Although she is in her 30s, as a royal magician, her 30s are definitely very young!

Not only does she not look old, but because of the precipitation of the years, she has both a mature temperament and a girlish charm...

In terms of attractiveness alone, Feng Yu's attraction to Xu Chengfeng was even higher than Tong Mu's.

Xu Chengfeng, who has been a man for two lifetimes, is not a teenager in his heart.

He knew very well that getting along with a mature sister like Feng Yu was the best.

She has a stable personality, doesn't play petty temper, and can take care of others.

"If President Xu is willing to give you a few, I have no objection!"

Ning Yongming shrugged and said indifferently.

Obviously, Ning Yongming was almost immune to Feng Yu's charm.

This one is a ruthless person!

Back then, when Angel represented the Evernight Church on stage, she was radiant with charm and shocked the audience!

Only Ning Yongming, who was sitting in the first row, took a few glances, and then went to study his machinery again.

Even Xu Chengfeng admired this determination!

"President Xu, can you give me a few?"

Fengyu Island Master asked in a low voice.

"No!" Xu Chengfeng shook his head, "Senior Ning obviously captured a group of white moon spirit dolphins, they are probably a big family... I can't bear to separate their flesh and blood, it's too cruel!"

Appreciation is appreciation, Xu Chengfeng is not unable to walk even when he sees beautiful women.

White Moon Spirit Dolphin, he wants them all!

"Just say it if you don't want to!" Feng Yu curled her lips, "I don't know President Xu's character yet, but he belongs to Pixiu, he can only get in and out!"

Ning Yongming laughed, and Tong Mu couldn't help laughing too.

Even Xu Chengfeng himself laughed!

Xu Chengfeng didn't care about Fengyu, but asked Ning Yongming: "Senior Ning, have you left the island owner's area yet?"

"I've arrived at the border, and I'm about to enter the outer domain!" Ning Yongming said, "When I leave, I may not be able to come back for a while."

"Do you have any direction?"

"I want to continue to the north and see the Kane continent!"

This direction is the same as Xu Chengfeng's direction, and they are all exploring north.

But everyone has a different starting point, and Ning Yongming's speed is not as fast as Xu Chengfeng's.

"Are the energy reserves sufficient?"

Xu Chengfeng asked.

People like Ning Yongming who follow the magic technology route not only need to consume a lot of metal materials, but also consume a lot of energy!

When the cannon is fired, ten thousand taels of gold, it is true.

Xu Chengfeng also took a lot of imperial crystal nuclei from him.

He was a little worried that the senior was halfway there and had no energy reserves.

"It's still more than enough!"

Xu Chengfeng always felt that Ning Yongming's tone was not strong enough.

"How about it!" Xu Chengfeng said, "Trade more than 60 white moon spirit dolphins to me, and I will give you the fire magic crystal!"

A monster with king-level potential has a very gentle personality and is suitable for domestication. It is absolutely priceless.

Ning Yongming shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm going to send you off!"

"The problem is you need it!"

"I said send you, so I will send you!" Ning Yongming's tone suddenly became tough, "I can't raise those white moon spirit dolphins, and domestication is quite troublesome, even though they have the potential to become king-level monsters, But it is actually very difficult to cultivate, and the cycle is too long!"

Chapter 313 Ning Yongming's Oolong!Can't bear to separate them!

"On the way, I encountered this group of white moon spirit dolphins being chased and killed by emperor-level abyss demonized beasts, so I rescued them, but I don't want to raise them, they are too troublesome!"

"You have more than one emperor-level powerhouse on your island. There is no value in cultivating these white moon dolphins. I just think that if it were you, you would definitely be able to take care of them!"

"This is a gift, not goods. I told you I would give it to you!"

After saying these words, Ning Yongming's pale face turned red.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little awkward.

Mainly, Ning Yongming's tone was a bit aggressive!

Tong Mu shrank her neck, and Feng Yu shook her head helplessly.

Xu Chengfeng was not angry.

But it was also the first time he met a tough person who could give gifts like this.

It was as if he was going to force it to Xu Chengfeng.

It's so stubborn!

And rather eccentric!

However, Xu Chengfeng understood Ning Yongming's logic.

From Ning Yongming's point of view, the white moon spirit dolphin has little effect on Xu Chengfeng.

To be honest, Ning Yongming's judgment was not wrong.

But would Xu Chengfeng really consider the practical effect?

He is the island owner who raises mermaids as ornamental fish!

Ning Yongming is the island owner who pays attention to utilitarianism. If you hand over the "Smiling Angel" art statue to him, he will definitely melt it down and use it as a consumable!

"Okay!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "I accept the gift!"

"That's good!" Ning Yongming nodded, "I'm sorry, sometimes I get a little excited."

"It's okay, we're all friends!"

Xu Chengfeng said very familiarly.

Ning Yongming also let out a "hmm", which seemed to agree with Xu Chengfeng's statement.

"Let's go! I'll hand over the white moon spirit dolphin to you!"


Coming to a secluded corner of the association, Ning Yongming asked Xu Chengfeng to wait for him here, and he entered the island world first.

"Senior Ning's character is a bit weird, but he's actually pretty good!" President Feng Yu said, "He may have less contact with people, he doesn't like to communicate, and he seems a bit withdrawn."

"I know!"

"Wait, there's one thing I've been wondering about?"

Feng Yu said suddenly.

"what's up?"

Feng Yu frowned and asked: "You are now at the gold level, and you are still a rookie island owner. What Senior Ning said, the white moon dolphin who was hunted down by the emperor-level abyss demonized beast must have the strength of the king-level? How do you plan to get rid of it?" The king-level white moon spirit dolphin was sent to your island?"

Xu Chengfeng was stunned.

He really didn't think about it carefully at the time!

He just ran back excitedly when he heard that Ning Yongming was going to give him the white moon dolphin.

Xu Chengfeng looked at Tong Mu, Tong Mu couldn't help laughing and said: "Boss Xu, don't look at me, I didn't know what level the White Moon Spirit Dolphin was at that time, Senior Ning didn't tell me!"

Tong Mu did not mention to Xu Chengfeng what level the group of Moon Bailing Dolphins were.

"Senior Ning has a solution?"

Xu Chengfeng was puzzled.

"This is the rule of Kane World to test new island owners. It is probably impossible!" Feng Yu suddenly laughed, "Maybe he forgot."

Xu Chengfeng: "Is this possible?"

"It's very possible!" Feng Yu nodded seriously, "Senior Ning is actually a bit forgetful..."

When Ning Yongming appeared again, Xu Chengfeng, Feng Yu, and Tong Mu all looked at Ning Yongming strangely.

"what happened?"

"Senior Ning, Xu Chengfeng only has a gold rank now, so is the Moon Bai Ling Dolphin a gold rank?"

Ning Yongming froze on the spot when he heard Feng Yu's words.


Feng Yu sighed, with an expression that I guessed very well.

Xu Chengfeng and Tong Mu looked at each other in blank dismay, neither of them expected such a result.

"I forgot!" Ning Yongming's face seemed to be painted red, "I'm sorry, Vice President Xu..."

"it's okay no problem!"

Xu Chengfeng rubbed his forehead.

A little bit of fun.

He was shown by Ning Yongming!

"By the way, senior Ning, how many moon dolphins surpass the middle-grade gold, how many dolphins are there?"

At this time, Feng Yu stood up and said.

"More than 30!"

"Why don't you do this!" Feng Yu said, "If Senior Ning is inconvenient, you can raise the gold-ranked top-grade Yuebai dolphin on my island. Return the spirit dolphin to him, what do you guys think?"

Ning Yongming hesitated: "Will it be too much trouble for Vice President Feng?"

Feng Yu said with a smile: "No, it's really not possible, President Xu can give me some expenses for taking care of the Moon Bailing Dolphin!"

Ning Yongming looked at Xu Chengfeng in embarrassment, and Xu Chengfeng could only helplessly say: "Now that things have come to an end, let's do what President Feng wants!"

"By the way, President Xu!"

"what's up?"

Xu Chengfeng looked at Feng Yu again.

Feng Yu said slyly: "Why don't you give me the rest of the moon white dolphins below the gold rank!"

"Huh? Why?"

Xu Chengfeng didn't expect that Feng Yu would have another request.

It's not enough to take away more than 30 powerful moon white dolphins!

She doesn't even spare the little ones!

Feng Yu pretended to be very distressed and said: "Senior Ning obviously captured a group of white moon spirit dolphins. They are probably a big family. I can't bear to separate their flesh and blood... This is really cruel!"


Tong Mu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Really, Feng Yu's imitation is too similar.

Almost exactly what Xu Chengfeng said!

Regardless of his demeanor and tone, he was exactly the same as Xu Chengfeng just now!

Even Ning Yongming, who was in an embarrassing state, temporarily forgot his embarrassment.

Xu Chengfeng also smiled helplessly.

"Then let's take care of President Fengyu together!"

In fact, the Moon Bailing dolphin can be taken care of by anyone.

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