"Paradis, do you see anything?"

Xu Chengfeng still remembered what Paradis said just now.

She judged in advance that the gate of the abyss was about to dissipate.

"The will of the abyss wanted to send more demonized beasts of the abyss, but it was interfered by the will of the world in the Kane world..." Paradis said, "The two sides have been fighting!"

"So it is!"

Xu Chengfeng said in surprise.

He felt that he could publish a book recently.

There are Evernight Goddess, Janna, and Gemil. He can be a historian, a theologian, and publish works on Blue Star.

"You dispose of the corpse!"

Xu Chengfeng said.

A Venom swam up to the shore and handed over a scroll: "Master, we found this near the corpse!"

Xu Chengfeng glanced at it, and it was still an advanced development scroll.

After accepting the scroll, Xu Chengfeng took the Angel of Tears, Angel of Light, Paradis, and Gemil back to the villa.

Gemil also arrived when Janna and the others were dealing with the Abyss Demonic Beast.

However, her strength is now barely stable at the gold level.

Similar to Xu Chengfeng, he couldn't help at all.

"Gamil, you are too weak now!"

Paradis sneered.

Gemil said cruelly: "Just wait, I have 20 water elemental spirits, and they have all started to believe in me. My strength will soon surpass yours!"

Thinking of the 20 water elemental spirits, Paradis felt bad instantly!

Paradis looked at Xu Chengfeng, hesitating, should he discuss with Xu Chengfeng and ask him to give more dark elemental elves.

Back at the villa, Xu Chengfeng received a message from Tong Mu.

Tong Mu: "Island Master Xu, senior Ning Yongming just returned to Blue Star, he asked me to bring you a message!"

Xu Chengfeng: "What are you talking about?"

Tong Mu: "He wants to ask you if you want to raise a group of white moon spirit dolphins. He just captured a group of white moon spirit dolphins. He doesn't know what to do with them. If you like them, he will give them to you to raise."

White Moon Spirit Dolphin?

Xu Chengfeng always felt that the name sounded familiar.

He looked at Gemil who was lying on the sofa: "Gamil, what kind of monster is the White Moon Spirit Dolphin?"

About ocean monsters, it's always right to ask Gaimi!

"It's a kind of mischievous marine monster with a bloodline potential of about king level, which is quite advanced!" Gemil laughed. "But it has a friendly personality and is easy to tame. Mermaids like them."

"So it's them!"

Xu Chengfeng remembered immediately.

So, he recovered Tong Mu's news.

Xu Chengfeng: "How many?"

Tong Mu: "More than 60!"

Xu Chengfeng: "More than 60? Senior Ning really has a set, did he copy someone else's house?"

Tong Mu: "It should be!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Then I want them all!"

It's just a group of marine monsters, Xu Chengfeng can afford it.

The white moon spirit dolphin is not a huge creature in the first place.

Tong Mu: "Okay!"

Xu Chengfeng said: "By the way, is Senior Ning still in Blue Star?"

Tong Mu: "Shouldn't have left yet!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Then I'd better go back to Blue Star!"

It's been a long time since I went back, and he also wants to go back to the association once.

By the way, inquire about the intelligence of Kane World.

The information Chen Xinping got from the media couldn't be too accurate!

There are many secrets that the Longguo Island Owners Association cannot reveal.

Tong Mu: "Then I'll go back too!"

Xu Chengfeng took a gold-level space spirit, opened the portal, greeted Janna, and returned to the association.

This time, Xu Chengfeng appeared in the office, not the square.

As the vice president of the Longguo Island Owners Association, he is of course qualified to have an office!

He glanced at the office, it was clean, and there were rhododendrons in bloom on the balcony.

It should be cleaned from time to time.

At this moment, Xu Chengfeng heard a knock on the door.

"Is Boss Xu there?"

"Tong Mu, come in!"

Tong Mu pushed open the door, and Xu Chengfeng's eyes lit up.

Long time no see, Tong Mu is a bit prettier than a month ago.

Her strength has broken through to the lower rank of silver patrol.

Maybe because she is a water mage, her skin is better.

Chapter 312 I said I will send you off!The tough and eccentric Ning Yongming!

"How is the development of the island recently?"

"Although it is far behind the answer, it can still maintain the second place in the three rankings!" Tong Mu said with a smile, "It's quite smooth."

"As long as it goes well!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "Where is Senior Ning?"

"He's with Island Master Feng!" Tong Mu said, "I told him, are you back?"

"Forget it, let me go!"

Xu Chengfeng took Tong Mu and knocked on the door of Fengyu's office.

"President Xu, are you back?" Feng Yu opened the door and greeted with a smile, "Come in and sit down, it just so happens that Senior Ning is also back."


When Xu Chengfeng entered the office, he saw Ning Yongming who got up to greet him.

"Vice President Xu, long time no see!"

Ning Yongming said with a light smile.

"Senior Ning, it's been a long time!"

Xu Chengfeng laughed.

He had a very good impression of Ning Yongming.

When he dealt with Ning Yongming before, he found that Ning Yongming was honest and generous.

Now, more than 60 Moon Bailings will be given to him.

Xu Chengfeng likes to make friends with such people!

Feng Yu carefully took out a piece of tea and made Xu Chengfeng a cup of tea.

"President Xu, drink tea!"

"Thank you, President Feng!"

747 Xu Chengfeng quickly took the teacup.

He had already noticed that Feng Yu used imperial Tianxin tea.

Even the water is rootless water, very particular about it!

"President Feng, what about me? I want to drink too!"

Tong Mu swallowed a mouthful of saliva when he smelled the fragrance of tea.

Feng Yu said with a smile: "Your strength is still low now, drinking Tianxin tea is a waste!"

"President Xu won't waste it if he drinks it?"

Tong Mu pouted, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"You all know that he is the president!" Feng Yu comforted with a smile, "When your strength reaches the gold level, I will give you a slice!"

Xu Chengfeng knew that Feng Yu was not stingy.

Imperial grade Tianxin tea is the most precious special plant on Fengyu Island.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the treasure of Zhendao.

She needs to use Tianxin tea to exchange various skill books, precious metals, and other resources with other island owners.

Every leaf of Tianxin tea is extremely valuable.

If it wasn't for Xu Chengfeng's extraordinary potential, Feng Yu would definitely be reluctant to take out the young plants.

Tong Mu: "It's a deal!"

Feng Yu sat back in her seat: "With President Xu and Senior Ning here, are you still afraid that I will go back on my word?"

Tong Mu: "Alright!"

Feng Yu looked at Xu Chengfeng again: "President Xu, drink and drink, this is the effect of imperial Tianxin tea."

Under Feng Yu's expectant gaze, Xu Chengfeng took a sip.

"How about it?"

"Imperial Tianxin Tea really deserves its reputation!"

Xu Chengfeng said in admiration.

In fact, he drinks imperial Tianxin tea every day!

It's just that he feels that he needs to give a polite compliment!

"That's good, that's good!" Feng Yu also took a sip of tea happily, "However, it takes a long time for Tianxin tea to grow a leaf, and I usually save money, only when there are distinguished guests coming , will take out a little bit!"

"President Xu cultivates that Tianxin tea well, and it will bring you a lot of money in the future, but it may take a long time."

"I will nurture it well!"

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile.

"By the way, is President Xu coming back for something?"

Feng Yu asked curiously.

Xu Chengfeng smiled and said: "Senior Ning wants to give me a gift, so I'll come back and have a look!"

"what gift?"

Ning Yongming said directly: "A group of white moon dolphins!"

"Ah White Moon Spirit Dolphin?" Feng Yu enviously said, "I want it too!"

Feng Yu is also a very charming beauty!

Feng Yu, who was the rookie king back then, was also the full-name idol of that generation!

Even now, countless Blue Stars still remember her!

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