters and a height of 20 meters is still very oppressive!

Four hundred energy cannons exploded at the same time, and the hot shells bombarded the abyss rock dragon beast.

After the explosion, the abyss rock dragon beast only suffered a little skin trauma.

"It's pretty strong!" Xu Chengfeng exclaimed, "You guys go!"

Angel of Tears, Angel of Light, Janna, and the active Paradis faced the five abyssal rock dragon beasts at the same time, and killed them neatly.

Paradis looked at the gate of the abyss again, and whispered: "It should be over!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the five abyssal fog clusters jumped a little, and then dissipated extremely unwillingly.

This attack from the abyss is over!

A total of more than 50 King-level Abyss Demonic Beasts appeared, and ten Emperor-level Abyssal Demonic Beasts appeared. The lineup is extremely luxurious.

If it is an ordinary emperor-level island owner, even if they don't fall, they may suffer heavy losses!

But they still couldn't do anything to get Xu Chengfeng.

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